The virgin birth of Jesus from Mother Mary and His resurrection from the tomb donated by Joseph of Arimathaea are two of the miracles and doctrines of faith, which every Christian believer has to accept and proclaim. (There is a tradition saying that Joseph was the uncle of Virgin Mary!) They make up two of the most essential components of the foundation rock of our faith. Apostle Paul in his letter to Corinthians (1 Corinthians 15) emphatically said that if Jesus Christ had not resurrected, our faith is a delusion and we are still lost in our sins.
The Empty Tomb is the proof of the fulfillment of our faith. There were already prophesies in the Old Testament about our Lord’s resurrection. He Himself taught and warned his disciples about His death and resurrection though they could not comprehend it until the Lord rose and appeared to them in person. From the Easter Sunday onwards the resurrection of Jesus is being questioned. The Jewish authorities bribed the Roman soldiers and guards to tell that His disciples stole the Lord’s body while they were sleeping though the Roman seal doubly secured the tomb! Jesus’ own disciple, Thomas, could not believe and accept the fact of resurrection until the Lord Himself appeared and convinced him. One of His own brothers, James, probably believed the Lord’s rising from the dead after he appeared to him in person. Before the ascension Jesus appeared to all His friends and disciples under different situations of day-to-day life to teach and convince them that the resurrection is real and He lives forever. Once He appeared to a large number of five hundred or more of His disciples. After the ascension our Lord appeared to Paul who was then a persecutor of Christian community and since then he became one of the greatest champions of Christianity.
All through the centuries enemies of Christian faith and kingdom of God try their best to attack and discredit the basic truths of our faith. They know very well that if resurrection of Christ could be disproved, then Christian church could be weakened or destroyed. With the help of the modern technology and archeological investigations, our enemies are still trying to attack Christ’s kingdom, which will always withstand all the tricks and tactics of Satan and his friends as the Lord Himself told His disciples. Yes, Tomb of Jesus was empty of any human parts except the clothes used to wrap up the Lord’s body.
When we celebrate the season of Easter, our lives must proclaim that our Lord is risen and He lives forever. Let us always remind us and internalize His great promise that His presence is always with us and within us. With hope and true faith we must look forward to meet Him just like those five wise virgins from the parables were waiting for the arrival of the bridegroom. Empty Tomb is one of the greatest miraculous wonders of Christianity and it is also the fulfillment of our faith and hope forever. Amen