From the gospels of Mathew and Luke, we know that when the angel Gabriel told mother Mary that the child who would be conceived within her by the power of the Holy Spirit must be called Jesus. This Name changed the whole world forever since His birth about two thousand years back. This is the most and holy Name of the Savior of everyman and woman born in this world. On the cross the note “Jesus of Nazareth” was posted by the Roman governor.
After Pentecost when the disciples and the Lord’s followers were baptized and filled by the Holy Spirit, Peter and John did their first miracle in the Name of Jesus; a crippled man was completely healed by the Name of Jesus Christ. Apostle Peter told the leaders of the Jewish temple and the people around that the man was healed by the very name of Jesus whom they crucified. Apostle Peter emphasized that Jesus is the Christ whom the Jewish people were waiting for centuries and prophesized by several of their prophets. The power to heal came from and trough the resurrected Jesus. He was trying to be a witness for the living Christ and the great power in the Name of Jesus.
All Christian believers need to be convinced that our Lord Jesus is alive. His Name is the mighty source of power and energy for all His followers who will call upon the Name of Jesus. He is the one and only savior we have in this world. Through His great sacrifice our sins are forgiven. The good news of Gospel has to be proclaimed to the corners of the earth before He comes to judge all nations and people. His Name is the most powerful and only Name by which salvation from sins could be obtained. Apostle Paul told the Phillipian jailor to believe in Jesus for his and his family’s salvation. (Acts 16:31) In Romans (10:9-13) Paul wrote if anybody confesses that Jesus is Lord and believes that God raised Him from death, he would be saved.
It is the Name before whom all will fall on their knees (Philippians 2:9-11) and worship. The mob of satanic powers is afraid of the Name of Jesus (Luke 8:28) and His Name will cast them out. (Luke 10:17, Mathew 8:28-32). In the Name of Jesus believers get baptized and enter in the Kingdom of God, they are given the power to perform miracles and wonders, to cast out demons and to heal the sick (Mark16: 15-18). The Name of Jesus is the Password of believers to enter the Kingdom of God (John 14:6) and the gift of Holy Spirit is given to the followers of that Name. It is the primary duty of every believer to be a witness of the great power of the Name of Jesus through his/her lifestyle, teaching, preaching and charity. Amen