The history of Christianity in India is traceable from the advent of St. Thomas during the middle of the first century, precisely A.D. 52. As the secular written history does not give any clues of the origin of Christianity in India due to the fact that ancient historical documents are blended with traditions and fictional elements. Mission of St. Thomas in Kerala during the first century was always a subject of controversy for a long time. There are two distinct schools of thoughts regarding the origin of Christianity in India: viz. By the first century mission work of apostles of Jesus Christ St. Thomas & St. Bartholomew or through the merchants and the missionaries of East Syrian or Persian Church at later centuries. However the traditions of Malankara Christians strongly believe that St. Thomas arrived at the Malabar Coast in A.D. 52 converted Hindus of Kerala and established Christianity. The Malabar tradition which associates St. Thomas with Palaiyur, Parur, Kokkamangalam and Niranam is not contradicting with any other tradition. Other tradition of the West cost Christianity [Kalyan, Vasai Area near Mumbai] believes that origin is by the proselytizing of St. Bartholomew. The writings in the 'Acts of Judas Thomas' and 'Teaching of the Apostles', though they are shrouded with doubt of its connection with Gnostic thoughts and a number of stray references in the writings of Origen, Eusebius of Caesarea, Rufinus of Aquileia, Socrates, Ephrem of Nisibis, Gregory Nizianzus, Ambrose and Jerome corroborate the Indian traditional beliefs.
With the molding of the ancient historical sketch of Kerala and various other place in India from the modern archeological excavations give ample evidences both internal and external to testify to the existence of early Christianity in India from the period of St. Thomas. Christianity in the Tamilnadu during this phase of early history was a very potential force and its ethics and other theological codes find powerful expression even in secular Tamil Classics like Tirukkural and Naladiyar.
The aim of the present conference was to establish the existence of early Christianity in Indian soil with objective and well-documented evidences and to study its strong impact on medieval and classical India until the advent of Vasco de Gama whose epoch - making visit inaugurated a new chapter in the cultural, and political history of this great nation. The organizers are quite hopeful that the reconstruction of the early Christianity in India will shed new light on the history of Indian Philosophy and Indian Culture in general and this will give new orientation and new perspective to our understanding of the classical and medieval culture and civilization.
Delegates who are selected and invited from various organizations all over the world and had done intensive study and contributions in various related topics presented papers broadly in following topic categories.
History of Christianity in India
St. Thomas and St. Bartholomew Mission in India
Early Christians and Christianity in Kerala, TamilNadu and West Coast of India
Historical, Traditional, Linguistic, Numismatic, Iconographic, Epigraphic and Archeological evidences
Indian and foreign Languages
Indian and foreign Religions
Culture, Arts, Architecture and Literature
A Committee constituted consisting of 12 representatives from various countries and Organizations all over the world offered guidelines and suggestions in the successful conduct of the conference schedules. There were cultural programmes arranged in the evenings.