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Self-righteousness that inflates hypocrisy, self-complacency, and hard-heartedness is the mother of all evils. A self-righteous person is the one who tries to vindicate that all what he does is right, a person who lives in fool’s paradise of justifying himself and portraying the benevolence of others as wrongdoings. The self-proclaimed righteous ones claim to be enjoying the fruits of Divine certainties- the earthly salvation of prosperity gospels- not the Divine uncertainties that is prescribed in the Sermon on the Mount. “ Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”, Mt.5: 3. This sort of self- gratification has been the menu of the Pharisees and Sadducees who have been blinded with the darkness of the religion of the leavened bread, “ Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees”, Mt.16: 11. This is the weapon of the disenchanted that tries to deface our own brethren. Such people who give long prayers of babblings and leading peripheral exoteric way of life that mesmerizes others towards their wanton religiosity, naturally invites the aura of high social status and positions. A clear picture of them is drawn in St.Mt.23. They think of themselves, not of others. Logic seems to be their language, not love, compassion or mercy. They dictate terms on others without practicing or following them. This ironclad hypocrisy of high-tech religion that covers the multitudes of sins with glazing and penetrating cosmetics has triggered the sufferings of the modern apes in exponential progression. The self –righteousness of the latest version of sub-cultural life has no comparison with that of the life style of the Pharisees of Christ’s era. The inferno of the high-flying life of technology in multiple forms of terrorisms is the monarch of the time that is already at its geriatric convulsions. Today’s religion is nothing but a copycat of the abysmal world that in literal term of experiencing the gnashing of teeth of the undying flames. In short, blinding one’s own inner eye is the root cause of self-justification, the womb of self-righteousness.
Commandments And Implicit Obedience: “I can do nothing of my own authority; I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me…, and I know that the testimony which he bears to me is true…” Jn.5: 19-38. Just as Jesus obeys and does the will of His Father, our role model Jesus is the one to be followed strictly. He is the only salvation for our life on earth and the one that leads to the unseen one, too. The other 4 commandments that follow the first one are further elaborations of the main one of loving the unseen Father. The second set further throws light on serving or loving the Father’s children. While the private and social prayers/worship and ritual celebrations that adores the invisible Creator validates the authority of the Father, loving His creatures and becoming a sacrifice for them is the expression of the explicit form of the love shown to the unseen Father. This is the reason for Jesus to edit the Ten Commandments into two.
Animal Sacrifices: While bleeding takes away our animal life, tearful life style washes away the inner life of the soul. The blemishless Heavenly Lamb was the only panacea for the curtailment of animal sacrifice that used to purge the individual sins. The innocent animals that bore our sins for our sake was an old order, and the innocent Lamb of God who abolished the animal sacrifice bore all our sins, therefore. As we became perishable by our sins, nobody other than the Lamb of God could liberate us from the fire that Satan set. For the helpless man of circumstances, only God can save us from this mortal death of perennial afflictions. Those unblemished animals died for us, so that man should cleanse himself at the sight of the suffering of those innocent ones, also the Lamb of God, which bears our sins.
The ritual animal sacrifice that sanctified by the clergy absolved the two-footed criminal animals. This transparently highlights the impossibility of man getting saved by his own effort. We must be immensely thankful to Jesus who transported the heaviness our sins to Calvary and authorized His ambassadors to forgive the burdens of contrite hearts. The New Era is the age for the sacrifice of the human animals that enthrall in the lust of the body. If Jesus and countless animals died for the human ocean of the past, it is high time for the allegedly saved mankind to peel of the thickness of his sins and become a burnt offering for God. Sacrifice or transform our animal instincts that can kill our own soul is the Divine mission of the Lamb. The death of the flesh is the life of the soul. “ Put to death what is earthly in you”, Col.3: 5. It is imperative to kill all the 7 deadly vices before they consume all our 7 Christian virtues. While St.Paul lists the fruits of the H.Spirit as 10 in number, his list of the flesh totals to 15, Gal.5: 19-24. Jesus also gives a count of the passions of the bodily lust to 13, Mk.7: 22. Man is no more under the pang of the law if he is able to produce the fruits of the Spirit of God. “ Against such there is no law. And those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires”, Gal.5. Crucifying the spirit of this world that parasite upon oneself and the rest of the world is the prime aim in our life. This will be a service to the whole humanity that is predated by the passions of the terrestrial mould.
Loving the Father: Good deeds: Despite Jesus was a pauper in the material sense and living on alms, He set up a poor fund that was given in charge to Judas who stole money from there, Jn.12. These days charity money collected from the poor well -wishers by the personal, national and international charity organizations are misused for personal extravagances by the state machineries at the other end and also by middle men. This world has never been on short supply of Judases who embezzle the public or charity funds that will force them to sell the donors, too, as the criminal apostle sold his Guru for a cheap sale of 30 silver coins. This also what happens in the global network of high-tech gambling that impel people to sell off all their belongings through the internet and other means, making them and their relatives as mere derelicts and impel them in taking their own life by themselves or at the gallows or by other crooks of various types. Look at the miseries of the world that is torn into pieces by the international atrocities that uproot the innocent from their natural surroundings, bundling themselves beyond their natural boundaries for perennial sufferings beyond descriptions. The faceless machines that propel the world will bring everything to ashes one day. The globe is ready for full harvesting of charity works; many are called but only a few are ready to take up the work for the Lord. The charity work is the only recipe for salvation at the moment of the Last Roll call by the Lord of everything.
Charity work is not for extolling our name but for the glorification of the name of the Provider; we are only the middlemen distributing the owner’s wealth. Nothing is ours; even the time that we allot for charity is His, because everyone is only a puff of the wind, Ps.50.12-33. All what we do should be in the name of Jesus, not ours, as our death is only moment away at any time. All what we do will be rewarded, however. “ He who receives you receives me….And whoever gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, he shall not lose his reward”, Mt.10: 40-42. One who accepts the Fatherhood of God blindly accepts the brotherhood of man. There are 2 types of sins, the sin of commission and the sin of omission. The sin of the priest who ignored the wounded man on the high way to Jericho is an example for the sin of omission. However, there is a Good Samaritan everywhere for a neglected man. “ Man is never alone when alone”. “ See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven….so it is not the will of my Father that one of these little ones should perish”, Mt.18: 10-14. Dependence to one another is the mother of creation; hence everyone’s life hangs on the balance of mutual dependence of mental, physical and financial needs.
Terrorisms: As iron and clay cannot be mixed together, the characteristics of the ‘ Iron empire, the high-tech life of modernity and religious morality cannot go together. The individual profligacy that poisoned the family life precipitated in annihilating the true faith in God and religious and social morality, paving the way for the flowering of the rule of Antichrist that replaces the celestial love with that of a diabolical life style of the culture of hatred, vindictiveness and self-elevation. The self-glory that cultivates self-conceit can only be rooted out by the love of God that only can bring peace, concord and amity between individuals and families. However, that bygone mindset has become a daydream that cannot be imported any more because a journey backward through tempests and avalanches are impossible due to irreversible set pattern of cultural terrorisms.
It is a pity despite that we have a world full of Mary Magdalenes and tax collectors, we can hear only the self-conceited prayers of the Pharisees, Lk.18: 9-13, not of the tax-collectors and Mary Magdalenes, because of the fact that they claim that they are all transformed to the level of the stage of Pharisees’ seeming self-justifications. Self-righteousness, a synonym for self-deceit, and motored by the power of sex profligacy and Shylock’s heartbeat of greed and vendetta is the religion of the day. The self-betrayal that reflects a multi-faced modern world of Judases seemingly is a sin against the H.Spirit.
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