In the letter to Philippians, apostle Paul said that all Christian believers must work out their salvation given to us free through the path of faith by the infinite grace and mercy of God. The gift of salvation was already planned before the world was created and was accomplished on Calvary through the sufferings and death of the Lamb of God who carried sins and sickness of every human being born on this planet. By simple faith in God’s plan, we are declared not guilty and pardoned. O course, repentance of sins and mistakes is a part and parcel of faith.
A born-again Christian has to grow to reach the full stature of Jesus Christ. We all know that birth is always followed by constant and steady growth, which is a fact and truth we see all around in every living organism. Similarly a born-again believer has to grow in Christ for reaching the divine fullness of our Savior. In order to do so, we are endowed by the great gift of Holy Spirit, God’s own Spirit, sent by the Lord Jesus Christ. The indwelling Spirit of every Christian believer helps us to grow and sustain strong in Christ, just like a grafted branch in the divine trunk of Christ in order to produce spiritual fruits that will glorify our Father in Heaven.
Without the help and fellowship of Holy Spirit we cannot work out and grow in Christ. He is our helper, comforter, councilor and nourisher of spiritual food. The word of God is our food and drink. Without living in Christ we cannot grow and work out salvation. Let us always remember that we are one in Christ just like a branch is one in and with the main trunk. In John’s gospel it is clearly and emphatically stated so.
A Christian believer’s path is not easy at all. It is a road, narrow, stony and thorny, full struggles with our enemies of world, Satan and built-in weakness of flesh. But we are not alone in this world. The Lord promised, “ I will be with you to the end of time”. The Holy Spirit lives within us. We are all provided with guardian angels. At the right hand of the Father our Lord and Savior is constantly pleading for us. Our fellow believers can pray and intercede for each other. The fruits of Spirit are the products of our working –out of our salvation. Through the Word of God, our Lord has given us plenty of instructions and teachings. Fellow believers, let us constantly and diligently work out our salvation all the days of our lives in this world. Amen.