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1. Mother's concern about their children. She cried out: "Have mercy on me; my daughter is demon possessed." Her faith was great. 2. Jesus didn't say a word: Sometimes our prayers may not be answered at once. Some times Jesus did: Luke 5:12-16. 3. Sinners / demon possessed people are out of their mind: Isaiah 5:20. The prodigal son, "when he came to himself" (Luke 15:17), he returned to his father. Such people need God's help. 4. Disciples intervened: Sometimes we need intervention/ mediation. We intercede through the saints. Jesus taught them a lesson (John 6: 27-8; Acts 14:22) and strengthened their conviction. 5. Jesus was sent to save the lost sheep of Israel. .. Christ's works only to Israel . .. here and in Matthew 10: 5-6. But then here changed to save the Gentile. 6. Ask again for help: She did: "Lord, help me." ".... one who comes to me I will no means cast out" (John 6:37). God does not even if a mother forgets (Isaiah 49:15). Go to Him with faith. If we cry in our trouble, will listen (Psalm 107:28; Jeremiah 3:12; Zechariah 1:3). We may get the result only some other time (Luke 16:22). 7. We will be tested: Jesus' analogy: Children's bread throwing to the little dogs: Pictures children sitting at the dining table with their pet dogs on the floor below them. Children will be fed first, then the dogs (The Gospel must be preached first to the Jews, |
then to the Gentiles). Jews hate pigs and dogs. Jesus used the abusive term "dogs" for Gentiles. Hence dogs are under the master's table, not outside. 8. We have to impress others: Jesus was impressed with her answer. Dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table. She had faith in Jesus. But Jesus didn't pay attention. Even didn't listen to His disciples by excuses. But she continued her request. She doesn't want the bread, only the crumbs. She accepted Jesus as master and trusted in Him. She is a
Canaanite, from the tribe of Canaan, cursed by Noah. She knew her drawbacks. But she impressed Jesus with her approach and response. 9. Her love and concern for her daughter: She prayed until she got the answer. 10. We have to have great faith: "Great is your faith", Jesus told her (v.28). God listens to His compelling children. 11. God has no discrimination: Jew or Gentile. Jonah was sent to Nineveh. Cornelius and his related Gentiles were sanctified: Acts 10: 34-35. 12. Jesus respects women. Fulfilled her desire and the daughter was healed from that very hour. 13. A moment of relief in our spiritual journey... a time to ask for and wait for the strength of God. A chance to experience God again. Time for living, praying, giving and gaining. Pray more, study more, and be on our knees more often. |
1. Jesus is the only one came down from heaven and knows what is going on there: Deuteronomy 30:12; Proverbs 30:14; Acts 2:34; Romans 10:6; 1 Corinthians 15:47; Ephesians 4:9. 2. Those who look Christ in faith will be saved as the Israelites looked at the bronze serpent (Numbers 21:4-9). Moses' golden serpent was a symbol of Christ's cross: John 12:32; Galatians 2:20; Hebrews 2:2. They fought against God and His servant Moses. .. so bitten by the fiery serpent. They cried. God's grace and the golden serpent to look upon it to be saved. They looked and were saved. The Macedonians in their great trial of affliction were abounded in the riches because of their faith (2 Corinthians 8: 1-5). We are all sinners. We have to look at Christ on the cross: Hebrews 3:1. 3. "They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed" |
(Psalm 34:5 cf. Isaiah 45:22). David, running away from Saul, arrived in the land of Akish
(Abimelech: 1 Samuel 21:10-15), in Philistines, the enemies, pretended madness thus escaped and wrote this psalm. Several looked at Jesus and healed or solved their problems; Saul became Paul, etc. Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12cf. Matthew 5:14-16). Sun's ray on moon and radiates. Through Jesus, we too. 4. When we cannot accomplish, desperation and disappoint-mend. But God's presence strengthens us (John 8:29; 14:1-3 cf. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9) so that we don't have to be ashamed. 5. God loves us that much that He sent His only Son to save us (Gospel in a nutshell: 3:16). 6. Our choice determines our destiny. |
LENT V: THE BENT WOMAN (March 10th) |
1. The bent woman continued to attend without desperation: Went to synagogue, though sick for 18 years. Go to church for healing and blessing.
Zechariah and Elizabeth (Luke 1:6-7; Hanna 2:36-37; Job 1:20-21; 2:9-10). 2. Couldn't raise her up. Need some help. The Church has the responsibility of helping and caring. 3. "God created man upright" (Ecclesiastes 7:29) cf. Genesis 1:26-28; But committed sin : Genesis 3: 1-13. 4. If bent, cannot see things above. Spiritual bent is also the same. Only self, nothing divine. Own wealth, prestige, personal care and concern. For own sake, seek God and make friendship. Love friends and hate enemies. Go to church as a way to heaven and to avoid hell: John 5:44. Sinners do not stand up among righteous: Psalm 1:5. 5. Crying face always looks down. When looks up, see God. Hagar cried for her son Ishmael. When looked up saw God: Genesis 21: 8-21. cf. Psalms 71:5-6: God's concern and protection.
6. Jesus understands all our needs. The bent woman didn't say a word. As soon as Christ saw her, He called her to Him and blessed her -- loosened from infirmity. Underneath are everlasting arms. Even if sins are red, can be changed to white: Isaiah 1:18 cf. 60: 1-5. 7. Jesus laid His hands on her: Jesus is the physical, mental and spiritual healer. He absolved her sins by touching. 8. Minister the needy on Sabbath. Our Lord did. We too. James 4:17. We should get the motivation during our Sunday worship. Sabbath to rest to help: Exodus 20: 10; Deuteronomy 5: 14-15. 9. Hypocrisy: Fed the animals (13:15) but against healing the sick. Loved the Law more than the people. The Jews professed virtues and did not practice. Lent: no food, but bad talks and actions. Act before preach. 10. They were not courage enough to talk to Jesus. So the ruler scolded the woman. Jealous led the synagogue leader to get mad at the multitude because he could not at Jesus or perform miracles. 11. She glorified God. Praise and thank Him. |
LENT VI: THE BLIND MAN (March 17th) |
1. Blind man has so many drawbacks: He cannot see
himself or others; or anything at all in that matter. His ignorance. The blind
wanders in the streets (Lamentations 4:14). If the blind leads blind, both will
fall into the ditch (Matthew 15:4). The blind (spiritually poor) needs
counseling (Revelation 3:17). 2. Watch out parents: The iniquity of fathers
upon children to generations: Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Psalms 109:14. Sick because of
sin: John 5:14. |
Life's experiences prove that our faith takes us to the destination. Preach the Gospel: A proper Christian is a propagating Christian.
6. The neighbors were not ready to acknowledge the miracle. Those who could not
understand this miracle are blind. Those who bypass truth and love are blind.
They live in darkness. Satan binds the minds of believers: 2 Corinthians 4:4.
9. Spiritual blindness of the Pharisees: divided |
1. After 40 days and nights of fasting, Jesus was
tempted by the devil, but overcame. Jesus quoted the Scriptures to defeat the
devil (Angel - Lucifer- plotted against God and was driven out; 2/3 stayed
with God). Importance of studying the Bible. |
5. Worship only our Lord God: Deuteronomy 6:13; Matthew 4:10. 6. We shall not tempt our Lord: Deuteronomy
6:16. |
1. Bethany: House of fig fruits ( 2 miles from |
6. Martha welcomed Jesus, but Mary was slow,
because of not getting her wishes. |
1. Triumphal Entry: The start of the Holy (Passion)
Week - Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem is
recorded in all four Gospels ... walked from Mount
Olive of Jericho to Jerusalem, about 17 miles.
(continues to the Last Supper, the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Suffering and Death on the cross,
the Burial and the Resurrection). |
It is a sign and symbol of victory over sin and devil. They spread their clothes and palm tree branches on the street. Are the palm leaves for our victory? (Revelation 9:7). At the coronation of the Israel's king, people shouted in recognition of fighting against enemies. Also pilgrims used to sing on the way to Passover (Psalms 118:25-26). Here Christ's royal visit -- king of kings, king of peace, who gave His blood and life... not like others. They followed the one who came in the name of the Lord. Not just anybody. Some of those who praised this day shouted later "crucify, crucify."
9. Don't make Him angry: Jesus went to the temple for
cleansing, but got angry when what He saw inside. "My
temple is house of prayer." What would He see in our
temple of heart? Jesus may cry looking upon us as did for Jerusalem. Hidden now (Luke 19:41-42). St. Paul's
narration of Christ's cry for the Galatians (4:13-15,
19). Help without distinction, forgive sincerely, love
others immensely so that we won't make Him to cry for
us. |
1. Jesus wanted, longed to celebrate the
Passover with the disciples. |
8. Holy mysteries are for the pure and the holy.
Some of the disciples were not: Judah Iscariot (John 13: 10-11; Luke 22: 3). In spite
of imperfections, we can reach God through Jesus Christ. |
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the
heart of the Christian message. (2) Peter's over confidence: He said that he will
never stumble. His personal dependency. Pride and haughty spirit lead to
destructions (Proverbs 16: 18). Goliath was fallen by David, the shepherd boy
(1 Samuel 17). We should not think of ourselves more highly than we ought to
think (Romans 12:3). We have (3) Ignored prayer: Slept in Gethsemane while the Lord was praying. Samson slept in the lap of Delila that led to his fall. We have to awake to receive the Lord's light (Ephesians 5:14; Romans 13:11; Isaiah 26:18; 60:1). (4) Followed Christ at a distance (Matthew 26: 58): Told him to "follow me." No dedication or submission. (5) Circumstances led him to deny (Matthew
26:58). Sat with the servants at the fireside warming himself: do not sit in
the seat of the scornful (Psalms 1:1). Light cannot communicate with darkness
(2 Corinthians (6) Failure led him to victory. Peter went out
and cried bitterly (Matthew 26:75). Sorrow leads to repentance (2 Corinthians
7:9). The power of God (1 Peter 1:4) kept him through faith to be submissive
(1 Peter 5:5) and to resist the devil (1 Peter 5:8). 1. Some shouted that Jesus blasphemied against God and should be condemned to death. 2. Some accused Him of treason and demanded for His execution. 3. Pontius Pilate agonised over what to do with Jesus. 4. The Jewish leaders including the high priest 5. Jesus' closest friends disowned Him and fled. 6. Some followed Him to the cross mourning for Him. 7. Some insulted as He was dying: "Let Him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in Him" Mt. 27:42. A big challenge. Jesus could have come down, but resurrection is the important event. Jesus came to fulfill the will of God: John 6:38. Peter tried to prevent Him from crucifixion: Matthew 16:22-23. If the cross was the end of the story, it would be a story of tragedy, not victory. Jesus was a conqueror and it was a victory. (Satan's challenge to make stone bread, but Satan failed: Matthew 4:3-4). 8. One of the criminals executed with Him was deeply moved. 9. The other robber said:" If you are the Christ, save yourself and us" (Luke 23:39). "He was numbered with the transgressors" (Isaiah 53:12), thus crucified between two robbers. He simply followed others by blaspheming Jesus ... criticized for nothing, may be because of jealousy. cf. the older brother of the prodigal son and Cain against Abel. His prayer like that of the Pharisee vs. the publican. He lost paradise. Learn to love each other. 10. A centurion uttered: "Surely this man was the Son of God" (Mark 15:39). 11. There was darkness between noon and 3 p.m. 12. The curtain in the temple was ripped in to two from top to bottom. 13. Tombs broke open and many were raised from the dead 14. Though Jesus was crucified, he raised from the dead. 15. Jesus was God in the flesh. God came down to
reach out humans. God "reconciled us to Himself through Christ" (2
Corinthians 5:18). As St. Paul told to Titus, Christians' future rests on the
hope of eternal life that God "promised before the beginning of
time" 16. Jesus died forgiving (Luke 23:33-34): Trouble forgiving others and trouble accepting forgiveness of our sins. Humanity: "How much you loved us?" Jesus: "This much": Then He spread both of His hands to both sides, rested His head on the cross and died. 17. Died proving the seriousness of sin. First time when we sin, conscious pricks and sticks ... eventually become a habit. Our sins killed Jesus on the cross when He cried with a loud voice: Matthew 27:46. 18. Died thoughtful of His loved ones: Concern for His mother (John 19:26-27). A new son and a new mother. Jesus told to cry for them and for their children, not for Him (Luke 23:28). His concern for Mary who washed His feet and also at the death of Lazarus. Told them to cry for those who are the reason for His crucifixion. 19. Died having finished what He started: John
19:30. We start several things, but finish few. We change sides. Peter
confessed Jesus and then denied. Howabout us? Jesus finished his mission. |
THE LAST SERMON f. In Christ's first word, He exercised his
function as High Priest, the second is of promise. The first gives repentance
and grace to the sinner; the second opened the door to a great sinner. The
first is of with the kingdom of grace, the second is of glory. The thief wants
only to remember; Jesus says that he is with Him. The chief butler and Joseph
only after two years; here the same day. JESUS' CRUCIFIXION |
1. Royal funeral. |
hade: Preached to those who could not be converted by Noah's preaching and died (1 Peter 2:5; 3:18-20; 4: 16). They all came and worshipped Jesus.
5. Pray for the dead: 2 Corinthians 5: 9; Revelations |
1. Easter falls between March 22nd and April 26th on the first Sunday after
the first full moon following March 21, the vernal equinox (the time in Spring
when the day and night are of equal length). The date of Easter was
established by the first ecumenical council of Nicea in 325 A. D. |
10. Our faith depends upon this great truth (1 Corinthians 15:14). If Jesus was not resurrected, all the preaching and belief
are in vain. |
1. Jesus appeared several times to the disciples staying with them 40 days after resurrection: (Acts 1:2-3)
"PEACE BE WITH YOU": JOHN 20:19,21,26 |
1. Earlier appeared in Jerusalem while the disciples were in prayer. Here while in Galilee when in hard work to earn their food. Earlier appeared to ten disciples, here only seven including Andrew and Philipose, may be at the house of Peter. |
13. Obedience enabled them to fish: Listened to Jesus and caught 153 big ones.
17. They got more than they wanted: He is "able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20-21). When we do things with His Grace, we get results. |
1. Jesus' Third appearance: In second, Thomas was
confirmed; here Peter.
12. Where are our lambs, sheep and goats? 21. Have faith in the resurrected Christ and live accordingly: 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. |
1. St. George: patron saint of England (once it was
the empire where the sun never sets) and Portugal (St.
Andrew of Scotland, St. Patrick of Ireland, and St.
David of Wales): We have several churches with St.
George as patron saint. |
8. Emperor Diocletian, the Christian enemy, issued a
decree to persecute Christians: "All churches should
be levelled to the ground; all sacred books to be
burned; all Christians who hold any honorable rank are
not only to be degraded, but to be deprtived of civil
rights...." so on. George vehemently opposed this
decree upon which he was arrested, persecuted,
tortured and tried to seduce him; but none of these
changed his mind. |
1. Resurrected Christ appeared to two disciples: to
Cleopa, brother of Joseph, Jesus' stepfather and to
Luke. They were very disappointed and discouraged
because of the crucifixion and death of the Lord.
13. They invited Jesus to abide with them: we have to
make personal calls. He is waiting for this at the
door to recieve and to dine with us (Revelation 3:20).
Those who go to Him will by no means cast out (John
6:37). 21. Jerusalem is the Church: the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15). 22. People leaving the Church (Jerusalem) and going to Emmaus (other groups): Even if Jesus walks with them, they do not realize and recognize. |
1. The time to be received up, for ascension, almost
12. Retaliation belongs to God. Destruction is not the
spirit of Christianity.
Mother's love "bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things." (1 Corinthians
13:7). A mother nurtures, sustains, and redeems the
family. A woman is nurturer, caregiver, mother and a
10. Obstacles to being a better mother: |
1. Jesus was taken up: Acts 1:9-11 |
EPHESIANS 4:1-16 |
1. The dangers, agravations, disappointments,
heartbeats of being a richman. |
12. Keeping the letter of law is not enough for
eternal life: He even asked: "What do I lack?"
(Chicken legs for summer camp dinner: Asked: "Are you
lacking anything" Anything short): One retorted: "Yes,
I got only only one chicken leg." |
SERIES 6 (LOL VOL:2 ISSUE:10 MAY 15,2002)
1. On the 7th Sunday after Easter, our Church
celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the
disciples: Jesus told His discipes: "I will not leave
you orphans; I will come to you" (John 14:18); "I will
pray the Father" to give you another Helper (John
26. The Other Helper: John 14:12, 16-17. It is the
spirit of truth. As the disciples waited (Acts 1:4)
and received Holy Spirit in A.D. 31, on the Day of
Pentecost, the New Testament Church was inaugurated
(Acts 2 cf. Matthew 28:20; John 14:18-19). The Holy
Spirit was manifested in the appearance of a dove Mark
1:9-10), fire and wind (Acts 2: 1-4), water (John
7:37-39), and oli (Matthew 25:1-13). We have to
subdue, stampout, put to death our carnal, natural,
fleshly mind (Colossians 3:5; Galatians 5:24) by
letting in the spiritual to flourish, increase and
grow (Philemon 25). The Holy Spirit begets us (Romans
8:15), gives us access to God (Ephesians 2:18),
increases the effectiveness of our prayers (Romans
8:26; Ephesians 6:18), gives us wisdom, knowledge and
understanding (Ephesians 1:17; Isaiah 11:2), imparts
to us power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7),
helps us to obey God's laws (Ezekiel 36:27), and fills
us with the fruits of righteousness (Galatians
5:22-23). |
1. If the rich man turns to God and surrenders to God,
he will find salvation is possible and greatly
rewarding. |
4. The early Church never lacked spiritual power.
1. Seek for the eternal (John 6:27). Multitude
followed after 5000 were fed; followed for secular and
worldly satisfaction. Jesus discouraged it. Look for
food which endures spiritual nourishment (Christ),
instead of material sustenance. Greed leads to
destruction. Not go after the worldly things, but that
of eternity. People look for signs (1 Samuel 10:7;
Luke 1:18). Miracles are not the important criteria.
We have to seek His kingdom.
3. When the Gospel is received, it produces an
abundantly enriched life (John 10:10).
1. Sent among the lost (John 7:49). We have to go after the Lost: Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Prodigal Son.Their ignorance and Jesus' concern for them: "How much do you love me ? "This much": The game we play with children by hand signals and finally asking: "Do you love Jesus this much?": Ephesians 2:4-7; John 3:16.
3. The disciples, the extension of His ministry (1:16-17, 38-39) were sent out (6:17-18) to preach, teach, heal, and to cast out demons. |
1. Changed their attention from physical to spiritual. Those who go to Him will not be cast out (v.37) and those who believe in Him will have everlasting life (v.39). They get satisfaction (v.35)..never hunger or thirst. |
MARK 6:4-13 |
7. Read the Holy Bible cover to cover |
1. The mission spread ... more ministers in the field. |
DEUTERONOMY 33:23-29 |
1. Feeding of 5000 in all four Gospels. |
2 CORINTHIANS 5:14-20 |
Come to Macedonia and help us: Acts 16:9.
20. Left over... 7 baskets: Importance of seven.
1. Apostle: Matthew 10:3 |
6. Inscribed a lasting tradition: The tradition is
that all other disciples kissed his hand after the
incident: The tradition still continues in the Church |
1. Casting out devils (1 John 3:8) and healing the
sick are important in Jesus' ministry. |
b. Joy: Nehemiah 8:12. Joy of the Lord in our strength.Joy is not just
happiness. Transcends selfishness ... when seeing others blessed. Jesus felt
this kind of joy when gave Himself to others (Hebrews 12:2). Jesus wants to
remain the joy in us (John 15:11). When in trials, count it all joy (James 1:2);
glad with exceeding joy (1 Peter 4:12-13; Hebrews 10:34); walking in truth makes
joy (3 John 4; help others with joy (2 Corinthians 1:3-4); rejoice and leap for
joy (Luke 6:23).
c. Peace: 2 Corinthians 4:8-9. Obedience
to God's law brings great peace (Psalm 119:165),
brings harmony with God, others and self and
peacefully resolves conflicts. |
1. This miracle on the day before our Lord's Last
Supper" when the Holy Eucharist was instituted for
eternal life (v.51, 53-54. 56 cf. 1 John 5:12), for
unity with the Father and the Son and every one else
(v.56); John 15:1-10; and for the resurrection of the
dead: v. 54. |
3. The Church is a spiritual house: compare to the
temple of God: John 2:19-21; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19. |
There are several churches in Kerala in the name of
St. Kuriakose as patron saint including my own
original parish, Mundukuzhy St. Kuriakose Orthodox
Church, Kunnamthanam, Thiruvalla.
Alexandros promised to release her if she forsook
Jesus Christ to which she answered that even a child,
like her son, would not budge. |
1. Feast and marriage allowable: Jesus is there.
1 CORINTHIANS 6:1-11 |
10. The power of evil will not stop the Church. |
SERIES 9 (LOL VOL:2 ISSUE:13 AUGUST 1-31,2002)
1. Sending the twelve with responsibilities: with
commandments, directions and advice. |
11. Salt is a preservative, a flavor enhancer and a
purifying agent.
1. Festival of the Tent: One of the three festivals
(Passover, Pentecost (Festival of weeks) and the
Festival of the Tent: For the redemption from Egyptian
passover: after seven weeks, Festival of Weeks; after
fruit gatherings, Festival of Tent for seven days
(Deuteronomy 16:13-17). All children, slaves, wicked
share this: Deuteronomy 16:14.
I JOHN 2:23-3:1 |
1. The state and affairs of the Kingdom of God in
several parables. It grows contineously from small
start. Those who do, not just preach, inherit it.
Their condition: Not treachery and cheating, but
truthful: Deuteronomy 25:13-16; just: Ezekiel 7:1-4;
fearless: Psalm 27; and satisfaction: Philippians
4:11. Compare Pharisee and the Publican: Luke 18:9-14. |
10. v. 16: 1 Corinthians 5:6
1. A. India's Independence: August 15th: Pray :1
Timothy 2:21A. India's Independence: August 15th: Pray :1
Timothy 2:21 |
7. 2:42: Passover (unleavened bread), Pentecost, and
Tabernacles - the three feasts Jewish males were
required to attend (Exodus 23:14-17): Passover is in
memory of the night the death angel passed over the
homes of the Hebrews when God sent the 10th plague on
Egypt. killing the first born of the Egyptians: Exodus
12:1-13. 12 Years old: The age to accept in the
religious community. |
1. The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) to the newly
appointed twelve, the other disciples, and the other
2. Lots of "blind" try to become leaders and lead the
followers in jeopardy.
3. We have to see what is going on around (v.39): We
are the light of the world and we should lead who are
in the darkness (Matthew 15:14; 23:16; Romans 2:19).
We have to lead the Christian way (James 1:27). Blind
cannot lead the way. If we are blind, we cannot see
even in the light. Sin makes us blind. If we have sin,
we cannot walk in holiness and goodness. Confessions
and communions make us the way to walk in the way of
4. We should be trained to be like our Master (v.40);
not to be above Him (Matthew 10:24). We may have to
sacrifice several things and even face persecutions
(John 13:16; 15:20). Parents have a great
responsibility to train their children in the right
5. We must pay close attention to personal
righteousness (vv. 41-42): We usually overlook our own
great faults (self-justification) and magnify the
faults of others - gossip. We try to cover up our own
faults.We love us more than we love God. Before we
criticize others, we have to live the way we expect
others to live (Matthew 7:3-5). We downgrade the
values: truth, love, concern, morality; we knock down
the heroes: superiors and leaders; we often experience
half of the truth. Watch those who criticize others:
Stick is much bigger than speck. With too much errors,
mistakes and drawbacks, how could someone criticize
others. Jesus asked them to throw the woman caught for
adultery to stone her first who is blameless.
6. The condition of our hearts produces the action of
our hands (vv.43-45). We recognize a tree by its
fruits; same with human beings: our thoughts, words,
and actions. "He shall be like a tree planted by the
rivers of water, that brings forth its fruits in its
season, whose leaf also shall not wither, and whatever
he does shall prosper" (Psalm 1:3). God expects us to
bear fruits. The lights within us are good fruits.
When the light within us, i.e., the good works shine,
we bear good fruits (Matthew 5:16). Trees with only
leaves (Matthew 21:19), and fruitless fig tree (Luke
13:6). Live in Him to bear good fruits (John 15:4-5).
Sap has to come out from the main stem. Be with God,
the source of all goodness, to bear good fruits. Weeds
do not bear fruits, and they are useless. But today's
weeds can be tomorrow's fruitful tree like Mary
Magdaline and Saul (later Paul). At the last judgment,
Jesus looks for our fruits (Matthew 25:31-46): our
conversations, actions, makeups, and so on. Jesus
cursed the fig tree without fruits - cut and thrown
into the fire. "Bear fruits worthy of repentance"
(Luke 3:8-9). Blessed are the pure in heart (Matthew
5:8). If satan in the heart, fruits will be devilish
(Matthew 12:34-35). A"tree is known by its fruit"
(Matthew 12:33). We have to use our knowledge rightly
(Proverbs 15:2), 28; 16:23; 18:21). If the treasure in
our hearts is Jesus Christ, we will not accuse others.
Our hearts shall be Christ-filled. Human race is like
a tree: beautiful, strong, vulnerable. Though its
branches, roots and main stem pull to each other,
normally it stands straight and strong. People are
like the leaves in various shapes. Organizations are
like the branches joined and connected to the main
stem depending upon each other. Roots spread around to
support the tree to stand straight. Love, faith,
happiness, peace, hope, etc. are the sap of the tree.
The tree bends and hangs in the wind signifies various
ideas, beliefs, conflicts, confrontations, and so on.
Sun gives the enery and power: God, the omnipotent,
omniscient, gives strength. Each leaf has its own
individuality (not the same) does its job and
eventually falls down. Cannot give shadow by itself,
only the whole tree can .. need communal effort.
LUKE 15:1-10 |
1. vv.14-16: Matthew 9:32-34; 12:22, 24: Jesus healing
the devil possessed: Complained that Jesus is casting
out devil with the help of Belzebub: Their opposistion
to Jesus; they became satan's slaves. Jesus'
opponents, especially Pharisees, claimed that His
power came from satan and challenged to prove His
power with a supernatural sign: Trying to make Son of
God that of satan's. If fight against truth, lies or
false doesn't win. Belzebub, the god of Ekron (2 Kings
1:3), is God's enemy.
5. V.11: Prepare with holy conduct and spirit of
godliness: 1 Peter 1:15. |
1. Jesus told the disciples the second time about His
forth-coming death: Talk openly; share with others our
problems and situations. |
v.12: Jesus will ascend to heaven and receive the
kingdom from God, the Father and will return later to
establish His kingdom: Matthew 25:14-30; Mark 13:34. |
Highly praised moral exhortations: ideal
characteristics of a Christian in Sermon on the Mount. |
v.16: If that fails, try with two or three witnesses
(Deuteronomy 17:6; 19:15; John 8:17; 2 Corinthians
13:1; 1 Timothy 5:19; Hebrews 10:28. |
1. Father: Euyakim of Judah tribe, David's family in
Nazareth; Mother: Anna of the same family; One sister:
Mary, wife of Clopas (John 19:25); like Samuel and
Jeremiah, God has chosen her in the womb; spent her
first 12 years at the temple. |
8. "Behold the maid-servant of the Lord" (Luke 1:38):
Her complete commitment. We have to inflow the
qualities of Christ into us and to outflaw the
Christian qualities to others: God pleasing qualities
(Romans 12:1); "Be ye holy, as I am holy" (Leveticus
11:45); God dwells in us, be holy (1 Corinthians
3:17). |
1. God and man and man and man unite in the cross. |
B. Climax on the cross: Our pilgrimage to the cross
during the Lent reach on Good Friday. |
1. Big multitude, believers and unbelievers, crowded
around Jesus to hear Him. News of Jesus spread all
over. All kinds of people came to heal: Matthew
4:24-25. |
MATTHEW 24:36-51 |
1. Listen Jesus, not Pharisees or Sadducees: Obey God:
Acts 5:17-32; 1 Corinthians 2:14-39. The disciples
forgot to take bread with them when they crossed the
Galilee to go to the otherside which is the land of
the Gentiles whose food Jews didn't eat. Normally they
take food along with them. So they were confused about
what to do. They did not have bread or the leaven to
make the bread. Understanding their feelings, Jesus
told them to watch the leaven of Pharisees and
Sadducees. They forgot that Jesus fed 5000 with 5
loaves; they forgot the presence of Jesus. Gradually
they understood that the leaven was their teachings.
Pharisees: 365 laws for 365 days; 248 laws for 248
days; 38 do's and 38 don'ts; strict to follow oral
traditions. Only external observations; their
hypocrisy. Luke 12:1 cf. Matthew 6:2, 5, 16; 23:28 vs.
Isaiah 29:13; Matthew 24:51. They give importance to
external observances, not for spiritual revival;
showy. Do not follow them.
Sadducees: The reformers in the Jewish religion
rejecting resurrection and most teachings of
Pharisees. They seek physical gain.
Scribes: Copying the Scriptures, close to Pharisees,
external, not internal: Matthew 22:23; 23. No
repentance; their pride and no trust in anybody. |
7. Do not be hypocrites; Mark 7:6. |
1. Fasting and Sabbath observation are the topics:
Sabbath observance is for spirituality and holiness.
In the Gospels, five times about breaking the
observance of Sabbath, four times by the Lord and one
time by the disciples. A service for a holy life, not
lifeless or immaterial. Spirituality should overtake
physical needs. Should go to the church with spiritual
hunger; Our fathers fasted till noon. Works six days
and then needs some rejuvenation to start the new week
for spiritual growth. |
b. Grow like Cedar in Lebanon: Psalm 92:12 |
One cannot serve two masters of opposite values
faithfully at the same time like God and Mamon - God
and money: Galatians 1:10; Matthew 6:24. One cannot
give undivided loyalty or total allegiance to both
(Exodus 20:3-4; Matthew 6:24; Luke 14:25-27). Narrow
way X Broad way; sheep X goats; wheat Xtare; Jehoad X
Baal; warm X cold; Christ X Barabas; God X Mamon. No
person can travel in two directions at the same time.
You cannot serve God and mamon: Judas, Ananias
You cannot serve God for mamon: Simon: Acts 8:18-22
You can serve God with mamon: Barnabas: Acts
You can serve God or mamon: St. Gregorios.
Christ is our Master. In worldly life, we are
counted as slaves.
Wealth is not our master. Should have sinceriety
and truthfulness in utilizing wealth. Selfishness/
crazy love for wealth will lead to forgo the love to
God: Matthew 22:37; Luke 14:26. When God loves us in
full heart, we have to do the same: Jeremiah 32:41.
Moth and rust destroy the physical wealth; and robbers
steal. Have treasures in heaven: Matthew 6:19.
Wealth distracts our concentration: It is weighty;
to hoard, to keep, to give account. No sleep:
Ecclesiastes 5:12; Root of all evil: 1 Timothy 6:10.
Dangers of wealth: Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 18:18-30;
Mark 10:17-31.
The Pharisees, the money lovers, did not like the
Lord's comments and ridiculed Jesus; their
self-justification; they are just actors, not doers.
The supreme value that a person places on money
(what is highly esteemed among men) is an abomination
in the sight of God: 1 samuel 16:7; Psalm 10:3;
Proverbs 6:16-19; 16:5. God knows our heart.
Every one, including the Pharisees, who follows
Christ's teaching, can enter the kingdom.
Do not divorce and commit adultery: Matthew 5:32;
19:9; Mark 10:11; 1 Corinthians 7:10-11. Do not
divorce faith. Serving two masters is like divorcing
and marrying another one. Do not go back to the old
situation - to idol worship or wretched life.
Wealth is not bad: Isaac blessed Jacob to have
wealth (Genesis 27:28). Rich people without wealth is:
1 John 3:17; James 5:1-5. Richness is not the greatest
blessings; joy and peace are: Psalm 4:7-8.
Do not trust in uncertain riches: 1 Timothy 6:17.
Trust in the living God who gives us richly all things
to enjoy: 1 Timothy 6:17-19. Be faithful even inleast
Sharing the wealth gives peace of mind. Faithfully
handle the wealth with accountability - stewardship.
Use wealth to help others.
Jesus continued His teachings along Judeah and
beyond. Great multitude followed Him.
Pharisees tested Jesus by asking questions: Matthew
Jesus answered with a question from the Scripture:
"What did Moses command you?"
The purpose of Mosaic Law (Deuteronomy 24:1-4;
Matthew 5:31; 19:7) was to restrain divorce, not just
to write a certificate and then leave.
Marriage is for life long (1 Corinthians 7:10-11).
The Law made this provision because men would not obey
God's will.
The relationship between God and Israel is like
that of husband and wife.
Great multitude followed when Jesus came down from
the mountain.
The disciples could not cast out the devil / cure
the only son of a man who approached Jesus for cure.
Jesus healed the boy.
The disciples could not understand the incoming
death of Jesus.
From Jerusalem, Paul went to James, the brother of
Jesus (Acts 15:13; Galatians 1:19; 2:9) and told him
and the elders there about his work among the
The leaders rejoiced over the news but worried
about Jewish hostility.
Concern about Paul's teachings about the Jewish Law
kept by the Gentiles.... the Gentile believers did not
have to keep the Law to be saved.
To avoid a dispute (1 Corinthians 8:9), Paul
purified himself along with four other men by shaving
head (Numbers 6:2-8) and paying the expense ( Numbers 6:10-12).
Renconciliation through Jesus Christ.
Sin separated us from God, but Christ's death
reconciled us.
Jesus makes us blameless in His sight.
We have to continue in the faith all our lives:
Ephesians 3:17; Colossians 2:7.
Like Paul who received a stewardship to preach the
Gospel, we should also preach Christ: 1 Corinthians
We are all workers together with God (2 Corinthians 6:1) and in "His working which works" in us.
Unique set of sacrifices for the seven day Feast of
Tabernacles: Leveticus 23:33-44.
A sacred assembly on the eighth day - no customary
work - have a burnt offering ... one day a wek for
Moses taught the Israelites everything the Lord
Solomon's dedication prayer: He stood before the
altar in the presence of the assembly, spread out his
hands toward heaven and prayed.
Solomon entreats the Lord to completely fulfill His
promises to David.
He then calls for the Lord to be attentive to the
prayers offered in the new temple and to forgive
sinners who worship there.
We are the tmple of God ( 1 Corinthians 3:16). We
should be sanctified and then receive His blessings.
Meditations of Korah sons: song of the heart to be
with God.
Sufferings endure when away from God and the
Spiritual thirst (vv.1-5); Psalm 63:1; 34:2; 143:6;
Romans 9:26; 1 Thessalonians 1:9 (Pilgrim feast:
Exodus 23:17; Leveticus 23:2).
VV.6-11: Agony continues as prayer continues. The
Lord is a contineous source of comfort during day and
night: Job 35:10.
VV. 5, 11: Trust God.
Jesus' confrontation with (Matthew 22:34-46; Luke
Scribes: Scholars, interpreters:
learned but hypocrites;
Pharisees: Separated for religious
performances: no internal purity, only external show;
no repentance, only finding faults and complaints; no
humility, looking for uppermost and chief (front)
Sadducces: Of Saddok priestly
tradition: rich, administrators; do not believe in
These people just talk, but no action:
talkers, not doers; don't even touch with a finger;
just like to see by others.
Phylacteries: Small leather boxes containing
scriptural verses written on parchment were strapped
to the forehead and left arm (Deuteronomy 6:8): Appear
very religious, but not in action. 365 not to do
commandments for 365 days; 248 to do laws for 248
bones; 39 don'ts on Sabbath days. Phylacteries only
on their foreheads and arms, not in their hearts
(Exodus 13:1-16; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11:13-21 based on
Deuteronomy 13:9) ... not for beauty: Numbers
We should respect learning and leaders, not go
after titles. Follow their interpretations, not their
actions and deeds. Showy people generally disguise
their virtues. Leaders should assimilate with the
common people in all things. Follow the real leader:
Jesus Christ; God is our Father.
Jewish leaders made religion a burden (Matthew
23:4). Jesus made it easy (Matthew 11:30). They taught
Moses' Laws (Nehemiah 8:4; Acts 15:21). But they
corrupted. People: could not fulfill the laws;
Pharisees did not help to follow. So Jesus instituted
other laws... offering help (11:28-30). But are we
following? Wings appear heavy, but help the bird fly
high: rules and regulations may appear to be heavy,
but lift high to heaven.
Practice what we preach: They teach but do not
practice: Lots of us are like that (drinking, smoking,
immoral life, etc).: Faith and action: St. James.
Christianity is not just for exhortations and advices.
Lead righteous life. God's name shall be glorified by
our works.
Preachers are fallible; Laws are infallible.
Importnat seat is o.k. But if we try to get it...?
David would rather be only a door keeper in the house
of God (Psalm 84:10).
Flattery (calling Rabbi, Father, teacher, leader,
etc., ) is o.k., but not for self-respect and
selfishness. We can be Rabbi, Fathers, and leaders, if
we follow His footsteps. God has to see us great.
through our service and humility. We are all equal.
God is the Teacher (Psalm 94:10), Father (Matthew
6:9), and Leader (Luke 17:13).
Humility is the basis for all good virtues. Be
humble: Matthew 20:26-27; Job 22:29; Proverbs 15:33;
29:23; Luke 14:11; 18:14; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5.
Jesus' lamentation is like that of David about his
son Abshalom
The seven aspects of Pharisees:
. Shut the kingdom of heaven: They make
their own rules and regulations. The keys were taken
from them and given to the Apostles to open the doors
for missions (vv. 13-14).
Their mission works only added
atrocities: No fellowship (v.15).
They keep away from truth: Give
importance to gold, not to spirituality (VV.16-22).
They give interests to unimportant,
silly things, not to love, patience or concern
They give importance to external
activities, not internal purifications..no soul
searching; make wealth in evil ways, but in uncleaned
plates: VV.25-26.
They are like whitewashed tombs (used
to whitewash during passover): VV.27-28.
They remember the old prophets and kill
the current ones: VV.29-30.
Sadducees: The priestly among the Jews in charge of
the temple sacrificial system - aristocratic and
liberal. They do not believe in resurrection or after
life. They are characterized as selfish religious
officials: 20:45-47.
"Teacher": Respect for Jesus.
Moses wrote: Deuteronomy 25:5-10.
No marriage in resurrection
Death does not end the fellowship God has with His
people: Romans 6:10-11; 14:8-9; Hebrews 11:16.
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all are alive and in
communion with God.
MATTHEW 22:34-46
Subdue Sadducees, Pharisees and Scribes.
Jesus silenced the Sadducees.
The greatest commandment.: Love God as well as
fellow being: Matthew 7:12; Romans 13:10; 1 Timothy
Jesus corrected their understanding of Jesus as son
of David: David called "Lord" (Psalm 110:1): Jesus
would not be a human son of David.
No one answered Jesus properly and left Jesus
The Jews refused to continue listen his defense and
Paul was brought amidst them to be examined under
Paul revealed that he is a Roman citizen by birth.
When the commander and the crowd heard that Paul is
a Roman citizen, they all withdrew from him.
Paul exhorts Timothy to keep all commandments and
virtues faithfully until the second coming of Jesus.
Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords:
Revelations 17:14; 19:16.
Do not trust in uncertain riches: Pride and
excessive dependence on wealth (Psalm 52:7) are not
God is our source of wealth.
Do good and support worthy causes: Luke 12:23;
Be a guardian of faith: preserve it and pass it
Those who teach contrary views stray: 1:3-7;
Christians in various names: Disciples, brothers,
Man of God (through baptism and conformation): 6:11.
Grain offering, the poor man's burnt offering, as
every one may not have birds, but at least some grown
The man's gift to God come from the fruit of his
Oil moistened flour represents the presence of God.
A portion of the grain offering belongs to the
priest: Exodus 29:27; Numbers 15:19-21.
God is faithful.
Wait for God rather than depend upon human
God delivers: gives power to the weak, increases
VV.1-3: God is our refuge and strength so that we
don't have to fear.
VV.4-7: The constant flow of the gracious blessings
of God, i.e.., river (Psalm 36:8), and the presence of
the holy place of the tabernacle, etc., assure us that
God is our refuge.
VV. 8-11: By making wars cease resulting in peace
(Micha 4:1-13), God proves that He is our refuge.
Eternal God is our refuge: Deuteronomy 33:27.
Six cities given to Levites to escape: Joshua 20:2,
Kadesh in Galilee (Holiness)
Shechem in Ephraim
Hebron in Judah
Bezer in the wilderness
Ramoth in Gilead
Golan in Mannassah.
R: Rejoice (Psalm 118:24); Repent
(Matthew 3:2); Redeem: Galatians 4:5
E: Edify one another: 1 Thessalonians
F: Fellowship: 1 John 1:6
U: Understand : Daniel 10:2
G: Gather together: Mark 13:27
E: Enjoy: 1 Timothy 6:17.
In all first three Gospels, this incident is
narrated: He is rich, young (Matthew 19:20), and
ruler, but not satisfied ... he followed the rules,
but not enough. Some attend services, fast, etc., bot
don't do any good to others. They forget the grace of
God (Ephesians 8:9); live in sin (James 4:17). Depart
from evil and do good: Psalm 34:14.
Approached God: When disatisfied, go to Him: "Come
to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I
will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).. the sweetrest
verse in the Bible.
Called Jesus, "Good Teacher" - a kind of flattery!
Jesus reminded that all goodness must come from God:
Matthew 19:16-17.
Jesus points out the importance of following
commandments: Don'ts ..... and honor.
Lack one thing: What is that for each one of us?
Give to the poor:
Show compassion and concern
for others : Give ourselves, time, talent, and
Concern of ourselves: Explore, expect,
and expand: Bible reading, prayer, fasting.
Self-denial: Christ on the cross - self
is transformed. Insecurity must be replaced with
faith; realize the acts of God and the facts of life.
Main obstacle is wealth: all three Gospels point
out this.
Solve the problems by following Jesus: Confession
and absolution.
Impossible with men are possible with God. Many
things are impossible for men: History (wars and
destructions); News: suicide, border disputes,
shootings and killings; Personal experiences: family
life, tests, job interviews. But nothing is impossible
to God: converted the illiterate to be His Apostles,
fed the needy, raised the dead, healed the sick,
resurrected, and so on. Our cooperation need to make
it possible: prayer, confession, communion.
Eternal life is God's gift: Eternity, not
quantity, but quality. Only God is eternal. Life with
God is eternal life. There is no sin: fulness of
goodness. God is light (1 John 1:5); God is love (1
John 4:8); fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
Commandments are the guidelines to acquire eternity.
Do's and dont's. Deny self and submit to God; share
wealth; deny personal desires and aspirations and
follow. Jesus did the father's will (John 6:38).
The disciples thought Jesus had more important
things to do rather than entertain the children: Mark
10:13; Luke 18:15.
Humility and simple faith of children:
characteristics necessary for enetering God's kingdom:
1 Corinthians 14:20; 1 Peter 2:2.
Do not neglect children.
Jesus laid His hands upon the children.
The Jews stirred up the crowd against Paul.
They seized Paul and arrested in the temple.
The commander intervened.
Paul spoke to them in Hebrew.
Factionism within the Church
Man living in incest,
Greed that leads to sue each other in the public
courts, and
Marriage and Virginity (Chapter 7).
Like a little leaven (Hosea 7:4; Matthew 16:6, 12;
Galatians 5:9; 2 Timothy 2:17) makes the whole lump of
dough rise, any sin corrupts the world.
We have to get rid of all malice and wickedness and
to live in sinceriety and truth.
Do not have association with immoral people.
God only judges those outside the Church.
We must not have evil within us and to keep our
Church "holy and without blemish" (Ephesians 5:27).
Joseph restored their money.
They reported to their father.
Jacob's bereavement over his sons: v. 36.
The longing soul for the living God.
The desire to reside permanently in God's presence
Seeking God who gives strength is always worth the
A door keeper - a worshipper - in the house of God
gives full satisfaction.
Like sun, God provides light, heat, energy and
protection. The righteous gets all kinds of grace from
God showed His power in Exodus 4:9; 14:16, 21-22.
God delivers in new ways.
Do not burden God with our sins.
God blots out sins; those who transgress will
Not only the act of murder is forbidden, but the
angry spirit itself is wrong. God judges the hidden
crimes: 1 John 3:15; James 2:20; 3:6. Sinful thoughts
lead to murder: Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17. When
angry, no digestion or sleep. Calm down. Do not hurt
others even with words. When Jesus got angry over the
fig tree or at the temple, no revenge there; no fight.
Our character is important than our actions. When
character is better, we do our best. Anger, ridicule,
irritation... all make us uncomfortable.
We have to reconcile with our neighbors before we
go to worship God: Job 42:8; 1 Timothy 2:8; 1 Peter
3:7; Proverbs 25:8; Luke 12:58-59. Get right with God.
If division, try to come together immediately:
Ephesians 4:26. Repent and confess. Have clear
conscience and good feeling; nip at the bud; curb at
the beginning. Reconciliation is the key: 2
Corinthians 5:19.
Reconciliation of those who are shattered
Reconciliation of those who are estranged
each other;
Reconciliation of all to God. We have to
forgive the sins of others and be forgiven: The Lord's
Christ emptied Himself taking the form of
a servant: Philippines 2:7.
Son of Man came to serve: Mark
Christ washed the feet: John 13:13-15
Suffering Servant: Isaiah 53
Enabling Ministry: Help to come to
themselves for reconciliation with God. He inspires
hope (look); He inspires confidence (trust); He
awakens (desire and faith).
The oldest brother gets a double portion of a
family inheritance along with the responsibility to
the welfare of the mother and unmarried sister.
Younger heirs receive single portion: Genesis
Have concern for right attitude rather than about
The rich man is only concerned about him: Six "I" s
and four "MY's"; no "OURS" or "THINE's".
The person who trusts in wealth makes a foolish
investment. He thinks that: Wealth is for hoarding
(v.18); for personal pleasure (v.19); wealth can
satisfy the deeper needs of human life (vv.20-21).
Such people are "not rich toward God": 1 Timothy
6:18-19; James 2:5; 5:1-5.
Jesus' death would force people to choose for or
against Him and thus kindle the fire (conflict between
good and evil) of division between those who follow
Him and those who do not. ... faithful and unfaithful
families ... so diifferences of opinion...trials and
tribulations to all followers.
Jesus' death is His baptism. Believers will suffer
persecution; unbelievers, the fire of judgment.
We should realize the time of His coming through
the signs we see, watch, and experience.
We should choose what is right: Proverbs 25:8;
Psalm 32:6; Isaiah 55:6. Give more importance to
Do good and make quite those who refuse to
understand and accept the Gospel.
The believer is free from sin and free to live
according to love (Matthew 22:37-40) by making His
will our will: Luke 22:42.
Honor all; have concern for the welfare of all
people; love everyone; give ultimate loyalty to God
and respect civil authorities.
Those who do not have right relationship with God
which comes by God's grace through faith will not
inherit the kingdom of God.
Those who are listed have to forsake sin and
confess for inheritance.
Jesus redeemed several of them by the Holy Spirit:
washed, sanctified and justified: cf. Revelation 1:5.
The foreigners are ineligible to eat the passover.
The sojourners and the hired servants are also
Only the circumcised are eligible.
All followed the Lord's commandment.
Job expresses his imagination to find God, rather
than respond to his friends: Eliphaz, Bildad Zophar.
Job's confidence to present a good case.
Job is bitter because of his suffering and the
false accusations of his friends.
Job is confident to find justice as God is
righteous: Psalm 97:2.
Job's goal is to restore his communion with God.
God has compassion for all who seek Him sincerely:
Psalm 103:13-14.
God would deliver the upright person for ever after
hearing his case.
Prerpare for the salvation.
Redeem from sin freely: 55:1-2
If we remain in sin without corrections, we
blaspheme God.
The messengers bring good news that the Lord has
based his holy arm for that warning in progression:
"Listen" (51:1), "Awake" (51:17; 52:1); and "Depart"
Through the Suffering Servant, the Lord delivers
the whole world from sins.
EXODUS 33:7-11; 40:17-38: GOD'S GLORY
ISAIAH 6:1-8: ISAIAH'S VISION AND CALL 1. Isaiah saw God in a vision: John 12:41; Revelations 4:2-3; 20:11. Isaiah was desperate and disappointed. King Uziah died. Went to temple in search of God to lay down all his sorrows before Him. Repented and confessed. Forgiveness and challenge. Do we get such experiences through our worship services? 2. Isaiah saw angels praising the Lord God: We see the glory of Jesus when we begin our prayer. Jesus is God, holy, mighty and immortal crucified for us. We declare this faith. We realize our sinfulness and like Isaiah, we pray: "Lord, have mercy upon us". Need complete dedication, submission and commitment. 3. Isaiah felt that he is unclean. We have to realize our sins and transgressions. 4. Holy Communion: The live coal touched his lips to take away the iniquity and to purge the sin. 5. Trinitarian: "US": The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. 6. Who will go for Him? Big challenge! Big call! "I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." (John 4:35). Thousands of people have been evangelized throuhout the past twenty centuries all over the world. There are hundreds of villages still in India to reach the good news of the Gospel. 7. Send me; here I am: Are we ready? NOTE: HALLOWEEN: Eve of Hallow (sanctify): "Hallowed be Thy Name" (from the Lord's prayer). From the 4th century onwards, all the dead (ghosts) were allowed to visit...thus HALLOWEEN on the 31st evening of October... the tradition goes on. November 1st is ALL SAINTS' DAY...so the eve of the sanctification day. |
Dedication after sanctification: Dedication: Christ
in us (1 Corinthians 3:16) Building becomes church
only after sanctification and dedication. Sacrifice of
incense after sin offering. We are of God. We shall be
dedicated to Him so that we will be increased, like
the five loaves and two fish and still had left over.
When we are filled with love, dedication becomes real.
Jesus loved us and lived for us (2 Cori. 5:14-15). Do
everything for His glorification (1 Cori. 4:10). In
the Eucharist service, we must immerse in it, dedicate
and submit.
Dedication and renewal: King Solomon built the
Jerusalem temple, but was destroyed and rebuilt
several times. Earlier Ezra and Nehemiah took the
leadership. In B.C. 170, Antiochus Epiphanus, the
Syrian leader, again defeated the Jews and defiled
Jerusalem temple. Judah Maccabee regained, rebuilt and
rededicated it. They found just enough oil to keep the
lamp lit for one day, but it burned for eight days.
Jews celebrate this even now:: HANUKKAH, the festival
of lights, with songs, games, candle lights, gifts,
and delicious foods. Church is God's temple (John
2:19-21; Ephesians 2:22; 1 Peter 2:45) and all
faithful are temples of God (1 Cori. 3:16; 6:19). A
decorated and beautifully painted and structured
building doesn't mean that it is the house of God.
Contineous worship and communion with God make it
God's temple. Mary Magdaline, Mother Teressa, Father
Damian, Parumala Thirumeny, all dedicated their lives
to God. Do His will (John 4:34; 5:30; 8:50; 14:10;
17:4). In Him we live and move and have our being
(Acts 17:28). Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus
(Colossians 3:17) and for His glory (1 Corinthians
10:31). The love of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:14) should
compel us for our complete dedication.
"Suitcase Parishes": We have such parishes; but
still hold full parish status.
Among Critics: Jesus was not in the midst of His
supporters, but among His critics who denied Him. They
came prepared to question Jesus. They found fault at
Divine Authority: They questioned Jesus'
authority. What authority? - of God - not of wealth
(widow's offering), but of complete dedication:
Authority to serve, not just to rule like Jews. We
have to commit before the divine authority, not of the
worldly power.
Aptitude/Attitude/Altitude: One's attitude, not
aptitude determines his/hers altitude (height of
something measured in relation to a reference level:
above the earth's surface (sreshtatha).
Listen carefully: Relationship of sheep and the
shepherd; listen carefully and follow.
Tricky question: Jesus was asked whether He is
Christ to "catch" Him. If Jesus says that He is
Christ, He could be labelled as a rebel against the
Roman Governor; if not, to say that He is tricking the
Nothing Particular: Jesus did not claim anything
particular. Jews were just the opposite. Only to
Samaritan woman, Jesus revealed that He is Christ
(John 4:26).
Accept Him: Jews did not accept the words or works
of Jesus. They did not change even though they
realized that Jesus was Messiah.
Recognize Jesus: Recognize Him by His sound and
knowledge and follow. Good shepherd go after even one
lost sheep.
Watch and Believe: Jesus and the Father are One. "A
tree is known by its fruits."
Do Good Things: Jews tried to stone Jesus. Why
throw at people who do good things? We have to humble
ourselves on this day and seek goodness: Psalms 4:6.
Be Mild: Throw roses, not rock: Eph. 4:25-32
(Lion : "Who is the King?'
Rabbit: "Ofcourse, you are"
Monkey: "Certainly, you are the king"
Elephant: Caught the lion at its trunk and threw him
to the ground.
Lion got back and said: "If you don't know the
answer, you don't have to be rough, be nice).
Examine Oneself: Jesus told the Jews to stone the
woman who was caught in adultery by one who is without
sin (John 8:7). Stick in the eyes, but see speck in
others' (Matthew 7:1-5).
Dedication during winter: Cold season. Warm up
Stephen's defense
God does not dwell in the temple: 1 Kings 8:27;
Acts 17:24
Believers are God's temple: 1 Corinthians 6:19
Obeying the Law is very important.
The Old Testament Day of Atonement Sacrifices
(Leveticus 6) could not cleanse the conscience.
Christ's offerings of Himself purges the conscience
and gained entrance into the heavenly sanctuary.
Moses pitched in...to meet God
Everyone went to see Moses with hope and
The Lord spoke to Moses face to face
Joshua was a faithful servant
Everyone donated gold, silver and lots of things to
build the temple (1 Chr. 29:1-5)
Everyone offered willingly: 1 Chr. 29:6-9
They were all rejoiced: 29:9
David praised the Lord: 29:10ff
We give God only what comes from Him: 29:14
"For whom and through Him and to Him are all things" (Romans 11:36)
"You would have no power over me, if it were not given to you from above" : John 19:11
Give us this day our daily bread: Lord's Prayer. Kingdom, power and glory are of God's
"God has given me, and taken from me: Job
God loves a cheerful giver
Solomon stood before the altar and prayed
He praised the God and thanked
Called for forgiveness (1 Kings 8:27-30)
Several concerns: sacred oaths (vv. 31-32); military degfeat (33-34); drought (35-36); other natural catastrophies (37-40).
God knows the hearts of all (8:39 cf. Psl.139:1-2)
Salvation is offered to all which shall be received
with great gratitude.
Everyone shall be drawn to God through faith.
Even the mountains and field share the joy of her
MATTHEW 19: 3-12
2 PETER 1:1-5
GENESIS 2: 18-25; 17:15-22; 37:1-11
NUMBERS 8: 13-20 God chose Levites for full time MINISTRY 1 SAMUEL 1: 9-17
RUTH 1: 11-18
PSALMS 133: 1-3
ISAIAH 41:8-15 The Lord's servant need not fear. God will not abandon His servant, only strengthen. |
LUKE 1: 26-38
Twice a year: We observe the Annunciation twice a
year, this time for the continuity of the events and
then on March 25th to make nine months December 25th,
i.e., Christmas, the birth of our Lord and Savior.
Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity born
from St. Mary. God sent Him down after sanctification
(John 10:36), dedication , and then the annunciation
to Zachariahs. Sanctification is needed for Mary,
being the generation from Adam. That is why angel
Gabriel was sent to her. Holy Spirit dwelt in her and
she dedicated herself. We should also.
Joseph was from David's and Mary of Aaron and
Elizabeth's ancestry.
Mary, the same name of the sister of Moses and
Aaron (Miriam).
Mary was a Galelian (from Nazareth) like Elijah,
Elisha, Jonah and all prophets of the gentiles.
Mary's sanctity, humility and patience: Her
Godfearing and dedicated life from childhood prepared
her for this selection and blessings to be the Mother
of God. Her birth was like that of Isaac, Samson, John
the Baptist - through God's revelation. Her humility
made her to be called for the great position (1 Samuel
15:22 vs. Eve's disobedience). There are only very few
references about Mary, only once outside the Gospels
(Acts 1:14). She talked very rarely. Her silence.
"Speech is silver, silence is golden." Follow God's
commandments completely and whole-heartedly. St.
Anne's Church at St. Stephen's gate (the place where
St. Mary was born to Hanna and Yuyakim).
She is "full of grace". Angel appeared when she was
in prayer as Zachariahs was burning incense in the
temple (Prarthippan Dhaivathin Munpil Mariam
Mary's Faith: Mary was selected and anointed. She
accepted the challenge. When she was told that she
will be conceived by the indwelling of the Holy
Spirit, she believed and asked no more questions.
Vision made Zachariahs frightened - punished.
Message made Mary excited...cleared doubts. Mary took
a big "risk." Her complete submission. Zachariahs
Angel with the message: To Eve, a fallen angel
(sin); To Mary, Arch angel (salvation); To Mary
Magdaline, Angel (Good news of resurrection).
Good news: Son of the Most High (Luke 1:32) to be
born through her... a virgin. Messianic prophecy (2
samuel 7:2-12) fulfilled in St. Luke 1:31-33.
Special Greetings: Abraham, Jacob, Joshua,
Samson's parents, Isaiah, Zachariahs - all saw angels
face to face, but no greetings to any one of them.
To St. Mary: "Hail Mary, full of Grace" (1:30)
To St. Paul: "My grace is sufficient for you"
The name "Jesus" was chosen even before birth
(Numbers 13:16: Joshua, conqueror of Canan / heaven;
Ezra 3:8; 5:2: builder of the temple and the high
priest). Jesus is the Savior.
The works of the Holy Spirit for the Incarnation
and thereafter.
Jesus is the Son of God and St. Mary is the Mother
of God.
St. Mary is blessed with full of GRACE (1:28)...
not immaculate conception...cf. Romans 5:20 ... where
sin abounded, grace abounded much more. She had
original sin The presence of God with her and the
blessing of God upon her.
Commit to His hands: "Here am I, Thy servant."
Obedience, submission and dedication. We are just clay
in the hands of the potter. Eve listened to the devil
and sinned. Virgin Mary listened to the messanger to
overcome that sin. By Christ we receive all Grace:
Titus 3:3-5. God is always with us: Matthew 28:20.
Nothing is impossible with God: Through Holy
Spirit, Incarnation. We should be ready to do anything
for our salvation...need our dedication, cooperation,
and faith (Martha was told to do so (John 11:40). Do
the will of God. Whatever we have is God's: 1
Corinthians 4:7; Acts 7:28). Submit everything before
Him. Holy Spirit upon Mary as on Apostles to preach
the Gospel.
Participate: Mary suffered along with Jesus being
near the cross, witnessing crucifixion. She was there
even while the disciples ran away. She was with the
Apostles who met to pray in order to strengthen in
Holy Spirit before Ascension. Like St. Paul, we have
to participate (Colossians 1:24).
The woman's seed bruise the serpent's head
(Genesis 3:15) and the fulfillment in Isaiah 7:14 (the
virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call
His name IMMANUEL) is completed by the Annunciation
and therafter by the Incarnation.
LUKE 1:26-38
LUKE 8:16-21
GALATIANS 4:1-7; HEBREWS 2:14-18
GENESIS 28:10-22
JUDGES 13:2-14
ZECHARIAH 2:10-13; 4:1-7; 8:3
The feeling of the lack of God's interference and request for His presence and blessings. |
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Meeting of two devouted women with good intentions:
service, help, communication, share, fellowship, not
for gossip. Elizabeth is old, Mary is young; Elizabeth
is priest's wife (prestegious), Mary is just an
ordinary woman ; one is rich, the other is poor.
Representatives of O.T. and N.T. The young woman's
curiosity to see the old one in person.
Mary from Nazareth, a city in Galilee, went with
haste.(like the shepherds) in the hilly city of Judea;
travelled from Galile to Judeah through hills and
valleys...three day's journey. No communication
systems (telephone). Hurried her visit to check the
welfare of an old pregnant relative... not to check
the furniture, curtains, or decorations.
"Mercy and truth" have met together here (Psalm
The meeting took place at Hebron (Joshua 21:11)
where the tribal fathers were burried ... Machpelah
(Genesis 50:13). Jesus and John the Baptist started
there life together here.
Rejoice with those who are rejoiced. Elizabeth was
barren, but she is going to have a child. "Rejoice
with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep"
(Romans 12:15).
An example for the necessity of fellowship: Seeing
each other and sharing.
Cordial response.Welcomed Mary as "Mother of my
Lord" (1:43)
Helped in need (like wedding at Cana). Stayed three
months. Happy about another's welfare and shared each
other. Exchanged their divine experience. Mutual
Mary's presence thrilled Elizabeth and the baby.
How about our presence? The babe leaped in Elizabeth's
Filled with Holy Spirit in the womb (1:45). The
power of the Holy Spirit. Importance of child baptism.
Objections to abortion.
Their skindeep relationships: The connective
tissue - Below the surface and the protective tissue -
Outer surface.
Mary is the blessed among women through the child
from God. The direct message did not make her proud;
but made her humble.
MAGNIFICAT is praising God for blessing her. cf.
Matthew 5:3-9. cf. 1 samuel 2:1-10; 1:46-47: Hebrews
Cordial conversdation: Enjoyed each other;
praises, not goossip. An ideal conversation; not
gossip, no gossip.
God's mercy to those who fear Him, rather than the
proud; to the lowly rather than the mighty; and to the
hungry rather than the rich. God comes to help the
poor and simple and not to the rich and powerful.
Mary stayed there three months: to GUIDE each
G: Guidance U: Understand
I: Influence D: Discuss
E: Express
Jesus' ministry expanded with women who supported
the mission.
Martha welcomed Jesus in her house but was
distracted with much serving.
Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to Him.
The needs of the spirit are more important than the
comfort of the body.
Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene
She wept for Jesus and her care and concern.
Mary is the first one who preached the risen Lord.
Wives should accept the leadership of their
husbands in the family by honoring each other.
Wives should have neat outward appearance and must
have beautiful hearts with kindness and cooperation.
Husbands should respect their wives giving high
priority to their well-beings.
Modesty of dress is appropriate to faithful women.
God looks not outwardly, but inwardly: 1 Peter
Women should learn and act in public befitting to
the occasion: 1 Corinthians 11:4-5; 14:34-35; Romans
Wife has a special responsibility to properly rear
her family and manage her home.
Faith, love, and holiness with self-control are
requirements for salvation.
The birds and beasts were formed from materials
taken from the earth.
"Let US make man" - plural: Trinity
Man was made in God's image
Man has dominion over all creation
Only after the FLOOD, God allowed man to eat meat:
Genesis: 9:23
Rebekah treated Abraham's servant and his camels
well which led to choose her for Isaac.
Mordecai and Jews mourned with fasting and weeping
against the decree of King Ahasuerus, plotted by
Mordecai persuaded queen Esther to act against the
Wise woman builds her house, the foolish destroys
Prudent wife has God's all blessings
A man finds in a good woman security, abundance,
and satisfaction
She is trustworthy, industrious, resourceful,
compassionate, prudent, and well-spoken.
Stability, harmony, and fruitfulness are the
results of a man and a woman living together in loving
obedience to God.
Christ's fore-runner: Remember three times: in
December, January 7th (Feast of Praises), and Augusr
29th (Beheading). From Levy tribe. Parents were from
the priestly family. The last Old Testament prophet
and the first Christian missionary.
Born as the result of his parents' prayer and God's
grace at their old age. Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Samson,
Samuel, and John the Baptist were born from ol
parents. Wonderful blessings to Zachariahs and
God perfects us in holiness through suffering. Got
enough time for prayer, meditation, and reflections
during the period when Zachariahs was dumb.
The neighbors rejoiced at the birth of the baby.
How about our neighbours? What is our relationship
with them?
Circumcised on the 8th day (Luke 1:59 cf. Genesis
17:11-12) as was Jesus (Luke 2:21).
Zachariahs' obedience in naming the child "John"
recovered his speech. Many children make parents
speechless because of their violent and immoral acts;
here, John makes the parent to speak.
Zachariahs praised the Lord upon the birth of his
son. Those who don't participate in spiritual
activities get involved after the birth of a child.
Spent in the desert till the day of manifestation:
No social life...no eating or drinking. Because he
spoke the truth, not too many friends. In the desert,
spring for Hagar; God for Moses; water for Elijah; God
to Isaiah. We all have to pass through the desert.
"What kind of a child will be this?": 1:66
Bears good witness (God): 1:66
- Many will rejoice
- Will be great in the sight of the Lord
- Not a drunkard or drug addicted
-Filled with the Holy Spirit even from the
mother's womb
-Will turn many to God
- Fore-runner with the spirit of Elijah
- Prepared the way to inherit heaven (Malachi
3:1; 4:5-6)
-No one is greater than John the Baptist
(Jesus): 11:11
Prophet of the highest: (Parents): 1:76-77
One who shows God to others: As fore-runner,
pointed out the deterioration of the society (Luke
3:1-20). Called them "brood of wipers" (7).
One who questions immorality and unrighteousness.
Questioned Herod Antipas which brought to his
beheading (Matthew 14:3-12)
One who clears the doubts: Sent disciples to Jesus
confirm: Luke 7:19
Embodiment of humility: Just a shadow of Christ.
Ate locusts and wild honey. Conscious of His own
imperfection. Preached that one who is coming is
mightier whose sandal trap he is not worthy to stoop
down and loose (Mark 1:6). He must increase (John
3:30). Prepared the way, preached peace and guided
through wisdom.
One who baptized Jesus: Matthew 3:13-17
One who bears witness to Christ: John 1:19-36;
3:25-36. "The lamb of God who takes away the sin of
the world": 1:29
One who is prophesied about:
- Identified with Elijah: Matthew 11:13- 14; 17:12
- Will send Elijah before the coming of the Lord:
Malachi 3:1;4:5
- The voice of crying in the wilderness prepares
the way of the Lord: Isaiah 40:3-5
Father excited: Zachariahs praised the Lord
(1:68). He was blessed with the birth, filled with
Holy Spirit and prophesied: the song is called
"Benedictus": Blessed. He praised for the coming of
Messiah and His salvation (vv. 68-75; 78-79) and for
the role of His son in preparing the way for our Lord
The child grew (Luke 2:40) and became strong in
Lived as they believed: Like Jesus, John the
baptist wandered in the desert, preached God and His
kingdom, criticised the people for the wrong, and both
died on account for what they lived. Also tempted like
Christ (John 1:19f). Descendants of Aaron and David.
Great intercessor: At the beginning of the Public
Celebration of Holy Qurbana.
The question?: John's baptism from heaven or from
men?: Matthew 21:25; Luke 20:4
The one who comes after him is stronger than him.
He knew who he was and who Christ was. He was proud of
doing his work for God.
One should not assume more than what he has been
given by God. If anyone is greater than us, do not be
Do our duty responsibly. Jesus was the bridegroom
and John was His friend - forerunner for preparation.
Friends of bridegroom has a big position in the Jewish
tradition. He is the communicator. He does what ever
is needed for the complete success of the wedding and
after he is done disappears. John did it. Now it is
our duty to show Christ to others.
"He to perish, I to perish": Some people want
others to perish along with them when desperate and
disappointed (Killed fellow doctors, family and
himself saying "Life is not worth living." John
perished but his cause lived.
He to perish, I to establish (Philippians
3:18-19): Earthly earnings and establishments
He to increase, I to increase.
He to increase, I to decrease: John the Baptist,
St. Stephen, many fathers, martyrs.
John was nameless; just a voice: His humility: John
1:20, 23; Luke 3:16.
He was selfless: Luke 3:11
He was fearless: preached against the immoralities
of Herod.
Physical growth: Handsome and good health; learned
a trade; strong.
Mental and intellectual growth: Learned from
Scriptures, parents, nature and life; Jesus surpassed
the wisdom of scribes, Sadduccees, and Pharisees.
Everybody surprised at His wisdom (Luke 2:47; Matthew
13:54-55); learned sevral languages.
Spiritual growth: This is true with Jesus: Luke
2:49; adviced with authority (Matthew 7:29); about the
temple, Sabbath, etc: Matthew 21:16; 12:6; 5:17;
Isaiah 56:17; Jeremiah 7:10; abot Scribes and others:
Matthew 5:20; 6:5; 16:6, 11-12.
Social growth: Lived for helping others; travelled
to preach and teach; mingled with all people, rich and
Children were brought to Jesus (Baptism)
Jesus' touch has special appeal
Disciples rebuked
Jesus noted and wanted them to bring to bless
Just as children receive the necessities from their
parents, we receive blessings from God, the father
Jesus set a child in the midst - children at the
Be humble: Humility is the foundation of greatness.
John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus and
fulfilled the role prophesised of Elijah (Malachi 4:5)
so that he is the greatest.
Unbelievers oppose God's kingdom
Those who rejected John the Baptist and Jesus are
spoiled children so that they don't deserve kingdom of
We are all children of God
We live with the assurance for the future.
Children have to obey their parents: Proverbs 6:20;
23:22; Colossians 3:20
Parents should not be unreasonably severe with
children, but shall instruct and correct them to serve
the Lord.
As God's promise, Sarah bore a son for Abraham in
their old age - Isaac.
Isaac was circumcised when he was eight years old
God made Sarah happy to laugh: Genesis 17:17; 18:12
Abraham upon the persuasion of Sarah and the
direction from God sent away Hagar and Ishmael
Hagar wept over her son and God heard her voice
God blessed Hagar and Ishmael.
Moses was born, but his life was threatened as all
Israelite male babies. Moses' act of deliverence was
started as a helpless child as Jesus.
Amram and Jochebed (6:20) were his parents. Moses'
sister was Miriam : Numbers 26:59
Like Noah (with his family), Moses found refuge in
an ark.
Moses: He who was drawn out
God provides shelter to those who seek for Him.
God answers Hannah's prayer
Hannah dedicated her son to God's service, keeping
her vow: Psalm 22:25
Samuel grew in stature: in favor with God and men:
Luke 2:52
Eli's sons grew in evil dealings and wickedness. So
they were punished: 1 samuel 6:9-10; Hebrews 10:26-31
If God is ignored, efforts to develop a family or
community will be fruitless.
Apart from God, even hard work will not pay
Children are a gift from God
God redeems and sanctifies His people
God blesses those who serve Him
God guarantees strength to those who are righteous
God makes the journey easy for those who truly
wants to come to Him.
"You shall call His name" (1:21): Revelation to
Joseph about the birth of jesus Christ; ""You have a
name that you are alive, that you are dead"
(Revelation 3:1): St. John writing to the Church in
Sardis. You are a paralyte, sick; our people in all
places and venues, but something is missing; perplexed
like Joseph; need some insight and help.
A devout man: Joseph was son of Jacob and husband
of Mary (Matthew 1:16). He was a descendant of Abraham
and David, 75th generation from Adam (Luke 3:23-38).
He was a carpenter, originally from Bethlehem and
lived in Nazareth. James, Joseph, Jude and Simon were
his sons from his first wife. Joseph was a just man
like Job. His simplicity, sinceriety, purity and open
heart rebelled his thoughts and feelings - an
embodiment of patience and self-control. Not angry
against Mary. Joseph was unaware of what was going on
as Mary did not reveal her divine revelation to any
one. Joseph planned to divorce her in secret . cf.
Deuteronomy 22:23-24; 24:1. Not happy about other's
misery. Gossip? Wanted to put her away privately.
Didn't want to humiliate Mary. No escapism or hatred
but only concern. Covered her from stoning
(Deuteronomy 22:24). Most people try to cover their
own weaknesses and publicize other people's problems.
The public "make it or break it."
Are we giving the kind of importance to Joseph,
Jesus' "father" (2:48) as he deserves? God opened a
new way to Joseph when all were closed. God saves us
from trials, troubles and tribulations. Joseph's
mental agony. The responsibility of a betrothed man
(Deuteronomy 20:7) cluttered in his brain. Suspicion
could lead to family breakdown. God's intervention in
times of problems. Revealed the reality of God's
conception: Jesus: The Lord is our savior. God came in
Jesus to deliver us from sins. Thus the prophecy
(Isaiah 7:14) was fulfilled. As in the past (Hebrews
1:1), the Lord revealed the special circumstances in a
vision. cf. Matthew 2:12, 19; the birth of Samson
through angel.
Revelation to Joseph four times: Matthew 1:20;
2:13; 2:19; 2:22..
The call: "Joseph, son of David" (Matthew 1:20):
The rod from the stem of Jesse: (Isaiah 11:1)
First record of the work of the Holy Spirit in New
Testament times. To Zachariahs and Mary (later to the
shepherds), angel appeared. Here just a dream...may be
his thoughts of the days. His tentative thoughts
submitted before God. He believed the dream fully.
The dream of Martin Luther King: "I have a dream"
Children's Christmas dreams: "The third day of
Christmas daddy sent three golden rings, two diamond
necklaces, and a pot full of silver coins."
D: Didactic Learning R: Reflections
E: Experience A: Accountability
M: Modelling S: Spiritual Power
This dream revolutionized the family life of
Joseph. Acted upon God's direction (cf. Abraham) as
instructed by the angel in the vision, the dream
elevated and strengthened his relationship with Mary.
Broad minded Joseph: Extend our activities to
various fields (Psalm 139); Enlarge path not to slip
(2 samuel 22:37); Extend the field (mission field);
Extend giving habits.
Did not decide in haste. "Be swift to hear, slow to
speak, slow to wrath" (James 1:19).
Solve the situation in private: Matthew 18:15.
Joseph was a devoted husband. Took Mary to
Bethlehem, his difficulty to find a place for birth,
his departure to Egypt with the mother and the child,
return (travelled altogether about 500 miles), trip to
Jerusalem with the child at the age of 12 (Luke
2:41-52). Silent worker. Only very few appearances.
Died before crucifixion, as mother was entrusted with
John, the disciple.
Commitment is important for a successful family
(like Joseph). Commitment: Not with any one else/No
cheating; Time together: "What do you want?" - No car,
money, but would like to do things together.
Appreciation: Hugging, encouraging, communic-ation
Coping with crisis: Unemployment, family problems
(Professor: wife left, brother had cancer, children in
drugs - changed the pattern of life)
Joseph was righteous and virteous: took the child
and mother to the temple for dedication and worship;
took to Egypt for protection.
Spiritual wellness: Honesty, responsibility,
charity, and tolerance; Church, confession, communion.
Heavenly vision (Acts 26:19): Revealed religion:
"Man's extremity is God's opportunity." God became
man. Our goal is to reach Christ.
Many have no revelations or dreams about the
future: Judas, Ananias and Saphira. So many still
Where there is no vision, there the people perish:
Abraham, Moses, Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah - all had
God calls in vision: Saul was called and became
Paul through vision; Elijah's experiences.
Response: St. paul fought good fight.
Manna gave only temporary physical strength. The
true bread from heaven would give eternal life.
Jesus is the bread of life (First of Jesus' seven
"I am"s. Jesus fully satisfies the deepest need of the
human heart.
Jesus came to do the will of the Father. jesus
doesn't reject anyone who comes to Him. God doesn't
want anyone to be lost. Those who believe in Jesus get
everlasting life.
Because the Jews knew the family of Jesus, they
complained that His claim of a heavenly origin was
God brings people to Jesus. The road to salvation
is open to all.
Nonbelievers shall glorify God by observing our
good works.
Disobedience to God. Established social
institutions dishonor Christ.
The purpose of the government is to punish evil
doers and encourage good.
The believers shall live in love: Matthew 22:37-40
Make His will our will: Luke 22:42
Paul received the Gospel directly from God by
Paul changed completely from persecutor to
Christian advocate
When Paul was called to preach among the Gentiles,
he readily accepted it
He spent time in Arabia after the conversion
The Churches in Judea praised God on account of
Paul and thus recognized the truth of his image.
Abraham became rich, but did not forget to call on
Strife between the herdsmen of Abraham and Lot
Abraham's solution: Letting Lot to choose whatever
he wants
Lot chose the better part: Greed determined choice.
God's call to repentance
Israel rebelled against God: ox knows its owner and
donkey its master, but Israel forgot God
Because of this, spiritual sickness and desolation.
Lord is our dwelling place in all generations
(Psalm 90:1-2; Acts 3:25)
Remember our ancestors: Sunday of remembering the
generations - geneology of Mary in Luke and that of
Joseph in Matthew (1:1-17). Luke starts from Joseph
and ends with Adam, thus 56 persons in 77 generations
from Jesus back to Adam. Matthew starts with Abraham
and ends with Joseph. Joseph as Adam's son and Adam as
God's son . From Abraham to David 14, from David to
Babylonian exile 14, and from exile to Christ 14
generations are remembered thua 42 persons
representing 42 generations from Abraham to Jesus.
Researching the roots to prove that Jesus is an actual
Jew and their promised Messiah thus fulfilled the Old
Testament prophecy (Isaiah 11:1-2). Christ rules over
David's throne for ever. cf. Luke 1:32-33.
God's covenant and His grace to Abraham: Luke 1:54,
All the families shall be blessed: Genesis 12:3
Woman's seed bruise the serpent:Genesis 3:15-16
We are God's children: 1 John 5:2; 3:1
We have to do His will: Matthew 12:50
Call Him Father: Matthew 6:9
Faithful are sons of God: Romans 4:13; John 1:13. By
faith Abraham became heir
All generations will be blessed: Acts 3:25.
From the beginning he was elected for our salvation:
Ephesians 1:4-6.
Remember our ancestors. Offer divine liturgy for the
departed and pray for the reposed souls.
This also emphasizes that salvation is for the
whole world.
Jesus is part of that chain - from Adam to the
present. Emperors, kings, prophets, good and bad
people all in that group.
Heriditory rites to preserve: 1 Kings 21:3: Ahab
and Naboth. Here altogether 42 (14x3) generations.
Traced Aaron's history for priesthood. If no
continuation, ousted from priesthood (Ezra 2:62)
Royal heritage: Jesus is from the seed of David:
St. Peter (Acts 2:29-36; St. paul (Romans 1:3; 2
Timothy 2:8), multitude (Matthew 12:23), Caananite
woman (Matthew 15:22), blind man (Matthew 20:30-31),
Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:9). St. Matthew depicts the
royal heritage of Jesus, whole St. Luke points out
Jesus' general humanity tied with divinity. Bothe
narrations deal with the historical continuity.
Importance of women in the Church: five women are
mentioned: Tamar (Genesis 38), Rahab (Joshua 2:1-7;
Hebrews 11:33), Ruth (1:14), Bath Sheba (2 Samuel
11:3,27), Mary. Today's liberation movement? In
Christ, there is no difference between male or female:
Galatians 3:28.
Sinners have a place in the Church: Wife of Uriah
(Matthew 1:6; 2 Samuel 11:3,27; Bath Sheba) ; Tamar,
the adulterous (Genesis 38). Jesus came to save
sinners: 1 Timothy 1:15.
10 There is no barrier between Jews and Gentiles; male
and female; saints and sinners.
In Matthew generation begins from Abraham, in Mark
from Public Ministry, in Luke from Adam, and in John
from eternity.
God's care for us in all ages: Yesterday, today
and tomorrow.
God intervened in unusual ways to bring salvation:
gentile women: Rahab (Hebrews 11:3: (prostitute);
Joshua 2:1-7 (gentile) ; Ruth 1:4: (gentile.)
The generations began with God and ended in God.
The first stage began with God and ended with Joseph
in Egypt thus men lost his image; the second is rising
of David to kingship; in the third lost heritage and
became slaves in Babylon in disarray (Psalms 137:1);
and in the fourth liberation from slavery and
regeneration in Christ (Hebrews 2:14). Christ stands
in the center of generations: A.D. and B.C.
The holy family sprouted from the best of the
Jesus was born of Mary through Holy Spirit.
Three kinds of people:
Those who Make things happen
Those who WATCH things happen
Those who ASk, what happened?
Are you really a MEMBER?
Going after just pleasure is not enough.
Technological revolution: radios, televisions,
computers, air conditions not for pleasure but for
Jesus Christ existed in the beginning. He was with
God; He was indeed God.
All of creation came into being through Him
(Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:16-17).
Christ's life constituted light. This light still
shines and has never been overcome by darkness.
John the Baptist bear witnesses to Christ that all
through Him might believe.
His own people did not accept Christ
Those who believed Him became true children of
The divine Christ became a man and dwelt
temporarily with us.
We all receive grace from Jesus Christ who is
greater than Moses.
The faith in Jesus makes us strong: John 11:40
Repentance helps to blot out sins
God's promise to Abraham to give many descendants
(Genesis 15:5-6) and to bless the world through him
(Genesis 12:3; 22:18) was based on faith in God.
Salvation by faith applies both to Abraham and to
Christ shall form in us.
"Do not fear" (V 3): Also to Abrahm (15:1) and
Isaac (26:24).
Genealogy for 400 years in Egypt: 70 people went
to Egypt with Jacob (3:1-43).
God appeared to Solomon the second time after
hearing his prayer.
God consecrated the house Solomon built.
God's promise of a perpetual Davidic line, if
Solomon keeps all the commandments and walks with Him.
The prophecy of virgin bearing a son: Jesus
The sign shows that God is with Ahaz, whether Ahaz
wants God or not.
A shoot from David will be the ideal king who will
rule with real discernment growing out of His
God's spirit will rest upon Him and the remnant of
Israel will be gathered. It is the Messiah's kingdom.
WHAT IS CHRISTMAS? This question was asked to some
Christians. The answers are worthwhile to ponder.
- Santa Clause / St. Nicholas brings fruits and gifts
to good children.
- Red Nosed reindeer
- Caroling: Spreading the message / talk to others
about the birth of Jesus
- Vacation: Coming and going
Christmas Tree: Branches: Light; Ornaments: people;
star and light: Jesus Christ
- Sitting infront of a decorated tree and eating
candy taken from the socks.
- Fireworks: To see His face within that light
- Parties, gifts and cakes
- Cards (How many reads the messages in them?)
- Giving and receiving
- Decorating and illumining
- Worshipping and praising
- Buying and selling: Sale pitch up of the days feels
the pulse of the coming: Thrill, frill, and skill
- Eating, drinking and gift giving
- Loving and making friends.
-Light: The dawn visits us. Those in the dark sees
the light. God sent a man (John 1:6) with the LIGHT of
His love, which we call Jesus Christ. We have to
prepare the way within us .... by eradicating
ignorance and unrighteousness.
Christmas is an anniversary of faith and a celebration
of spirit. It is the time when people's hearts ring
like bells. It is the spirit and philosophy: "It is
more blessed to give than to receive." It is the time
when people do something mutually for others. It is a
time of happiness and joy when we celebrate the birth
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the manger.
Jesus is the reason of the season. We "wake up, look
up, and lift up our hearts to receive the LIGHT OF
CHRIST into every corner of our lives." A Jewish
daughter was chosen to be an angel in a Christmas play
in her school. She asked her father whether she could.
Understanding her dilema, he said: "Honey, be their
angel." That is the spirit of Christmas.
AT CHRISTMAS, we should have Christ's heart, will
and way (CHRISTUMANAS). Christmas (Latin) is Christ +
Mass: The Eucharist at the birth of Christ. On the
nativity night, three masses (Qurbana) were celebrated
- Midnight (Birth from the Father Almighty), at Dawn
(Birth from virgin Mary), and in the Morning (birth in
the heart of the Faithful). Christmas celebration
started only in the 4th century - in 376 at Antioch,
in 430 at Egypt, and in 549 at Jerusalem. If we don't
observe the festivity properly, Christmas may become
Christ mess or Christ myth.
Like John the Baptist, we have to prepare the way
to accept Christ ... no sin, no fear, no despair ...
but hope and faith.
See Jesus: Though the birth of Jesus was
announced, only the shepherds and the wisemen were
able to see Jesus, not Herod, the king or Phrisees or
(1) Message to common people: Shepherds
(2) Message in the night: Jesus, the light to
eradicate darkness (several things in the night:
exodus, David's Psalms, St. Paul's and Silas in the
prison and the epistles, and so on).
(3) Wise men through stars, shepherds through
the praises of the angels, Herod through wisemen, Jews
through Scriptures the BIRTH was known.
Glorify God: "Glory to God in the highest, on
earth peace, and good will toward men" (Luke 2:14).
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the
firmament shows his handiwork" (Psalm 19:1) Follow His
commandments and get rewards - receive positive
Angels' Announcements: Luke 2:10:
- Jesus brings good news: no more fear
- Jesus brings joy: Because it lasts. Pleasure is
temporary; happiness depends on circumstances. But
nobody can taken it away (John 16:22). It gives an
internal peace (Acts 5:40-41)
Jesus' joy is available to all. It is part of the
fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22).
Angelic hymn is part of our every day vigil for a
good morning and most people know it by heart second
to Lord's prayer.
a. Glory to God in the highest: The process of saving
the human kind from sin. So the angels praising the
Lord. One of the angels informed this to Mary nine
months ago. Now they are seeing the miracle. This is
like a king condecending to his subjects. Therefore it
is to be glorified. After His resurrection, the saints
glorified Him (Revelation 5:9-10)
b. Peace on the Earth: After enmity, reconciliation
makes us very happy. Here unity with God. God brings
peace down to the earth... between people of all
kinds. He is the Lord of peace (Isaiah 9:6-7).
c. Good will to men: "Light of light, very God of
very God" born in the manger. "God is with us"
(Immanuel). Fellowship with Him (2 Peter 1:4). The
altar is House of Bread (Bethlehem). The fiery angels
see Him upon the altar as Bread and Wine. The bread
came down from heaven (John 6:56-59). We have life in
Him (1 John 5:12). He has to born in us.
To Mary, Gabriel appeared with the annuciation: Luke
Angel cleared Joseph's doubts: Matthew 1:20
Appeared to the shephers: Luke 2:8-13
After birth, twice for safety: Matthew 2:19-23
Also later: After temptation: Matthew 4:11
At Gethsamanae: Luke 22:13
Rolled the rock: Matthew 28:2
Ascension: Acts 1:9-11
"After God had Adam made ....Angels wond'ring
gazed," ......(Holy Qurbana)
(Also see: Daniel 10:1-21; Hebrews 1:14 and chapter 25
Be Humble: like St. Mary: "Let it be to me
according to your mind" (Luke 1:38). She is graceful,
highly favored before God, and blessed among men (Luke
The shining stars:
a. They made the wise men to look for Him: Matthew
2:1-2. They pointed out that Jesus Christ is God
Himself and shall be worshipped by all,
b. Herod's interest is also upon the stars, but
different: Matthew 2:7-8
c. Stars moved before them (Matthew 2:9). We have
also something go before us as a sign (When afflicted
we learn His statutes: Psalm 119:71) Faith star in us
(Rockfeller had abdomen pain...vision about
persecuting slaves, Helped them and got relieved)
d. Happy of achieving the goal (Matthew 2:10-11).
That is Christmas joy.
Worship Him like the wisemen and also see Mother
Mary with Jesus (Matthew 2:11). He who does not honor
the Son does not honor the Father (John 5:23).
How do we get ready: Shepherds and wisemen hastily
went to see with the eagerness to see the Blessed
Baby; the attitude of Herod and the Jews were
different. Wise emn did know the route and sought
help; stars and later revelation guided: we will too.
Herod was troubled at the news thinking that there
may be a challenge to his position. He had no respect
of personality: " The respect of personality is the
theme of Christianity."; "Great men exist in order to
make great men and greater to greatest." There was no
truth in his words and actions; Judah's kiss.
Give Him presents (Matthew 2:11). Where our heart
is there our treasure is also. Gift shall make happy
. some-thing new that reflects care and concern
(Gift exchange for the host family given to a poor in
the harlem). Should give with a merry heart. "The gift
without the giver is bare." When people celebrate
birthdays they expect gifts. "What I want is my two
front teeth", said a youth. Wisemen presented gifts to
Jesus. Does Jesus expect gifts? Yes, us, our
submission and dedication. What does Christmas cost
us? For decorations and illuminations; for parties and
getogethers; for cards and gifts. For God - His only
Begotten Son: Gift of Salvation and Gift of Love - the
Gift of the Son of God. No cost Christmas: Mend the
differences; visit, call, write, volunteer; show
concerns for the last, lost and the least; be loving,
caring and living.
Three wise men (magi): Matthew 2:11: They came from
the East (2:1) and presented gold to infant Jesus in
the manger in Bethlehem by Melkiah of Persia,
representing the kingship of Jesus; myrrh (perfumed
burial spice) by Kasper of India, representing Godhood
/ prophethood; and frankencense (bark /dried sap of a
certain tree) by Belthaz-zar of Arabia, representing
Jesus' manhood (death) / priesthood. Some claim that
these wise men were descendants of Shem, Ham and
Japheth, sons of Noah. According to a Russian Orthodox
tradition, there was a fourth one, Arthaban or Koredan
who brought three pieces of gold to present to baby
Jesus, but could not arrive on time. The relics of
these wise men were brought from Constantinople in the
5th century to Milan in Italy, and later in 1162 to
Colone Cathedral in Germany; they are commemorated on
the 23rd of July as the patron saints of travellers.
Should not return to Herod: They departed another
way as divinely warned; we also get some warnings.
King is asking to go his way, Almighty God is telling
to go another way; they followed God's.
Stars brought them to Jesus; To return only a
message: they know the way.
Joseph's journey to Bethlehem (80 miles from
Bethlehem), Mary's tiresome trip, shepherd's
enlightening experiences, wisemen's search for the
truth, Herod's excitement, martyrdom of children,
baby's birth in the manger with the swaddling clothes
- all have excruciating, far reaching results on the
Christmas day. Bethlehem is house of bread. Jesus
(bread of life) was born there. Wise men saw the star
of the king of Israel, born as a king of the Jews is
over there. Jehoah is the only king for the Jews
(Isaiah 33:22). Herod, after checking the Scriptures,
realized this fact. He said he will also worship Him,
but did not, got a chance to do so. Jesus shall be
found only among the poor and the persecuted, not at
high places. We shall see Jesus with our own eyes
amongst us. Those who were near did not recognize His
birth, only those who were far away did. It was good
news for the poor and the sick, but terrifying to the
Acknowledge and accept the Son of God: A child was
born in an obscure village. Millions of babies are
born every year. But the "Babe of Bethlehem" is
different. He is the "Alpha and Omega" - the First and
the Last - that which was, that which is, that which
is to come (Revelation 1:8) Jesus is the only person
ever born with God's genes (John 1:14). Named Him
Jesus, means Savior (not Stone, Banks, Peach, Harper,
Bill, Wise, Guy, West, North, Sword, Black, White,
Hand, Sick. Wall, Wood, Price, Head, Fox, Bird, etc).
He was born with TLC: Tender Loving Care; not with
Toys, Lossanges, Candy/Computer
GOOD NEWS: "For there is born to you this day in
the city of David, a savior who is Christ the Lord"
(Matthew 2:11). We hear good news and bad news every
- Hijacking and kidnapping
-Plane accidents, earthquakes, voilcanoes, cyclones,
- Famines and pestilences -
- Racial tensions in Middle East, Ireland, India
-Recession, inflation, pollution, family breakdown
- Crime, violence, fire, theft, sickness.
But "grace and truth came through Jesus Christ" (John
Moses: He will be a prophet mighty in word and deed:
Deuteronomy 18:18
Jeremiah: He will execute justice and righteousness in
the Land: Jeremiah 23:5
Isaiah: "For unto us a child is born; unto us a child
is given; His name shall be called wonderful,
counselor, mighty God, Everlasting, Father, Prince of
peace .... Immanuel which interpreted is God with us":
9:6. He would be a "suffering Savior" as well as a
"reigning king." He is "Immanuel." i.e., God with us
(Isaiah 7:14)
Samaritan woman: "I know Messiah is coming. When He
arrives, He will teach us all things" (John 4:25)
He was born in a manger. He grew up in another
village--Bethlehem, Nazareth, Egypt. Learned carpentry
(like paul, tent-making). He had no money for
offerings ---turtle doves or pigeons instead of a lamb
(Luke 2:24 cf. Leveticus 12:8). Had to ask Peter to
catch a fish and get the money from its mouth to pay
tax. Never wrote a book -- wrote nothing, except with
fingers in the dust (John 8:6-7), but most books are
written about Jesus (About Shakespeare - 5200 books;
Napoleon - 2825; Gandhi - 500; John Kennedy - 400;
Robert Kennedy - 50; Jesus Christ - 9375 books and
many more all over the world (Library of Congress has
1,20000 books, poems, other documents in stock about
Jesus and 1000 publications on Mahatma Gandhi. Jesus
never owned a house or driven a car, sinners and
publicans were his friends (Matthew 12:9); never
visited a city, nor travelled more than 200 miles;
Preached against unrighteousness (Matthew 5:20; 16:6,
11-12); proclaimed liberty to the captives, blind, and
oppressed (Luke 4:1819); preached the kingdom of God
(Matthew 4:23; 9:37); friends betrayed, denied and ran
away during crisis; birth in the manger and death on
the cross; funeral in a borrowed sepelcher; and
rejected by His own people (Jews). How about we? Do we
recognize Him and give due place in our hearts, when
we celebrate His birthday?
The Message of Christmas:
It is the first festival in the Christian
calendar. Prophets and messangers communicated before;
now God Himself comes around to be with us and to
communicate. Lighting the fire during the procession
service reminds us of that great happy occasion 2000
years ago and also of the light the shepherds saw at
the birth. Fire is for purification. Jesus was born to
eradicate the sin thereby to sanctify the world. The
fire light reminds us of Jesus: "I am the light of the
world." We have to reflect upon the stars, the
wisemen, the angels, the shepherds, the presents, and
so on to enjoy the indepth beauty of Christmas.
Peace on earth: Not piece or peas. Angels
proclaimed peace. In the Holy Qurbana, peace is
proclaimed several times. We have to glorify God and
please Him to have PEACE.
Fear not, don't be afraid:
To Zachariah: Luke 1:13 ) Have
To Joseph: Matthew 1:20 ) No
To St. Mary: Luke 1:29 ) Fear
To the Shepherds: Luke 2:10)
Mary, the Mother, said of Incarnation:
To exalt the lowly (Luke 1;51-53 cf. Psalms 68:6) to
feed the hungry, and to attack the devil..
To scatter the enemy: Luke 1:51 cf. Psalm 68:1
(Herod, Pharisees, Saducees, temple leaders, etc,)
Be merry and happy: The proclamation to the
shepherds: Luke 2:10-11. Festivals, celebrations, good
wishes, cards, gifts, etc. The current time without
peace, happiness and joy. Keep away from sins and
darkness and embrace the divine, heavenly light of
Christ (Matthew 1:21) who saves the world from sin.
Jesus came to show us the way to God, to set
before us an example to follow, and to procure for us
the forgiveness of sin as our Savior. "Those who seek
the Lord shall not lack any good thing" (Psalm 34:10).
Give: God so loved the world that He GAVE ....
(John 3:16). God gave His only son with love. If we
love, we give. Extend our helping hand to the needy.
Four kinds of giving: (1) For pity (2) For salvation
(3) For name and fame (rich people) (4) Gods' love:
Real Christians. Jesus gave with compassion (Matthew
9:35-36). Jesus' strength overflowed when the woman
touched His garment. Give love, joy, peace, kindness,
etc. (Galatians 5:22)
God forgives our sins. Jesus forgave even on the
cross. We too forgive, especially during this time of
the year. 7 or 70 times.
Love: God is love. Meditate on the Love chapter (1
Corinthians 13). The world is thirsting for love. The
story of the two brothers: one married and the other
single. Sleepless nights for both thinking about each
other. Took grains and stored in the other's storage
each night to help. One night both met in the thick of
the night and learned what they had been doing. News
spread. A church was built at that spot.
Share and care: Concern for the last, for the lost
and the least. People with well furnished suits and
decorated apartments sleep on the floor for not
daunting their possessions. Poor man requested his
rich man neighbor for help but he got mad, Couldn't
sleep for both that night. Wife persuaded the rich man
to help and did. Both wept at the church out of
happiness. "Send portions to those whom nothing is
prepared" (Nehemiah 8:10).
Sacrifice: Jesus forfeited His divine position and
came down on the earth and sacrificed Himself for the
whole world. That is Christmas.
Believe that Jesus Christ is the solution for all
human problems. Trust Him and have faith in Him.
"People are unreasonable, illogical and
self-centered: Love them anyway!
If you do good, people will accuse of selfish
interior motives: Do good anyway!
If you are successful, you will win false friends and
true enemies: Succeed anyway!
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow: Do
good anyway!
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable: Be honest
and frank anyway!
The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot
down by the smallest people with the smallest minds:
Think big anyway!
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs:
Fight for some underdogs anyway!
What you spend building may be destroyed overnight:
Build anyway!
People really need help but may attack you if you
help them: Help people anyway!
Give the world the best you have and you'll get
kicked in the teeth: Give the world the best you've
got anyway!"
Make peace: Peace on earth at His birth. Blessed
are those who make peace.
Obedience: Obeyed parents. At Gethsamanae, "Not my
desire, but yours." Obedient till His death on the
God is with us: Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14). God could
have done this saving of humanity in another way, but
wanted to do this by being among us and by like us.
Akbar, India's emperor, once asked his shrewd and
smart prime minister and chief counsel Birbal, why God
sent His own son to be crucified in saving the
humanity and gave him two days for an appropriate
answer. The next day while they were sailing in a
boat, Birbal threw Akbar's son into the water. Without
waiting, in a haste, Akbar jumped into the water and
saved his own son from drowning. Birbal explained then
this is why God sent His own son to save the world ...
God loves us that much.
A new heaven and a new earth (Revelations 21:1;
Isaiah 66:22):
"Day spring from on high has visited us": Luke 1:78
Stars in the heavens a sign
God in swadling clothes on the earth in the manger is
a wonder
Melodious heavenly music in the sky
God with the human beings on the earth
A complete change to the whole universe
The immortal God lives in the Church
Joseph with his righteousness, Mary out of her
humility, wisemen with gifts, shepherds with their
sincerity, and angels with melodious praises made the
manger and the situation immemorable.
God's life flows through the sacraments in the Church
Dry bones getting alive: Ezekiel 37
The leaves of the trees will not wither and their
fruit will not fail: Ezekiel 47:12
Abundant life: John 10:10
Walking with newness of life: Romans 6:4
Service in the newness of spirit: Romans 7:6
Inward man is renewed: 2 Corinthians 4:16
Put on the new man: Colossians 3:10
Rod from the stem of Jesse: 1 Samuel 11:1-9
Glory of the Lord in the reformed world: Isaiah
60:1-22; Revelation 21:1-8
Christ to born in us: No room in the inn; the
Savior doesn't want to be born in the palace, born in
the manger. Simplicity and humility; could He born in
our hearts and minds?
Good will when the love of God poured in our hearts:
Romans 5:5
Live for God: Romans 14:8
Christ to form in us: Galatians 4:19
He gave peace and good will to the poor: 2
Corinthians 8:9
Jesus became poor for us to become rich.
Look at Him to be radiant (Psalms 34:5); when we look
through the mirror of God's word, we transform more
and more fully into His image through the Holy Spirit
(2 Corinthians 3:18; John 16:12-15).
Alexander Pope: Even if the infant Jesus is born in
Bethlehem thousand and thousand times, if He does not
born in my heart, what is the use?
Napoleon felt the most happiest and peaceful time in
his life when he received the holy communion at the
first time.
Born in Bethlehem: Micah 5:2 cf. Luke 2:4: House of
bread. cf. "I am the bread of life"
1. Names have special meanings: Elijah: Jehoah is my
God; Immanuel: God is with us.
2. God is with us all the time
3. A power behind us: Love of God: "Our Father"
4. The mystery of relationship with God: God is holy.
We are sinners. God hates sin, but loves sinners. That
is why He sent His only begotten son to save us.
5. God revealed by Himself: We have to reveal this to
the Gentiles. At His second coming, the completion. A
monk and his disciple went out, travelled all day long
and returned in the evening. "We didn't preach," the
disciple lamented. "Our travel among the people itself
is revealing of our Lord," replied the monk. If we
live a good life, that is the real ministry.
Jesus, King of the Jews (Matthew 2:2): Jews
expected the coming of the Messiah, but did not
recognize Him because of their selfishness and pride.
The illiterate shepherds watched His birth and praised
the Mother and Child wrapped in swaddling
cloth...common people. Pure in heart see God (Matthew
5:8). Those in holiness only see God (Hebrews 12:14).
- Presented to Him gifts of gold, myrh, and
frankincense (royal)
- Before Pilate: Mark 15:2; Luke 23:2; John 19:20
- Thief: Luke 23:42
Star guided the wise men. Who is our guide?
Scriptures, friends, Church, God, or someone/something
The one born this day in Bethlehem is a replica
of prophet Joshua (entered into caanan) and priest
Joshua (reorganised the order of service along with
Zerubabel after the rebuilding of the Jerusalem
The spirit of christmas is music: Carolling.
The serenity of Christmas is the presence of the
Holy Child with the Mother.
The power of Christmas is the blessing of "Jesus"
(Matthew 1:21) who is "Immanuel" (1:23), "King" (2:2);
and "Christ." (2:4).
Christmas is an assembly of multitudes: the Infant
Child, the youthful Mary and certain shepherds, and
the aged and matured Joseph and some of the shepherds
and wise men. Let us have concern for each of these
categories on this wonderful day: young, adults and
the old.
The decree of Roman emperor Caesar Augustus brought
Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem where Jesus was born as
the prophet foretold (Micah 5:2)
Jesus was born in a manger - born in humble
circumstances - came to meet the need of the least
important people.
Not admitted in the hospital ... journey on the
donkey ... concern for the deprived.
The birth of the lamb that bears the sins of the
race was first witnessed by the shepherds. Was a
prophet like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15). God became man
to make man God.
The angels announced the birth to the shepherds and
praised God. We can see divinity in each and every
job. Shepherds received the message.
Kings were terrorised, the deprived were cheered,
shepherds ran around, wise men arrived: change to all
of them.
The shepherds went with haste and found the Baby.
Those who heard the news marvelled, Mary pondered,
and the shepherds glorified and praised the God. We
shall share the joy of Christmas to others. The
carolings and greetings of the season should not leave
Like the wise men, knowledge and intellect all
shall lead to God.
Is God with us? Those who are pure in heart see
God. God should be with us and with our friends
(Matthew 25:40). God made man and he sinned.
They recognized the birth of Jesus as they are:
Wisemen through the stars, shepherds through the
praises of the angels, Herod through wisemen, Jews by
scriptures. How about us? How do we spread the news?
When the shepherds and the wisemen came with haste
to see, Herod and the Jews became enemies. When
gentile wisemen accepted Jesus as the king of Jews,
Herod and the Jewish leaders rejected Him. Herod was
troubled fearing that the new king would replace him.
So he tried to destroy Him.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem (house of bread), five
miles south of Jerusalem, the home town of David,
Israel's greatest king (1 Samuel 16, 1, 19).
The wisemen found the Baby with the mother and
worshipped Him with gifts.
The wisemen departed another way as warned in a
dream (Matthew 2:12). To come, they had stars to
guide; to return, just a message now they know the
way: "I am the way ... ".
- God gives direction how to proceed.
- Follow God's direction; not the worldly
- Wickedness doesn't work; wisemen went another way.
- Sinners go back as saints; bruised ones return with
relief, mourners return in happiness.
The wise men bowed down and gave the gifts. We too
should bow down.
Parents - Joseph and Mary - had no rest: Went to
He who came to preach the Gospel to the poor
Himself became poor.
Parental love: Mary and Joseph travelled 500 miles
from Nazareth to Bethlehem to Egypt and return; took
on the 8th day for circumcision; 12th year to the
temple. Mother went all the way to the cross and also
at ascension. Contribute love and continue to live.
Responsible children: Train their hearts. Jesus
went with His parents to Nazareth and was subject to
them (Luke 2:51). Learned everything by the age of 12.
Acted responsibly. Helped the needy and the sick.
God does not reveal the truth about salvation to
the worldly wise
God reveals Himself to us only through the Son
Jesus offers this knowledge of God to all who will
Jesus gives rest to those who are heavy laden (John
God's plan to help us cope with life. His yoke is
light (1 John 5:3)
God revealed Himself through Jesus Christ and
established fellowship with us: His disciples heard,
saw and touched Him.
God is light: John 3:19-20
We should lead a holy life to have fellowship with
4, Our relationship with others shall reflect our
experience with God.
We have to confess our sins to have fellowship with
If one claims that he is not a sinner, that person
refuses to accept Christ.
The Law locked up the sinners until Christ came
When one believes in Jesus Christ, his relationship
with God and with others change
In Christ, there is no distinction of race, color,
or sex
Like a child who is under the relationship of
others, every one was under bondage until Christ came
Christ came to redeem us from sin
We are all children of God - His sons and daughters
(through Jesus Christ)
God spoke at various times and in so many ways
In time of fulfilment, God spoke through one
person, Jesus Christ, His own Son.
We are all His spiritual heirs
Angels are ministering spirits, but Jesus is the
eternal Son, our perfect Savior
We have to submit ourselves to Christ's righteous
rule by obedience
Jesus is Lord, the eternal unchanging Creator.
Isaac was born to sarah in Abraham's old age - 100
Abraham made a great feast on the day when Isaac
was weaned.
The ideal king: Judah's hope for the future -
would originate from Bethlehem.
Hezekiah, the king in Jerusalem, was helpless under
the invasion of the Assyrian king Sennacherib
Israel will be delivered from her enemies.
God will send the Messiah, even though there was
lack of trust among the people
God's anointed king shall light the benightened
3, He will bring lasting peace: wonderful, counselor
and Mighty God.
Children were the first martyrs.
God preserved Jesus from destruction as Moses was
God also saved the Israelites by bringing them out
of Egypt.
Many were slaughtered during the Babylonian
invasion, but God saved them.
First the leaders rejected Jesus (3:1-6)
Now His own people rejected Jesus - foreshadow of
the cross
No honor in one's own place or among own people.
Stephen defends by citing Israel's history
God exalted Joseph and he became a Savior - a
possible parallel to Jesus
God is in control all the time - then and now
Moses was saved and became another Savior. He
forsook luxury and privilege and identified himself
with the oppressed (Hebrews 11:24-26; Philippians
Moses' authority was challenged; Jesus was also
Moses was in isolation for 40 years before his
public ministry; Jesus was fasting for 40 days before
Jacob and his descendants died, but their increased
abundantly and multiplied and grew exceedingly.
Pharaoh enslaved the Israelites to reduce their
Pharaoh also made arrangements to kill the males at
birth or to cast into the river.
Rachel wept from her grave (Genesis 35:16-20) for
her sons Joseph and Benjamin in exile. cf. Herod
slaughtered the innocent children at Bethlehem
(Matthew 2:16-18)
Tears will change to joy
Israel repented
The Lord has everlasting love and mercy for His
The disposed shall return
The oppressors and suppressors shall turn around
God's wrath is temporary, but His favor is
Choose wisely: We have to choose whether we are
with Him or against Him
Prepare thoroughly: Once we are delivered by Jesus,
we must be filled with His Holy Spirit and busy with
His work. Otherwise we will end up worse off than
Recognize: A woman recognized and complimented Jesu
and His mother
Do His will: We have to do the work of God than
only to feel good and talk about it (Matthew 7:21)
Jesus' death and resurrection would be their only
sign to believe in Him - As Jonah was delivered from
the belly of the fish, Jesus would be raised from the
death (Matthew 12:39-40)
Thrill seekers go after wisdom: Queen of Sheba (1
Kings 10:1-10; Matthew 12:41-42) came to hear the
wisdom of Solomon
Jesus is greater than Solomon and Jonah.
Spread the word: The Gospel is compared to light
and it is our responsibility to let it be seen.
Reveal the truth: Though during Jesus' time the
Gospel was misunderstood, after His resurrection, its
meaning would be revealed through His disciples.
Follow thoroughly: Those who truly obey will
receive greater spiritual undertanding and grow in
spiritual lives. Those who refuse the Gospel will lose
even whatever they have.
Do His will: When we hear and do the will of God
(obey) we become members of God's family.
Do not rush: Jesus' parents waited outside
Jesus showed Mother Mary to the crowd
Jesus taught and preached to the big crowd.
Prepare and be ready: Jesus was in isolation for 40
days before His Public Ministry. Moses was in
isolation for 40 years before His public activities.
God calls us to be His agents of deliverence.
Rejection before acceptance: Like Jesus, Moses was
rejected first but became the deliverer.
Accept the consequence: God will abandon us if the
light of the Gospel is rejected.
The basis of Paul's apostleship and mission is
Jesus Christ.
After the resurrection, Jesus' power was made known
trhough the coming and ministry of the Holy Spirit
(Acts 2:36).
Because God is holy, His people must be morally
holy (1 Peter 1:15-16)
We have to experience God's grace to have His peace
with us.
Paul was very eager to visit the Romans for mutual
Christian encouragement.
Paul prayed for them continually.
Moses was a responsible son-in-law to Jethro
Moses was called in a vision.
The bush was burned, but not consumed; like St.
Mary's pregnancy of Jesus.
God called Moses in repetition for special
attention (V.4) like Abraham (Genesis 23:11), Samuel
(1 samuel 3:10), and Saul (Acts 9:4).
God's presence makes place sacred; dirty sandals
profane the holy ground.
God sees, hears, and knows the sorrows of His
God's mission is reaching people through people.
We have to preserve the sanctity of the temple
That which has been used by God is no longer
Like Ezekiel, we have to fall on our face before
Almighty God.
The rebellious and the unworthy have no place in
God's sanctuary.
Those who lead to idolatory and unfaithfulness
should have only other works of the temple, not to
lead the worship.
Wise men - religious and spiritually enlightened -
from the East came to see and worship the infant
Baby...their desire and excitement to meet Jesus. We
should have also the same.
God through the star guided them to come and go.
Only in St. Mathew: Star from Jacob: Numbers 24:17;
Baby born in Bethlehem was king (Micah 5:1-3).
a. Wise men looking for Jesus ended at the palace
ending their effort fruitless...arrived at the wrong
place. Do not look for higher places to see Jesus.
Herod wanted to destroy the child: 2:16-18. Do we
have that revengeful attitude?
Herod's power did not subdue Jesus. God's power is
great (2 Kings 6:16). God preserved Jesus from
destruction as Moses.
Joseph and Mary (parents) provided security to
infant Jesus. Prince to prevail peace and
righteousness (Isaiah 9:67). We also have obligation
to keep and maintain peace, order, and justice. God's
children are peacemakers (Matthew 5:9).
They were warned and returned another way. (Three
revelations: one to wise men and three to Joseph). Do
not go back to the old ways of life after we meet Him.
Iscariot did, Saul did not and became Paul and
travelled in a different way.
Joseph was warned in a dream to escape to Egypt.
Pay heed to such warnings.
Avoid enmity, hate, and confrontation. They went
to Egypt.
Had to go to the "slave country" ... born in the
manger, and childhood in exile. We have to suffer to
be rewarded in the kingdom (Matthew 5:10-12).
Be courageous. Mary's and Joseph's responses ...
their courage and mutual dependency.
Joseph brought back Jesus and Mother to Israel and
settled in Nazareth.
We should be wise, but should not be self-seeking,
and should be innocent of evil actions.
Persecution could come from any direction - from
political rulers or from unbelieving family members.
Persecution is an opportunity to witness Christ.
God's spirit helps us in times of crisis.
We have to hold fast to faith till the end.
Persecution only helps to spread the Gospel
Expect persecution: Those who hate and reject
Jesus, reject us also.
Rejoice in following Jesus
Love of world doesn't last
Know God and Jesus for lasting results.
Holy Spirit forbids
The Vision to come over and help
Do not reject the blessings of God for the delights
of sins
The events of the cloud (Numbers 9:15-23; Exodus
14:19-24) and the sea marked a turning point for the
The Israelites were baptized into Moses committed
to his authority and leadership; Christian baptism
marks a break with the former life of sin to begin a
new life of holiness under the leadership of Jesus.
The manna and the water given to the Israelites
were the foreshadows of the Lord's supper.
God is the spiritual rock (Deuteronomy 32:3-4)
They were scattered because of disobedience and
Idolatory and immorality (Numbers 25:1) were their
We should not tempt Jesus
God is faithful during our temptations.
Jacob (Israel) sent his son Joseph to his brothers
feeding the flock
The bothers conspired against Joseph
They cast him into a pit
They sold him and was taken to Egypt.
The restoration of Jerusalem... Jerusalem would
again be safe for the very old and the very young.
God would restore Jerusalem by bringing back His
Calendar year, Financial year, Business Year, Academic Year, Church Year, etc.
January from Januarius: Two faced...one frontward and one backward with eyes. We have to look both ways at the beginning of the year for reflections and decision makings.. look back on the accomplishments of the past and set goals for the future ... self-fulfilment, self-realization, self-satisfaction, self-actualization, self-sacrifice, self-discipline, for giving, caring and compassion.
Will New Year be happier, healthier, safer, better, peaceful, productive than the previous year? Need to change own personal life style? Need commitments? Need to follow God's way in a better way? All the rules and regulations are in the Holy Bible and Church Teachings. New Year for new hope, new courage, new purpose, new life with allegiance, direction, commitment and sacrifice.
"There is no God" (Psalms 14:1) for the fools. "Taste and see that God is good" (Psalms 34:8). Jesus is the leader of our faith and fulfiller (Hebrews 12:1). We have to commit us before Him. He opened a door before us (Revelations 3:8) . .. Is this door to darkness or light ... to garden or open street? We have to open with faith, love and hope. A child in its mother's hands or bosom doesn't feel the jerkings or joltings of the jeep ride on an uneven and rough road as those under His mighty and everlasting hands.
Go forward (Exodus 14:5) ... Moses told and they did. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). Be of one mind (1 Peter 3:8).
Press toward the goal (Philippians 3:14). See the new light in the New year. Jesus Christ is the light: "I am the light of the world." Be a new creration in Him Love like Jesus (John 13:34-35).
Praise Him and thank Him Psalms 103:1-2.
Put new wine into new wineskins: Matthew 9:17
Purge out the old leaven to be a new lump: 1 Cor. 5:7-8
All things to become new as a new creation: 2 Cori.5:17 Walk in the spirit: Galatians 5:16
Run forward: Philippians 3:14
New year Resolutions: Examine the past and plan the future. Breaking the resolutions is easier than making them. God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours (Isa. 55:8-9)
Maintain a reasonable sense of values: love, kindness, compassion, etc.
Maintain good health: No junk food, drugs, immoral life
Will be cheerful and helpful
Will listen more and talk less (Action than words)
Be careful in giving advice: Wise don't need it and fools won't heed it.
Be tender with the young, compassionate with the ages, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and wrong.
Try for good achievements, not to earn too much money as money doesn't equate with success. Energy and talents to be used for accomplishments.
Read Holy Bible every day
Pray every day
Think whether living in sin.
Abram was asked to get out of UR renouncing his country, family, and his father's house: a test of his faith.
Abram was promised that he will become a great nation.
Abram built an altar to the Lord .. his first deed in Bethel.
Obedience, an expression of grateful love
God, Lord of Lords, shows no partiality ... administers justice for the fatherless and the widow and loves the stranger.
Fear the Lord and serve Him by keeping His commandments. "Therefore" repeated five times to stress the idea.
If a wicked person repents, God forgives him
If a righteous man turns away and commits sins, he will be punished.
The world may hate us, but do not worry (John 15:18; 17:14)
We have to love others
Hatred is closely connected to murder: Matthew 5:21-22
We must show our love in practical ways; as Jesus did, in deed and in truth.
Circumcision of the heart cleansed from sin by the spirit of God is important.
Even if we are unfaithful, God is always faithful.
Repentance is necessary
There is a limit to God's patience towards those who do not repent.
Christ did His work; we have to do our work while we have the opportunity
Christ is the light of the world: John 1:5, 9; 3:19; 8:12; 12:35, 46
The blind man received his sight from Jesus, the One sent by God
He believed, obeyed, and was blessed: Nehemiah 3:15; Isaiah 8:6; Luke 13:4; John 9:11; 2 Kings 5:14
Failure to depend on Christ brings loss of spiritual life
We should not ask outside the will of God to abide in Him.
We have to bear spiritual fruits
We have to keep His commandments to abide in His love ...for our joy may be full (15:11); love one another (1 John 3:27; 4:7); love in deed and truth (1
John 3:18). Then will be loved (John 14:23).
If we obey Christ's words, we receive His joy.
Christ showed His love toward us by laying down His life for us. We have to follow His footsteps in this regard.
Christ chose us by dying for our salvation. We have to choose Him by obedience.
We have only to rejoice if evil people reject us because of our love to Christ.
Jesus was presented to the Lord for a life of service (Luke 2:21).
Jesus, like John (1:80), grew up in full stature: in spirit, wisdom and grace (In many physical growth, not spiritual or intellectual).
Worshipping Family: Jesus' parents, Joseph and Mary, as usual, went with Jesus for the Passover, one of the three festivals (Passover, Pentecost,
Tabernacle: Exodus 23:14-17; Leveticus 23:4ff; Deuteronomy 16:16) required to be attended. Parents' responsibility for the proper growth and development
of the children -- spiritual and physical.
This is the only reference to an occurence in Jesus' late childhood.
Mother also went. Those days, not compulsory for women, but Mary went. Cf. Elkana's wife Hanna (1 Samuel 1:7; 2:19).
Teach our children: By 12 th year, Jesus learned the laws and teachings of the religion. Importance of early childhood training and education, especially
Sunday School (12 the year is very important for dedication in the church and to parents).
Parents returned without Jesus. Jesus lingured behind, but His parents didn't know. How about we and our children?
Should not loose Jesus in the festivities. Jesus was lost in the crowd. When too busy, that happens to us also...in talks, walks, dealings, etc.
If Jesus is not with us, not with other relatives or friends, They thought Jesus was in the crowd, friends and relatives. Make sure to be with us, not
with somebody else. If an Achen or Thirumeny in the family doesn't mean that every one else in the family is religious.
Had to spend three days to find Jesus. Search if we loose Him until find.
Parents realized the folly. Go back to the same Church. Repentance needed.
All who heard Him were astonished at His knowledge and understanding. Good model. cf. Luke 18-19; Isaiah 49:8; 61:1-2; Matthew 11:15; 12:18; John 3:34.
Jesus was in the house of His Father and in His business
Jesus lived subjected to His parents - totally obedient and respectful.
Mother kept everything in her heart.
Jesus increased in wisdom and stature: Isaiah 11:2-3; Colossians 2:2-3; 1 Samuel 2:26; Proverbs 3:1-4
Many ascended from time into eternity and Jesus descended from the eternal into time through His love for mankind.
Jacob lived in the strange land of Canaan
Joseph's brothers hated him because their father loved him more than all of them.
They hated him even more when he interpreted his dream, having dominion over them.
His father kept the matter in mind: wondered about the significance of the dream.
Young Samuel ministered before the Lord.
His parents offered yearly sacrifice and gave him a little robe each time.
Eli the priest blessed them.
God blessed Hannah with five more children.
Samuel grew before the Lord.
Trust in God and peace and joy will come from Him if we depend upon Him.
People repent only when they experience God's judgments ... the nations turn to God when He punishes the oppressors and brings deliverence.
God's grace doesn't always bring the wicked to repentance.
Our hearts shall be pure
Keep His commandments and be blessed.
We must believe in Jesus Christ
We must love each other
Holy Spirit shall abide in us for true spirituality.
Faith overcomes fear. God gives strength to face the suffering caused by faith. Moses' story.
Parents' affection to their beautiful children.
Moses chose to identify the sufferings of his own people.
Moses "looked to the reward" which is through Christ.
Moses' achievements were through his faith -- passover and passing through the Red Sea.
Jericho's fall (Joshua 6:20) was through faith.
Rahab's faith (Joshua 2:9; 6:23; James 2:23) saved her.
John the Baptist was also a teacher who had disciples.
Jesus is the lamb of God (vv.29,35) and the Passover Lamb (Exodus 12:1-13) whose blood protected the people from death.
John's utterance persuaded his two disciples to follow Jesus.
Jesus responded by asking them, "What do you seek?"
They wanted to know where he stays so that they can be with Him.
"Come and see" ... Jesu's' invitation
Andrew's personal evangelism 9first evangelist) - his own brother, Simon Peter
Jesus changed Simon's name to Cephas = Peter = Rock
Philip obeyed Jesus' command and followed Him
Philip spread the good news to Nathaniel
"Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" - the low regard (Matthew 2:19-23; John 7:41-4, 52)
Nathaniel has no deceit --Jesus saw his heart
Nathaniel would see heaven open and the angels ascending and descending (Genesis 28:10-17).
Jesus' sonship was revealed this day: "You are my beloved Son, in you I am well pleased" (3:22). We also receive Sonship through baptism. Father, Son and the
Holy Spirit (Holy Trinity) appeared here.
John preached the need of repentance or the consequence will be:"..... every tree which does not bear god fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire"
"What shall we do then?": The relinquishing question from the three groups: People, tax collectors, and the soldiers.
Have generosity, honesty, gentleness, and contentment
John baptized with water and told that the One coming after him will baptize with Holy Spirit.
His "sandal strip" he is "not worthy to loose" (3:16): John's humility
John was imprisoned because of his preachings ... for pointing out the atrocities and immoralities of Herod
Christ's baptism with the Holy Spirit cleanses us from sin as fire cleanses physical impurity
Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan through which Joshua guided the Israelites to the Promised Land
Baptism - spiritual Jordan - through which faithful enter into heavenly Jordan. Elijah passed through this river. Naiman took a bath here and healed
from leprosy. People who take bath in the spiritual river (baptism) heal from sin.
Jordan's two tributaries pass through the land. Jews and gentiles have equal part in Christ.
In the Epiphany Service, water is River Jordan, covering with Sussaffa is Old Testament Times, bottle and Cross represent Christ, removing Susaffa is end of
New Testament and beginning of New Testament, and water pouring in to the baptism font is Jesus' baptism.
By baptism, Jesus was anointed for His Public Ministry (4:17-19).
We should shine through the light of our Lord (1 John 1:5; Matthew 5:14-15; 13:43; John 8:12; 2 Corinthians 3:18; 1 Peter 2:9-10).
Abraham instructs his oldest servant to find a wife for his son Isaac from his own country and family.
The servant was very faithful to do his job.
Rebekah, the dutiful and beautiful, was chosen.
Rebekah's willingness to serve the servants as well as the camels.
Death and burrial of Miriam in Kadesh
Complaints of people to Moses and Aaron for not having water or food.
Moses and Aaron knelt before God who blessed them by giving power thus brought water out of the rock striking with the rod.
God's plan of salvation is like a river flowing from the threshold of the temple, increasing in volume and bringing healing and prosperity to everything it
touches : Genesis 2:10; Revelation 22:1
The water that flows heals: Baptism
The trees are fruitful and the fruits are for food and medicine - the Tree of Life (Revelation 22:2): Holy Eucharist.
God comforts: encourages, strengthens and defends :40:1; John 14:6
God is our salvation and strength: we have to trust Him.
We have to call upon Him and declare the true nature of God to the world.
Philip preached to the eunuch quoting Isaiah 52:13-53:12 thus presenting Jesus Christ who suffered humiliation being consequences of the sins of others.
The eunuch declared his faith and Philip baptized him.
Here personal evangelism (vv.26-38); earlier mass evangelism (vv.5-6).
John's baptism was of repentance
Paul baptized in the name of Jesus
The Holy Spirit brought purity and power to the baptized: at Pentecost (2:1-4); on Samaritans (8:14-17); on Gentiles at Cornelius' house (10:44-45;
11"15-17) and now in Ephesus (19:6).
Holy Spirit witnesses to deliverence from sin.
Christ's sacrifice delivers us from the power and the guilt of sin: Jeremiah 31:33-34. No other sacrifice is needed.
Through Jesus Christ, our Living Lord, we have given the boldness to enter His presence.
Christ is the High Priest and we are members of the house of God.
We should approach God with full assurance.. with a heart that is sincere and with a faith that trusts Christ's provision to cleanse us from outward sinful
action and an inward sinful tendancy.
God is faithful. We should be too to receive eternal life.
We should encourage and help each other.
Salvation is offered to all people as a gift of God through Jesus Christ.
We have to renounce worldly desires and to live in holiness.
The second coming of Christ is the blessed hope of the Church and the believers: 1 Peter 1:3-5
Never be intimidated to speak the truth.
We must follow rules and get involved in community works.
Do not speak evil of others even if they speak against us: Romans 12:17-21; 1 Peter 2:21-23
Remember our past faults and mistakes.
Be humble. Show courteous consideration at all times under all circumstances.
Be gentle and help others.
We are all cleansed and renewed through baptism and Holy Spirit.
We are all heirs of that eternal life.
Do good works, the fruit of our salvation.
Avoid disputes and divisions as they are unprofitable and useless.
Jesus at the judgment time selects the righteous .
John baptized Jesus to fulfill all righteousness.
Twofold revelation: vision and voice
The descent of the Spirit was dovelike: Gentle
All three persons of the Holy Trinity are pictured here: Psalms 27: Messiah and Isaiah 42:1: Suffering Servant.
The first and only birth day celebration in the Bible ended in sorrow.
Herod's conscience pricked him (Fidel castro of Cuba stood all the time with the Pope's visit)
John the Baptist: Voice from the wilderness. He to increase, I to decrease. Prepared the way... straightened the crooked...the spirit of Elijah. Spoke
against the monarchy and so executed. Even now, those who speak truth and right are persecuted.
King: Wife's persuasion; afraid of the people who listened to the prophet; enjoyed the dance .... unusual promise, request, decision, and promise.
Mother: Her recommendation ... immoral life...dishearte-ned persuasion.
daughter: Helpless child.
God blessed Adam and Eve with Cain and Abel.
God respected Abel's offering than his brother Cain because Abel offered a better sacrifice: Hebrews 11:4 cf. 1 John 3:12.
Cain got angry and murdered his own brother: Matthew 23:35; Luke 11:51; Jude 11.
Cain lied to God. Adam and Eve admitted (3:12-13). One sin leads to another: John 8:44; 1 Corinthians 8:11-13.
We have to be accountable for our siblings... not just keepers.
Abel was punished; became a fugitive.
Sin's punishment is very great. So Christ came.
Jeremiah was falsely taken as a traitor and imprisoned.
The prophet questioned his unjust imprisonment.
Zedekiah, the king listened to the prophet.
Encouragement through the God's promise of the Messiah.
The enemies are worldly people.
The sinners feel guilty when they see our exemplary conduct.
We have to honor the social institutions like the home and the state.
We have to make our will His will: Luke 22:42.
We have to love every one and honor civil rules but give ultimate loyalty to God.
Nothing will separate us from the love Christ has for us: psalms 44:22.
God's love for us is fully revealed through Jesus Christ: John 16:33; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14; 1 John 5:4.
John the Baptist received revelation from God as did Isaiah (38:4) and Jeremiah (18:1) and other prophets.
Isaiah's prophecy (40:3-5) fulfilled in John's ministry: Levelled the hills and valleys to make a smooth road for the coming of Christ.
Neither ancestry nor church membership are sufficient for salvation.
Repent and change
Be generous, honest, gentle, and content (Answers to the three groups).
John publicly rebuked Herod.
Some thought of Jesus as Elijah (Malachi 4:5), others as the prophet (Deuteronomy 18:5).
Herodia wanted to destroy John, but Herod protected him
Unrealistic promise of Herod to his daughter.
Herod was extremely sorry for what he hid.
Moses died at the age of 120 and people mourned for 30 days.
Joshua became his successor.
Moses was the greatest.
When threatened by the enemy, prayer to God is in order (vv. 15ff)
God answers the prayers (21ff).
Stephen defends his stand by pointing out that that his persecutors murdered the prophets and so they are sinners.
Stephen was stoned to death because he told the truth.
Stephen prayed for them. Cf. Matthew 5:44; Luke 23:34.
Devotees lamented over the death.
Saul (Paul) witnessed this martyrdom and contined the persecution.
The prophets God sent were martyred.
They killed His only Son who was sent..
There rejections result in judgement.
Jesus became the cornerstone: Psalms 118:22-23.
Jesus could free sinners
Those who reject Jesus could not be the children of God.
To prove that one is the descendant of his ancestors, he has to follow his forefather's footsteps.
Lack of love (v.42), refusal to listen (v.43), and evil desires (v.44) are bad omens.
See the truth rather than rebuke: vv.48-51
If we follow Jesus, we will have eternal life.
Fault finders find excuses: vv.52-53.
Know our father, our God Almighty: vv.54-59
Martyrdom may be the end result of many of His followers.
Abel was the first martyr (Genesis 4:8) and Zechariah, the last one in Old Testament: 2 Chronicles 24:20-21.
God protects and keeps His children like a hen keeps her chicks under her wings.
The destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 by the Roman army under Titus was interpreted as the punishment of the Pharisees for their crimes.
Those who follow Him are blessed.
John's ministry ends and Jesus' starts after baptism and temptation . .. preached against immorality and sin ... pointed out the flaws and to
change the attitudes: St. paul (Acts 17:30), St. Peter (2 Peter 3:9), John the Baptist (Matthew 3:6). The Church has to continue the same kind of ministry.
Jesus fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy: 8:9; 9:1-2).
Jesus is the light of the world. People in the dark saw the light of eternity at the Public Ministry of Christ. Those who heard Him turned from darkness to
light. God's salvation is provided to them.
Jesus 's first preaching ... preached to repent ... to change one's life, to turn away from sin to God and also not to repeat the mistakes (2 Corinthians 7:8-10)
--- prodigal son, Mary Magdaline, Zaaccheus, Peter, thief ---, to lead pure life and good works ... to change habits .... should have God's works: 1
Corinthians 15:10; Romans 14:8 ... with Holy Spirit: John 10:8; Acts 2:36). A habit is a learned pattern of acting - a way of behaving that has become routine. We
are creatures of habit. When we develop bad habits, we have to change. We have to reinforce good habits and discourage bad ones.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand because Christ is here. It is the heavenly experience: Romans 14:17.
Jesus called the first Apostles ... called Simon Peter and Andrew to leave the old sinful way of life. Also called James and John .... all fishermen were
called by name..
God selected Jacob, Moses, David, etc., in the Old Testament to lead. Christ selected fishermen and ordinary people. Went from Nazareth to Galilee to
select the disciples from the Gentiles: 1 Corinthians 1:28-29.
They left their belongings - boat and net - and followed Him without questioning, not expecting any reward. Not possible for every one.
The disciples called were masters of their trade ... fishermen, tax collector, tent builder, etc. Church grows through the works of such faithfuls. Rich
or poor, illiterate or learned, employer or employee, all are parts of one body, Jesus Christ. Shouldn't be any kind of tug of war. Should have mutual respect: 1
Corinthians 12:12-27.
Patience, perseverence, and hard work needed to do the work: 1 Corinthians 2:2; John 1:38.
Isaac pleaded for children and God granted his plea.
We could inquire of the Lord when we do not understand: v.22.
God's people are always subject to His interventions: 1 Corinthians 1:20-21.
Esau and Jacob were born when Isaac was sixty years old.
Isaac loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob.
Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for the stew he cooked.
Victory to the country because of Naaman:(5:1):Through us, blessings to others, not headache.
The Lord gave victory (5:1); success in our life not because of our merit, but because of God's mercy.
Naaman became a great and honorable man in the eyes of his master (5:1): not gave him any high position or any special reward: Do not expect too much
or an immediate reward.
Naaman was a mighty man (5:1): No use of those who don't do anything. Some people just talk, but no action.
He was a leper (5:1): Many are like this: From an honorable family, but hits his wife; educated, but smoker and alcoholic; married, but immoral life;
church goer, but do not receive communion; spiritual worker, but no family prayer at home. What is our leprosy?
No treatment for leprosy in those days: Not sought God's help. Reconcile with others? Stop gossipping? Stop utter lies? Pride, jealous, etc. to stop? Need
self-examination. Need treatment when see color changes in the skin: Repentance, fasting, prayer. In 1989, "Washington for Jesus" ... President Reagon
apologized for all the errors and mistakes in the past; white man and black man forgave each other: cf.
Chronicle 21:8 (David); 2 Chronicles 7:12-14 (Solomon); Psalm 131:2; 84:5-7. Miriam became a lepor because of her sin (Numbers 12:10); Uzziah, a lepor,
all his life (2 Chronicles 26:9-21). The days of the mourning shall be ended (Isaiah 60:20).
The mission of the waitress: her master to seek the help of the prophet, Elisha. Because of a little slave girl, Naaman was cured.
When he heard of the prophet, Naaman went (with silver and gold)
Elisha told Naaman to go and wash in Jordan seven times
Hesistently (had doubts) Naaman did and was cleaned
Jordan is foreshadow of Jesus Christ: When took bath, he was cured.
Naaman who came with gold returned cured with two male-loads of earth.
The importance of the earth that touched the footsteps of a holy man.
The return from Babylon is an image of a much deeper and greater return:cf. 11:1-12; 35:3-10; 61:4-7; 63:10-12
The people return because of the Servant.
Repent and be baptized (Mark 1:4) in the name of Jesus Christ and receive the Holy Spirit: John 17:20; Acts 11:16-17
3000 people received Jesus Christ
The fivefold results of conversion: steadfastness, doctrine, fellowship, eating together and prayers
Wonders and signs reinforced their teaching: Mark 16:17; Hebrews 2:4
Stewardship: Sharing of goods for the benefit of the less fortunate
In Christ, everybody together, not in isolation
This leads to have favor with all the people.
Holiness (v.4)
Adoption (5-6)
Redemption (7-8)
Knowledge of His will (9-10)
Eternal inheritance (11-14)
John the Baptist who prepared for Jesus' Ministry was imprisoned
Jesus continued the preaching about repentance and belief
Jesus called disciples Simon and Andrew while they were working
Jesus spoke with authority and they immediately followed Him
James and John also followed Him immediately leaving their occupation and family
Jesus demonstrated His divine power in word (v.21) and deed (vv.22-28) by healing a man with unclean spirit and also Simon's mother -in-law (1 Corinthians
9:5), and several others who were sick and demon possessed.
Jesus doesn't want them to spread the news then (1:34,44; 5:43; 7:36; 8:26), only after He had risen from the dead (8:30; 9:9). He did not want to believe
in Him based upon demonic testimony. Only at trial, Jesus claimed He is Christ (14:62).
Only Jesus Christ had seen God the Father
John the Baptist declared that he is not Christ, nor Elijah (Malachi 4:5) or the prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15, 18)
John is a herald preparing the Way for the Lord's coming: Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1
John's humility: Not worthy to loose the sandal strip of Jesus.
John baptized with water (v.26) and Jesus with the Holy Spirit (v.33)
Humility of John: Not worthy to loose His sandral strap
Jesus, the Lamb of God, vv.29, 35) offered an atonement for sin (Leveticus 4:27-35) and the passover lamb (Exodus 12:1-13)
John's mission was to reveal Jesus Christ
The manifestation assured John that the one he had baptized was indeed the Son of God.
Jesus invites John's disciples to come and see (1:39). Following is very important: Following Him (1 Corinthians 11:1) is imitating Him - glorify God
(John 17:4), obey Him (John 8:50), do His will (John 5:30), sacrifice (Mark 10:46), prayer and submission (Matthew 26:39). Later Philip (from Bethsaida) told
Nathaniel to come and see (1:46)... catching human beings.... spread the news.
Andrew brought his brother Simon to Jesus: personal evangelism
Jesus saw in Simon a rocklike character which made him the spokeman and leader.
Philip perceived that Jesus indeed is the Christ as attested by Moses and the prophets and followed Him ... shows how to deal with doubtors.
Galileans were held in low regard (Matthew 2:19-23) so that they wonder whether any good come out of Nazareth (1:45): prejudgment.
Philip preached about Jesus to Nathaniel and invited him to come and see Jesus (to get acquainted). Like Philip, we must be guide and help to others in
seeing Jesus and solving problems.
Nathaniel was a man without deceit (Jesus: No guile /deceit in Nathaniel; No other greater person than John; Peter is the rock to build His Church).
Nathaniel used to sit under the fig tree (learning place for the Jews) in reading and meditating (Psalms 1:6). Philip told Him that he saw Jesus of Nazareth, a
small town not famous. There was no mention that Jesus will be coming from there. That is why he asked whether any good will be coming from there. Philip
told him to come and see. Without any doubt, Nathaniel followed Philip to see the savior (Hebrews 2:3-4). Therefore he was able to meet Him and accept Him. We
have to sanctify Him in our heart to see Jesus (1 Peter 3:14). Jesus is the word of Life (1 John 1:1). Disciples saw Jesus through their own eyes and tested
Him to be good. The wisemen also did the same. Herod could not see the infant Jesus. He murdered the infants. Those who see Jesus wholeheartedly can see
the angels going up and down through the opened doors of heavens. Nathaniel was meditating the events that Jacob saw in his vision (Genesis 28:10-17 cf. Luke
2:9, 13; Acts 1:10; 7:55-56). Jesus is the ladder to go to heaven. We should have such blessings. Jacob was not straightforward before became Israel (Genesis
27:35-36). When God callled, Adam and Eve had covered themselves because of their lost situation (Genesis 3:8-19). Jesus called common people with external and
internal beauty. Be like infants ((1 Peter 2:1), not of the tricks of the world (Romans 12:1-2). Complete change to Simon and Nathaniel by going to Jesus.
Nathaniel corrected himself and accepted Jesus as teacher, king of Israel, and Son of God, like Peter. When he met Jesus, goodness came to him. Christ must
live in our hearts (Ephesians 3:17). God looks the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). We should see God and experience who He is. Should not have sin or
transgression (Psalms 32:2). Here Nathaniel later became Bartholomew, a disciple.
He who believes and acknowledges Jesus as the Son of God will see greater things.
Jesus' look and the invitation to come made the difference. cf. Luke 22:61. "Jesus looked Peter." In the garden Peter struck the ear of the servant; after
that he followed Jesus (courage); denied three times (selfishness); human action, not divine; liked praises; no self-knowledge (warning during Last Supper
and at Gethsamanae). Jesus still loved him by His look; no anger or enemity.
They spread whatever they saw and heard.
"We saw Him", "come and see'....Is there anything to see?
Magnifying, personal and spiritual inputs in each person who saw Jesus.
God accepts free will offering
God is our Lord: We shall keep His commandments.
Wisdom brings maturity
The appeal of the good woman: Her house is well bult and will not fall: Matthew 7:24-27
The wise man accepts correction and grows wiser; the scoffer doesn't.
God fulfills our needs if we approach Him with gratitude: Matthew 11:28
We have to seek and call Him with our needs.
Husbands should understand their wives, respect them, and give priority to their well-being.
We should be of one mind, should have sympathy for others, love, tenderhearted, and kind
When we return good for evil, we receive blessings (3: 10-12; Psalms 34:12-16).
It is better to do the right thing even if we have to suffer.
We should give our testimony with humility toward others and with reverence toward God.
The full revelation of God in the Son completes the partial Old Testament revelations.
Sin and death are now under Christ Jesus.
Jesus is Son (vv. 2, 5, 6), the divine heir and ruler (2, 8), through whom God created the world (2, 10-12). He is exalted to the right hand of God (3, 9,
Angels are only ministerial spirits (vv. 4-14), but Jesus is the eternal Son who became man, suffered and was exalted.
We must obey Jesus Christ with whom salvation came and miraculously confirmed by God through gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Nichodemos only in St. John's Gospel.
Here to seek the kingdom of God, later as a defendant (John 7:51), and then at the burial: John 19:38.
Nicodemus was a leader. But he was a coward. That is why he came in the night to see Jesus.
.He has great concern to know how to inherit the kingdom of God.
Those who desire and seek truth shall be properly rewarded (cf. James 1:5). Go to Jesus to be rewarded. Do not stay away.
Sinceriety of Nicodemus... came in the night. But Jesus turned light into him (Zaacheus climbed on a tree to see Jesus: concealed identity). Iscariot,
became a disciple, but did not believe.
Jesus respected his desire and concern.
Transformation of the heart by the Holy Spirit. Regener-ation (Romans 8:15-17) through water and spirit - baptism - (Galatians 6:15; Titus 3:5; James
1:18; 1 Peter 1:23; 1 John 3:9) is needed. Christ to form in us (Galatians 4:19); then a new person (Ephesians 4:19). Jesus showed this through His own
baptism Water cleanses. Holy Spirit purifies. Holy Spirit signifies purification and life. To renew and strengthen through prayer and holy communion (John
15:5). Crucify self (Luke 9:23; Romans 6:12-14) to inherit Christ's character.
By baptism all become new: Romans 6:33; Colossians 2:12; Galatians 3:27; Titus 3:6. Complete change from the old state of affairs. Repentance and spiritual
Watch and see the day to day life of born again Christians. Any change?
As a person and a teacher, Nicodemus couldn't understand the truth of birth from above. Those who couldn't understand the earthly affairs do have
difficulties to acknowledge heavenly experiences. We have to understand God's love and plan of salvation.
"Amen, Amen" (truly, truly/most asuredly) 25 times in St. John and 50 times in the other three Gospels.
Preach what we know and witness what has been seen:. Study faith and Bible to do so. Share and witness. Do the will of God.
Elisha had done great things (8:4) -Healed the bad water
Youth who mocked the prophet were mauled by bears.
God blessed the land in coming back to life after the locust plague.
God is in our midst (v.27) to deliver us.
God's promise of the universe outporing of the Holy Spirit was fulfilled in the New Testament (Acts 2:16, 39).
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Just as the Lord led Israel into the wilderness, protecting them from the sword of the Egyptian enemies, so His loving kindness will support His
Join a song of praise with a prayer to save.
God restores because He loves with the love of a parent: Hosea 11:1-2.
Paul witnessed Jesus where ever he went.
The encounters brought Paul to explain his new doctrine.
By taking a text from an Athenian altar (v. 23: "TO THE UNKNOWN GOD"), Paul presented his own God who created the world.
God, the creator made verything and every body alike in the urge to seek the Lord through repentence and service.
Several listened to Paul and believed in Jesus.
The whole body of believers together made up the temple of God.
The Church is holy. God punishes those who defiles His Church with divisions and contention.
Christians should not boast in the foolishness of human wisdom, but glory in what God has done for them.
We are all in Christ and so we are secure.
God judges each one of us, not we each other.
John the Baptist and Jesus ministered in the same area of Judea: 22-24.
John clarified to John's disciples that Jesus is superior to him: vv. 27-30
"He must increase, but I must decrease" (v. 30): Isaiah 9:7
Like the best man brings the bride to the bridegroom, John brought the people of Isreal to Jesus.
Jesus came from heaven with fulness of spirit from God and has been giving to His followers as God's gift (Acts 1:4,5).
Faith in Christ brings everlasting life, but disbelief brings the wrath of God.
Jesus' activity increased and added more members to the fold.
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