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Charity, charity, everywhere charities, the second section of the Mosaic commandment that replaces the first one, [Mk.12: 30-31], “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself'”. The tail becoming the head is a paradox of the doomsday culture that is an amalgam of both good and evil, the transplantation of the forbidden tree which even deceived the first hand-crafted creations of God. Professed charity work has become a trademark of spirituality even for those who abuse and discredit the benevolence of a slow to anger God. Our religious hierarchy also thrives by its charitable institutions that add a glorious halo for them. Those who lead a profligate life style also collect money for charity organization by the exhibition of their nudity and half-nakedness. It has become the business of high-profile divorcees to collect charity money by their charm and entertainment. Tycoons and luminaries of histrionic and artistic talents display their performances for charity collections that fund for cataclysmic disasters in the four corners of the world.
The political, economical, ecological and religious terrorisms that ravage global uprooting and uprisals are real menaces which predate upon the vulnerable and weak in an indescribable proportion. The impact of such unprecedented and unnatural tragedies upon the families of today, particularly the mass of young and old, have no words to translate the impending catastrophes that prey upon the globe. Our family relationships that hang on very flimsy and delicate threads, if affected, will have disastrous ripples that can uproot our well-cherished values and norms. The Tsunami that ravaged a couple of years back has proven that it is a real tsunami to our seen and unseen worlds. If natural tsunami can create natural havocs, profligate tsunami is capable of sending its heat waves to the family and the future generations. If tsunami can make upheavals in nature that tell upon the individual and society, licentiousness and divorce can be treated as derailments of values which dictate terms upon the family and social order. Helping charities or doing charity work that affects both spirit and body is a part of our religion that enhances our spiritual values, for man is a union of both spirit and body.
Charity works: Known for Jesus’ miracles, the Pharisee wanted to display his showcase spirituality, the reason for inviting Jesus, a homeless man on account of His brothers refusing Him to be sheltered, Jn.7: 3-4, for giving a meal. This Pharisee also might be the one among the many that defiled Mary Magdalene, the other adulterous woman who was brought to Jesus, Jn.8: 4-11, and many others for sex gratifications. His invitation of Jesus for a meal might have been a ploy for concealing his wickedness. The public benevolence that brings cheap popularity is our spiritual currency by which we survive in the social arena. The reason for not observing the custom of washing the feet of Jesus exhibited that the Lord of everything was only a casual invitee. Despite the leprous Lazar was at the gate of the Pharisee, Lk.16: 19-31, no sympathy was shown to him. Since the religion of hypocrisy was the religion of the day, Jesus lashed out the white sepulcher spirituality of the hypocritical religions of the social elites. The laminating appearance that hides the inner man which groans by the lack of inner cleansing is dynamite that shatter both body and soul simultaneously. There is nobody to care and nurture Lazarus who is at our gate. Helping others with all our heart, mind, soul, might, power and with all our body members is the real love that kindles everything into beauty.
That which comes from within is more important than without. What we consider most precious is the one that we have to part with for others. Apart from all our necessities, the most important of all is our own life that is meant to be for our brethren. It is not the tithe but all our life is indebted to others, as wife’s body and its service is for the husband and vice versa, 1.Cor.7. The financial help or body help or sharing the mental or physical burdens is not the boundary of our service to others, an exemplary life of superlative quality that attracts others into our fold is the most qualitative life one can contribute, so that others will glorify God and emulate our way of life that is exemplary in the sight of God. “ you are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored?....You are the light of the world…Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven, Mt.5: 13-14. Parting with money and wealth becomes a secondary issue than a person having high credibility to work for the vulnerable and the exploited ones. The first part of the Lord’s Prayer affirms this imperative. “Hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come”. We are created for hallowing His name by our worship, righteousness, dedication and service; unless we try to exalt His name, our deficiency remains for ever. “You, therefore, must be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect”, Mt.5: 48. Cleanse our inside first before we begin our religious or charity work. Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well”, Mt.6: 33. In order to realize our shortcomings, knowledge of the first test that God given is to be understood.
The Forbidden Tree: Replanting the forbidden tree at the mind- the centre of evil and good thoughts- that made us to think between good and evil is the pernicious result of the bitter fruit. However, they understood the bitter truth, like God, that there are good and evil angels who go side by side for their destiny of either be in company with good or evil angels in Eternity. Despite there was nudity of sex organs, Gen.2:25, the birth of nakedness took place only after tasting the fruit, gen.3.7. God gave the medical first-aid by clothing their nakedness by leaves and then the proper medication by the skins of the lambs that they might have sacrificed from then onwards for God and continued by their children till the close of the age, Gen.3. 21. Just before giving the medication, He assigned the duty of man to labour in the dust of the soil and woman playing the role of mother, suffering the labour pain of bringing up children for God. The allotment of their role clearly portrayed the ‘good’ ingredients of the forbidden fruit explicitly, so that paving a chance for the birth of the 2nd Adam who could redeem mankind from the sting of Satanic Death. The fertile complementing role of reproduction and bringing up children for God, not the sterile supplementing gay marriages, is the good side of the tasted fruit; the ‘bad’ element is the unlawful and sterile union between the supplementary sexes or same- sex relationship and all other unauthorized sex profligacy even within the marriage constraints.
The birth of nakedness or sensuality is the mother of all other vices as even listed in the Indian literature: ‘kamam, krotham, lobham, moham, matham, malsariyam’. Because the stimulus of kamam is imprinted in every cell of the body, 1.Cor.6, it serves as the proponent for all other vices. As God did the marriage ceremony in the garden, Paradise, Gen.3: 14-21, He implicitly gave authority to His ambassadors, clergy, to continue it till the close of the age. We say that marriage takes place in Heaven. As the first one took place there in Paradise, God authorized it in Eden for the clergy to continue as long as the humanity survives. The clergy can allow having only one spouse for every person in accordance with God’s commandment, 1.Thess.4: 1-8; 1.Tim.5: 9, unless legally remarried by the agents of God only by the demise of one’s spouse, 1.Cor.7. Nobody, therefore, is permitted to have any sensual relationship with anybody outside one’s legal wedlock. Same-sex relationship that brought devastation of Sodom was only a prelude of the global conflagration towards the end of the age.
Dating, the mother of all sexual vices, is the lingua-franca of the global sex trade and paedophile plague that invited a chimpanzee age that is enrooted back to the sexual profligacy age in the beginning of history, Gen.6, of Noah’s time, the wiping out of God’s race, except Noah and family, by the destructive power of the H.Spirit’s water power. The other power of the H.Spirit is the fire that is going to wipe out this solar system, Pet.2. 3: 1-7 at the T-junction of time. The survival of the fittest in the sexual gymnasium that reject the unfittest of the game forces to come into an unholy alliance for sex gratification by same -sex relationship.
Dating that blotted out the sanctity and chastity of arranged marriage is dynamite that brought the legalised sterile gay culture, the death knell of the human species of this planet that again is raped by the resultant avarice that are ingrained in our earthly frame. As the natural values of a cosmic pattern of life is replaced by the cosmetic proclivity of money and power, everything in this planet is mesmerised to a culture that of the infernal mode. Provided we choose the good taste of the forbidden fruit, chances are there for us to become like the angels of God.
Children And Future Generations: An authorized wedlock is not enough; children unless born under the unity of mind and body of the couple and educated in the same mode and rhythm is likely to constitute altogether a different personality that pause a threat to the parents and the society. The reason for prayerfully selecting auspicious times and reconditioning the mind and body of the couple before their nuptial union in some communities has a time-old secret of procreating children of sterling character and ability. Ideal family life is the one that generate and kindle love in its sublime form that serves as a nest to be in unison with the celestial life.
Politicising of Spirituality: The petrol and other excavated resources have provided with abundance of money that has translated this world as an imitation of Paradise of the flesh which is bereft of happiness, peace and love. Carnivorousness is a product of omnivorousness, as in the case of human bomb reciprocations of aerial and surface level bombardments of super technology. Global warming and global dimming are the by-products of our own exhaling and our high-tech weapons of machineries. Even if the air that we breathe in is pure, the exhaling that contains all our internal poisons corrupts man and his solar system. The high-tech sicknesses, poverty, greed and vendetta are soulless people’s excreta that suffocate and choke the solar system and the inhabitants. The permissive sex relationship, the gift of the forbidden fruit that corrupted the whole species has preyed upon itself for its own death at the end of days. This solar system finds it difficult to cope with the vices that proceed from the human animal who want to plunder everything for him. National and inter-national politicking has the dimensions of Lucifer’s catchphrase of “it is better to reign in hell than serve in heaven”.
The human animals that wait anxiously for the rule of the Beast that emerges from the inferno are very zealous in making this world as a pandemonium that befits the language of the inferno. Not only our relationship and dealings with others as carnal but also our sub-cultural histrionic aptitude and way of life is to match with the abysmal animals of diabolical standard. As our first parents found it impossible to remain in Paradise with the sedated poison of the forbidden tree, we also cannot stay here because everything is going to smother us. Because the political, religious, social and individual life is saturated with the poison of the forbidden tree, we are caught up between the sea and the devil; only a loving God is capable of parachute us from this world of the fumes of profligacy. While the high-tech Killings of Herculean proportions rule, sex trade and sex slavery, international predations of multiple natures that uproot the innocents from their habitats, Machiavellian villainy of political and religious deceits are all of Shylock’s game of greed and money.
Although the both sections of the Mosaic commandments are indispensable, the more important one is the first one that demands us to worship the Creator. Every dog has its day, so also God’s archenemy that ruled this planet and aerial realms for 6000 plus bonus years will have to cease its tentacles that decide the destiny of man. It is high time for the righteous ones that are the products of the good ingredients of the forbidden fruit to be transported to the planes of higher dimensions. Though we live on borrowed time, the destruction of the forbidden fruit that brought death for the enslaved mankind is imminent. “Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is thy victory? O death where is thy sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks to be God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ”, 1.Cor.15: 54-57.
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