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December 15, 2001 | ARCHIVE |
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By V. Rev. Fr. John-Brian Paprock |
![]() V. Rev. Fr. John-Brian Paprock Holy Transfiguration Mission, Madison, Wisconsin (V Rev Fr John-Brian Paprock is the third American priest of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, accepted into the Mission Society of St. Gregorios in North America by H. G. Metropolitan Thomas Mar Makarios . He is currently in service to Holy Transfiguration Mission Parish in Madison, Wisconsin. Fr. John-Brian was ordained to the Orthodox Priesthood in 1987 after seven years of study under His Grace Bishop John in NYC, where he also attended Columbia University.Fr. John-Brian is serving as chair of 2002 Paulos Mar Gregorios Memorial Conference. He is an author, artist and photographer. Fr. John-Brian and his wife, Teresa, have just published the guidebook," Sacred Sites of Wisconsin" (Trails media, Inc.), and are working on other volumes for the Great Lakes region of North America.) |
In every liturgy and prayer service of Holy Church,
we stand aright, facing the east, the direction of the rising sun.
This has been a powerful reminder since the times of the Apostles that
we seek the light of Christ to rise in us. It is in the light that we can
see the details of our environment, the truth of our existence.
Who does not turn on a light when a room is dark? No matter how familiar
we are with the room, we are most comfortable when we turn on the light to
see clearly. This is one reason to live in the light.
My son, Christopher, was afraid one night of the shadows
in his darkened room. Turning on the light dispelled the shadows,
but they would only return when the light was turned off.
Eventually, I asked him to close his eyes. It isn't always that easy to defeat the shadows of our lives, but it is often that simple. Before Christ arrived, the shadows, the darkness was even stronger. His willing sacrifice brought light into the darkest places and freed the bonds of the captives. The universe has never been the same. Our world was altered forever. The blackest night will never be so dark that we cannot find a source of light. Sometimes, we may even have a light to bear for others. We are encouraged not to hide our lights under a basket, after all.
Living as children of light is part of our divine heritage. It is the divine potential of our baptism into Christ. Baptism is illumination. It is the sacrament that establishes our lives in the light of God, that very light that was divided from the darkness on the first day. As St. John speaks of that light in the beginning of his gospel where he describes the mystery of the Son of God: "The life was in Him, and the life is the light of men. The same light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it."
St. Paul writes to us, "You were ignorant, but now you have been enlightened by our Lord, and should live like children of light. For the fruits of light are found in all goodness, and righteousness and truth. And so you must discern that which is acceptable before our Lord." (Ephesians 5:8-10) It is in full light that we are able to discern the multitude of colors and shades that make the details of beauty and life. It is by discernment that we see the difference between the varieties of color, the contrasts of letters and symbols to come to see abstractions. So, with the moral and spiritual light of Christ, we can discern the moral and spiritual choices in front of us continually.
In Wisconsin among the Great Lakes of North America, the passage of seasons is most obvious by the change in hours of daylight. Despite the warm temperatures this year, the day is still short. It is striking to me that at this darkest time of the year (in the northern hemisphere) that we celebrate the birth of Christ, the light of the world. Of course, Christmas follows the solstice, the darkest day. In St. John's Epistle (2:8) he writes to us: "A new commandment I do write to you, which thing is true in Him and in you: because the darkness is now past, and the true light now shines." Then St. John's gives insight about this light: "He who says he is in the light but hates his brother, is therefore in darkness even until now. He who loves his brother abides in the light and there is no cause for displeasure in him." (2:9-10)
So we have truths about spiritual light that have parallels in physical light. We have the Apostles equating this light with truth, life, goodness, and love. We are also told we are to live as children of light. St. Peter writes to us in his First Epistle: "You are a chosen people; ministers to the kingdom, a holy people, a congregation redeemed to proclaim the glories of Him who has called you out of darkness to His marvelous light." (2:9)
St. Paul reminds us in his epistle to the Ephesians (5:14): "Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." On December 25th each year, we remember the birth of this light that changed the world and continues to transform our lives.
May we all experience the birth of this light in us that we may live as children of light, as shining beacons in the darkness of our present age and dispelling all deceptive shadows, discerning all truth and praising all goodness. Amen.
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Blessed is our planet Earth where the heavenly Father was pleased to send his only begotten son for whom and through him the entire universe, spiritual as well as material, was created. It is only appropriate to think, meditate and recollect the meaning and message of Christmas during this joyful season of celebrations all over the world. Apostle John very precisely and memorably summarized the story of Christmas when he wrote the famous verse " the word became flesh and made His dwelling among us"(Jn 1:14). Mark did not write about the birth of our Lord while Mathew and Luke gave several details about Christmas. In the book of Genesis when the Lord God said "her offspring will crush your head"(Gen 3:15),the arrival of son of God in our world was already prophesized. God spoke clearly through prophet Isaiah about the coming of Messiah nearly 750 years before our Lord was born (Is 7: 14, Is 9:6-7, Lk 1:32-33).The prophet Micah, a contemporary of Isaiah, made the prophesy even about the place (Bethlehem) where this great event of birth would take Place (Mic 5:2). In Isaiah's prophesy, the most unusual birth (virgin birth of Jesus) was given to all people as a sign from the Lord that this is truly God-incarnated, different from other human beings. This child will be called "Immanuel", "Wonderful counselor", "Mighty God","Eternal Father","Prince of Peace",and ruler as King David's successor". Jesus Christ is a "Wonderful Counselor" to his followers. Through baptism he poured out his own Spirit to be our counselor, comforter and helper. This counselor never fails to lead us to the truth that will make us free from sin and death, man-made religions with their rituals, and external ceremonies, powers and principalities of unseen world. The gift of Spirit is the proof for the believers that they belong to the Kingdom of God. |
Our Lord is called "Mighty God". Through his work of many miracles and healing ministry, powerful teachings, his manner of death, resurrection and promised second-coming, Jesus proved beyond doubt that he is more than a good man or a great teacher and prophet. He knew and taught that he is God, one with God the Father. He accepted the worship and adoration that belongs only to the true living God. Jesus taught and asked his followers to believe that he is one with the "Eternal Father"(Jn 10: 30, Jn 14:9-11);his heavenly Father is doing his work through him. How beautiful it is to know that our Lord's Father is also our Father who is in heaven. Christ is also called the "Prince of Peace".He was born to bring eternal peace between the holy God and sinful mankind. Through the sacrificial death of the lamb of God who took away the sins of the world (Jn 1:29),forgiveness for everybody is offered free unconditionally for all who believe in Him. The Choice is for man to accept or not. Remember what the Lord said" Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you; I do not give it as the world does"(Jn 14:27). The mighty ruler, King David's successor , was born, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger because there was no room in the inn! Jesus was born in one of the possible humble places we all can imagine; Shepherds from the nearby countryside, angels from the heaven, and wise men from the east came to visit, to praise and worship the new baby in Bethlehem. The gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh presented by the wise men to the baby Jesus were appropriate because he was born to be a king, priest and sacrificial lamb. When we celebrate this great joyful season, let us always remember to practice our Lord's teachings in daily life to be his witness and to proclaim the good news to others as the angel said to the shepherds "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord"(Luke 2:12).. |
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Fr. Kurien Daniel |
In the Syriac Liturgical tradition, Yaldo is a chief festival which refers the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is in fact the culmination event of the first sets among the six sets of equal importance in the liturgical year cycle. As we know the liturgical year commences with Koodosh eetho (Sanctification of the church).The meaningful divisions given by the church fathers are given below. . |
All these four statements carry in themselves serious contradictions. How could one be a child of God and a sinner at the same time? How could one be transient and eternal at the same time? How could one be nature and spirit at the same time? How could one be free and bound at the same time?. These contradictions are surely there. Even then we are suppose to stand beyond these to catch up the heavenly goal. This is what Jesus proved to us in his human flesh. We read Philippians 2:6-8. "He always had the nature of God, but he did not think that by force he should try to become equal with God. Instead of this of his own free will he gave up all he had, and took the nature of a servant. He became like man and appeared in human likeness. He was humble and walked the path of obedience all the way to death, his death on the cross." Here we see seven different steps of humility and
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Kuruvilla M. George |
God has been kind enough to give us one more Christmas. As we approach the day, our minds are filled with the sweet memories of all the Carols we had attended in our life. It is an everlasting memory. The Church Bells, the Choir, the very sound of the Organ and the Christmas songs that we had sung or heard remain fresh in our memory, as in the story of 'The Cop and the Anthem' by O. Henry.
We blame Him for giving this worry to us and also for not giving the same to the others whom we know. Then we ask for cure and remedy. And we show our readiness to part with His share of our richness. Thus when we fail to give Glory to God, Good Will goes away from man and Peace remains a dream on earth. Many a time when the priest tells the congregation "Peace be unto you" and we respond " Also be with you", I have felt that a better reply could have been "That's what we don't have!".
The people are now running from pillar to post for peace and strength. It is good time for all local god-men. So high are the personal problems of the day. And if anybody anywhere promises peace and harmony, it is only for a price since there is some business in everything now. The motto of the day is "
We pray for you; you pay for it !". I am not against payment for prayer but I am very much against the prayer for payment ! That takes away the very purpose of prayer. Prayer is for liberation. And our Lord was here to liberate us from darkness, sin and death.
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Translated by Charles H. Hoole (Courtesy - The Saint Pachomius Orthodox Library. This un-copyrighted document has been made available to the Library by courtesy of The Athenaeum of Christian Antiquity. The ASCII file produced by Athenaeum of Christian Antiquity, 4648 East Saint Catherine Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85040-5369. Edited for the St. Pachomius Library by Friar Martin Fontenot Gonzalez. The First Epistle of Clement was translated by Charles H. Hoole in 1885.) |
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Dearly beloved, Greetings in the wonderful name of Immanuel who is born unto us In the fullness of the time, in Bethlehem!!! Many of us think about sickness as a test or a punishment from God. But Bible says that is incorrect.'No one, when tempted, should say, I am being tempted by God.For God cannot be tempted by evil and He himself tempts no one .....and donot be deceived ,my beloved.' (James 1:13-16) According to Bible Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. If sickness destroys our health, means it is not from God for God is good and there is no evil in Him. Bible reveals that sickness is coming from Satan only (Job 2:7)(1 Jn 3:8). But
Job cried out to God for his deliverance and he was healed (job
42:10-12). Christ,
Son of God , came to save us, deliver us, preserve us, heal us, give us
life and make us God's children.Removal of our diseases is included in Christ’s
redemptive work, along with the remission of our sins ( Is 53:4-5). If
Christ has borne our sickness why should we bear with them? Christ
healed all that were sick (Mt 8:16-17). Devils were all hateful in the sight of Christ. He rebuked and was manifested to destroy them all.
Whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life (Jn 3:16) When we are sick we seek Gods will for us in our case.
In the mean time we are doing all within the power of human
skill to get well. If it were not Gods will , for us to be well, it would
be wrong for us to seek recovery even through medical means. King
Asa died in his sickness because he sought not to the Lord, but to the
Physicians (2 Chr. 16:12).ButHezekiah lived because he sought not to the Physicians, but to the Lord
(Is 38 1-5).It doesn't mean that Physicians are wrong; but that our health source must be
recognized in the Lord God. Jesus
healed the demon possessed boy whom the disciples could not heal. Jesus assigned the failure of the disciples
to cure the boy not to Gods will, but to the disciple’s lack of faith. (Mt 17: 19-20; Mk 9:17-18). God
says: 'I AM THE LORD WHO HEALS YOU.1 (Ex 15:26). Yes! Heaven and earth shall pass away, but the Word of Lord shall never pass!!
Put your trust in Him!! Christ
is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13: 8). He is unchangeable.
His words will never go into astray .Whatever good we ask in the name of Jesus, He will do it (Jn 14:14).So
seek the Lord first when you are sick. Are
any among you sick ? They should call for the elders of the Church and have them pray over them ,
anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will
save the sick , and Lord will raise them up”. (Ja. 5 : 14-15) This
is what Bible Says Us .Put all your trust in Him and feel how credible, His word is!!
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(Fr.Geo. Kappalumakal, now in his sixties, is a catholic priest from the Dioceses of Palai, Kottayam Dst. Kerala, South India. He is running a counseling center for psycho religious therapy, a name coined by himself, a branch of psychiatry formed from his 45 years of research and experience. Has cured above fifty thousand mental patients who were sick by fright, during the period. But only thirty five thousand cases are documented. The cases cured while a parish priest in various churches were not documented. He took leave in1982 and started the counseling center with the blessings of the Bishop Mar Sebastian Vayalil, who ordained him priest) |
My experience shows that the illusory personalities can exhibit symptoms of any physicaldisorders. Blindness, deafness, Bleeding, abortions, asthma and tendency to suicide and murder are only some of them! The incidents narrated by the illusory personalities are often frightening and even mind chilling.There are many cases, where modern medical science stupor posed, miserably failed and put to shame! Among the hundreds, here is one for example: Mr. Suresh 14 yrs. old, son of a Govt. local administration officer, was taken ill with high fever in 1991. He was treated in the neighboring hospital and got cured, but went deaf then on slowly. Parents were advised to take him to the M. G. Medical College Hospital, Kottayam. Here begins the painful travail of three years! After a long period of investigation and medication under the careful supervision of experts, he was directed to the Trivandrum Medical College Hospital for better management, since they failed in diagnosing and no response to medication! But there also various investigations yielded no fruit! The boy’s condition was worsening, nay more, in the mean time, he lost his speech also! The whole ENT section is affected in spite of careful medications. They concluded it was incurable and informed the parents the sad state! As a final trial and resort they were advised to go to The All India Institute of speech and hearing, Gangothri, Mysore, the only one in its kind in India. (Mean while the parents consulted with the Doctors of Sree Chitra Medical Center Trivandrum and Kasthurba Medical College Manipal, were also, going through the charts of previous treatments, Doctors opined the " case incurable", needs no further investigation and medication) There also after a prolonged studies and tests Doctors proclaimed the case incurable- will not regain speech and hearing. He was provided with a Swiss made hearing aid, but was of no use, so to say. Still, though convinced, the parents unwilling to concede the reality, took him back to Kottayam Medical College Hospital. The Doctor, head and professor of neurology department, admitted him to try his might. It was on the 3rd of April 1994. Failing in his attempt, the boy was discharged on the 14th. Parents brought him over here, in this centre and narrated the "three years travail". I never thought it a case of mine. I took him to my "therapy room", only for the parents satisfaction and simply started the therapy process. But to the amazement of mine as well as the parents and by standers, there emerged in him an illusory personality of a Sivarama Menon, a very close friend and neighbor of theirs, died by chance falling in the deep waters of his well, at night three years before. He started narrating a very sad story, for half an hour! The parents attested the detailed narrations, as facts! I completed the therapy process, Suresh got up from the Trans wondering and fully regaining his sense of hearing and speech and went home rejoicing with his parents, leaving the earphone over my table which is there to this day. The very next day he started going to the school and continues his studies. All the medical documents are kept here for anybody’s perusal (The long and horrible narration made by the illusory personality is not given here) Sym-path: -Tens of thousands of Rs. they spent in vain and on no expense the boy got cured here! So they published "the cure" in the daily, Deepika, with the caption "Bouquet to Fr.Geo and a question mark towards the ‘Modern Medical Science". Dr. Valiathan Cardiologist and Dr. K. Radakrishnan Neurologist of Sree Chithra Medical Center Trivandrum took notice of it. We had a discussion and I got a line of link with that prestigious Institution on research. Anti-path: - During a gathering, a certain man, called the attention of a leading psychiatrist, an Asst. Professor of M. G. Medical College Kottayam who was present, to that write up. The Professor mouthed- "I studied scientific treatment by paying money, not Manthravada (Black Magic). If the boy was brought to me, I would have cured him, within 15 minutes, half an hour was not needed"- a good joke! Fainting fit and suicidal tendency are very common among these patients. Many of the reported suicides are effected by the illusory personalities. Investigations prove it. 8820 of the above mentioned 28280 cases were subject to frequent fainting fits. Almost all of them were considered epileptics and were under treatment for long periods! All the previous documents are preserved here. This should be an eye-opener for medical practitioners. What we are trying to do in our psycho-religious therapy is removing the turbulent darkness and the personified frightful idea by means of another religious and faith-based sacred idea. While adopting this method of activating and strengthening the mind through a religious process, we take care also to nourish the weakened bodily powers and sense functions, with appropriate nutrition. For, ``healthy mind is in a healthy Body.'' we do not depend on drugs. And if experience is any guide, I can say, these unfortunate people get well within a very short period, Of course, Psychiatric medicine addicted patients, at times, create problems also! Are the results obtained (cures) purely psychological or the result of a Religio-scientific method of treatment with an inherent implications? Is the illusory personality a product of the superstitious mind or an objective reality? For, some tempting and horrifying cases need explanations! We need more research and study to arrive at answers to these and other similar questions and problems. I invite medical and allied institutions and organizations to undertake such enquiries, analysis and studies. On our part we are more than willing and happy to provide all available facilities, data and results obtained so far. There are thousands of case histories and documents, preserved here! Patients who were not treated by Psychiatric or non-convulsive medicines, get immediate and permanent cure from the sicknesses. Others need Ayurvedic medication for a period according to their body condition depending on the actions and reactions of the previous, so called modern medicines! If addicts, relapse also is possible! The case of E.C.T (Electro Convulsive Therapy) given patients is very pitiable! Restoration to the previous stage is rather difficult, if not impossible as a whole. Modern Psychiatric Science fail in diagnosing the fright caused mental sickness and even if diagnosed, no means of curing them, than giving high graded chemical tabs, and E.C.T., a treatment more dangerous than the sickness. Since Human nature is the same anywhere and everywhere, I feel the Psycho-Religious Therapy, drawn from the Indian conditions, is applicable to any mental patient of any Nationality. The illusory Personality or the vibrant darkness is capable of producing various symptoms of various sicknesses that mislead the Psychiatrists and |
Neurologists, in their symptomatic diagnosing. Here are a few cases, taken from thousands, horripilating if in details, narrated briefly Dr. Mohanan M.B.B.S was brought over here, by his parents and brothers, and I was told that he had been a mental patient for the last 2 years and was under the treatment of a leading Psychiatrist, a Medical College Professor. Showing the reddish Scar in his neck, they told me of his attempted suicide, the previous day; he was saved at the last moment! Diagnosing the case as masochism, the doctor suggested E.C.T. They objected, and was brought over here? He was put under Psycho- Religious Therapy; the illusory personality surfaced and narrated a horrible story! We completed the Therapy process within one hour and himself got up from the Trans, astonished, having no memory on all about what is transpired… On the tenth day he joined the hospital practicing, after a span of two years! The case of Dr. Elsamma M. B. B. S. is still more interesting. She was an asthmatic patient from the middle of the first year of her medical studies. She took treatment from many eminent doctors during the period of her studies. No cure but had some kind of relief. Still she secured a colorful pass and started practicing in her own clinic with a limited convenience of IP care. Same time she was also taking medicines for asthma. The funny thing was that whenever she was among the sick, she had sudden attack of asthma, so as unable to attend them, nay more putting herself in a shameful and awkward position among them! After seven years of treatment, she came to this centre and got complete cure from her sickness within half an hour! The illusory personality was very horrible, and the details given were wonder striking. She has written in the VIP Diary, maintained here, by her own hand, about the seven years travail of her own life! See The Diary. Mr. "Vasu Pillai'' was a Circle Inspector of Police when he was taken ill. His wife is a Professor in a College. He himself one day sent his resignation to the higher ups, and remained gloomy and aloof in his room! The resignations was not accepted, he being an award winner for meritorious services and now sick. He was under treatment in a Medical College Hospital. He was often violent towards his wife and used to call her names. Sleeplessness and fear complex were the main problems. After one and a half years of treatment, he was taken to this centre, by his wife and brothers and he got cured within few hours…He joined the duty on the 15th day. Now he is serving as a SP in the police department Cadre. Krishna Pillai is a Civil Engineer. After a fever, he was noted as a different man with mood change and epileptic symptoms. He was diagnosed, grandmal epileptic and treatment started with a Neurologist. Being violent and sleepless at times, he was given psychiatric tabs also from the very same hospital. He slowly exhibited suicidal mania also! That is after two years of treatment! They prescribed ECT. His brother was a Cabinet Minister of the Government at that time. ``With a letter from the minister, he was taken to this Centre. Under the therapy, a shocking `history' from the illusory personality, kept the by standers at a suspense! He joined his duty within ten days. Remarks can be read in the Diary kept here, written by the Pvt. Sec. of the Minister. Thresiamma, a ``normal person,'' was taken here by her husband and mother. The only problem with her was that the family was not lucky enough to have a child, during, the ten years of their marriage! She was pregnant, many a time during the period but ended with bleeding and abortion, on every fifth month of pregnancy, every time after a fright in dreams, of a woman with scattered hair! Altogether nine times! Seven times she was hospitalized, at the third month of pregnancy prescribing bed rest. But abortion followed on the fifth month, in spite of all medical attentions! (Dr. C. P. Mathew, the then Vice Principal and Professor of Radiology was also present at that time-! He took a keen interest in it. He had seen over two hundred different cases in this center.) By Psycho Religious Therapy, the personality was elicited; thrilling and blood curdling narration! She was pregnant for two months at that time. She brought forth a male child at the maturity of that pregnancy. I had to face some interesting challenges from some Gynecologists, during this period! Dr. C. P. Mathew was following this case keenly up to the fullness! Mr. Kuriachen- 42- is an agriculturist, with a rather good financial background. One day he fell ill and was hospitalized. Within a few days he got cured and was discharged but felt loosing his eyesight. He was taken to a very famous Eye Specialist in a major hospital. In spite of all the medical efforts, he lost his eyesight. Still the treatment continued. He told me that he had to sell out a portion of his property for the continued treatment. Nearly four years of ``blinded life''! He was to be given ``blind certificate'' soon from the hospital. It was during this period the fellow was taken to this centre by four of his brothers and relations. With cautious steps, he was inducted to my office room. He could not see anything! I never thought that it was a case of my therapy. Any way I brought him under Psycho- Religious Therapy. To mine and many by stander's astonishment, the emerged illusory personality, started speaking a mind chilling story!… Completed the Therapy process. He regained his full eyesight. A touching incident: - When Kuriachen reached home, the whole family with great joy gathered around him and among them there was a tiny tot of 3 yrs. Kuriachen asked his wife who this girl is? The tiny tot cried, saying `oh, dad! Do you not know me! Yes! He had never seen her, since blind for nearly four years! Anitha was a tenth standard student when she got fever after a fright. Her mother was working as nursing Matron in Darbhanga Medical College Hospital. Admitted there. But soon found her one side (left) paralyzed! For better treatment she was shifted to Ranchi Medical College Hospital, where also the case was diagnosed as paralysis and she was prescribed three years of medication and physiotherapy. Hearing about this Centre from Keralite Missionary sisters working there, she was taken to this Centre to my dismay, I never thought it a case of mine! Just for their satisfaction I brought her under the therapy! Again, to my dismay there emerged a "personality'' narrating a very sad story! Therapy completed, she started walking well, a complete cure from the paralysis! There are thousands of different such cases. Documents, with the prescriptions of the previous treatments are kept here, as far as possible, for the perusal of the research minded. Continues in In the next issue ..A Typical Case History |
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Bible Word to by heart: |
'Christ is Coming Again! Let us be diligent then to Obey Him Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus
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