All our ministers who are differently named as elders, priests, bishops, cardinals etc. in different denominations are our Lord’s servants in the vineyard of the church. Just like elders, priests and high priests of the Jewish religion, our church leaders always need to be loved, honored and respected by all believers in every denomination. In the Book of Acts (Acts 23:1-5) when the Apostle Paul rebuked Ananias without knowing him as the high priest of the time, the Apostle became apologetic and said, “you must not speak evil of the ruler of your people” Exodus 22:28.
As followers and believers in Christ, we are called to love and respect all human beings irrespective of status, positions and wealth of all people. Apostles in their letters strongly recommend to love one another as the Lord taught and lived by His example. We have no right to insult and despise our elders in any church. They are imperfect as we are all before the Lord. They are called to serve the congregation to the best they can. Let the Lord be their judge!
When our leaders are found to be wrong in practice, teaching and preaching false doctrines, in the light of word of God we certainly can disagree. Word of God is the absolute truth and scale of measurement. Our disagreement must be expressed graciously and politely. Christians must resist evil in the secular society as well as in the church. When the ministers are involved in immoral and unchristian activities, we do not have to tolerate them. They need to be disciplined through appropriate methods adopted by the congregation and by the superiors if the ministers happened to have one. (1 Corinthians 6:1-6).
When we honor our elders and ministers, we are honoring our Lord Himself. Let us always remember our Master’s teaching that when we give a simple glass of water to His servants, this will be appreciated and honored by Him. Amen