Do you know that we, the believers in Christ, will have a new Name in Heaven? “ To those who win the victory I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give each of them a white stone on which is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it” (Rev 2: 17). The name only our Lord and receiver will know. Will it be revealed to others in heaven? We have to wait to experience.
In ancient times it used to be a practice to give white stones to the persons who are forgiven. In public games winners were given white stones with names written so that they are entitled with many privileges. Similarly we the believers in Jesus Christ will be given white stones with a very special name when we reach heaven after winning victories in our sufferings and struggles in our daily Christian lives.
It is just like the promise given by the Lord that new rooms are being prepared by Him in heavenly mansions. (John 14: 2-4). We cannot even speculate the purpose and the nature of that glorious and eternal name that would be written on our white stones. When the seventy-two evangelists came back and told the Lord that by His mighty Name, even the demons obeyed to them in addition to other miracles and wonders, He told them to rejoice because their names are written in heaven (Luke 10: 17-20). Was the Lord talking about the names on the white stones or the names in the book of life? We will find out when we reach Heaven!
We the believers are given several promises in our eternal world. The Lord wants us to deposit our own treasures in heaven while we are living in this world. It will be sad to reach the other side as poor and empty- handed. Let us remember the sad story ending in hell after a wealthy and rich life in this world as given in Luke: 19-31. Blessed is the person whose name is written in Heaven!