Recently, Christians all over the world celebrated Christmas. Christmas is actually the joyful celebration of God’s greatest gift of His own Son to all of mankind for its unconditional redemption. Our Lord’s teaching, His life and the writings and work of His disciples insist and remind us the importance and joy of giving and helping others. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the Master clearly shows who is the good neighbor of the man who was attacked and left to die. In the story of the poor widow who gave away her entire life-savings of two pennies, the widow was praised and admired. And, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus shows the failure of the rich man in helping the poor man who was sitting and begging daily at the gate of his mansion and therefore the rich man could not go to heaven.
In the last judgment, as given in the gospel of Mathew, the great judge uses the criteria of “giving” and “not giving” for judging all the people who never knew Him in their life on earth. Jesus Christ advised His disciples to give away freely everything they received freely from the Lord. On Calvary, we can see our Lord Himself was given to be sacrificed for the redemption of every human being who needs salvation from his/her sins. Christianity’s main core of teaching is to love, to serve and sacrifice unconditionally. In Isaiah 58, The Lord God is telling the people of Israel that helping the poor and needy is what pleases Him instead of their fasting and prayers.
Let us not forget the truth that faith without good work is dead. And, the branches in the parable of vine (John 15) that do not produce fruits will be cut off in the end. If somebody thinks that practicing rituals, traditions, ceremonies and other kinds of man made religious practices could help us before the Lord, they are misguided. Our Lord God is pleased with kindness, compassionate work and helping for others.
There is a tremendous spring of joy that could generate from the act of giving and helping others who are in need. Let us begin the New Year by starting and rededicating ourselves to helping the poor and needy fellow human beings around us. That is what pleases our living and loving God who gave Himself for us. That is the true faith in action, which can bring peace and joy on earth. The Lord’s blessings are guaranteed for all cheerful givers. Whatever we give on earth are the true investments in Heaven’s bank! Amen.