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1. Festival of the Tent: One of the three festivals
(Passover, Pentecost (Festival of weeks) and the
Festival of the Tent: For the redemption from Egyptian
passover: after seven weeks, Festival of Weeks; after
fruit gatherings, Festival of Tent for seven days
(Deuteronomy 16:13-17). All children, slaves, wicked
share this: Deuteronomy 16:14.
I JOHN 2:23-3:1 |
1. The state and affairs of the Kingdom of God in
several parables. It grows contineously from small
start. Those who do, not just preach, inherit it.
Their condition: Not treachery and cheating, but
truthful: Deuteronomy 25:13-16; just: Ezekiel 7:1-4;
fearless: Psalm 27; and satisfaction: Philippians
4:11. Compare Pharisee and the Publican: Luke 18:9-14. |
10. v. 16: 1 Corinthians 5:6
1. A. India's Independence: August 15th: Pray :1
Timothy 2:21A. India's Independence: August 15th: Pray :1
Timothy 2:21 |
7. 2:42: Passover (unleavened bread), Pentecost, and
Tabernacles - the three feasts Jewish males were
required to attend (Exodus 23:14-17): Passover is in
memory of the night the death angel passed over the
homes of the Hebrews when God sent the 10th plague on
Egypt. killing the first born of the Egyptians: Exodus
12:1-13. 12 Years old: The age to accept in the
religious community. |
1. The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) to the newly
appointed twelve, the other disciples, and the other
2. Lots of "blind" try to become leaders and lead the
followers in jeopardy.
3. We have to see what is going on around (v.39): We
are the light of the world and we should lead who are
in the darkness (Matthew 15:14; 23:16; Romans 2:19).
We have to lead the Christian way (James 1:27). Blind
cannot lead the way. If we are blind, we cannot see
even in the light. Sin makes us blind. If we have sin,
we cannot walk in holiness and goodness. Confessions
and communions make us the way to walk in the way of
4. We should be trained to be like our Master (v.40);
not to be above Him (Matthew 10:24). We may have to
sacrifice several things and even face persecutions
(John 13:16; 15:20). Parents have a great
responsibility to train their children in the right
5. We must pay close attention to personal
righteousness (vv. 41-42): We usually overlook our own
great faults (self-justification) and magnify the
faults of others - gossip. We try to cover up our own
faults.We love us more than we love God. Before we
criticize others, we have to live the way we expect
others to live (Matthew 7:3-5). We downgrade the
values: truth, love, concern, morality; we knock down
the heroes: superiors and leaders; we often experience
half of the truth. Watch those who criticize others:
Stick is much bigger than speck. With too much errors,
mistakes and drawbacks, how could someone criticize
others. Jesus asked them to throw the woman caught for
adultery to stone her first who is blameless.
6. The condition of our hearts produces the action of
our hands (vv.43-45). We recognize a tree by its
fruits; same with human beings: our thoughts, words,
and actions. "He shall be like a tree planted by the
rivers of water, that brings forth its fruits in its
season, whose leaf also shall not wither, and whatever
he does shall prosper" (Psalm 1:3). God expects us to
bear fruits. The lights within us are good fruits.
When the light within us, i.e., the good works shine,
we bear good fruits (Matthew 5:16). Trees with only
leaves (Matthew 21:19), and fruitless fig tree (Luke
13:6). Live in Him to bear good fruits (John 15:4-5).
Sap has to come out from the main stem. Be with God,
the source of all goodness, to bear good fruits. Weeds
do not bear fruits, and they are useless. But today's
weeds can be tomorrow's fruitful tree like Mary
Magdaline and Saul (later Paul). At the last judgment,
Jesus looks for our fruits (Matthew 25:31-46): our
conversations, actions, makeups, and so on. Jesus
cursed the fig tree without fruits - cut and thrown
into the fire. "Bear fruits worthy of repentance"
(Luke 3:8-9). Blessed are the pure in heart (Matthew
5:8). If satan in the heart, fruits will be devilish
(Matthew 12:34-35). A"tree is known by its fruit"
(Matthew 12:33). We have to use our knowledge rightly
(Proverbs 15:2), 28; 16:23; 18:21). If the treasure in
our hearts is Jesus Christ, we will not accuse others.
Our hearts shall be Christ-filled. Human race is like
a tree: beautiful, strong, vulnerable. Though its
branches, roots and main stem pull to each other,
normally it stands straight and strong. People are
like the leaves in various shapes. Organizations are
like the branches joined and connected to the main
stem depending upon each other. Roots spread around to
support the tree to stand straight. Love, faith,
happiness, peace, hope, etc. are the sap of the tree.
The tree bends and hangs in the wind signifies various
ideas, beliefs, conflicts, confrontations, and so on.
Sun gives the enery and power: God, the omnipotent,
omniscient, gives strength. Each leaf has its own
individuality (not the same) does its job and
eventually falls down. Cannot give shadow by itself,
only the whole tree can .. need communal effort.
LUKE 15:1-10 |
1. vv.14-16: Matthew 9:32-34; 12:22, 24: Jesus healing
the devil possessed: Complained that Jesus is casting
out devil with the help of Belzebub: Their opposistion
to Jesus; they became satan's slaves. Jesus'
opponents, especially Pharisees, claimed that His
power came from satan and challenged to prove His
power with a supernatural sign: Trying to make Son of
God that of satan's. If fight against truth, lies or
false doesn't win. Belzebub, the god of Ekron (2 Kings
1:3), is God's enemy.
5. V.11: Prepare with holy conduct and spirit of
godliness: 1 Peter 1:15. |
1. Jesus told the disciples the second time about His
forth-coming death: Talk openly; share with others our
problems and situations. |
v.12: Jesus will ascend to heaven and receive the
kingdom from God, the Father and will return later to
establish His kingdom: Matthew 25:14-30; Mark 13:34. |
Highly praised moral exhortations: ideal
characteristics of a Christian in Sermon on the Mount. |
v.16: If that fails, try with two or three witnesses
(Deuteronomy 17:6; 19:15; John 8:17; 2 Corinthians
13:1; 1 Timothy 5:19; Hebrews 10:28. |
1. Father: Euyakim of Judah tribe, David's family in
Nazareth; Mother: Anna of the same family; One sister:
Mary, wife of Clopas (John 19:25); like Samuel and
Jeremiah, God has chosen her in the womb; spent her
first 12 years at the temple. |
8. "Behold the maid-servant of the Lord" (Luke 1:38):
Her complete commitment. We have to inflow the
qualities of Christ into us and to outflaw the
Christian qualities to others: God pleasing qualities
(Romans 12:1); "Be ye holy, as I am holy" (Leveticus
11:45); God dwells in us, be holy (1 Corinthians
3:17). |
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