In the gospel of John (John 18:37) our Lord during His trial boldly told to the Roman ruler that He came to this world to be the witness for truth. God is the ultimate truth. Jesus Himself said that ‘ I am the truth.’ Because He always spoke and defended truth, He became a witness for truth; His enemies put Him to death on the cross.
Our Lord wants every Christian believer to be a witness for Him. Gulsham Esther, a Muslim lady born and brought up in a rich traditional family in Pakistan, accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and Lord after an unusual spiritual encounter with the living Lord. During her vision the Lord told her “ you are going to be my witness for my people”. Though she had to go through a lot of troubles and trials because she became a Christian, Gulsham is today a powerful witness for our Lord Jesus Christ. Recently I talked to a Muslim lady in India who became a devoted Christian after having a similar spiritual experience with our Lord. She is now a very effective witness for our Lord! She said that she is not afraid to live and die for her Lord. Of course this lady was persecuted a lot by her families and friends.
Our Lord’s apostles, disciples and early Christians were powerful and dedicated witnesses for the living Lord. In the midst of severe and many persecutions they were not afraid to die for Jesus. That is why Christian church began to grow explosively and intensively in spite of the fact there were terrible persecutions in the early days of Christianity. We are always called to be living witnesses for our Savior. Our thought patterns, words, actions and life styles are the true witness of Jesus Christ who is the living God. Words without actions are useless. Faith without good works is dead. Sermons without service are ineffective. Whereever we are, whatever we do, all believers of Christ are called and expected to live and reveal the true Christ-like character. There are times we may fail to be true and complete witnesses for Jesus. But with repentances and rededications, with the help of Holy Spirit we can be witness for our Lord.
If we deny our Lord in this world, He will deny us before His Holy Father and angels in the next world. Every believer must live and die for Christ Jesus. Our Lord lived and paid a price on the cross for each human being. Therefore every one of us must be a witness for Christ the Truth. Let us not hide ourselves under the shadows and shades of rituals, traditions and legends handed over to us through generations after generations. As Apostle Paul says “we are like a sweet smelling incense offered by Christ to God”. The Lord Himself said that we are the light and salt to this world. In other words, let us all be true witness for our Lord who is the Truth, the Life and the Way. Amen.