Another year has just ended and the door to the next year is being opened for all of us, whether we like it or not! Our planet earth has completed another revolution around the sun, meticulously and precisely as designed by the Creator. The majesty and beauty of the heavens declare the glory of the living God who is the architect of the entire universe, known and unknown, visible and invisible, earthly and heavenly worlds alike. As followers and believers of Jesus Christ, we have much to thank and praise our Maker and Lord God including all the blessings and burdens we all experienced during the last year. And, our God is always with us during every moment granted to us by His infinite grace and love.
As believers, it is always easy to thank God for all the blessings in our lives; but sometimes it is difficult to thank our Lord when we experience painful troubles and excruciating trials, which are burdens to the spirit, soul and body. There are those who think and believe that God is sending all these painful experiences to us. I cannot agree with that line of thinking. If God is sending these trials to us, there must be a definite purpose and plan, which is followed by His Grace to deal with them successfully. Otherwise, the other crosses are the consequences of living in a battlefield where we fight with spiritual enemies, the world around us and our own weak flesh.
Our Lord wants us to deny ourselves and take up our own crosses without complaining. He had His own cross for our sake. God has given us His own Spirit to dwell within us to help in the daily struggles of life. Our Lord promised that He would be with us to the end of time and forgiveness of sins and eternal life are already guaranteed to every believer in Jesus Christ. Of course, Christ’s followers are called to produce the fruits of salvation in their daily life. The Lord wants us to have communion with Him constantly. Though our heavenly Father knows our needs before we pray, Jesus taught us to pray always.
In the beginning of the New Year, let us ask our loving and living God to de-clutter all the sins and addictions of our lives for which our Savior paid a price on Calvary. Let our prayers and petitions be sent in the name of Jesus Christ who is our one and only mediator before God. God’s grace is enough for us to lead and experience an abundant life through out the New Year and every year thereafter. In Jesus Christ, we have all the resources and treasury of blessings to lead a life that is acceptable to our God. The Lord wants us to be joyful, peaceful and loving people in the midst of all the good and bad times of our earthly life. In the name of the mighty and living God, a blessed New Year is wished and prayed for to every person who happens to read this website. Amen.