First century Christianity was entirely different from the practices of our 21st century churches. Very early churches were mainly centered on the person of Christ and His teachings, and the teachings and instructions of apostles and disciples of our Lord. Church members believed in the reality and power of our Lord’s resurrection and were waiting for the return of Christ without too much delay. His new Kingdom of God would be soon coming. During Christ’s ministry, he very often and greatly preached Kingdom of God. Early church leaders like Paul, Peter, and John preached and wrote about the Christian life-style, the presence and power of Holy Spirit, about the importance of sacrificial death of Christ, return of Jesus in His glory, importance of preaching and practice of God’s grace and salvation.
Baptism of the new believers, breaking of bread whenever possible were the only ordinances of the early Christians. Preaching of the gospel was the main and most important goal of early Christian leaders in addition to charity work among the poor and needy people. Services were conducted mostly in the homes of Christians, probably on Sundays. The leaders were elders or bishops. Deacons were appointed as helpers in the churches. There were no centralized authorities to rule over the believers. If at all there was one, it was at Jerusalem, which was scattered after the fall of that city in A.D.70. In other words hierarchy was not important in the early churches.
We have lost the purity and simplicity of the early churches. The weeds of rituals, traditions, man-made rules and regulations, hierarchy and power to rule began to grow in the churches and divisions among the believers became a reality in Christianity. How sad it is! There are churches, which are not interested in preaching the Good News of Gospel to people who never heard it. All the seeds of the weeds came from Satan and the world of Judaization, paganization, mystery religion of Greek and roman civilizations, power-hungry leaders, Gnostic religions etc. But most of the denominations agree and hold on the cardinal Christian truths and faith in virgin birth of our Lord, His teachings and ministry, His sacrificial death, resurrection, ascension and return, gift of Holy Spirit, in the unity of Trinity, duty of gospel work and charity. Thus though we are divided, we are One in Christ. Amen