The story of Rich Man and Lazarus (Luck 16:19-31) is a very fascinating one loaded with lots of insights, questions and answers. This is the only story of our Lord with one character is named, Lazarus, whereas the rich has no name at all. On earth he probably was well known in the community, and the poor beggar’s name was not known. The Lord knows everything in the heaven and earth. Therefore we can make a reasonable speculation that our Master is telling the true fate of two men who really lived in this world and then living in the spiritual world.
In this story there is no record of the rich man doing any sin other than neglecting the suffering the poor beggar at his gate. Wealthy man enjoyed life to the fullest mark all the days of his life on earth. Suffering beggar with sores was a terrible sight, but rich man did not do anything to help him. Doing nothing was his sin. Through other stories and parables, our Lord is teaching the same kind of situations of man’s lack of caring and indifference for his fellow-human beings in our society who really need help. In the story of good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), the priest and Levite did nothing for the wounded man. whereas the Samaritan took care of him. In the distribution of talents, (Luke 19:11-27) the man who got only one talent did nothing with his share and therefore he was punished. In the story of last Judgment (Mathew 25; 31-46), people on the left side failed to take care of poor and needy ones in the society though they did not know Jesus on earth and therefore they were sent to eternal punishment. In the parable of ten girls (Mathew 25:1-13) five foolish girls failed to collect the needed oil when they had enough time before the arrival of bridegroom. They were banished from the Kingdom’s festival.
James in his epistle emphasized that faith without work is dead. The Lord also taught that His followers who do not carry out His Father’s commandments will be told “I never knew you” on the last day though they would say that we have done lots of great things for Him such as preaching, teaching, healing, miracle in His name. (Mathew 7:21-23). In the parable of Vine and branches (John 15) our Lord clearly taught that those branches that do not produce fruits will be cut off and the thrown away to eternal fire!
Let all Christians realize and recognize the fact that doing nothing for our suffering bothers and sisters is a very serious sin. Being labeled and called as Christians is not going to help us to be partners and citizens of Kingdom of God. Of course, we are saved by God’s grace, received through faith. But by good work we have to prove it continuously and constantly. We are expected to help others in need through our prayers, thoughts, words, and work. We are called to be the true witnesses of our Savior and Living God in this world as well as in the other world. Amen