One of the basic tenets and conclusions of the Theory of Evolution is “Survival of the Fittest’ among all species. Evolution is strongly supported and applauded by many scientists, atheists and agnostics all over the world. It is being taught in schools and colleges almost every country on earth. In common man’s language, we can translate “Survival of the fittest” as might is right and it will always survive.
Our Lord’s teaching is exactly opposite to the survival theory of the fittest. He came to revive the weakest, to restore and redeem the sinners, and to seek the lost amongst us. During his ministry he said that Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and give his life for others. He also said that he came to seek and save the sinners instead of good people. Jesus was called as the friend of tax collectors, harlots, outcasts and poor people .He characterized himself as humble and gentile in spirit. The Lord clearly and emphatically stated that unless we become like children, we couldn’t enter the kingdom of God. We all know the nature of children is simple and humble coupled with built-in weakness and innocence.
In our society we greatly admire and appreciate the rich and powerful, brainy and beautiful, mighty and muscular in different phases of human activities, whereas sick and sinful, helpless and handicapped in body, mind and spirit are not much appreciated in general. But our Lord through his teaching, preaching and practice took care of the weakest in the society and asked his followers to do the same.
Jesus was born in manger and brought up in a carpenter’s family. He started his ministry by selecting twelve disciples from working class families such as fishermen, carpenters, and farmers, tax collectors who probably had no education or religious training. During his ministry the Lord always treated the common people with great compassion, love, unusual tenderness without any judgment or condemnation to their behavior, though very often he pointed out their mistakes. He enjoyed the company of children with their mothers. He healed and helped all the sick people who came to him. Once he saved a woman caught in adultery from stoning to death. A Samaritan woman was led to conviction followed with redemption without hurting her feeling though she had a past sinful life pattern. Jesus Christ was a friend and big brother of the weakest of the human Society.
Christianity’s mission is to preach the good news of salvation to all men and to take care of the weakest in the midst of us. In other words “Revival of the Weakest” is the Christian motto and to put it into practice is the noblest deed of every man and woman irrespective of anybody’s faith. On the last Day of Judgment the good Lord will invite them to his Father’s Kingdom. Amen.