Some evangelical church members and certain leaders frequently ask these probing questions to traditional Christian believers. Very often Christians of the latter group are confused or are not sure of their certainty about salvation which is in itself very sad. One important reason is that the believers of the traditional church such as the Catholics, Orthodox, Episcopal etc. are not very sure about their state of “being born again” in Christ and the Holy Spirit. Many of them do not take time to read their bible to realize the significance of being “born again” along with “salvation”. The leaders do not help them too. Every believer in Jesus Christ irrespective of their denominational liking or preference is born again and saved.
The truth is that anybody and everybody who believes in Jesus Christ who accepts Christ as their personal Savior and those who confess that “Jesus is their savior and Lord” is a born again Christian this being saved from the powers of Satan, sin and death. (John 3:18; 5:24; 3:36; 10:28; Acts 2:38; 4:12; 16:31). All believers in the Son of God who paid a price for all the sins of every human being, are citizen of the Kingdom of God. This citizenship is given free of charge. The gift of the Holy Spirit is given to all believers in the Son of God. Salvation is only by grace of the living God, not only by merit and is internalized by a simple child like faith. Method of baptism is not the one that gives us salvation.
Physical death is a reality and a certainty to every believer until the Lord Jesus Christ come for the final judgment. Eternal life is promised to every believer in our savior. He will be with us to the end of time and thereafter. It is very sad to see that many evangelical church members proudly sit on the throne of Judgment and condemn believer of other denominations. We have no right to judge or condemn anybody, including non-Christians. Of course we have to proclaim the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ to all people. I do agree that members of traditional churches have many man made rules, regulations, rituals, doctrine and dogmas which unfortunately mask the truth that all believers in Christ Jesus are definitely saved. On the other hand evangelical church members give importance to the teachings from the Bible. But let us not forget that they have their own share of man-made rules and legalistic regulations.
Let us not forget that believers after being born again in Christ have to grow to attain the full stature of Christ. If not believers can become “stunted Christians”. Remember the Lords teaching that the branches that do not produce good fruit will be cut off (John 16) and on the Day of Judgment he will not hesitate to say “I do not know thee” which is when the door will be closed to nominal Christians. A tree is known by its fruits. His followers are those who believe in Him and carry out His commandments. Amen