When the Lord said that “no one goes to the Father except by me” (John 14: 6), He meant it without any exception. We all know from the bible that Enoch, Elijah, Moses, and the repentant criminal crucified with our Lord are in the Heaven. They and many others went to heaven through the bridge of Christ from this world to the other side. There may be many roads leading to Christ, but He is the only sacrificial lamb by whose death every human being is reconciled to the Father. In other words Son of God paid the ultimate price for all of us whether we like it or not.
God’s Son became the Son of Man to become the only Bridge, the only Way, or the only Door through which any man and every man is invited to Heaven. This is a truth and a doctrine, which needs to be accepted and believed by every true believer and follower of Christ. This is one of the fundamental teachings of the Christian bible. Both the Old and New Testaments are full of writings and teachings about Christ the Savior.
It is a sad thing that there are many Christians who do not take time and effort to read, to study and understand the Bible and the Christian doctrines. They carelessly try to integrate and assimilate the teachings of the Lord and Apostles with the teachings of other religions as if there is not much of a difference between the two. For a Christian believer it is unacceptable. We have to love all people irresptive of religion, color, race or nationality. But Christian teaching should remain pure and holy.
Let us remember that if we are not for Him, we are against Him. That is what the Lord boldly taught us. Jesus wants us to deny ourselves, taking our own crosses and follow Him. We do not have to reconcile with this world and its religions. Christianity is not a religion, it is the Kingdom of God came from Heaven! We are called to be living witnesses for Christ. That does not give us permission to condemn others who are not following Jesus. Judgment belongs to God.
Jesus Christ is the only Hope for every human being if he or she wants to go to Heaven. He is the only Bridge to Heaven. All the other bridges are man-made, illusionary, imaginary and false. They are like mirages. Let us learn to walk through this Bridge of Christ with humble and thankful spirit. By being a true witness for the power of salvation given to us freely along with the gift of Holy Spirit, let us glorify the living God who is known and revealed to us Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen