H.G.DR.MATHEWS MAR SAVARIOS Diocesian Metrapolitan of Kandanad Diocese of Malankara Orthodox Church. A Theologigical and Biblical Scholar, Orator and a good writer. Patron of many Charitable Chritian Organizations. |
The Parable of the Talents told by Jesus (Matt 25:14-30) really illustrates the gifts given by God to a Christian and usage of the same according to the will and expectation of the Master, God. A talent was a great sum of money and came to designate special gift or endowment. The main Emphasis is on the full accountability and responsibility of the servant who receive the talents/gifts. We are stewards of the gifts/talents given to us by God. These talents are meant to be utilized for the salvation of our self and our neighbors. Idleness in this effort is a sinful renunciation of God’s Grace. More than that, it is a lack of love for God and humanity. Since we are stewards of God’s gifts/talents, each one of us is accountable for hours/minutes/seconds we utilized the abundance of these gifts/talents bestowed on us.
How can we be truly faithful servant?
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Stewardships as an Evangelist: Study of The Bible and proclamation of the word of God to others, is of prime importance in Christian way of living. St.Paul exhorts Timothy, who is his spiritual son, ‘to give attendance to reading, exhortation, to doctrine. Neglect not the gift that is in thee which was given thee by prophecy’ (1 Tim 4:13-15), to teach others the faith we are entrusted with (2 Tim 2:2) and preach the Gospel is a method of feeding the church and edifying it (1 Cor 1: 17-23) Eph 3:8 2Ti 4:2-5, Jer 21:15-17 Eph 4:12 |
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Stewardship as a life example: A well disciplined and ecclesiastical life enriched with prayers is expected from every Christians. So we have to be Diligent (1 Cor. 15:10), Industrious (2 Cor 10:12-16 4:8-9), Meek (2 Tim 2:25) and worthy of true example to others (1 Tim 4;12) as well as responsible even to rebuke others concerning the right path (Tit 2:15) |
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As a Family witness: As a responsible parent, a loving brother or sister, persevering the drawbacks of all members of the household is expected from us. We must have availability, approachability, credibility, dependability, sincerity and reliability. (1 Tim 5:21, 2 Cor 11: 23-33) |
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As a responsible treasurer: Christian attribute towards wealth is very important. We must be ardent faithful in the matters of dealing with money. There is no compassion to this aspect. (Rom 15 1-19) This aspect measures however we are sincere to God and men as well. (2 Cor 113-13) We should not pervert the truth for our selfish motives we must practice and exhort others to invest our money as treasures in heaven (Matt 6 19-20) seeking the possession of the kingdom of God.(Matt 6:33) |
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As a Good Samaritan: ‘A friend indeed is a friend in need.’ This doctrine is valid always. The real incest of Piety is enumerated beginning with visiting orphans and widows in their trouble (James 1:27). We should be sympathetic towards the poor (Hebr 5:2), temperate to their needs (1 Cor 9:25-27), willing to lift them any time (1 Peter 5:2), Comfort them as and when ever necessary and this (1 Cor 1:4-6) measure much in exerting our stewardship with souls (1 Cor 9:19-23) The works of Charity were counted more than anything else to inherit the eternal bliss of Christ’s kingdom.(Mtt 25 31-46) |
We are called to be Originals and not expected to be of Imitating. Stewardship is a marvelous gift. So be vigilant in our life to hear from our Lord 'faithful and sensible steward, whom his master will put in charge of his servants' against that of the trembling voice 'You Wicked Servant'. The Parable of the Talents refers to the metaphor 'life is a precious possession’. If you have any talent, you must 'invest' them wisely--no matter what is the quantity of the talent we are in possession. As the wise Solomon told 'How blessed is the man who finds wisdom; the man who gains understanding for whom the profit is better than the profit of silver and the gain is better than fine gold'. Stewardship or Sacrificial Giving get emerged as "Attitude of gratitude." If we recognize where our gifts have come from, we cannot do other than make a return for what we have been given.