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December 1, 2001 | ARCHIVE |
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![]() His Grace Mathews Mar Barnabas Diocesan Metropolitan of American Diocese of Malankara Orthodox Church |
whole world is in need of a spiritual revolution. The world is in sin and
spiritual death. What is sin? It is the rebellion against the will of God. Since God is love, His will is goodness for everyone. The opposite of love is sin, which is selfishness, hatred, and enmity. Sin is not only lack of love, but also a destructive force. St.Paul speaks of this force in the following passage: I do not do what I want; but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I
do not want, I agree that the law is good. So it no longer I that do it,
but the sin which dwells in me ….wretched man that I am, who will
deliver me from this body of death? (Rom.7:15-24) On another occasion St.Paul says "Let
not sin there fore reign in your mortal bodies.(Rom. 6:12). It
is true that through creation, God has given us His image and likeness (Gen. 1:27)
hence we have an inborn loving nature. But through the sin of the first
parents, Adam and Eve, the whole mankind is in sin. "For
as in Adam all die …" (1 Cor.15:22) says St.Paul. Not only those who commit great crimes like robbery,
massacre etc, are under the dominion of sin, but also almost every one of
us, to some extent at least. As a result of better upbringing and civilization, many of us seem to be
good. But when some one , a servant or a neighbor or a co-worker causes
friction, all kinds of bad things come out of us. Some of us may suppress
our emotions. But internally most of us are filled with evil. There are
those who cherish never-ending enmity and rivalry, and those who are not
so hard-heartened, that they care only for their own comforts and
persecute others mercilessly. There are those who deceive people and shift
their blame to other people, as Adam and Eve did. There are those who are
so jealous, and they never allow others to rise up in life. There are
those who blow their own trumpets and try to ridicule and criticize every
one . Also there are those who are slaves to sexual perversions and those
who are addicted to liquor and drugs committing crimes. As the palmist
says. "They have all fallen away, they are all alike, depraved, there is
none that is good, no ,not even one (Ps. 53:3).Sin is universal. Should we
not be redeemed from this destructive force and spiritual death? I.
life means the life of the eternal one. God, it is a life of power, joy and peace. It is a godly
life, and life of love. Those who have overcome sin, and are filled with
godly love, will and serve God and His children, freely, gladly,
spontaneously and whole-heartedly, without any ulterior motive. Is this
not the kind of love, that we all long to get from others. There for
should we not try to cultivate this love in us, first of all? Can there be
anything more fascinating than the love, that is ever seeking to help
others in full enthusiasm, even sacrificing one self? The love that
forgives whole-heartedly, as our Lord did on the cross? And the love that
respect last and the least, counting him / her as better than themselves
irrespective if how they believe. We find the fullness of love, in the
fruit of the spirit. "The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness (generosity ,faithfulness
,gentleness( meekness ) self -control. (Gal. 5:22-23) This is transference from death to life, , hell to
heaven. "We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren. He who does
not love, abides in death." (1 Jn : 3:14 ) Those who love one another make the world a heaven on
Lord started the work of salvation through His sacrifice on the cross. "This
is my blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many, for the
forgiveness of sins." (Matt. 26:28) Now our Lord is continuing His work of salvation in every individual. "God
having raised up His servant, sent Him first to bless you, and turning
everyone of you from your wickedness." (Acts 3:26). The resurrected Lord or the blood that passed through death
and resurrection, continues to redeem us and perfect us .This is what is
meant by the saying of St.John "The blood of
Jesus, His son, cleanses us from all sin." (Jn. 1:7) His work is being continued through the Holy Spirit, who
perfects us in the image of our Lord. "We….are
being changed into His likeness from one degree of glory to another, for
this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit" (2 Cor. 3:18), as the Holy Spirit fills us with
must believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior, repent of our sins and
dedicate ourselves to a godly life. This is to be followed by Holy Baptism
for the forgiveness of sins (Acts. 2:38) and
rebirth. (Jn. 3:5)We are anointed with Holy
Mooron (Acts 8:17), in order that we may be filled with the Holy Spirit,
who fills us with godly love (Rom. 5:5) The child who is given Holy Baptism, Holy Mooron and Holy Qurbana is brought
up in faith, repentance and dedication. In the Holy confession, the grown
up child dedicate himself sacramentally . St.Peter says that infants can
receive Holy Spirit (Acts. 2:39).The word
used in this passage for children in the Greek original, is "tekna", which means infants. We receive Holy Qurbana in order
to receive our Lord into our hearts (Jn. 6:56)
Besides all these, we have to crucify our sins daily. Our Lord said, "If
any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross
daily, and follow me." (Lk. 9:23)
The Lord who was crucified for us about two thousand years ago must abide
in us and help us to crucify our sins. St.Paul said, "Put
to death therefore what is earthly in you, fornication, impurity, passion,
evil desire and covetousness which is idolatry." (Col. 3:5) When we realize the magnitude of the pain God has, on account
of our sins and when we are filled with love for God, we can crucify our
sins. Imagine
how painful we are when a beloved one suffers. If so, even the smallest of
our sins, will cause unbearable pain to God. Through the help of the Holy
Spirit, we must realize the magnitude of God's pain and repent
whole-heartedly. IV.HOW THEN, TO BE FILLED WITH LOVE FOR GOD?: We must realize the blessing we receive every moment, that sustains us. The
air that we breathe, the water that we drink and the food that we eat, are
all blessings from God. Without these, we cannot even survive. The
autonomous nervous system, is also the product of God's infinite wisdom.
It is in God that we live, move and have our being (Acts. 17:28). Our body is given the ability to fight against many
diseases. God has also given us medicines and wisdom to treat diseases.
The human brain that produces scientific inventions and technologies,
making life so comfortable and enjoyable, is a creation of our God. In
short we have to thank God for everything, as nothing good has come into
existence with-out God. God is also protecting us from so many
possible sufferings and dangers. Some times He allows sufferings, as He can bring good out of sufferings when we
co-operate with Him. It is through sufferings that we are filled
with sympathy and humility. Sympathy helps us to love sincerely those in
suffering, and humility helps us to respect whole-heartedly even the last
and the least. Hence , we should be thankful to God for sufferings also.
More over we should remember that it is in our unworthiness and
sinfulness, that God does all these for us. Over and above all these, God has redeemed us from eternal damnation through
the sacrifice of our Lord on the cross and the sending down of the Holy
Spirit. Let us thank God for all these and love Him
whole-heartedly. Our Lord working in us through the Holy Spirit, every moment, repentance (Jn.16:8), faith (1 Cor. 12:3), love (Rom.
5:5), help in prayer (Rom 8:26), guidance
in all truth (Jn. 16:13) and perfection in the image of God (2 Cor. 3:18), all these are the result of the working of the Holy
Spirit. Visualizing
the love of the Holy Trinity, we must love God whole-heartedly." You
shall love the Lord, our God, with all your heart, with all your soul and
with all your mind (Mtt. 22:37). We
know that according to the depth of our love for others that we are
grieved by their sufferings. Utmost love means utmost pain. Then just
think how deeply God is grieved by our physical, mental and spiritual
sufferings. V.HOW
TO BE FILLED WITH LOVE FOR OTHERS?: 1.Our love for God should prompt us to love His children also. There
is a saying "Love me, love my child." Our Lord asked St.Peter to feed
His lambs and sheep after asking him whether he loved Him (Jn. 21: 15-17). This implies that if we love the Lord, we have to love
His children also. More over on the day of the
last judgment, our Lord will say that whatever we have done to our
brethren, will be counted as having done to Him (Mtt. 25:31-45), just think, how much God and people love us, when we
love people as God's. 2.In order to cultivate love for mankind, we have to think of the
amount of good that we receive from others daily, especially from our near
and dear ones. We generally ignore their services considering as their
duties. But thankfulness makes us all the more noble and lovable. See
the gratitude of the Samaritan leper, who expressed his thanks to our Lord
in all humility. The other nine lepers who were healed, went away
without a word ( Lk. 17: 11-19). Just think,
how pained people will be when we are not thankful and how pleased they
will be, when we are thankful. 3.Yet another way to cultivate love for others, is
to identify with them. Then their needs and sufferings will become our own.
Then spontaneously we will help them, forgive them and respect them, as
much as we desire the same from them. On the other hand, when there is
selfishness, hatred and enmity, we cannot identify with people. Hence we
have to pray for the help of the Holy Spirit, to give us the spirit of
sympathy and forgiveness through identification. See
how the good Samaritan identified with the injured man on the road and
helped him to the utmost, even risking his own safety. Also see how our
Lord identified with people where ever He went and served everyone never
seeking their services. He identified with the disciples and washed their
feet, giving them the highest honor and respect ( Jn.13: 12-15). Also He laid down His life a ransom for the whole
mankind (Mk. 10:45). Our Lord identified with
those who crucified Him, praying to the heavenly father, to forgive them (Lk.23:34). Our Lord identified with St.Peter, who denied Him thrice
and gave him the commission to feed His sheep (Jn. 21:15-17). We should try to follow the example of the good Samaritan and our Lord through the help of the Holy Spirit. Just think, how much people will love us, when we treat them as we wish to be treated. VI.GOD
salvation or eternal life, is for us, "For God so
loved the world that He gave His only son that whoever believes in Him,
should not perish but have eternal life (Jn.3:16) Unless and until the last sheep is
found and saved , the good shepherd, the Holy Trinity, will not find rest.
"He will not fail
or be discouraged, till He has established justice in the earth.(Is. 42:4) This work of the servant of the Lord is the expression of
the preserving love of God. He says, "I will not fail you or forsake you." (Josh. 1:5)
Our Lord says, Him that comes to me ,I will in no-wise cast out." (Jn. 6:37) "Heaven and earth will pass away, But
my words will not pass away." (Mtt.24:35)
Hence we need not fear anything. "Sleep quietly, God is awake." The
transference from death to life is also transference from darkness to life
and transference from falsehood to truth. This can be had through Jesus Christ, who said "
I am the way, the truth and life. No one can come to the Father but by me."
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