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October 1-31, 2002 | ARCHIVE |
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A pastor without a well balance personal spirituality cannot sustain himself in the ministry. If he depends merely on his skills and for the sustainability of the ministry it is liable to fail. |
Most of the members of the Malankara Orthodox Community in America are the first generation immigrants from India. Most of the priests have their original ministerial formation in India and almost all of them grew up in India. Their original training is to cater to the particular needs of the community in India, where the society is homogeneous and the value systems are different from that of America. Their ministry in this country is raising totally unexpected challenges in their ministerial life as well as in their personal lives.
This demographic pattern is changing very fast as the number children born and brought up in this country is increasing. As their number is increased the ministerial need of the American Orthodox Syrian Community and the skills of the available priests are put into pressure. While most of the priests of this Diocese have their ministerial formation in the seminaries in India some had only a crash course on liturgy and a few had training in this country all these along with challenges of the modern society calls for continued efforts on the part of the Church to improve the skills of the serving priests for providing a meaningful ministry to the faithful and on the part of the priests for progress of their own spiritual growth as well as to keep healthy attitude to wards their ministry. A research conducted by Rev. Dr. George Koshy into the ministerial needs of the community came up with this finding.
If the quantity of priests is more than needed, their quality is questionable for the parishes in America because of the generation gap and the unique cultural, social and linguistic problems. Of course almost all are able, educated and talented in catering to the needs of the first generation. Therefore, in most of the parishes the second generation has not been receiving services or proper attention from the clergy. Most of the priests are employed fulltime, [elsewhere] ….
These kinds of situations affect the ministry from both sides. On the one side the priests who are working very hard in supporting themselves and support their ministry finds it draining on their spiritual and emotional life. They feel frustrated and dejected. On the other side the parishioners are not able to get proper pastoral care because of the problems. This situation demands a very strong support system from the Church.
On the evaluation of the pastoral situation in the Amerian Orthodox Syrian Community in general we find that the overall situation calls for lot of improvement and in almost all the aspects of the ministry we find most of the pastors are lacking. Here I will just try to briefly delineate a few of the specific ministerial challenges faced by the American Orthodox Syrian Community.
A. PERSONAL SPIRITUALITY OF THE PASTOR A pastor without a well balance personal spirituality cannot sustain himself in the ministry. If he depends merely on his skills and for the sustainability of the ministry it is liable to fail. We are experiencing this at present. Most of the pastors begin with good spiritual grounding but it gets challenged very easily when it is tested repeatedly in the real life situations. Hard work and shortage of time prevents him from the inevitable spiritual disciplines of personal devotions, study, meditation, etc. The inner spiritual balance wanes slowly the commitment to the ministry also proportionately wanes. Pastoral functioning then becomes a profession and not a vocation. He most of the times is overwhelmed by the work load and the first causality in the process is the time set apart for his own personal or family needs. Slowly this erodes his spirituality.
B. FAILURE OF THE PASTOR TO MAKE THE CONGREGATION FEEL THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST THROUGH HIM When pastor himself loses the spiritual characteristic of the ministry it will be soon experienced by the congregation. The congregation will experience the pastor trying respond to the challenges in a very secular way. This has come to situation where many feel that the Church has become a very secular organization and people are not getting the spiritual nourishment they expect from the Body of Christ. When the pastor fails to experience presence of the Jesus Christ in his personal life he will fail to be the Iconic presence of Jesus Christ. He cannot be what he is not. All the attempts cover up this will only deepen the deterioration.
C. SACRAMENTAL VERSUS THE RITUALISTIC NATURE OF THE MINISTRY Orthodox ministry by nature is sacramental. The sacramental nature of the orthodox ministry is not limited to the ritualistic performance of the rituals. On close observation we understand that the ritual aspect of the ministry forms only a miniscule part of the sacramental life. In the Orthodox understanding the sacramentality is a way of life and not the performance of the rituals. Rituals are only an aspect of the sacramental lifestyle that helps us to mystically experience the presence of Jesus Christ in the different stages of our life. While certain rituals fulfill the sacramental aspect of the rites of passage an individual go through in life. They in the proper sense help the individual and community relate the stages in their personal life to the life of Jesus Christ. The malady here is when the Pastor loses his personal spiritual balance consequently he ceases to be the iconic presence of Jesus Christ and his sacramental life becomes ritualistic. He is more concerned with the performance of the rituals instead of the mystical experience of Jesus that is expected to happen through the sacraments.
D. FAILURES TO LEAD THE CONGREGATION IN A CHRIST LIKE MANNER Whether the pastor likes it or not he is the leader of the congregation. He does not have a choice in this role. The only choice he has is in the manner in which he wants to do it. Many situations the poor leadership is not a mater of his choice but an outcome of his ignorance and lack of sense of the call to which he is called. He can become very abusive and authoritarian. This is a reality in many situations. The pastor's inability to lead the congregation properly ends up in the congregation dwindling in personal and other resources. The ethnic nature of the Orthodox Church may help the pastor to survive for some time despite his inability to lead properly but in the long term it is detrimental for the parish as well as the pastor himself. Even now we already see the symptoms of the problems that necessitates an intervention to improve the Christian quality of the congregational leadership.
E. FORGOTTEN ROLE OF THE PROPHETIC MINISTRY The prophetic role of the minister is rarely acknowledged in the Orthodox Churches. Though there are several genuine reasons for this lapse it is not appropriate for the pastors to undervalue the prophetic role. A minister by his call is called to take stand on justice related issues. Whether it is in within the community or in the society at large he being the icon of Christ has no choice but take his stand along with the poor, oppressed or wherever and to whomever justice is denied. He has to remind his congregation about the need for a justice based spirituality. As pointed out earlier the ritualistic approach along with the fact that their immediate life situation does not call for such a stand this role is rarely recognized as necessary characteristic of the ministry by the congregations, pastor or even at the Church hierarchy. Here a thorough reorientation is needed for the pastors about their own prophetic vocation.
F. PREACHING/TEACHING MINISTRY The preaching/ teaching characteristic of the minister is one of the most widely recognized by the Pastors themselves as well as the congregation. The word preacher has become a synonym for pastor. In spite of the recognition widely held for this role we still see that there is a lot of scope for improvement. One of the greatest drawbacks of many preachers is that they tend to forget that they are preaching Jesus Christ who is the word of God and the preaching end up as a performance of their oratorical skills and scholarship in various subjects. The greatest danger that has taken place in this context is that because of the continued abuse of this part of the ministry people vision of preaching ministry itself has got distorted. Now people do not look to the sermons to be edified but to enjoy the oratorical skills of the pastor. In this process the word of God has become the causality. We need education to recapture the proper understanding of the word of God.
G. MEDIATOR AND INTERCESSORY ROLE OF THE PASTOR The pastor's role as a mediator and intercessor is widely recognized by both the pastors and the congregation. As in the case of the other key characteristics of the ministry this role also has to recapture its proper understanding. Most of the times we perceive this role as the role of an errand boy. The congregation thinks of a pastor as person who will get things from God. The role of mediation is understood distorted. We have to understand that intercession and mediation are parts of a relationship between God and individuals and communities. It is not a matter of setting a shop of divine blessings where everything can be had at a proper price. We have to recapture the idea that the intercession is for the whole creation and mediation is between the whole creation and God. Here the pastor is called to fulfill his particular call to bring his congregation to the journey of Christ likeness through his intercessions and mediations.
It is a necessity that we as a Church address these issues very seriously and work hard to find solutions. Only when we are able to deal with the reality that confronts us we will be able to become the Church that is truly the body of Jesus Christ.
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We often label our casual short-term or brief encounters as purely social, political or cultural. But Word of God teaches 'Blessed is the man who does not walk in the consul of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of the mockers.' |
There are many who have answered this question in different ways and would offer advice on it. This question is being answered everyday either consciously or unconsciously by every individual through the decisions or the choices one makes. The appropriateness, the timing of the decision or choices are revisited often when the outcome is much different than the expectation. Let us find out how lead a blessed life.
Three DO NOT DOs Do not sit in the seat of mockers. Do not stand in the way of sinners. Do not walk in the consul of the wicked. Two DOs Meditate His law day and night. Why should I do the Above?
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A holy war in this age of Holy Spirit is an anachronism because no one is allowed, apart from a declared war between the nations, to shed the blood of another person. |
The word ARMAGEDDON, a probable interpretation, appears only once in the Bible (Rev. 16:15-16). The utterance of this place name transmits shock waves across horizons and sky limits, reverberating back violently, especially towards the Christian communities and countries. It may be a reference to 'Megiddo', as we read: 'In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.' (Zec 12:11 ) It is a place identified with the valley of Jehoshaphat (South of Jerusalem), which means 'Jehovah Judges'. "Christians, Muslim and Jewish traditions identifies it with valley of Kidron, where it is the ambition of pious Jews and Muslims to be buried in order that they may be ready for the day of Judgment." Though a minor prophet, Joel's prophecies poignantly finger point a devastating and dreadful war in which all the nations of the world may intriguingly got incited at the closing down ceremony of the aeon. 'For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and [for] my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.' (Joel 3:1-2) HOLY WAR: A martyr is a righteous person who is killed by another person for the service rendered to God. One who kills a human being even in the name of God is a murderer (Infringement of Moses' sixth commandment), who, if not atoned of his sins by repentance, is destined to the bottomless pit (Rev. 9:11). God being the author of life, no one has the right to commit suicide. Suicide is a murder; it is a crime. One who kills another person is a murderer and not a martyr. A human bomb is a conglomeration of two types of sins or crimes, murders and self-immolation, punishable for multiple crimes. Even Euthanasia and abortion are treated as murders. Taking away the life of a person (including suicide) is one of the pre-requisite credentials for one's passport to the sulphurous lake of fire. (Rev. 20:15) REDEMPTIVE STAGES: Who will be able to endure the great and fiery day of the Lord? (Mal. 4) The remedy is to 'Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet. ' (Joel 2:15-16) St.John also reminds the same to us. 'Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed [is] he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.' (Rev 16:15-16; 1 Thess 5:2-3) Who did invite the kings of the whole world there on the great day of the Almighty? The demonic technological miracles). On what grounds God's creation will have to pass through periods of the tribulation (Rev.2:9) and great tribulation (Rev.2:22; 7:14) of the total seven years? God almighty is adored and glorified incessantly by the Heavenly hosts (Rev. 15), where as his name is being desecrated and His servants here on earth are tortured and persecuted (Rev. 16:6) continually. The burning wrath of God is poured down over the inhabitant of the earth as plagues and pestilences by seven angels of God. (Rev 15-16; 2 Thess:8-12) At the time when the fifth bowl is poured down on the throne of the beast, (Rev 12:12) its kingdom was in darkness; men gnawed their tongues in anguish and cursed the God of Heaven for their pain and sores, and did not repent of their deeds (Rev.16:10). Pouring down the sixth bowl, God's angel gives the trinity of darkness (Rev. 16:13) seven years to trample upon the anointed as well as the wicked ones of the world (Rev. 13, Dan 12) and imprint his name and number 666 on the earthly inhabitants (Rev. 13:14-18) The first half of the Beast's seven years of treacherous rule (Dan. 8:14) is called the period of tribulation and the latter part is known as the period of great tribulation (Rev. 13:5; 9:27) " And from the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be a 1290 days' (3.5 Years app. Dan 12:11-13) During this fearful period " I set every man against his fellow" (Zech 8:10) ANTI-CHRIST: 'And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. ...But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. ...Yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him. ' (Dan 11:40-45) The tidings from the east and north is perhaps the likely combined army assaults from western continents and their allies and also the coalesced forces of the eastern regions. This combined uprising may unseat him on account of his abrasive attitude in eliminating and ignoring the Gods of all religions, and bloodshed caused towards the end of his terrified reign of seven years. The allied forces of the beast that made war on the Lamb will be conquered and destroyed. (Rev. 1(:19; 17: 13-18; Dan 11:44) RELIGIOUS WAR: "For as lightening comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of Son of Man" (Matt. 24:27). Imitating Jesus, the son of perdition also follows the same path and pattern. The wanton butchery that kindled in Ambon and Timor(Indonesia) is conflagrating to the westward direction, molesting the purity of the Church of the Nativity and other Holy places in Bethlehem, the birth place of the Saviour. On it sweeps to the westward journey, the bloodbath whetted by followers of some major religions in India and Pakistan and neighboring countries is testimony that the spirit of rebellion and holocaust is already at work. The developing countries, which are incapable of feeding their starving millions, are equipped with weapons of mass destruction to participate in the holy war. The fanaticism of underground religious fundamentalism and sectarians violence and its carnivorous horror and terror is fuming the heat waves to the four corners of the world, simmering every individual and institution with rage, shudder and awe, whether they are rich or poor, small or great, low or high. Mankind is a victim of an immense catastrophe, too.
Now the whole world is boiled up with mass incendiaries and hysteria. Treachery and lechery is everywhere and in all walk of life. Have we already slipped into the period of tribulation? The ripeness for extirpation of humanity is accomplished by our own paranoid and daily demonic gymnastics. The battle of Armageddon is a detrimental turning point to the trinity of the devil and his worshippers, where as it is blossoming the city of paradise for those who have received the seal of the angel of the Lord. (Rev. 7:3; 14:1) |
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Jesus gives a definite answer for the question 'Who is greatest?' 'Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of Heaven.' |
"At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"(Mat. 18:1) The mother of Zebedee's sons came to Jesus and requested Him to give her sons James and John the prominent place among the disciples (Mat.20.20:21) Jesus answered her saying :-
The same subject, the same questions; raised in different occasion, different circumstance and different context. Jesus' answer, though varies in detail in description, the sole common factor in all His descriptions is the quality of humility. But, in His teachings and explanations to the question as to who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven, there consist yet other points-certain lessons of faith (Mat 18:2,11). Let us conceive each of them precisely and briefly, within the limitation of this small thought.
1. REPENTANCE IS VITAL FOR ENTERING INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN: When we part take in the worship of God, it should be the occasion for the repentance. It should experience us to find our guilt before God. As we recite in musical rhythm "Holly art thou o' God, we should as well say within us: 'I am the most unhappy'. It is not for the pleasure of hearing that prayers are arranged with long notes intervening between the words and sentences. It is the time for the worshipers to meditate and to repent.
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O Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky ? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven. |
In order to know the prophecy of second coming of Jesus Christ, refer to Zech. 14:4 'And His feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.' Jesus' disciples heard the very same passage from the mouth our Lord. Matt.24:1-2 and 32-36: 'And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and His disciples came to Him for to shew Him the building of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you. There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down'. 'Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: so likewise, ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that is near, even at the door'.
The disciples were very excited because He was teaching them of a righteous kingdom and how they would rule in it. In verse 3 we read, now the disciples were on the Mount of Olives with Him. The present temple they looked at was the third one called "Herod's Temple". The first one was Solomon's. That temple was actually David's because David provided all materials for it. Zerubbabel built second temple. It was also torn down and the third one was constructed. Now we read the disciples asked," All right, what shall these things be". They thought they are at the right place (the Mount of Olive). It was certainly not the right temple because the temple has yet to be destroyed. In Acts 1:6 the disciples again asking the same question. Here also they were at the Mount of Olives. The resurrected Christ was among them. Jesus told them "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in His own power". Here again it was not the right time. Jesus, during his Olive discourse, had told his close disciples, the symptom of His Second Coming as 'when you see the fig tree's branch is tender..... Know that it is near'. Israel is pictured here as a fig tree. Read Matt.21:18-20. We see a fig tree, which bear only leaves. There was no fruit.
Comparing Verses in Acts and that in Matthew.21, we see Israel will come back as a nation. They will still reject Christ. In other words, he is not speaking of a spiritual awakening of Israel but as a political reality. Then you know I am near. The fact that Israel became a political reality in May 1948 as a tremendous miracle. So He is near. But the greatest miracle takes place when someone comes to trust in Jesus Christ as Saviour. This is also a rebirth. In John 3:7-8 Jesus tells to Nicodemus 'Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye much be born again. The wind blowth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound there of, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.' What a wonderful reality is to have God's promise of eternal life?.
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There are three sure signs that one does not understand spirituality in general. 1. Irrational anxiety for existence. 2. Thick-skinned unconcern about other religions. 3. Meddlesome eagerness to reform the scriptures. |
There are three sure signs that one does not understand spirituality in general and one's own religion in particular. The first is the
irrational anxiety that if other religions are left free to flourish and fulfill their destiny, one's own religion will be stamped out of existence. The
second is the thick-skinned unconcern with which sweeping and malicious generalizations are made about other religions. The third is the
meddlesome eagerness to reform the scriptures, customs, and liturgical life of other religions; to wield reform, in short, as a rhetoric of attack. The
irony that these trends betoken the ascendancy of intolerance in a religious group and that this marks the degeneration of the spiritual core of that
religion is often lost on most people. We would have been beholden to the VHP mouthpieces, and listened to them reverentially, if they had anything worthwhile to say on the treasures
of Hinduism. As of today, there is no evidence to suggest that they are seized of the spiritual profundities of the Vedic faith. We have heard far too
much from them, however, on the dangers and demerits of the minorities. Out of the VHP cauldron of communal calculations there continues to emerge an
endless array of instructions to minorities. Thus, they have been asked, in quick succession, to amend their names (for example, Christians must
call themselves "Christian Hindus"), to indianize their liturgical practices and community life, to hard-earn the good will of the Hindu community (by
which is meant, the Parivar), and so on. The latest in this series of unsolicited advice is that Christians should edit their scripture, and remove all
'objectionable' materials from the Bible. On the face of it, there should be nothing 'objectionable' about excising 'objectionable texts' from the Bible. The difficulty is in deciding
which text is objectionable and which is not. Who is to adjudicate on the merit of these texts? If the VHP is allowed to edit the Bible, the outcome could
be similar to the fate of the notice put up in front of a fish-shop, which read: "Fresh fish sold here". Soon thereafter, a local prankster
approached the shopkeeper saying, "What is the need to say 'fresh fish' sold here? Who does not know that you sell only 'fresh' fish?" So the shopkeeper
erased the word 'fresh', retaining only the words: "fish sold here". The next day the
same fellow returned with the argument, "Is there any need to write, 'sold here'? Isn't it obvious that fish is sold 'here' and not 'there'?" So
the word 'here' went, and the notice now read, "Fish sold". The prankster came again to argue that the word 'sold' was superfluous. "Isn't it obvious
that the fish kept here is meant for sale?" That word had to go too, leaving now only one word, "fish". A few days later he returned to insist that the
word 'fish' also be erased. "From the stink in this place," he argued convincingly, "it is obvious that there is fish here."
The question of motive is basic to the merit of a suggestion. Why does the VHP want the Bible edited? Is it that the likes of Giriraj Kishore and
Pravin Togadia want the thorns in the Bible removed so that they may enjoy its spiritual flowers and fruits? The only valid reason for resenting
any section in the Bible as 'objectionable' is that it interferes with one's relationship with it. Only a person who wants to embrace a scripture
can come to any just or reliable conclusion as to which of its parts are objectionable and which acceptable. Arguably, those who find
Christianity as a whole objectionable will not stop short of finding the whole of the Bible
objectionable, as the prankster in the story did vis-à-vis the notice. What credibility does an outfit that despises scripture in general and the Bible and the Q'ran in particular have to suggest that it be edited or
reformed? Knowing only too well how the VHP is disposed towards the Bible, we are constrained to be skeptical of its zeal to subject this sacred text to
communal censorship. Why have they improvised this fanciful agenda at this time? The answer points to the not-so-hidden intention to demoralize
the Christian community. It is well known that the morale of a religious community depends, among other things, on the inviolability of three
factors: (a) the scriptures (b) the rituals, including places of worship and (c) the freedom to express the genius of the faith vis-à-vis the world
at large. The attack on rituals, the second in our list, began in a tentative fashion a few years ago when the BJP think-tank in Delhi argued that churches
in Delhi must be de-notified as liquor in the form of sacramental wine was served, without license, at the Lord's Supper! Of course, this was
preceded by a whisper campaign to caricature the Lord's Supper as cannibalism, as sacramental wine and wafer were believed to trans-substantiate into the
body and blood of Jesus Christ. The public outcry in the wake of this campaign to stigmatize the sacrament made the mischief-mongers retrace their steps
in quick time. The attack on religious practices has concentrated so far on intimidating Christian social workers and criminalizing all conversions
as coerced or induced. To this category also belongs the call to indianize the Church. Perhaps it is far too much to expect of the VHP storm-troopers
to know that spirituality, whether seen from a Christian or Hindu perspective, is at once local and universal and that, Church being a spiritual
entity, cannot be defined wholly in territorial terms. With its recent demand that all offending texts be excluded from the Bible, the VHP has launched its maiden attack on the scripture. It needs to be
seen as part of its penchant for improvising anti-minority scandals. This is a shrewd and calculated campaign constructed on the centrality of the
Bible to the Christian faith and community life. Over the last 2000 years, the Bible has been one of the most decisive factors in defining Christian
identity and morale. Christians were known, from the early times, as "People of the Book". The Bible, more than all the churches in the world put together,
accounts for the culture and inspiration of the community. Spreading suspicion on the integrity and spiritual authenticity of the Bible is,
hence, a potent strategy to demoralize Christians anywhere in the world. In its long-term implications, it rivals the communal atrocities unleashed
on the Muslims in Gujarat. However, there is, in spite of the VHP, a positive element in this scenario. The need for re-thinking, reform and spiritual regeneration is a
glaring fact in the sphere of religions, especially in the Indian context. If anti-human and unspiritual ideas and sentiments are embedded in any
scripture or religious literature they need to be identified for what they are. But in this respect, no one should behave like a bull in a China
shop, smashing whatever is unsavory to his personal taste or group whims. The time-tested sanctity of all scriptures must be respected. No one should
set out to vandalize any scripture, equipped only by casual impressions and communal prejudices. In spiritual matters, superficial knowledge is
dangerous and utterly unacceptable, for spirituality is a depth-phenomenon. Only those who endeavor to live by its light can know scripture in truth. That being the case, the sensible thing to do is to leave the risky and
onerous task of reforming scriptures and other aspects of religious life to the practitioners of the respective religions. Hindus must reform
Hinduism and Christians must put their own house in order. And the time has come for both to desist from making laughably uninformed statements about each
other. In place of the current eagerness to reform the religions of others, there must be an uncompromising will to purify one's own religion of whatever
irrational and inhuman accretions it might have acquired over the centuries. In this context, I wish to place on record my personal disapproval of whatever uninformed and uncharitable remarks that self-styled Christian
preachers have made in the past about other faiths. In most cases, these statements were made by those who did not know the subjects on which
they ventured to pontificate. They were also, at the same time, too shallow and superficial in the understanding of their own faith. Showing other
faiths in a poor light is neither necessary nor compatible with the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Jesus never said one uncharitable word
against any other religion. Instead, he reserved his most vehement condemnation for the corrupters of Judaism; the religious fold to which
he belonged. Love is the lifeblood of the Gospel and it can be preached only in the spirit of love and magnanimity. The mark of love is that it
endeavors to see others in the best light possible, without disowning the demands of
truth. But there is a fundamental problem in this context that we need to reckon. All through history, no religious community has taken kindly to the
idea of reforming itself. Consequently, religious reformers were demonized as heretics and enemies of the faith. They were excluded or eliminated
ruthlessly. Religions may preach tolerance, but every religion has been viciously intolerant in respect of religious reform. "No prophet," says
Jesus of Nazareth, "is welcome in the midst of his own people". By ruthlessly stamping out the spirit of reform from within, religious
communities invite lumpen attempts to coerce them into conformity. Ironically, the VHP itself is born out of the lack of spiritual reform
and regeneration in the Hindu fold. Christian fundamentalists are their counterparts in the opposite camp.
For the time being, it is imperative that the nation as a whole wake up to the communal pogrom camouflaged under the VHP campaign to censor the
Bible. The question needs to be asked as to which particular text in the Bible has created, in practice, what trouble for the country? Sure enough, there
are passages in the Old Testament on Holy War. How many Christian groups
today advocate holy wars in the Indian context? But that is hardly the issue.
The tragedy with an outfit like the VHP is that, pathetically devoid of any
positive agenda, it is condemned to fondling its invented victim-hood,
improvising grievances where none exists. The mindset that underlies
this outlook is one of pathological negativity that holds the potential to
infect and paralyze our destiny as a nation. In the judgment of future
historians, the condemnation of the current custodians of Hinduism would be that
they stood by and watched communal and irreligious outfits like the VHP
hijacking the Vedic faith and degrading it into an ideology of intolerance and
inhumanity. May this not continue to happen!
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Marriage is a dynamic relationship and family life is not the bed of noses. If requires plenty of hard work, dollops of fact, good humour, patience, maturity and continual mutual adjustments of the partners through out the lives, to make it happy healthy and stable. |
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The simple principle would be that if you do not instill good thought and manners in children when they are able to imbibe, do not expect also good things back when they are able to impart. For, no one can give out what he/she did not take in. |
It is of paramount importance that this particular title was one of the selected theme of a youth movement group which adduced beyond any reasonable doubt that our faithful already started discerning the awareness of a staggering exigency to address such important subjects so as to better equip themselves in dealing with the yeomen's task of molding a better future generation. This awareness is solemn and lofty, though however late, I console, 'late is better than never.' I felt it should benefit those who could not attend that meeting and hence this essay in nut a shell.
While dealing with Baptism for those coming back from heresies, St. Cyprian says, "For one cannot receive anything from nothing," Hudaya Canon Chapter 2:1. St. Irenaeus in his 2nd book, 'Adversus haereses' corroborates the same idea, "Men, indeed, are not able to make something from nothing, but only from existing material," Article 199, "Faith of the early fathers," by W A Jurgens.) Evidently, many right thinking people feel the same way our venerable fathers said. Equally so, the right minded people of our times genuinely perceive that the situation is really out of control. A few decades ago New York Times reported that 'Christianity would be extinct from the face of the earth once Christians start reconciling with the world order and in Sept 96 it claimed that its prediction has already come true.' We exist as Christians only so long as we wrestle against the world order. "You are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you," John 15:19. Jesus said, "I have overcome the world," John 16:33. "World is enmity with God," James 4:4. St Paul exhorts, "Do not be conformed to this world," Rom 12:2. St John exhorts, "Do not love the world," 1 John 2:15. "For, our citizenship is in heaven," says St Paul, Phil 3:20. These do not mean that Christians are removed from all the realities of social life and awareness in this world, but that they are to desist from the temptations of luxuries that can preclude them inheriting heavenly bliss and to effectively enjoy the bond of peace and happiness in Christ. This would mean that as Christians we ought to hold fast the principles of morality, ethics, faith, hope and love to conform to the standards set forth by our Savior Jesus Christ, Apostles and their bonafide successors.
The question is how far we are able to keep up the standards in our practical personal daily life in the changed present context. Many are caught up in a dilemma. On one side they want to enjoy all pleasures and amenities available around without least judging how their mediocre interests would affect their growing offspring and on the other side they expect very high standards of morale and ethical behavior patterns from the children, without imparting any. The simple principle would be that if you do not instill good thought and manners in them when they are able to imbibe, do not expect also good things when they are able to impart. For, no one can give out what he/she did not take in. In other words, if parents are to genuinely expect good morale and ethical output when the children are grown up they ought to have taught worthy examples for them to emulate when they were children. Thus the burden to bear the brunt of all the outpouring acts of good and evil by the children rests upon the practical life style of parents; for the old adage, 'treat the mother for the infant's sickness' is quite apt in this case.
One cannot ignore that we are put up in a very hostile situation and potentialities of nurturing good morale and ethical Christian values in our children are very bleak which reality itself impels us to be very cautious. To illustrate:
1. One talk show (Sally) on 4.18.97 revealed that many American parents are in the grip of divorce due to the disruptive and erratic behavior of the teenage children. 2. "An average person sees 9230 actual or implied sex acts in a year on TV, of which 81% come from soap operas and 94% are of extra marital affairs. A teenager from 8 to 18 years would see approximately 75000 illicit sex acts during the span of ten years," 'Here is life' by San Bernado 1987. 3. "An average third grader spends 900 hours in school in a year but he spends 1170 by watching TV, i.e. more than 3 hours daily," News Week Oct 1.1990." This alludes that children are spending more time on TV than in school. Bernard Hoffman, a national expert on youth and violence says, "Violence almost become way of life because people answer not by talking but by taking instant actions. Media has been glamorizing violence in movies, TV, video and computer games. Hollywood makes violence more acceptable to children. Before a child finishes elementary school he/she has watched about 8000 murders and more than 100,000 acts of violence. By the time the same child turns 18, he/she has watched more than 18000 TV murders...and makes it appears as an acceptable, even normal, way to solve problems.
Today more and more children are left unsupervised... children develop a distorted reality. Hard work ethic is slipping away. Nationwide 4 to 10 million children have been abused. More than half of such children commit violent crimes. Over 12 million American children have mental problems. If not treated, you run the risk of child erupting into violence," Bucks County Courier times dated May 7. 1997. Many would not admit, yet, the fact is that most of our kids are now products of TV culture and indubitably parents are mainly, if not fully, responsible to this appalling trend and many are weeping over the spilt milk. These statistics may not directly relate to our community in full save a few isolated instances here and there but we cannot ignore the situation at any rate. Time is ripe, however, if not too late, to awake from the deep slumber many are in, and take precautionary steps against such impending calamities that might befall and take heavy toll on our flamboyant life style. It is hearty sign; at least some section of our community captured the magnitude of the situation and began seriously pondering over the ways and means of reparation and reversal to the basics.
A few years ago, a friend of mine bought a bedroom set elegantly packed in a corrugated carton. He brought it home and started assembling. Even after many hours frantic efforts he could not make it to the manufacturer's specifications. Some parts and handful of accessories were in excess. Finally he came to senses that he could not complete the project. He called me for help. I went there only to find a big mess. I sat with him and showed him how to assemble, following step by step from the manufacturer's instruction manual. It worked out very easy and he was happy. In this case his problem was his over confidence about his own ability; I call it pride. He did not care to consult the instruction manual, as was supposed to, I call it neglect or even defiance. The result was dismay and failure. The same or similar situation happens in family life also. Who knows best about family relationships and duties of each one in it, as ought to be, better than the one who designed and established family?
Adam sinned against the will of God that caused him the loss of Paradise, constituting the first ever 'divorce' or separation from God. Adam realized his folly and damage that followed. He felt insecure and devastated and realized the futility of his existence without God and decided to reconcile with God hoping to regain the promised paradise, thus began to worship God, Gen 4:26. God in His abundant and unfathomable mercy, promised Adam re-entry into the lost paradise, by the redeeming sacrifice of His only begotten Son, as the "Seed of woman" Gen 3:15. God designed a sublime plan to bring out the "Seed of the woman" who would execute the task of redemption. He named this plan 'marriage and family.' He wrapped and bound Adam and Eve as husband and wife with His love, that was 'His best for their best.' St. Augustine says, "Love is a movement of mind directed towards God." 'The opposite of love is not hate but lust that is also a movement of mind directed against God.' When Adam saw Eve for the first time he exclaimed, "Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh," Gen 2: 23. Adam had no better word to express his exuberance and sense of oneness as he saw Eve. He found bliss and endless exultation in her presence and enjoyed pinnacle of divine love and never again felt lonely. So when husband and wife come together in mutual commitment of sincere love and care, there begins the paradise on earth and heaven rejoices. He established the family in His own image and likeness of love as the first alternative to the lost paradise and as a passage to future eternal paradise. God visualized the blessed Trinity in the family set up (man, Adam + God + woman, Eve = husband + wife = family).
In the wedding episode of Isaac and Rebecca the unnamed servant who faithfully carries out the whole process of marriage is referred to as type of Holy Spirit, Gen 24:10-66. So long as we fail to comprehend this divine principle and willfully submit to it we cannot and will not be able to fulfill our obligations as parents. Life in paradise was so pleasant that they never lacked anything. Everything went well until a third character, other than God, without consent of the other partner intruded in their life, we call him Satan, who destroyed their bliss and turned everything into turmoil. Even today mankind is reeling under the dastardly effects of this unauthorized intrusion. In the present day's culture too, third character's entry in the life of 'two' is the main reason for family break-ups and manifold afflictions that follow. US News Sept 24.1990 says, "50% of black children in the country and 80% in New York alone live without father." "There are 1.1 Million single fathers in US. 50% of the divorces are due to the new extra marital relationships developed in the work places," Dr. James Dobson in 'focus on the family,' April 9.97. St Paul equates the relationship of husband and wife to that of Christ and Church and adds that it is nothing but a great mystery, Eph Ch 5. Christ is the perfect embodiment of selfless love and self-sacrifice. Affectionate relationship between husband and wife need not necessarily depend on sexual gratification alone, which is an alien concept in these days. Intimacy in family relationship cannot exist nor flourish without self-emptying unconditional love, self-sacrifice, mutual trust and unqualified commitment to spouse. However, divine presence is indispensable for these elements to function harmoniously, so as not to create any imbalance. Marriage is not a casual relationship, as many contemplate in these days, but a dignified vocation. 'Marriage is an institution, not a romance; it is a way of life, not a passion; it is not rainbow, but hodden-gray,' says Earnest Barker in "Values of life."
We see a lot of family models in the Holy Bible. Psalm 128 is a lucid and candid narration of a model family as a well-grown garden. Husband is the full-grown, matured olive tree; wife is the vine crept over the olive tree, not as parasite but as ornament and the children are the healthy, growing olive plants. No doubt, this is a prototype of heaven. The responsibility of keeping harmonious and blessed relation in the family is vested upon husband. He should do so by fearing the Lord. He must place God first in everything he does. "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you," Matt 6:33. His actions must conform to the divine standards. He should transmit Godly principles of honesty, affection, love, forgiving, discipline, obedience, etc to the entire household. He is a mediator between God and members of the family. He should consult God in prayer and seek His guidance before commissioning or implementing anything. He ought to behave responsibly and in blameless way as if he were type of Christ. Such people shall eat the fruit of their labor; rather, the husband who does not fear God nor keep His commandments may not get desired results of his labor. Egocentric people are more prone to sustained failures. God-fearing people are promised with 'happiness.' Happiness is a state of blessedness. But nowadays, most people seek their own asylums, independent of God, and end up in alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography, etc.
Some others conceive economic independence, opulence, social position, education, physical attractiveness, etc as vehicles to happiness. All these things may be helpful to grow in self-esteem or offer some momentary pleasure, nevertheless, there will always remain a sense of dissatisfaction or worthlessness. This is the same solitude that Adam felt when he lost paradise, for man is created in a different way from all other animals. The 'Word' of His mouth created animals. He said so and they were made, Gen 1: 9-23. But man was created after a discussion and consent within the Holy Trinity. He was created in the image and the likeness of Trinity. "And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." Gen 1: 26. The first part, "God said" is singular that denotes "oneness of God" (God is one) and the second part, "Let us" and "our image" and "our likeness" are plural numbers and that plurality we call, "Trinity. " One God is known in three personalities (K'noome, in Syriac) "the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost." or "Triune God." This is evident from the fact that man (includes woman also) possesses body, mind and spirit. Secondly, God's own hands formed him. He was not created by command, though it was quite possible for God to do so. He did not opt that way. This adduces that man, unlike other animals, is a special creation and that he is very important to God. For this reason man can never enjoy his life in abundance without the active presence of God, his creator, sustainer and emancipator.
Understanding this immutable truth will invariably unravel many riddles of life; namely, why possessions of huge wealth, social status, education, beauty and such other worldly accomplishments do not bring in the desired level of happiness. Recorded history, contemporary happenings, and stories of acclaimed persons of fame are full with discontentment, failures, turmoil and feeling of wantonness. Why? St Augustine said, "My heart will never rest until I rest in thee." Jesus said, "abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bare fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine. You are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit, for without me you can do nothing," John 15:4-5. "Happy are the people whose God is Lord," Ps 144: 15 and Prov. 16: 20.
Man who fears the Lord and finds happiness in the Lord is endowed with a wife, who shall be like fruitful vine beside his house, is a beautiful simile. Wine is symbolic of life, John 2:4-10, Ezk.19: 10. Faithful and God fearing wife can convert a barren house into a home of abundance where Christ lives. Christians are familiar with St. Monica whose saintly life converted Patricia, her pagan husband and Augustine, her son. Psalmist recognizes that a devoted wife can make real difference in a home. Proverb's chapter 31 is an exemplary homily on good wife. Shakespeare said, 'woman can become an angel as also Satan next moment, can make heaven a hell and hell a heaven.' Unlike many other tropical plants vine needs constant care. Systematic soil preparation, spreading manure, watering, pruning and spraying insecticides at regular intervals are necessary if it should give good results. Similarly, wife deserves attention such as love, respect, self- esteem, cooperation and independence to grow profitably.
Another characteristic of vine is that it grows in abundance only in warm weather. It will be dormant in winter. Husband has to provide favorable atmosphere in the home, pursue right values and proper discipline based on mutually acceptable principles. A husband offering winter attitude would never expect spring blossom; for, he won't get it. Winter cold and spring blossom cannot coexist. Another characteristic of vine is that it is a creeping plant. Creeper needs support, failing which will result in wild growth. This not only spoils the beauty of the plant and wastes more area of land but also bears fewer fruits that will be unpleasant to everyone and it will be eventually shattered. Husband should support his wife at all times. Wine extracted out of fruits of vine has medicinal value. 1Tim 5: 23. Misuse can be dangerous, Prov. 20: 1. Uncontrolled use is forbidden, Eph 5: 18, 1 Tim 3:3, Lev 10:9. A properly cared and loved wife can rectify many malfunctions in the family and in the society as a whole and the opposite will prove the opposite, sometimes even fatal.
Lord fearing man is further gifted with children, like olive plants around the table. Comparison of children with olive plants generates many sublime thoughts. Firstly, plants tent to grow. They need nurturing, and call for all the essentials mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Secondly, plants are a source of pleasure at all times. Olive is mentioned in the H. Bible as symbol of healing and soothing. Olive oil is used in baptism and to anoint the sick. Children are a source of happiness in the home. They are to be nurtured and motivated properly. Time magazine dated Oct 8 1990 wrote, "Parents who do not spent time with their children often spent money instead." In the industrialized environment parents turn busy finding their jobs and pleasures and hardly spent time with children, instead, they buy costly toys, forgetting that those lifeless toys cannot substitute their presence. "In a recently reported opinion poll 67% where both parents work said they go for work just for choice and not due to financial constraints." Focus on the family radio April 9.97. Evidently, in such cases parents are neglecting their basic duty of raising their children. Raising children in Godly manner so that they become useful assets to the parents, society, nation and God should invariably be the first and best of all other priorities and aversion to this time tested principle will prove fatal to both the parents and the children. Apparently, many children grow up in loneliness.
Mother Theresa once said, "Loneliness is America's greatest poverty." Compelled by loneliness they seek reachable alternatives and finally end up in television shows, computer plays, rock music, spurious publications, sinister relations, addiction to alcohol, drug abuse and so on. The harmful habits grow parallel to their physical growth. ABC reported on 5.5.97 morning news 'health check,' "There are good news and bad news. The good news is that people live longer. The bad news is that life is not happier because of the ill-health due to continued and excessive use of alcohol and drugs." Parents would never know until they reach rebellious state. Parents ought to know that the children are none but their replica and they will imitate what the parent do and speak. Psychological experts agree that an adult brings out in action and thought what he/she has acquired as a child between the age of 2 to 5 years. They also found that there are three stages of development for a child:
TThis most reckless stage develops a false pretense and thinks, more often than not, parents do not know much better. Here begins great set back, rather, parents reaping harvest of their own actions in the past. We are inclined to search for more worldly delights than God because of the fallen nature of mankind and its end result will be chaos and eternal perdition. God Almighty does not want all that happen to us. He wants us to grow profitably in Him and hence He gave His unfailing statutes for the benefit of mankind. The very purpose of choosing and appointing Abraham as father of many nations was that he "Shall command his children and his household after him, that they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment," Gen 18:19. "Take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons," Deut 4: 9. "And thou shall teach them diligently unto thy children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up," Deut 6:7. Apostle admonishes us to, "Bring them up in discipline and instruction of the Lord," Eph 6:4. And that, "We have had human fathers who corrected us and we paid them respect, Eph 12:9. "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it, Prov 22: 6
However, no one would appreciate any kind of discipline in the first place because it will be painful when administered but it will yield peaceful fruits of righteous in the future that will bring respect and honor to those imparting training, Heb 12: 11. I would add that those children, who were brought up without due discipline when they were yet unknowing good and evil, will, by all chances hate their parents; neither pay respect nor bring honor as they grow up spoiled. Such dereliction of duties from parents is defiance against the clear instructions (quoted above) of God. And the results will be, "Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon children and upon children's children, unto the third and to the forth generations," Ex 34: 7, Num 14: 18. For instance, Uzziah the king "Did that which was right in the sight of the Lord." He became excessively famous, wealthy and neighboring kings respected him and gave gifts. "When he was strong his heart was lifted up to his destruction; for he transgressed against the Lord his God, and went into the temple of the Lord to burn incense upon the altar of incense." The priests under the leadership of Azariah went and told him not to do so as it was the duty of only priests but he did not yield. While holding incense in his hands he became a leper and according to the custom, he was cut off from the house of the Lord and spent rest of his life in solitary confinement, 2 Chr 26: 4-21. His son Jotham, as a child, was a mute witness to all that had happened to his father and developed a fear psychosis in his growing mind. He, as king, became very precarious about the affairs of the temple. He did everything right in the sight of the Lord, but he never entered into the temple of the Lord. His absence caused people to corrupt, 2 Chr 27: 2. Ahaz the son of Jotham, as child, never saw his father going to the temple. He saw corruption in the temple. He was never taught to seek the way of the Lord. No wonder, he developed extreme animosity towards temple and the Lord. So, he did not do that which was right in the sight of the Lord. He made molten images of Bali. He burnt incense in the valley of sons of Hinnom, burnt his children in the fire. The result; God delivered him into the hands of the king of Syria who smote him and then in the hands of the king of Israel who also smote him with great slaughter of his sons and households, 2 Chr 28: 1-6.
Take heed of the failures; generations suffered as a result of parents' misdeeds! Abraham deceived Egyptians, Abimelech telling lie concerning Sarah, Gen 12: 11-20, Gen 20. Isaac his son repeated the same error concerning Rebecca, Gen 26: 7. Jacob went a step further and deceived his blind father Isaac and brother. His sons virtually deceived Jacob concerning Joseph. Jacob was compelled to believe like a blind while he was still not blind, Gen 37: 32-35. We can dig out numerous instances to corroborate that children will do the same or even worse at times what the parents do or speak. Therefore beware, 'time and tide will wait for none,' teach ways of the Lord when the child is very young.
I would suggest that parents ought to nurture them religiously. The problem is that we are in a situation where religion is negatively influencing. At the same time we must admit that church also has substantial responsibility in molding the character of children. This can be achieved through Sunday school where Bible, prayer, liturgy, faith matters, moral, ethics, values, life story of fathers and so on are taught. Parents, priests and church leaders should join hand in hand to achieve this pursuit. By no means this is a lesser task. I suggest even adult education through conventions, seminars and retreats so that parents can equip themselves to deal with the situations. However, this does not mean that children brought up in church education do not turn bad. I do not mean that children brought up in very congenial background would always be perfect. Do our part and leave rest to God. Bertrand Russell, a known anti-Christian, who authored a book, "why I am not a Christian" had a Christian background. His mother was a committed Christian. Sigmund Freud, who said against God's existence as, "fairy tales of religion" and about religion, "religion as a universal obsessional child neurosis" and "religion is a mere illusion derived from human wishes" was brought up in a strong religious background.
A.T. Kovoor, founder of rational movement, also came from a very religious family. His father was a priest. Dr. Robert Coles, author and psychologist, describes that some children suffered from obsessive and destructive habits that were related to their childhood education and due to their deep commitment on certain religious conceptions. David Larson, renowned psychologist says, "Research shows that religiously inclined and those coming from religious back ground suffer less psychological problems. They recoup faster. Those who regularly go to church are less disturbed in emotional encounters," Reported on 'firm foundations' radio on 5.5. 97. What model we should emulate in upbringing of children, is a confusing question. Bernard Hoffman, expert on youth, offers the following tips. "(1) More parenting courses. (2) More parental involvement beginning at birth. (3) School-required anger management classes. (4) Good adult role models," Bucks county Courier Times dated 5.7.97. These suggestions though mainly based on secular concept they apply to spiritual context also. Opportunities are bleak to receive the warmth of grand parents' love these days due to various constraints but that grand parents are the best source of molding children's habits is an undeniable fact. Truly, faith as well as values is traditionally handed down from forefathers to grandparents and to parents and to children. "When I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, I am persuaded is in you also," 2 Tim 1: 5.
CJews refused to worship Hellenistic Gods instead of Jehovah. They faced persecution at the hands of Antiochus (BC 175-164). A family of seven children and their mother Smoony were one by one threatened and subjected to torture by cutting off the organs, burning in fire and so on. Their mother Morth (Saint) Smooni encouraged them to defy the orders of the wicked king saying, "My sons, I do not know how you were formed in my womb. I am not the one who gave you life and soul. I did not give you shape and image you distinctly posses. He who is Creator of the whole universe, Creator of mankind, who knows every heart, created and formed you... Therefore give honor to your mother, be of courage, strength and cheer, and do not submit to the wicked king. Suffer the persecution and we will join together in glory," 2 Mac 7: 22-23. This is very powerful testimony and a role model worthy of emulation. Secondly, Hanna thus prayed, "Lord of hosts, if you will give thine handmaid a man-child, then I will give him unto the Lord," 1 Sam 1: 11 and she literally did so, verse 28. This is the kind of mothers (and fathers) who surrender to God in prayer, seek divine guidance before every action, dedicate the children to the will of God, instill spiritual life in them, disdain from all things that would bring discredit, feed them with Word of God, show them the right path, teach them the right values that are love, honor, trustworthiness, law abiding, good demeanor, and instruct them to respect others. "We have to see to it that the TV is turned off and our kids get into the books. We have to monitor their friendships and acquaintances. We have to teach them a solid work ethic and appreciation of their history. We have to provide the strong surrogate male Christian models they so desperately need. We have to show them how to save, spend and give... and how to reject the negative values thrust upon them," 'Guiding your family in a misguided world, By Dr. Anthony T Evans, page 169. '
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Joint Convention of 7 Orthodox Churches in Philadelphia city and suburbs were conducted on September 21-22, 2002 at Ascension Marthoma Church. The convention of this year was the seventh of its kind jointly conducted by various Orthodox Groups in Philadelphia. This year conventions proceedings were started on 21st September Saturday at 9.30 AM with Holy Qurbana and retreat at the St.Mary's Orthodox Church. Fr.M.K.Kuriakose celebrated the Holy Qurbana with Fr.K.K.John and Fr.Babu Varghese as co-celebrants. The retreat was lead by Fr.K.K.John and Fr.Babu Varghese.
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RETREAT: 1. Dwelling or Existence The world 'Down below' is the world of Satan. The throne of God is always up above as Isaiah view it '...I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up...' (Isa 6:1) In the Holy Eucharist we raise our mind to God Up above, while reminding us 'Now our mind, our intellects and our heart should be up above where Christ our Lord is seated.'
2. Proximity: John Banyan had portrayed his Character Christine in the 'Pilgrim Progress' as a boy with a burden on his shoulder. Once he approached to the Cross and became in the proximity of Jesus, the ties of his burden were melted away and he became relieved of his burdens. How much is our heart near to God? Jesus invite all the mankind to him to come toward him with all the burden's we have. ' Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. ' (Matt 11:28)
3.Configuration Many a time, the mentality of
Christians is that they are meant for mending others. But we should mend our self first before mending others. The Glory we lost in Aden, we regained in the Baptism. To solve any of our problems we should shed 2 drops of tears as it was done by the woman of sin who came to the house of Simon. One of the early Christian Author depicted that St.Mary had vision of the sinful world as a huge devastating fire, which was put out by the 2 drops of tears from St.Mary.
Do we have this quality of humiliation and repentance? In the early churches we had Golden ministers with wooden crosses, currently we see categorically Wooden ministers with Golden
Crosses. St. Augustine who was one time a drunkard and adulterer had changed himself to became a great theologian and Bishop by the persistent prayer of his mother, St.Monica. He had witnessed himself 'My mother's tears made me a man'. We should cultivate an unlimited tolerability and love in our Christian families so that our children will not be lost forever.
4.Salavtion Fr.Babu Varghese continued to lead the retreat on the theme of
commandments. 1. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 2. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. In our contemporary world, all worshipping media is converted for selfish motives. Why God had sent his son to this world. 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' (John 3:16)
The one who sin is under the yoke of death. 'Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep .' (John 10:1-2) The one who squeeze through the back door is the adversary. He is the thief and robber. He always comes only to destroy. To be in the Holiness of God we should be holy. So we should sanctify ourself to stand in the Holiness of God.
SCRIPTURE REF: EXODUS 8:8 'Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, Intreat the LORD, that he may take away the frogs from me, and from my people; and I will let the people go, that they may do sacrifice unto the LORD.' |
Proclamation of the word of God is a part of worship. If we look at the
characters of Bernard Shaw many of them were orators. orations only touch our mind momentarily. But the proclamation of word of God is not an oration. It is not a
momentous instinct rather it is a spiritual experience. The contemporaries of Jesus Christ searched for him in the coast of Galilee and in the land of Palestine. But they could not see the real Messiah who was knocking at the door of their heart. In the modern centuries faith is being questioned. Man depends on his knowledge and scientific advancement and not in the wisdom of God. The spirituality is reduced as a commodity for comforts. Moses was the man appointed by God to redeem the God's people from the hands of Pharaoh. God appeared to Moses on the rock of Horeb in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and told him 'I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob..., I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry. Cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.' And 'I am the One who I am'. Moses went to Pharaoh and asked him to let the Children of Israel to go. But Pharaoh refused to let the people to go. As a second plague God afflicted Pharaoh with frogs. Frog came upon all the people and all the servants; Frog came up upon all the land of Egypt.
Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and requested them 'Please pray to the Lord, that He may take away the frogs.' We see a great intercessory prayer request here by Pharaoh. Now the whole world is under the grip of intercessory prayers. One of the very interesting point what we see here is that Prayer of Pharaoh did not have any basis. It was lacking the foundation of faith. Moses knew who this God is. The wise men and sorcerers of Pharaoh's court cast down their rod and it became serpents. But Aaron's rod swallowed up the Egyptian magicians rods. So Aaron knew who this God is. Why do we believe in God? Many of us have vivid answers. Some believe God as they got all comforts in their life. Some believe in God as they got cured from disease. Some may believe in God as they got Job, Position or wealth...the list goes like this. In the modern world the question arise 'Who is Jesus Christ?' To many he is a wonder worker. Jesus cured the leper. He cured the blind Bartimaeus; He raised Lazarus from dead; He cured the man of the palsy; He fed the multitude with 5 loaves. But during the time of judgment of Jesus Pilate asked the multitude' whom I should release to you. Barabbas or Jesus?' But nobody favored Jesus. All unanimously cried 'We need Barabbas' There may be the people in the multitude who got cured from; there may be people who satisfied with eating the blessed bread from Jesus: Bur nobody dared to vouch for Him. All the disciples fled away. 3 years before they left their fishing net and followed Jesus Christ. But immediately after Jesus is crucified they went back to their profession. One fine morning, on the coast of Tiberias, one man asked 'Children, have ye any meat? ' They labored the whole night but they caught nothing. Vein efforts; fruitless labour. 'And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.' (John 21:6) Many a time we forget the right side of the Church. Right side is the womb of the Church, were we are baptized. We forget the right side where we are reborn. Once they came to know that the man standing on the coast is the Guru, once again they left everything. 'And if Christ be not risen, then [is] our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.' (1Cor 15:14) This is the basis of our faith. The emperor Nero had told the disciples that they can preach anything except that of ' Christ is resurrected'. Peter who denied him in front of a servant girl, told Nero 'Even if You kill me I will preach the resurrection of Christ.' Finally he was crucified with his head down; he died by kissing the foot of the Jesus in the Cross. Pharaoh didn't know who this God is. He needed only that frog should go away. Moses and Aaron prayed for Pharaoh and the frogs went away. But when Pharaoh saw that there was respite, he hardened his heart. This is the shortcoming of Pharaoh's prayer. Spirituality for the physical gain. Pharaoh's spirituality didn't have any basis; his piety was short lived. Spirituality many a times test and tempt in our life. Experience rejuvenate spirituality. Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews came to Jesus by night. He talks to Jesus 'Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.' Jesus replies him 'Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. ' Being a learned scholar Nicodemus become rational. Jesus ask Nicodemus 'Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?' So the knowledge of Nicodemus was of no use to Church as he was rational in his thoughts. What to know he did not know. He had the knowledge of law. But he was lacking the knowledge of faith. Secondly the time he had chosen was that of darkness; in the night. He had no courage to face the truth as Jesus was the incarnation of truth. The verse 'The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.' (John 3:8) is very important and many a time the early church fathers used this verse to explain the mystery nature of the sacraments. The bread and wine being converted to flesh and blood. Logic cannot make these mysteries revealed. The rebirth in Christ is not knowledge rather it is an experience. When Saul was standing on the gateway of Demascus suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? Saul was a scholar of Law in Jewish religion. But his knowledge was not of any use to the church. Astrologers from the east depended on their astronomical knowledge. The royal child can be born only in the Palace of King. Depending on their knowledge they went to the Palace of Herod. They understood their foolery of depending on their knowledge. Further they looked on the star which was the divine guidance and reached the cradle in Bethlehem. The rebirth is a death; it is the death of knowledge. Knowledge dies and wisdom get born. Further it is the knowledge of experience. Brain is not the foundation of spirituality. Beauty is the proportional growth of wisdom and experience. The thief on the right side had never heard the discourse of Jesus. He had never seen any miracle done by Jesus. He never got cured by Jesus. He had never seen even Jesus. But the experience gives the way to his knowledge and he get the promise for the paradise.
Another very relevant theme of the modern society is the Simon's Money. Simon was very rich as he made it by sorcery among the people of Samaria. When he found that the Samarians whom he bewitched by his sorcery, had believed in Jesus by hearing the preaching of Philip he himself believed also and was baptized and continued with Philip. When Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money to receive the same gift. This is the mentality of many of the modern followers of Christ. To receive the blessing by spending money. But Peter said unto him, Thy money perishes with thee. To become 'Over Rich' or 'Abject Poor' both are dangerous extremes. That is why the saints pray. 'Donot make me rich enough to forget you or poor to despise you.' When Abraham retuned back after relieving his brothers son from the captivity, King of Sodom seeing the might of 138 warriors of Abraham, the King tells him' Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself.' But Abraham told him ' That I will not [take] from a thread even to a shoe latchet, and that I will not take any thing that [is] thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich: ' Abraham believed that the wealth is the gift of God and it should not be made from any body. |
SCRIPTURE REF: GENESIS 49:4 'Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed; then defiledst thou [it]: he went up to my couch.' |
Modern society has a very relevance to this Bible verse. When a Hebrew father leaves the world he calls and bless all his children before he die. Jacob was living in all comforts by the courtesy of the Egyptian King. Before his death he calls his 12 sons and give them his blessing. He is giving the blessing words to his elder son Ruben. Ruben is his first-born.
his might, and the beginning of his strength, the Excellency of dignity, and the Excellency of power. If we analyze the blessing words of Jacob to his elder son Ruben we make out that it was rather words of curses in place of blessing. Ruben had many good qualities. But he was wavering man. He looses his identification of his character subject to the environments. While attending service one nature; while in the office another nature; at home another nature. Changing direction as per the flow. Water has no shape at all. It assumes the shape of the container. This was the nature of Ruben. He formed his character according to the circumstances. The character of Simon Peter was also of wavering nature. He had flown as per the wind. When Jesus taught his disciples about his sufferings, death and resurrection and being rejected by the elders, chief priests and scribes, Peter took him out and began to rebuke him. Jesus turned round and rebuked Peter, saying, 'Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.' Same Simon is being appraised by Jesus when he witness Jesus as 'Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.' Jesus tells him. Barjona Simon, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Again we see peter in the courtyard of Caiaphas during the judgment of Jesus. He rejected his Guru in front of a damsel saying, I do not know him and I know not what you are talking. We all need our life need to be comfortable. For that the magic needed is adjusting and compromise. This is considered as the art of modern living. Adjust to the maximum. But any adjustment to any extend is not desirable for a believer. Believer got an aim for his life. He should not live according to his circumstances. Our conscience which is Law of God written in our
heart should govern our conscience. In every aspect of our life this conscience which is guided by the Holy Spirit of God should take its control. Our faith should be based on credibility. Wavering
become the root cause for many of our sins. Indecision leads to pervert out lifestyle. It causes the breakage of the security of family life. Ruben had to stand shamefully in front of his father as he perverted the bed of his father. Many of the giants of the modern society fell into this shame due to the wavering mentality. We all are the temple of God. Temple of God belongs to God as God abides there. The principle of 'eat, drink, and enjoy' is not the logo in the temple of God. Wavering nature of life leads to perverted life style. Ruben never cared to repent before his father for his sins. Another sin of Ruben was the inactiveness at the time of need. Ruben was the elder son of Jacob. He was in the position of father among his brothers in the absence of Jacob. When Joseph needed care from him to escape from the vengeance of his brother, Ruben lacked to take decision. 'And Reuben said unto them, Shed no blood,
but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, and lay no hand upon him; that he might rid him out of their hands, to deliver him to his father again.' (Genesis 37:22) He had the authority to save him. He had the power for it in absence of his father. But he had shown slackness to use the power. King David who was only a shepherd, had see all the Glory of God and
reached to the throne of the King of Israel. But his mind had wavered upon the scene of the bath of Bathsheba. Desire conceive and deliver sin. Ruben had the knowledge of justice. But lacked the courage to react. Majority may not
be always right. Many people console that if the circumstances were good I would have been good. The deep cells of the mind of man reveals his nakedness. But that can not be opened until he will. So the inner most sin always kept covered
from the society. But God does not look the face, He look at the heart. He sees the innermost cell of the heart. But eventually Ruben got the mercy of God. He offered beastly sacrifice as the atonement. and his repentance gained the life of Glory. 'Let Reuben live, and not die; and let
not his men be few.' (Deu 33:6) |
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Bible Word to by heart:
Cast your burden upon the Lord, |
Ruth went down to the threshing floor and did according to all that her mother-in-law had commanded her. When Boaz had eaten and drunk and his heart was merry, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of grain; and she came secretly, and uncovered his feet and lay down. In the middle of the night Boaz was startled and bent forward and seen a woman was lying at his feet. He asked, "Who are you?" And she answered, "I am Ruth your maid. So spread your covering over your maid, for you are a close relative." Boaz said to her "May you be blessed of the LORD, my daughter. You have shown your last kindness to be better than the first by not going after young men, whether poor or rich. Now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you whatever you ask, as all my people in this city know that you are a woman of excellence. It is true that I am a close relative of you; however, there is another one relative closer than me. Wait for this night, and when morning comes, if he is ready to redeem you, good; let him redeem you. But if he is not ready to redeem you, then I will redeem you, as the LORD lives. Lie down until morning." So Ruth lay at his feet until morning and rose before any body recognized her so that any woman will not know it came to the threshing floor. He gave her six measures of Barley in her cloak and went back to the city. Ruth came home and told everything to Naomi what happened during the night. Naomi told her "Wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out; for the man will not rest until he has settled it today." TO BE CONTINUED |
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