Today we all know that “ to become rich and prosperous worldly-wise” is one of the false Christian doctrines and teachings of several ministries, especially from evangelical denominations and tale-evangelists and many of them are already became millionaires. When we study and search the teachings and the words of our Lord and the apostles as given in the New Testaments, it is very clear that abundant life does not mean being rich and prosperous in worldly life. Jesus Christ wants us to seek the kingdom of God first and our heavenly Father will take care of our daily needs in full measures from every aspect of life including spiritual and worldly.
When we look and learn the life-style of our Lord and His disciples as given in the bible, we do not find a prosperous or worldly rich life. Our Master who is the Maker of heaven and earth was born in a manger, brought up in a carpenter’s home, did His short ministry walking around in Judea and Galilee, died on a Roman Cross and buried in a borrowed tomb. Some women and friends helped him and His disciples financially. He did not do one miracle to take care of Himself or the disciples. Once he said to a prospective follower that he did not have a place to lay down His head!
When our Lord sent the followers to preach the gospel, he instructed them not to take any provisions with them. He advised a certain rich man to sell off his large amount of wealth for distributing to the poor and needy people and then follow Him to enjoy the true abundance of Kingdom of God. During the time of temptation Satan made an offer of all the prosperity and power of this world to Jesus, He denied and defeated the enemy without accepting the offer. Of course, today our prosperity preachers and teachers are accepting this offer and strongly recommend them to fellow Christians.
The doctrine and preaching prosperity-gospel are wrong and miss leading and false. It brings shame to the glorious life giving, powerful gospel of our Lord. The life-giving water of our Savior must be kept pure and clear. All the rich preachers and teachers of this false doctrine must repent as Simon was asked to do (Acts8: 22); they must do as Zacchaeus promised to do (Luke19:8). They must listen and obey what the Lord said to the worldly rich man who was seeking to receive eternal life (Mark 10:17-25). The apostle left everything to follow Christ Jesus. Our wealthy ministers who acquired money through the ministry need to distribute to the poor and needy people in the world. Gospel ministry should never be a means to acquire wealth.
It is the duty of the people ministered to take care and support their ministers and their families. If the ministers want to make more money, they should go out of ministry, work hard to make their own money. Apostle Paul never took money from the people he ministered though the members of early church supported other apostles. All ministers must learn to trust the good Lord for every need they may have in their work. Amen.