Our Lord Jesus Christ promised that every believer in Him would receive the gift of Holy Spirit to dowel within us and take care of our lives. This is one major difference between a believer and a non-believer (John 14:17). Spirit is our comforter, councilor, guide and sanctifier of our lives day by day. He is the Seal of our salvation in Christ. The Lord asked us to pray to the Father to give us the presence and infilling of the Spirit from time to time. He is the one who reveals the truth about God and glorify the Name of Jesus in our lives.
Apostle Paul in Galatians was asking the Christians to allow the Spirit to direct their lives so that Christians do not satisfy the desires of the human nature, which is always opposed, to what the Holy Spirit wants. In other words, our human sinful nature is rebellious and is against the directions of the divine Spirit. In Galatians chapter 5, the characteristics of our human nature and the fruits of Spirit are clearly given (Galatians 5:19-26)
Holy Spirit is our divine helper to produce all the nine fruits, staring from love, joy, and peace to self-control. Let us remember the parable of vine and its branches as given in John 15. He wants us to produce fruits, which will always glorify our Heavenly Father. Branches that will not produce fruits will be eventually cut off from the vine and the fruit-producing branches will be pruned to produce more and better fruits. Thus we have a helper from heaven given to us as the free gift by our Lord, sent from the Father.
In addition to producing fruits of virtues in individual Christians, we are given special gifts (1 Corinthians 12:1-11) for the benefits of Christian community and the people around us. We all deserve and need these gifts from the Spirit for the glory of the blessed Trinity. When the Lord sent the apostles to preach the gospel to the surrounding villages and towns, He gave them power and gifts of spirit for successful preaching and teaching.
Surrendering our lives to Holy Spirit is an essential condition to receive the gifts of the Spirit and to produce the great fruits of Spirits. Without Him we are helpless in our Christian lives and with Him we will be strong and fruitful in our daily lives.
Let us all start our New Year under the directions and guidance of Spirit of God. Let us all be empowered by Him for God’s work and His glory. Amen
Happy New Year to everybody.