This is the season of celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though we know from the gospels Mathew and Luke that He was born in the city of David, Bethlehem, we do not know the exact date of His birth. Church leaders arbitrarily assigned the dates that are celebrated today in the early centuries. Some denominations do not even celebrate our Master’s birthday though their members may celebrate their own birthdays. Let us not forget the fact that the angel of the heaven declared to the shepherds of the field around Bethlehem about the birth of Jesus and then an army of heavenly angels celebrated the Lord’s birthday by praising God. Wise men from the East traveled hundreds of miles in search of baby Jesus to worship and celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world.
I think and strongly believe that it is appropriate to remember and celebrate the birth of our Maker and Redeemer in whatever manner we all choose. Every time when we do that, we are proclaiming to the whole world that the Savior was incarnated. It is an invitation to everybody to come and see the salvation in Christ Jesus like the shepherds and wise men were invited about two thousand years back. God planned Christ’s birth according to His supreme wisdom before the creation of man. The Jewish people were prepared and many prophecies were made about the birth of Messiah, our Savior. Jesus did not become a savior. On the contrary He was born as mankind’s only true Savior to carry the sins of the world and pay a price by His sacrificial death on the cross. God’s plan for our redemption was meticulously carried out in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
When we study and analyze all the prophesies in the old Testament, we can see that they were precisely fulfilled according to God’s plan of man’s salvation in His Son and in the New Testament His entire salvation-plan is fulfilled! The Lord came to free us from the bondage and slavery of sin and darkness and to bring liberty and reconciliation with God to every man. In Christ the sinner becomes a saint and a priest. The guarantee of salvation is the free gift of Holy Spirit in addition to unconditional forgiveness and love of God to every believer in the Son of God. Citizenship to Kingdom of God, glorious joy and peace to body, soul and spirit are also gifts in addition to other fruits of Spirit.
Let us celebrate Christmas and proclaim the good news about our salvation to all people around us. Glory to God in the heaven and peace on earth. Amen.