Very Reverend Kaleeckal Mathai Cor-Episcopa is a very esteemed and distinguished name among the Orthodox priests of American diocese. As a first step to accomplish his desire to become a priest, young Mathai joined the ‘Servants of Cross’, in the year 1961, as a Missionary worker [Sleeba-Dasan]. H.G. Pathros Mar Osthathios Metropolitan who had been an Apostle of Dalits in Malankara was the pioneer organizer of the Servant of Cross. His Grace Mathews Mar Barnabas Metropolitan, diocesan Metropolitan of American Diocese, had elevated Rev. Fr. K. Mathai to the title of Cor-Episcopa on June 22, 1996. He is the founder Vicar of St. Gregorios Church Philadelphia, USA. Cor-Episcopa Achen is a truly faithful witness upholding the spiritual tenets of the training he received in Servants of Cross, along with it, his strong faith, devotion and deep humility coupled together caused to instill in our Parish, a high standard of spiritual fellowship in the Gospel.[By Editor Dr. Rajan Mathew Philadelphia]