Our notion that man’s fate is already carved out in one’s forehead at the time of one’s birth by the Creator is the main escape route from sufferings which either imposed by others or inflicted by oneself out of ignorance or by self-deceit, karma that belongs to the present or past lives. Man has self-justifications for everything that finds means of his merits if ended up in his favour, or otherwise he finds faults with other men’s wrong doings for his duress and agonies. Man never likes to take responsibility for his own commissions and omissions that manufacture worries and wailings because he has inherited this genetic trait from the first parents, Adam blaming Eve and Eve accusing the serpent for their irretrievable doom, which only could be ultimately mended none other than by the Creator. We may then conclude that it was the fate of the Lord to suffer and die in an inhuman way in a lamentable context. It was not God’s fate to be crucified by His own creations, whereas the Almighty had the foreknowledge of His own apparent dilemma that was an irrevocable responsibility, which He was ready to carry it out before the creation of His exquisite handiwork.

“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”, Gen.1: 27, is a voluntary decision of the inseparable Triune God, not an imposed one by a second or third party, but became imperative due to the disgraceful exit of the son of the rebellion. This free submission of taking up one’s own duty by God himself is imbedded in His creation that took the image and likeness of the Creator. This free will of decision-making is a gift that has priceless values because being a robot to another one is slavery in the explicit form. “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery…..For you were called to freedom, only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love be servants for one another..”, Gal.5: 1-13. Adam was created neither as a slave of God nor for the Devil; he had full freedom of choosing between good and evil, the reason for planting both trees of the knowledge of good and evil and the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. A slave God only can create a slave man, and it is not true because there is no element of bondage in the Holy Trinity; the three personae, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit have the same essence, same nature, same thinking, same power….

Foreknowledge and Predestination:
Predestination that authenticates man as a toy made for the fun of others is a dehumanizing theory made by some escapists, so that they can shift the consequences of our wrongdoings to the shoulders of others. There is no word ‘predestination in God’s thesaurus, but it doesn’t omit the word foreknowledge that is a varying input power given to man to understand other humans and his habitats in making a comparative study, so also to taste the love and wrath of the Creator. The knowledge of a lad is significantly nothing in comparison to an adult member of its family; age and experience gather more wisdom and knowledge, so also the creator of a pot knows the use and capacity that can have the volume of a vessel. We have equipments, tools and weapons for particular purposes, but this theory can’t hold valid with regard to an individual because his inner potentialities are not a fixed sum; it is like the consumption of electricity that uses the voltage for each work in different ways. Man is like a battery that recharges itself during the course of its work. When electric supply is connected, the measurements works used are related to the voltage requirements. God knows at the time of the conception of an individual how much varying divine voltage he can oscillate or swing around with; it may solely depends on the procreator who was under the measurement of the divine electricity at the time of the procreation process. We call it as the genetic power or traits or characteristics.

Despite the procreator is not aware of the mix of the embryo, the Creator perceives the ins and outs of the celestial electricity the agent of God has swayed under during the time of the formation of the offspring. Thus God has the knowledge of the measurement of His essence or cosmic power that is used in the formation of an embryo. Our Creator is the only one who is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient in all throughout the celestial universe. No human being, not even the angels, can be everywhere and having the knowledge of everything that is past, present and the future. This is why the Heaven is His throne and earths His footstool, Is. 66: 1. Even though a certain quantity of cosmic electric power is used, the readjustment of the molecules is left to the individual also. The creation of a pot is made with concrete thing, the creation of man is a components of abstract and concrete materials, hence he has the capability of adjusting the physical and inner substances in a harmonious way that goes in unison with the habitat. This suavity of readjusting the molecules is called the freedom of choosing between good and evil, a gift given by God. Thus God has a foreknowledge of the limits between the points a man can swing around, although man is the chooser of the limits.

The fatalistic accusation that the creature attributes to the Creator is a faultfinding mission of man who works as an accomplice to God’s adversary, the Devil. “As flies to the wanton boys, are we to the gods” is a blame that man throws at the Creator on account of the freedom that God has endowed upon His creation. Man is the god of God, created little less than God, and crowned him with glory and honour., Ps.8: 5. Just as the sovereign God is served by the horde of hosts, God set apart a legion of angels for the 24-hour service for man. “Are they not ministering spirits sent forth to serve, for the sake of those who are to obtain salvation? What a covetable position that God has adorned us with that of Lucifer. As we have inherited the glory and honour that the legion of Lucifer had once enjoyed, the prince of darkness has declared an all out war on the human race. Now the ball is in our court to choose between the fate of Lucifer and the fate of the angels of light. While God allows full freedom for man, the power of darkness curtails the whole freedom from us once man is in his territory. Jesus gave freedom to all his apostles to choose what they want, Jn.6: 67, yet the son of perdition remained with the Lord, so that he can get the price of His head despite He called the traitor ‘a devil’, Jn.6: 70. Jesus didn’t select Judas as a betrayer who even performed miracles in Jesus’ name together with the other apostles, Lk.9.

Adam was not a doll of God; he had the full authority of executing his rights; he didn’t employ his right of to be with his partner and be nursed at all the time. Eve fell into temptation while she was alone; the reason for her loneliness was Adam, so also women of these days also are put into temptation because we have allowed our beloved ones to be away from us in search of money that is needed for our luxurious double standard life. God hasn’t destined us to be perished, whereas He wants that we all enjoy a celestial life while we are in this sojourn stay. If Judas didn’t betray the Lord, somebody else would have done it due to the fact that the flesh is the seat of all covetousness. Together with pride sprouts jealousy that is the hidden carnal element of all our downfalls. Eve’s jealousy of Adam being the superior creation and Jesus’ position of being a king that irked the weakling to play the key of an accomplice in betraying the Lord of hosts. Lucifer also vied the position of the Almighty, the reason for the rebellion of the antiquity. The rebellion that causes pride and jealousy is the root cause of our peril, not that God has created us as His toys. Our flesh is the architect of our fate, not God or any other person. God is a benevolent source of all good things; man is the destroyer who shapes up his destiny that aligns with the dark world. Accusing a loving God is an unpardonable crime that invites the capital punishment.

Repentance and Forgiveness:
Not only that repentance is the panacea that our sins being forgiven but also gives us all source of good things in a longer life. When prophet Isaiah conveyed king Hezekiah that he should prepare for his death, he wept bitterly for an extension of his earthly life. Despite the Creator had told that he would die, the Holy One extended his life for another 15 years by a sign of recasting the shadow of the sun for 10 steps, Is.38. King David escaped death by the contrition of heart for violating simultaneously the sixth and seventh Mosaic commandment. Mary Magdalene is another standing monument of God’s mercy and grace. Though an omniscient God has the foreknowledge of everyone and everything, those things can be changed by our efforts and purity of character. Prophet Joshua also could send the sun for sleep for a day, Jos.10: 12. All the miracles happen when His elect of the Spirit pray and beseech the Creator to do favour for their sake.

Fatalism, therefore, is a sin that accuses the Almighty as a dictator who make us as His robots. This was the reason for Lucifer to rise in rebellion against the Creator as he and his legions had to glorify God incessantly. Just as a father love and care his children, the Prime Mover listens to all our prayers and supplications and glorifications that provide us the abundance of life here and hereafter. “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’ for God cannot be tempted with evil and he himself tempt none; but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. The desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-grown brings forth death”, Jas.1: 13-15; 1.Cor.10: 7-13. God is the only benevolent one; to charge Him as a cruel despondent is certainly a crime. The theory of predestination is only a concept that hides the truth for our escapism that try to validate the false teaching of reincarnation that again conceive and reflect obviously the cruelty of a malevolent Creator who seeks enjoyment in our sufferings ages after ages of different births. Drawing or writing before our birth the roadmap of our fate on our forehead is the ‘most unkindest cut of all’ that the creature can bestow upon the Creator who moulded and shaped us in His image and likeness by meticulous and hard skill and labour. The seeds of fatalism sprout only when we are in the company of infernal forces that force us to follow their agenda of self-annihilation.

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