When Christ was born in Bethlehem about two thousand years back, an angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds in nearby fields and told them about the birth of Son of God on earth, and then an army of angels from heaven joined the messenger angel and sang the first Christmas carol “Glory to God in the highest heaven and peace on earth to those with whom He is pleased”. (Luke 2: 13-14). This is a message to all nations, all tribes and to every Christian believer to believe and proclaim. When the prince of peace was incarnated as a human being in the city of David, many biblical prophesies were fulfilled and to fulfill God’s supreme plan of human salvation from the power of sin, death and Satan. In Christ the Word became Flesh (John 1:14) and Immanuel became a reality among human beings for ever (Isaiah 7: 14), the whole mankind is blessed forever! The maker of heaven and earth, Creator of all known and unknown worlds clothed Himself with human flesh and bones, lived in the midst of us to pay a sacrificial price carrying our sins, sickness and sorrows, suffered, died, and rose from death followed by ascension to His Father. Thanks and glory to the triune God.
Before man was created in His own image, God had planned to send His Son as a sacrificial Lamb to die for the whole mankind for the redemption of every believer. That is why Son of God became Son of Man in Bethlehem. God’s glory is always a reality in heaven whereas man’s peace was disturbed by the entrance of sin in the Garden of Eden. Satan is a partner to induce and persuade the first parents to commit sin. The Lord came in this world to take away the power of sin and give freedom for all people. Of course Satan and his followers will be punished when Lord Jesus comes back in His glory and majestic power with His angels.
We all know that Christmas is the celebration of birth of our Savior in this world. December 25th may not be the exact date of His birth. But the most important aspect of this celebration is that we are proclaiming the birth of the Savior to all mankind over and over. That is a part of the gospel of good news. We are telling the world that your Savior is born (Luke 2:11) and inviting them to come and adore Him just like shepherds were invited and wise men from the East were guided to the city of David. All believers scattered among various denominations must celebrate Christmas to remember with the good spirit of celebration and thanks.
To all our readers we wish you our Christmas greetings of love, thanks and peace. Amen