By V.Rev.Thomas P.Mundukuzhy Cor Episcopa
(A Renowned Writer And Publisher. Author of many Christian Devotional Books. Sunday School Director of American Diocese, Malankara Orthodox Church.)


1. Apostle: Matthew 10:3

2. Mission: All the way from the Holy Land to India to preach the Gospel. Used the opportunity he got: Hebrews 3:13. Preached and witnessed Jesus Christ and cared for the poor.

3. Love for Christ: Ready to die for Him: John 11:16. Martyr: Romans 14:8.

4. Curiosity: "How can we know the way." John 14:4-6: "I am the way, the truth, and the life."

5. Approach: All others believed by seeing Him: Mark 16:14. Not there, may be sobing or hiding. Touched and believed. Proved resurrection: John 20:25; 1 Corinthians 15:17. Did not believe before he personally experienced, did not say he understood when he really did not.

6. Inscribed a lasting tradition: The tradition is that all other disciples kissed his hand after the incident: The tradition still continues in the Church

7. Confession of Faith: The greatest confession: "My Lord and my God." John 20:28: Christ's sovereignty and identity.

8. With the Apostles in the Upper Room (Acts 1:13-14) and strengthened with the Holy Spirit: Acts 2:1-4.

9. Spiritual Fatherhood: 1 Corinthians 4:15: St. Thomas Christians in India: Four families and seven churches.

(For more on St. Thomas: see Chapter FIVE of OUR CHURCH and SUNDAY AFTER EASTER in this series).

MARK 3:20-30

1. Casting out devils (1 John 3:8) and healing the sick are important in Jesus' ministry.

2. His own people as well as others could not understand Him; may be because of jealous.

3. His own people thought He was out of His mind because He was too busy to eat. They said that Jesus is crazy: Lots of people are called thus because of their attitude and ideas for reforms: Acts 26:24: St. Paul. A house should not fight against it. Abraham Lincoln' spech on "The House Divided" during civil war. A man's enemy is his own household.

4. The religious leaders ... the scribes rejected earlier: Mark 2:7 - those who think that they know - also created problem. Jesus publicy criticised them : 7:16.

5. Those who don't understand, and those who don't want to do things always create problems.

6. They attributed Jesus' power to Beelzebub.; through the power of satan.

7. Using a parable, Jesus tells that how satan would rise up against himself.. The strong man is satan. Jesus is the one who entered his house, bound him, and was releasing people from his power: cf: Denial of satan in baptism. Jesus came to defeat him. Do not have friendship with satan.

8. Fighting each other results in destruction: "United we stand; divided we fall": Abraham Lincoln.; our Church case. Fighting each other leads to stress and ills.

9. God forgives all sins, except the one against the Holy Spirit: Mark 3:28-30; Luke 12:10; Hebrews 6:406; 1 John 5:16. Do not conceal truth; don't say false witness; accept goodness where ever it is. When Holy Spirit persuades one to believe in Jesus Christ, and then if we work against it, it is working against Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit helps to believe (1 Corinthians 12:3). We have to believe Jesus Christ, instead of the devil, through the power of God. They concealed the truth of healing the person with Beelzabub: interpreted good as evil. It is a wilful sin. Do not see light as dark.

10. False accusation is sin against Holy Spirit; they rejected the truth: about casting out the devils: cf. Isaiah 5:20. When God said of good things about Job (1:8), satan found faults (1:10 cf. 3:1).

11. If we ignore the goodness of others, that is sin against Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit leads us to repent. When we see wrong as wrong, that leads to repentance. Look through the rear view mirror what is going on behind us.

12. Do not resist the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51: St. Stephen) ; do not lie (acts 5:1ff: Ananias and Sapphira); do not sadden ther Holy Spirit; fill with Holy Spirit; lead and walk with Holy Spirit; and be sent by Holy Spiri 13. See every one as children of God and pray for His grace. Goal and means, both should be nice; all means are not good.

14. Jesus shall take care of our affairs if we act properly:

a. Attitude: Example: If one says: "My feet hurt", people feel sympathy ; if says: My feet are killing", people laugh.

b. Surrender: The throwing of our conscious selves on the mercy of power.

c. Ego reduction

d. Sinceriety.

e. Concern for others.

MATTHEW 12:30-50
1. There should be no neutral ground in our attitude; either with Him or against Him.
2. Jesus cast out the demons with the power of the Holy Spirt. The Pharisees did not believe that; it is an unpardonable sin: Mark 3:28-29.
3. The fruit of their lives was bad; the fruit tells what kind of a tree it is: our attitudes, actions and words. We should bear fruit to God (Romans 7:14): Spiritual fruits (Galatians 5:22-23). God's spirit lead to bear fruits through thoughts of understanding, association, conviction, rejection and outlook by taking God's attitude about everything. Fruits of the spirit, grown, not given (gifts): Need intimate relationship between the vine and branch, rooted and grounded in Christ.

(a). Love: John 15:10, 12. The sum total of reconciliation, forgiveness, mercy and compassion, humility, meekness, hungering and thirsting for righteousness. Jesus showed the way and lived it. Love is God's character (1 John 4:8; 5:3); Right attitude (1 Corinthians 13:1-8. 13); Right words (Ephesians 4:15); Right actions (1 John 3:16-18).

b. Joy: Nehemiah 8:12. Joy of the Lord in our strength.Joy is not just happiness. Transcends selfishness ... when seeing others blessed. Jesus felt this kind of joy when gave Himself to others (Hebrews 12:2). Jesus wants to remain the joy in us (John 15:11). When in trials, count it all joy (James 1:2); glad with exceeding joy (1 Peter 4:12-13; Hebrews 10:34); walking in truth makes joy (3 John 4; help others with joy (2 Corinthians 1:3-4); rejoice and leap for joy (Luke 6:23). c. Peace: 2 Corinthians 4:8-9. Obedience to God's law brings great peace (Psalm 119:165), brings harmony with God, others and self and peacefully resolves conflicts.

d. Long Suffering: To endure trouble, extend mercy and wait patiently to act (Colossians 3:13).

e.Kindness: Sensitivity to the needs of others. For secure and confident (Psalm 18:35; 1 Thessalonians 2:7).

f. Goodness: Generosity. Give freely and cheerfully (1 John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 9:7).

g. Faithfulness: Loyalty, faith, dependability .... needed for relationship to prosper and grow: Hebrews 11:6; Proverbs 25:19.

h. Gentleness: Produces humility and destroys pride. Esteem others and control ourselves (Philippians 2:3).

i. Self-control: This affects the taste and growth of all the other fruits (1 Corinthians 9:25).

These fruits constitute the perfect character of God.

4. They have seen numerous miracles (chapters 8-9); but asking for more is testing Him again and again.
5. The preaching of Jesus on the kingdom of God is greater than that of Jonah on repentance or the wise judgments given by Solomon.
6. Those who rejected Jesus will be condemned.
7. Because they rejected, their heart is empty and will be filled with worse evils.
8. Obedience is the key factor to have relationship with Jesus; not the blood relationships.

ACTS 4:32-37
1. Believers share in all things.
2. The Spirit brings love and unity: Acts 5:12; Romans 15:5-6; 2 Corinthians 13:11; Philippians 1:27; 2:2; 1 Peter 3:8.
3. The Apostles continued their witness through the power they received at Pentecost: Lame man's healing: Acts 1:8, 22; Romans 6:15.
4. The unity of love and the spontaneous sharing of possessions to help the needy.
5. Barnabas (means son of Encouragements), vouched for Saul's conversion: 9:27.

1. The Church is One and God's temple.
2. The sad state of the Gentiles before Christ came: VV. 11-12.
3. Christ's reconciling Jews and Gentiles to God and to each other: vv. 13-18.
4. The established new glorious society (19-22). Christ, the Corner Stone, controls the shape and strength of the structure. The Church finds its unity in Christ. People are being added to it every day. God is present in spirit with His people where ever they are.

LEVETICUS 16:29-34
1. The Day of Atonement, the most sacred event in the Jewish year: The Fast: Acts 27:9.
2. A day for prayer, fasting and repentance with genuine contrition: Isaiah 58:5-6.
3. An everlasting statute for the atonement: vv. 30-34 give a summary of plans for the day.

HOSEA 5:1-5
1. Israel's leaders failed to rule justly over the people.
2. Israel is called Ephraim, the largest of the 10 northern tribes.
3. They are accused of harlotory because they did not worship the Lord.

ISAIAH 57:15-19
1. Peace to the contrite, not to the wicked.

2. God is holy and eternal and dwells with the contrite and the humble.

3. Our refusal to submit ourselves to God in trust and obedience (Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:5) causes backsliding: Luke 8:13-14.

4. God restores the repentant, but peace is not available who persist in their wickedness: Psalm 1:6.

JOHN 6:47-59

1. This miracle on the day before our Lord's Last Supper" when the Holy Eucharist was instituted for eternal life (v.51, 53-54. 56 cf. 1 John 5:12), for unity with the Father and the Son and every one else (v.56); John 15:1-10; and for the resurrection of the dead: v. 54.

2. "I am the bread of life": John 6:35; 6:48. This bread unites us with God.

3. The seven "I am's" in the 4th Gospel.

4. "I am that I am" to Moses.

5. The difference between "Manna" and the bread of life ... live for ever. God's life given through Eucharist ... medicine for immortality. Field and workers are meaningful when eat bread... bread of life. "Manna" was given for physical entity: Exodus 16 - for day to day: "Give us this day our daily bread. Manna: Angel's food: Psalm 78:24-25.

6. Jesus is the true life-giving bread. Those who believe in Him will live for ever.

7. By receiving Holy Communion, God's life comes into us: 1 Corinthians 11:23-30; 2 Corinthians 4:10; Jesus Christ lives in us. Arguments and quarrels in spiritual life due to ignorance. Share the knowledge to others, not the arguments. Blind cannot see what we show him. Argument about how the body of Christ can be given as food... not intelligent enough to understand the spirituality. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7). If He lives in us and we live in Him, we bear many fruits (John 15:5). His words never pass away (Matthew 24:35). If we don't receive Him, we are responsible for our destruction (Revelation 3:20). Jesus followed God in everything (John 6:19). We have to follow Him to overcome trials and temptations (John 17:4). Jesus passed in all three of satan's temptations: stone to bread, worship satan and jump from the pillar. His brightness works in us (Philippians 3:21). Act and talk as God living in us.

8. We have to participate fully in Christ as the complete sacrifice for sin in order to realize the benefits of salvation. Full involvement results in eternal life. We have to abide in Christ and Christ in us when we receive the Holy Communion to be effective. Otherwise it is worthless (1 Corinthians 11:29-30). This relationship is like the Father and the Son. Son gets living power from the Father. Through communion we receive that power.

9. Spiritual hunger leads us to knock at the door of the church for some food where we receive the spiritual bread for eternal life.
10. The Eucharist bread is made out of the four outstanding ingredients for life:
1. Wheat flour: stands for clay, dust, mud.
2. Water: 3. Yeast: Air 4. Salt: Fire (energy).
The bread represents each one of us; so in the Church we share ourselves.
A. The Bread of Faith: Many are in utter turmoil and confusion: No faith in God, man or in the future. Faith is leap into the darkness; "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (hebrews 11:1).
B. The Bread of Hope: Technological advancement does not solve all the problems. Many are wandering without any hope.
C. The Bread of Love: Wars and fights all over homes, in the community, in the country all over the world. Lots of us are longing for fellowship and friendship (Love Chapter: 1 Corinthians 13).
Are we giving these three loaves to others: faith, hope and love?

11. We will be tested in our day to day life. Overcome the tests.

12. Receive Him physically and spiritually through Holy Communion.

MARK 4:1-23
1. Parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-23; Luke 8:4-18). In God's field, the seeds of word are sown.
2. We must be careful to obey the word of God; God's word will accomplish its purpose.
3. The kinds of soil have their impact on the harvest:
a. Ones by the wayside: Careless hearers of the Gospel truth;
b. Stony ground: Persons who value salvation too little;
c. Sown among thorns: Persons who spend all their energies on material things (Are we one of these? Disobedience brings danger: Jeremiah 7:21-26); Even if in peril, awake and shine (Isaiah 52:1-6); He will be with us.
d. Good ground (Exodus 3:9-15): Believers who accept Christ and continue to follow Him. Those who willingly receive the truth, truly understand and obey. Jesus is the source: Hebrews 4:14-5:5.
4. Like a lamp put on a lampstand makes things visible, so the Gospel message brings God's truth to light.

MATTHEW 13:10-23
1. God's future rule had begun with the coming of Jesus; it was once secret, but now revealed.
2. If we close our eyes against the light, we will not profit anything from all possible means given to us.

1 PETER 2:4-10
1. Christ is the foundation stone: 2:4.
2. Through faith in Christ, we become God's people.
3. Believers are living stones ... by sharing in Christ's resurrection.

3. The Church is a spiritual house: compare to the temple of God: John 2:19-21; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19.
4. Jesus, the corner stone, completes God's plan of salvation.
5. We are a chosen generation, royal priesthood, holy nation, and His own special people (Exodus 19:5-6). Thus the Church is the New Israel.
6. God accepts sinners and makes them the people of God: Hosea 1:10; 2:23.
7. Whatever God sanctified is not unclean: Romans 14:14.
8. Most leaders, inventors, discovers arose from poverty.
HEBREWS 4:14-5:55
1. High priesthood of Jesus who cleanses the sinful human heart.
2. Jesus enables usto overcome sin because He overcame every form of temptation.
3. God's undeserving people receive His goodness: forgiveness for sins (mercy) and grace to help us overcome temptation. We can approach Him in prayer for blessings.
4. The high priesthood of Christ and of Aaron. Both offered sacrifice for the sins of others. Both were called by God. But they differ in the nature of their calls and the effectiveness of their sacrifices. The call of Christ surpasses the call of Aaron in that God made Christ a priest for ever.

EXODUS 3:9-15
1. God knows the sorrows of His people.

2. God's method of deliverence is reaching people through people: MOses.

3. Moses' thought "who am I", instead of "whose I am ."

4. Moses also thought that God's people, now in Egypt more than 400 years , would have been even forgotten His name.

5. YHWH: YAHWEH: JEHOVAH: I AM THAT I AM (3:14): Answe to Moses. The present one, He who is. The God is present in their midst even in exile.


1. I am the Bread of Life: John 6:35: Bread for physical survival. Lord's body for spiritual life (6:51). We have to be renewed in the faith of His body and in the love of His blood. Feed and give us strength.

2. I am the light of the world: John 8:12. Warfare between light and darkness. In the beginning God created light. Evil fights against light. Dark moves away with the appearance of lightt (2 John 2:8). Be one with Christ (Ephesians 1:10). Light, Jesus, to show our way.

3. I am the Door (John 10:7): Door to the way of life. Words of eternity are with Him. Those who go through Him will be saved.

4. I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11): Great shepherd of the shep (Hebrews 13:20); chief shepherd (1 Peter 5:4); the Lord is our shepherd (Psalm 23:1). A shepherd's responsib-ilities include feeding (Bread of life: Holy Communion), protecting from the enemy ... satan and sin ... , caring, encouraging, keeping in order and giving guidance and spiritual direction (John 21:15-17; Acts 20:28-31; 1 Thessalonians 5:2-15; 2 Timothy 4:1-5). A caring shepherd looks after the flock (Luke 12:32; John 10:7-16); his relationship is like between God and His people (Psalm 23; 95:6-7); he leads (Ezekiel 4:23; Micah 5:2-4); guides his flock to good pastures (Isaiah 40:11); feeds his sheep (psalm 23); guides them (1 Samuel 17:34); he searches for the strayed and lost ones (Matthew 18:12); he knows his sheep individually (John 10:1-4); he tends his sheep (Genesis 33:13).Jesus came down to enquire about the status of the lamb. He went out seeking the one lost leaving the 99. Jesus told Peter to feed the lamb. Jesus is the Good Shepherd (2 John 1:1-16) ...."Behold, the lamb of God", John the Baptist witnessed. The leaders are also shepherds (Acts 21:28). Moses found a lost sheep of his father-in-law. God saw this and found a leader to lead and guide the Israelites. David was a shepherd. God is our real shepherd (Psalm 23:1). Immanuel is with us till the end of the world. He knows us individually and personally. The self-sacrificed watches us all the time. (Ezekiel 34:4: Bad shepherd).

5. I am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25): Eternal life - life after death. We live because of Him.

6. I am the way, Truth, and Life (John 14:6): Way to the Father; light of light, very God of very God. Truth to believe and life to be lived.

7.I am the True Vine: Spiritual, internal relationship. We are the brtances (15:5). He is our fellowship. When we are like Him, we bear fruits.

JEREMIAH 7:21-26
1. Obedience is first, sacrifice comes after.
2. Starting from Moses, prophets gave Israel messages of warning and promises through out history: Deuteronomy 18:15-22.
ISAIAH 52:1-6
1. A call to God's people to dress in beautiful garments in preparation for the salvation of God: cf. 3:16-4:1, where Zion tries to make herself beautiful, and to 47:1-3 where beautiful Babylon is stripped like a captive.
2. Shall be redeemed from sin without money: 55:1-2.
3. Assyria and Babylon oppressed Israel without any reason.
4. The enemies say that God could not do anything to save them.: (If we remain in sin, the same thing will happen)
5. We have to recognize God's true greatness.


1. There are several churches in Kerala in the name of St. Kuriakose as patron saint including my own original parish, Mundukuzhy St. Kuriakose Orthodox Church, Kunnamthanam, Thiruvalla.
2. The conviction and commitment of the faithful mother Euliti and her three old son Kuriakose made them martyers whose story is not clearly known to many.
3. The blessed Euliti and her saintly son trampled the devil and all his wicked means under their feet and received the crowns of martyrdom.
4. Euliti, a beautiful rich woman and a good Christian, a descendant of the Asian kings, was born in Icornium in Asia Minor where SS. Paul and Barnabas founded the Church (Acts 14).
5. Euliti spent most of her time in praying and helping the poor.
6. Euliti's only son Kuriakose grew up in a spiritual atmosphere whose first spoken words were, 'I am a Christian.'
7. When Euliti's husband passed away all on a sudden, she had to raise her son by herself.
8. Dioceltian, the Roman emperor, started the worst Christian persecution when Kuriakose was only three years old.
9. Euliti, in order to escape from persecution, fled to Selucia in Syria with two of her maids.
10. As the situation there was also worse, they went to Tarsus, the birthplace of St. Paul.
11. The Roman tetrach in that city, Alexandros was also very cruel toward Christians.
12. Euliti was arrested and brought before Alexandros. Because Euliti confessed that she is a Christian as against the warnings of Alexandros, the soldiers threw Euliti on the ground after taking away young Kuriakose from her.

13. Alexandros promised to release her if she forsook Jesus Christ to which she answered that even a child, like her son, would not budge.
14. Alexandros asked Kuriakose: 'Would you agree to worship the idols.'
15. Young Kuriakose replied: 'Your idols are made by stone and wood; My real God is Jesus Christ.'
16. When Euliti heard this, she filled with courage shouted: 'I am Christian; I worship the real God Jesus Christ who made heaven and earth.' Then Kuriakose also started shouting: 'I am Christian; I am Christian.'
17. Soldiers continued beating Euliti and the ruler tried to play with the boy to attract his attention.
18. The tetrach got md at the child as he was not falling into his trap and threw him to the ground. The young boy hit his head against one of the concrete steps and died instantly.
19. When Euliti saw this, she prayed: 'Thank you my Lord because you considered Kuriakose worthy of receiving this glorious crown. I ask you now my Savior to take me also'
20. On hearing this, the angered Roman emperor ordered her to be beheaded. Thus she was beheaded while she was repeatedly saying: 'I am Christian, I am Christian.'
21. At night, her two maids took the bodies and hid them in a cave near Tarsus.
22. When Constantine, the first Roman emperor, came to power, he built a church where the Mother and the child were martyred.
23. Parts of the relics of these two saints'are preserved in the Syrian St. Mary's Monastry in the valley of Nitron. There is also a historical church bearing their names in Tahta.
24. Our Church commemorates their remembrances on July 15th.
25. May their intercessions be a blessing for each one of us.

LUKE 14:7-11

1. Feast and marriage allowable: Jesus is there.

2. Looking for prominent seats to catch other's attention (even in prayer and singing: start early, end last, etc.) Even in the church we see such tendancies these days. If they don't get, criticize every one and even leave the church. So law-abiding members sometimes do not get recognized. "I to decrease, he to increase". Invitees at the Pharisee house looked for important seats. Ego: self, "I" not "you" or "He."

3. Those who exhibit their position: Prestige and power: Do not try to buy it; earn it. Do not demand or command, earn it.

4. Humble before Good; He will lift us. James 4:10. Only those who are humble deserve the kingdom of God: Job 22:29; Psalm 18:27; 29:23; Matthew 23:12; Luke 18:14. God came down: Learn from Jesus: Matthew 11:29. He is gentle and lowly in heart. The righteous will shine: Matthew 13:43.

5. Forgo "self" and be humble and simple. Selfishness brings embarassment: Proverbs 25:6-7. Do not promote ourselves. Let others do that for us.

6. Regarding highly than is pride. Pride goes before a fall.

7. Courtesy is appreciated and rewarded. Should have Christ's attitude: Philippians 2:5; James 4:8, 10.

8. Old Testament about achievements/rewards of the faithful; New Testament about their responsibilities.

9. If the invitees do not behave, detrimental to all: Punished: Numbers 25:1-8; Isaiah 24:2. For the hope of Israel, Paul was chained: Acts 28:20; in Corinth: 1 Corinthians 6:1-11. Weed among us: Matthew 13:23-35.
10. Host determines the seat. God determines our destiny based upon our deeds and actions. To be invited to the kingdom of God.

11. Brought what ever they found (from a little boy: John 6:9). Though simple, God wants us to use what we have and what we are willing to do. Bring what ever we have to the Lord, He will bless and increase.

MATTHEW 13:24-43
1. Seven parables in this chapter.
2. Although the kingdom of God has come, there is still evil in the world.
3. Tare: A weed that closely resembles wheat. The two are almost indistinquishable until they mature at harvest time.
4. During judgment, the unjust will be removed from the just.
5. God's work often appears insignificant first, but has far-reaching results (mustard and leaven): 12:35 cf. Psalm 78:2; Romans 16:25-26; 1 Corinthians 2:7; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:26.

ACTS 28:11-22
1. St. Paul's imprisonment in Rome.
2. Syracuse (28:12): Founded by Greeks in 734 B.C. was the chief city of Sicily.
3. Paul was respected by the Romans, but his message was rejected by the Jews. So he sought to explain his situation to the Jews.

1. No lawsuits between believers.
2. Christians should not sue each other before the civil authorities over disagrements.
3. One day Christians will judge the world, including the angels (vv. 2-3): cf. Matthew 19:28, Revelation 2:26. We should be able to judge matters by ourselves.
4. If we sue, that means there are no wise people in the Church to judge.
5. Taking another Christian to the court is a spiritual defeat: Matthew 5:39-42.
6. Those who do not have right relationships with God and are indulged with unlawful dealings do not belong to God.
7. Christians are washed (Revelation 1:5), sanctified (made holy and set apart), and justified (declared righteous).

1. The consequences of obedience and disobedience. Obedience makes an expression of faith and commitment to God. 2. The Sinai statutes and judgments distinquished Israel from all nations. 3. Baal of Peor: The Moabite God (Numbers 25:1-9). Those who kept themselves for God were alive: Romans 6:23. 4. Following the law to live a holy life needs diligence: Matthew 7:21. PSALM 22:1-21
1. The victory of the Suffering Servant.
2. V. 1: Words uttered by Jesus on the cross: Matthew 27:6; Mark 15:34.
3. When God seems ignore our cries, we will feel loneliness.
4. God dwells where He is praised.
5. For God's help, we have to trust Him.
6. In times of despair, we all feel that we are just worms, even though we are a little less than God Himself (8:5).
7. Onlookers add our misery.
8. vv. 7-8: Matthew 27:39, 43.
9. God is with us from the day of our birth.
10. The Calvary scenes.
11. God answers our requests and appeals: 22:21.

1. Wisdom loves righteousness
2. A scoffer is an egotist who has a strong hatred for correction (9:7-8). The Lord has no delight in such pride: 3:34.
3. Our success and failure depends on the proper use of our mouth and hands.
4. Hard work and diligence produce both material gain and moral character.
5. Righteous man verses wicked man.
6. A rich man may have nothing; a poor person may have everything. cf. Matthew 10:39.

ISAIAH 24:1-5 <1. Human sin has brought divine judgment, and the earth is laid waste.
2. Every one will face destruction, irrespective of various positions.
3. The inhabitants break the laws of the covenant which leads to desolation. death cannot bring an end to that fellowship. 5. Life in newness makes us closer to God.

MATTHEW 18:1-4

1. The relationship between each other.
2. The true greatness: Be simple and humble.
3. Give importance to what is due: Jesus talked about His incoming passion, death and resurrection; but disciples went to Him asking "Who is great......". People seek position and prestige, but not ready to do the job; want to be fed, but not ready to earn.
4. Jesus set a child (it is believed that this child became St. Ignatius of Antioch) in the midst. Children were not recognized until then. The children are our central attraction: Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:17; Luke 18:14-17. Turn to the state of a child. Prodigal son called "Father'" and thus became a child. Repentance needs to turn. The mental stage of John who leaned on Jesus' bosom (John 13:23) like a child. Children have no worry or jealousy.
5. The person who humbles himself is the greatest in God's kingdom (vv. 1-4) Humility makes one great: Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48; 22:24-27. Have's and havenot's; higher ups and lower ups. God is the greatest. No body is lower or greater; all are created in God's image: Genesis 1:26. Consider others great: Philippians 2:3.
6. The attitude for the desire to be the greatest shall be changed: Psalm 131:12; Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:15; Luke 18:16; 1 Corinthians 14:20; 1 Peter 2:2.
7. The cake unturned: Hosea 7:8-9
8. We must be careful not to sin or cause another to sin (vv. 5-9). Allow no occasion for sin.
9. Discard offenses: Luke 17:1; 1 Timothy 4:1; Matthew 26:24. Discard the problem makers (cut out hands and legs) or discard those who cause us to sin.
10. Gaining eternal life is important. Even if we have to loose something, we have to pay more attention to gain our souls: Mark 8:36; Matthew 5:29-30.
11. Trials and tribulations to get into eternal life. Israel - bitter water in Mara .. spring water: Exodus 15: 22-27; Job 42:7-17 ... multiplied wealth.. psalm 112:1. Throw away that causes sin: 18:8-9.
12. Angels: Guardian angels. We are angels in His presence: Psalm 34:7; Zechariah 13:7; Hebrews 1:14.
13. We have to do what ever is possible to bring back an erring Christian: James 5:19-20; Luke 15:4-32: The Lost son and the lost coin. Search and find the lost.
14. 100 is fulness/complete. That is what we have to look for.
15. The desire for everybody's salvation: Matthew 18:14; eternal life: will of the father: 1 Timothy 2:4.
LUKE 9:12-17 1. With the help of Jesus, the disciples met the need of the people.
2. The loaves were brought by a boy: John 6:9.
3. In groups: To make the distribution in order.

MATTHEW 16:13-20 1. Peter's confession (v.16) reached the climax of Jesus' revelation of Himself.
2. The Apostles are to help found the Church and expand.
3. Caesarea Philippi (v.13) built in honor of Augustus Caesar Philip, Herod's son, a secluded place was selected to reveal Himself.
4. Jesus valued His disciples' opinion.
5. How people see us? Not only others, but our own.
6. Bar Jonah: Son of Jonah or John (21:15).
7. Peter: Stone or rock (Greek); Cephas (Aramaic): John 1:42.
8. Peter and the Apostles were the witnesses to Christ's resurrection and the first preachers so that the Church was built on their faith.
9. Gates of Hades: Job 33:17; Psalm 9:13; 107:18; Isaiah 38:10.

10. The power of evil will not stop the Church.
11. The keys: The truths of the Gospel. All those who believe enter the kingdom and those who do not believe were kept out.
12. Tell no one (v.20): Mark 1:44; 5:43; 7:36; 8:26 cf. 1:25, 34; 3:12: Not until resurrection (8:30; 9:9):
- May be to limit people to come for healing so that to use more time for preaching and teaching;
- Didn't want demoniac testimony
- Didn't want to misunderstand His mission: No earthly rule, but to deliver from sin.
- At trial revealed: 14:62.
- After resurrection, disciples did: 9:9.

ACTS 28:23-30 1. Paul testified in the prison: Some believed; some not.
2. 28:26-27: Isaiah 6:9-10: Quoted five times to explain of Gospel truth: Matthew 13:14-15; Mark 4:12; Luke 8:10; John 12:40-41; Romans 11:8. ROMANS 10:5-21 1. It may be difficult to keep the Law fully. But through fellowship with God through faith in Christ is possible.
2. Jesus is Lord and God for the Jews and the Gentiles alike
3. We have to preach and teach to spread the Gospel.
4. Israel heard the good news, but rejected. EXODUS 15:22-27 1. The miracle of water at Marah.
2. People's suspicion of God and the leaders during the journey from the Red Sea to Sinai.
3. God is the Deliverer and the Provider.
4. People's skeptical and untrusting attitude.
5. Marah: Bitter: Numbers 33:8; Ruth 1:20.
6. Complained (v. 24): Exodus 14:11; 16:2; Psalm 106:13.
7. Cast in to the waters (v. 25): 2 Kings 2:21.
8. Statute: Joshua 24:25.
9. Tested: Exodus 16:4; Deuteronomy 8:2.16; Judges 2:22; 3:1, 4; Psalm 66:10.
10. Diligently (v.26): Exodus 19:5-6; Deuteronomy 7:12, 15.
11. Diseases: Deuteronomy 28:27, 58, 60.
12. Heals (v.26): Exodus 23:25; Deuteronomy 32:39; Psalm 41:3-4, 103:3; 147:3.
13. 70 palm trees and 12 wells: v. 27. JOB 42:7-17

1. Restoration of Job and his friends.
2. Seven bulls: Numbers 23:1: very expensive offering.
3. Go to my servant job: Matthew 5:24.
4. Pray for you: Genesis 20:17; James 5:15-16; 1 John 5:16
5. Restored (v.10): Deuteronomy 30:3; Psalm 14:7; 85:1-3; 126:1: Blessed abundantly: Psalm 103:17.
7. Job was blessed (v.11): Friends and family: 19:13-20.
8. Doubled the animal possessions (v.12): 1:3: Latter days: 1:10; 8:7; James 5:11.
9. Very beautiful daughters
10. Job died full of days: More than double as in Psalm 90:10.
PSALM 112:1-10 1. A wisdom poem
2. Contrast between the upright (vv.2-9) and the wicked (v.10)
3. He who fears the Lord inherits the blessings: Psalm 102:28; Proverbs 3:16; 8:18; Matthew 6:33.
4. Divine guidance and generosity are the characteristics of the righteous : Job 11:17; Psalm 97:11.
5. Graciousness and discretion of the good man: Psalm 37:26; Luke 6:35; Ephesians 5:15; Colossians 4:5.
6. The righteous trust in the Lord and remain confident without disturbance: Proverbs 10:7; 1:33.
7. He who has an established heart (Hebrews 13:9) is not afraid (Psalm 27:1; 56:11; Proverbs 1:33; 3:24; Isaiah 12:27) and sees his desire: Psalm 59:10.
8. The righteous shall be exalted.
9. The wicked's plans and wishes will not be materialized.