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Sports and games that differentiate between individuals is an art. There are good writers, but they may not be good conversationalists or orators. Everyone can run but only at a different phase. Everyone’s performance depends on one’s so many hidden faculties that are blended together at certain delicate and unwarranted situations or challenges. Every person is different in one’s mental faculties, so also in appearance and visible outputs at certain unpredicted confrontations. These inner treasures can be channeled and conditioned by continual training and yogic and acrobatic therapies. We ought to educate and guide each one according to his talents by providing with ample and ripe opportunities for enhancing their inner potentialities. Every art is to be enhanced by proper training. But art is not for art’s sake; it is for life’s sake. Our aim, therefore, should make a harmonious blend of artistic achievements that befit and precipitate the quality of life.
Despite God planted the Eden garden, ‘‘there was not a man to till the ground”, Gen.2: 5. It was the duty of man “to dress the garden and keep it’, Gen.2: 15. It is a fact that God made Eden as an exclusive sanctuary for Adam, Gen.2: 8, after only creating the earth and the fauna and the flora beforehand. The exercises of Adam and Eve after eating the forbidden fruit was for Man to eat bread in the sweat of his face and for woman to conceive children that multiply sorrow, Gen.3. Working under the burning sun for bread and conceive children was pregnant with enough exercises that involves the fuels for supplying enough energy fro the body. The war industries of the olden era encouraged the yogic arts of karate, wrestling, Judo, kalaripayattu, etc. so that the fit men of the tribal communities survived by fighting with the neighboring clans. No other exercise other than their daily routine life was needed till lately for man and woman in a natural life, but the high-tech life that nullifies manual labour in the land and the high-tech infertile nuptial enjoyment precipitated the age of commercialized sports and gymnasium centres and global marathons in every arena of championships.
The women of the bygone eras were busy with vivid forms of household works that started before 6 O’clock in the morning and might continue to mid-night. They were sick of their daily routines that includes working in the fields and looking after the young and old ones. The age of technology that suck only the unnaturalness stifled the beauty of a bygone natural life that maintained an equilibrium of husband to wife and parents to children relationship under a harmonious code of ethics. As everything that has been natural so far is mutated to a monster tech friendliness, which doesn’t know the affinity between human beings because everything is remote-controlled by a mechanical system. A giant technology that has no touch of human civilization has thus converted the past lifestyle that maintained the unity of mind by heart to heart language to a cyber internet pandemonium. As the dynamics of mechanics that is devoid of heart and feelings has smothered a culture so far illuminated by yogis, ascetics, hermits and celestial beings, now the life of human animals that welcome the Beast from the netherworld gloom is dawned. This robot culture treats its makers as mere robots who could be besieged by a higher technology of their makers.
Alien Lifestyle: Thus the sprouting of exercise venues, huge government funding that give opportunities for clubs, educational institutions, local bodies to train and coach everyone to give an opportunity to compete and win prizes and glory in National and International levels. Olympic and commonwealth games that generate passions and commitment is a new religion that everyone reap money and popularity. There are many, many games and sports that have international competitions that generate multinational businesses to thrive and plunder money. If anything we analyze or research in the modern times, it is the money that talks which make the shit to walk. The money culture that kills the values of life is the spirituality of the spiritist man. Sports and athletics have become manias that nurture many forms of vices and malpractices. The maniac spectators, the preys of vote catching, are thrilled by various opportunities funded by the rulers of the land. The drugs that give extra energy prior to competitions and the witch-hunt to find out the culprits are really Pandora’s boxes. Together with it come many types of sex scandals and vendetta that boils up the venues that end up in court cases thereafter. Rivalry within the venues and without also brings police and judiciary systems to solve the dog and catfights that generate competitions. To precipitate rivalry and chivalry has become the aim in every vista of life. Politics itself is a tug of war between the ruling parties and the opposition, making the way to prove that divide and rule is the prime aim in this sojourn life. The pandemonium that boils up every individual to go against the other in making a hell within has proved to be the ripeness of time. ‘Self rule’, the sign of mature break down of individual, has become the motto that creates a harmonious emotionalism for unleashing an unnatural end has become the lifeblood of the mimicry of the present life.
Impact of a lax life: The suppleness of the muscle and the nuance of the nerves make a difference that allows both the complementing partners sex together and do the paternal and maternal roles harmoniously as the maternal and paternal instincts do slightly vary. The reason for not putting two swords in the same sheath is this. The ideal bread –winning labour and maternal roles in a natural life is enough for the metabolism of the body, but the high-tech superficial life that adds adiposity to the body declares loudly that an unnatural life is a curse of the high-flying civilization. Instead of doing high-tech exercises a civilized person should balance the life style that shouldn’t become a bitter enemy, which make the body as a hotbed of diseases and passionate vices. The scientific experiments that have clear signals to mankind that triggering the heartbeat within a short span of moments tells upon the heart detrimentally, whereas the heartbeat during walking, swimming and even cycling is slow and steady. “Slow and steady wins the race”, so also it lubricate the excellences of life span in a harmonious way. The breast that is for suckling and the internal body functions that requires the suppleness and tenderness of the internal organs should not be hardened by rigorous unnatural exercises. Such a lifestyle that is further aggravated by Epicureanism, inimical work culture plus traffic jam and mechanical social lives and lax sex life is a burden to the stereotyped humanity.
My observation substantiates that a hard physical body make a hard heart, the seat of heart failure. The hard physique eliminates all the finer and sublime feelings that ought to make the human animal as human beings. Once when we root out the complementary structure of man and woman by strenuous physical exercises, it finds difficult for both swords to remain in the same sheath without grinding each other. Dating that breaks all the moral fibres tend to break the physical systems that then crave for equality, rupturing down the bond of marriages that involves love and cordial co-operation. Breaking the code of natural life that implicate the rule of ethics create a society of morons and moral imbeciles. Arranged marriage that balances out natural justice and a pattern of set life has been nurturing a moral system, the foundation of the family and the community.
Interdependence Between the Sexes: Sexual Union: Just as the distance between the Sun and the moon differs for 5 inches that make this earth uninhabitable, any imbalance in Nature and in our life can cause the cataclysmic changes in this solar system. She is the queen and the lodestar of the house that is the treasure and a miniature church. There is nothing like a sweet home on earth. Just as climate changes causes the death of this planet, a pattern of social life other than what God anticipated take place the extinction of our life on this earth is certain. This imbalance in our natural, social and family life is writing the obituary of this planet now. Same-sex relationship that begets nothing other than the Aids virus is a testimony that the world population is to dwindle down to extinction for sure in course of time. All the world problems that we face now can easily be constrained within the perimeter of the family whirlwinds, mainly dating and divorce. Just as 2 swords cannot be put in the same sheath, a false entity of equality of husband and wife is a lethal weapon of mass destruction because the family that is the nucleus of the church, if derailed will have detrimental effect on the global society at large. This is the vicious scenario that created the absence of love and creative fear, which have evaporated by the exodus of money, the root cause of all family, and international havocs that are confronting the global population now. Two in one can become a volatile cocktail that flare up the family unit, which make hell on earth which torpedoes, also our salvation. If the family life doesn’t make a heaven on earth, it is certainly sure that it will make a hell that leads to everyone’s extermination in the family for good.
St.Paul’s each word is authentically spiritual and practically and theologically solid and sound, generating abundance of life in the positive direction. But our fate was already written soon after the fall in Eden; a cyclic rotation from where we have started is a wheel of fire that at the end the day has to conflagrate for a final finish. Just as in the days of Noah all sort of sexual profligacy and other vices that had culminated for a great flood, the doomsday that we relish now will consume our body passions and the world all of a sudden. The prophesy of Daniel validates the division of Iraq, and a man of false countenance from a small pocket of that divided land is likely to have to put his iron grip on the world affairs, Dan.8: 20-27, that culminate in the destruction of the church, forcing the Lord to come and take His flock to another galaxy, a new heaven and earth, for re-plantation. We will continue to argue, flout, flounder and bash one another for our individual taste and carnage that ascertain our place in the outer darkness soon. As Eve, the docile agent of Satan, couldn’t pluck and gain the gloom of eternity by the taste of the fruit from the Tree of Life, the bionic Eve of today is trying to grab the Holy qurbana, the fruit of the Tree of Life, and drive away God from our presence. These diabolic carnages that are taking place at a rapid and drastic exponentials are the hiccups for the Devil to establish his dark kingdom here on earth. Interdependence, not equality, is the pulse of the universe and life that is transitory and ephemeral.
This interdependence between husband and wife is symbolically presented as the relationship between Christ, the Head, and the body, the church. This could be further validated by Christ on the cross entrusting the Mother of God, symbolically the church, and st.John the representative of the male clergy, to continue His mission till His coming. If this is the spiritual network that God has entrusted, this simultaneous arrangement in the social level also should go in unison with the eternal plan of God. The church cannot become the head and Christ the body because the head is head and the tail is tail. Putting the cart in front of the horse is a misbalancing and unproductive work that gains nothing.
Unnatural sports and games can build a muscular body at the expense of the delicate suppleness of the muscles and veins that sustain the unseen balance between the body and spirit. The net result of getting the glory and billions of money from physical competitions will prove ultimately that chasing the shadow of ephemeral glory is like Shylock bargaining for the heart of his client. If health is lost something is lost; if money is lost nothing is lost, if character is lost everything is lost. “The delicate sensibility never goes with hard labour”. The delicate sensibility is given for balancing a simple lifestyle that cultivates the finer and subtle complexities of a fleeting life. He who destroys his inner feelings that make completely a shifty personality is sure to destroy the physical personality that is a copycat of the inner one. “A sound mind in a sound body” is the healthy slogan, provided the body is kept chaste by a clean, natural and simple lifestyle. The multi-billion dollar sports achievement that makes the body as the slave of all earthly passions is a carnal instinct for this evanescent glory. Both man and woman who display their half nudity for the equality of the sexes is a malady that they have to pay their own body as the penalty during this doomsday culture. Man is not equal to woman or vice versa; they together can create eternity by their complementing functions that are assigned by God on a basic permanent formula. |
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