Once we are born in this world, death is absolutely sure for every person on this planet. According to bible, only two persons had not experienced the normal process of dying and they are Enoch and Elijah. In Indian mythology gods were trying to get the medicine or remedy for death, which is called “Amerth” from “ Palashi”! But our Lord Jesus Christ who came from above and who is the maker of heaven and earth told and taught us that He Himself is the sure and true medicine, cure and remedy for death, which is called the Eternal Life (John 3:16, 3:36, 5:21, 5:24, 6:35, 6:40, 6:47-51, 6:68, 10:10, 10:28, 11:25-26, 14:6).
Jesus Christ is the eternal life to everyman, and a believer in the Son of God is readily and abundantly given the free gift of everlasting life (Amerth!). This is the greatest good news to every mortal man and woman who has inherited death from the first Adam. By disobedience sin and death entered into the world through the first Parents. Son of God who is also commonly called Son of Man became a sacrificial lamb for the forgiveness of all sins and mistakes of every human being from Adam to the last person who will be born on this planet of Earth. Christ is the second Adam who brought eternal life to all children of the first Adam. Sin and death came to us through one Man, and salvation and eternal life came through the Man from heaven.
In the bible two kinds of death are described, namely physical death of body and spiritual death of our inner person of soul. Physical death is bound to happen to our bodies. Our Lord never promised an eternal state or existence of life to human bodies. He cured many sick people who came for healing and gave back life to at least three persons according to the gospel accounts. He himself experienced physical death and on the third day He resurrected with a new spiritual body that will never experience death and decay again. Eternal life promised to the children of God who are believers in Christ Jesus is the salvation and everlasting life of the inner man and a new spiritual body that every believer will receive on the day of resurrection.
We the true believers of Jesus Christ are forgiven, redeemed and promised to have eternal life. Though we all will die physically, we will not die spiritually (John 11:25) unless we choose by our own free will to go back to the old sinful state without repentance. Every believer has a choice to make, that is either to stay in the state of God’s continuous grace or to be cut off from the Son of God who is the true divine Vine (John 15:2, 15:6).
Oh, blessed believers in the Son of God, let us all live in Christ Jesus who is our Savior and King of Kingdom of God. He may prune us from time to time to produce better and more fruits to glorify our heavenly Father. We are all the citizens of the everlasting Kingdom of Heaven. We are blessed to have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who will continuously help us to enjoy the promised abundant life here on earth and in the next world to come. Then we can challenge death as Apostle Paul wrote “Death, where is your victory and power to hurt”(1 Corinthians 15:55). We do have everlasting Cure for Death in Jesus Christ. Amen.