September month in America is a very memorable month. We can never forget the terrible tragedy of 9/11. This September has become a more memorable month for another reason. Dow Jones plummeted by 777 points, the most ever for a single day! During this month some of the most important commercial banks and financial institutions collapsed or merged with other banks to redeem from very serious financial crisis. Dow’s fluctuations are like high tides and low tides of our occasions. Foundations of our financial stability are shaken and being questioned. Many have lost their money. Uncertainty about our financial stability and prosperity is around us now.
Let us remember and recognize the importance and surety of our deposits in Heaven’s Bank. Our Lord Jesus taught us that man’s deposits and treasure on earth could change in the negative or positive directions. But our deposits in Heaven will never be destroyed by any powers (Mathew 6:19-21, Luke 12.33-34). In addition to being safe in Heaven, our treasure will go on increasing with the best interest possible! Our deposits are in the form of good work and charity for all people. Even a glass of water to a needy person will be credited and accounted by our Lord.
When we die, we cannot take even a penny to the other side. Our own body will start decaying in the grave, if cremated the ashes have only sentimental value. But all our unselfish good works in this world will glorify our living God on earth and on the Day of Judgment we will be rewarded depending on the quality and quantity of our deeds. If the good work is done just for praise and recognitions, we are already rewarded in this world.
The Lord wants us to do good work as the fruits of free salvation given to us and it is intended for glorifying our true and living God. Rituals, keeping up traditions and other man-made religious activities are not worthy good works. Our bible has listed various kinds of good work that are pleasing to our Heavenly Father. Good works are the sacrifices that are acceptable and pleasing before the Lord. Let us put more and more deposits in our Heaven’s Bank! Amen.