All Christian believers have to remember and realize always these three words of great importance in a Christian life. We are all saved by God’s constant and infinite grace (Ephesians 2:8-10) revealed through His Son, Jesus Christ. Anybody who believes in the sacrificial death of Jesus and repents is saved from his/her sins. Before the man was created and given free will to make decisions, redemptive method of sacrifice of God’s Son was already planned. It was a kind of pre-creation bailing out of man from sin so that sin will not have a permanent power and hold on man. In other words man’s salvation through Son of God was already set up (2 Timothy 1:9-10) before the world was created. God so loved the world that He gave His own Son for the whole world and every man is reconciled and redeemed only through Jesus Christ. It is by grace and by grace alone we are saved! As Paul said, our good works do not save us, Good works can lead us to drink from the stream God’s grace like the experience of Cornelius in Acts. In the last Judgment people of good works were given a chance for salvation through grace though they did not know the Son of God in their earthly lives.
It is by simple, child-like faith we receive and experience the reality of salvation. The people of Israel were saved by simply looking and believing at the bronze snake lifted in the desert. It was a shadow of Calvary where Son of God was crucified for the sins of the world. Whoever looks and believes God’s only divine plan for salvation will be forgiven and saved. It is an unconditional gift from Heaven for all people dead and alive. In addition to salvation, God Himself is given to the believer in the Person of Holy Spirit who will dwell in every saved person to help, to council and comfort. Only through faith we can receive and experience God’s supreme and only method of salvation. Jesus Christ is the only Way and Door to the Kingdom of God. In other words, believe and receive Heavenly Father’s gift of salvation from the power of sin, death and Satan.
What is the place of good works in Christian life? We are saved to do good works, which is an acceptable sweet-smelling sacrifice (Hebrews 13:16). Faith without good works is dead as James wrote in his letter. Charity and good works are the fruits of salvation. Through salvation believers are grafted into the Divine Vine of Christ and they are expected to produce good fruits to glorify our Heavenly Father. Believers have only one acceptable choice that is to do good works every single day of their lives!
Thus Grace, Faith and Work constitute the trinity of truth in Christian life. Amen