When Jesus went to raise Lazarus from his grave, Martha first received him and Jesus waited and called Mary to come and be a living witness for what He was going to do at the grave. Then He called out Lazarus loudly to come out of the grave and be alive! He did similar thing to Jairus’ daughter and the widow’s son. During Jesus’ ministry He has called several people at different stations of many people for different kinds of works and duties. During early part of His ministry, the Lord called all disciples who were working and living under different situations of daily life. Persons like Peter, Andrew, John and James were fishermen, whereas Mathew was a tax collector. We don’t have any written records of the backgrounds of other disciples.
Paul was called for Lord’s ministry while he was on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians. Jesus called Zacchaeus from a sycamore tree to come down so that the Lord and His friends could stay overnight with him! Near Jericho Jesus called a blind man to come forward for his healing though the people around scolded him and he was healed. Our Lord invited the children and their mothers so that they could be blessed even though the disciples refused first from bringing their children!
Once Jesus invited all people who are carrying heavy loads put by religious and social leaders to come to Him so that He could give light loads and soft yokes in life which are bearable and He will be a Partner too because He is humble and gentle in spirit. When Jesus was in the temple of Jerusalem during a festival, He called out loudly whoever are thirsty to come to Him so that they will be able to drink from Him and they will be filled with Holy Spirit. When our Lord was talking to the Samaritan woman, He promised to give life- giving water and finally she and her villagers did receive it!
Our Lord is calling all the people in the world to come to Him for the gift of salvation and Holy Spirit through faith and sincere confession. The Lord sent the disciples to preach the gospel of salvation and reconciliation of mankind to God through Christ Jesus. It is the primary duty of all denominations and every Christian to be a witness for Christ. Of course, teachings and commandments of the Lord have to be put in actions. Amen