Ingratitude! Thy name is human animal. Despite man stands at the zenith of the created world, the procession of complaints and transgressions that accumulates at every moment of his life against the Creator spin him for quenching his thirst for the passions of the flesh that he inherited by the fall, because “ all have sinned and lost the glory of God”, Rom.3: 23, the likeness and the image of God. As the world that we live in now has become an imperfect one, we have only whisperings and whimpering that conceal all the blessings that we continue getting in this ephemeral life of transitoriness and evanescence. The fall that consumed not only the glory but also the sonship, for which we are battling continuously is a riddle that haunts us without realizing the unfathomable gulf of our struggle. “ We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies”, Rom.8: 22-23. The result of the great fall that alienates us from the Infinite heights is an immeasurable loss which only can be regained by our enduring and perpetual struggle that earns a blissful place at the life beyond the grave. The sin of man that shook the earth sent its tremor also to the animal kingdom that was loyal, obedient and friendly to our first parents. Man’s betrayal of God that made unbridgeable chasm between Adam and Eve is still haunting on us like a plague that hides each individual in his own mould that allegedly protecting one from the other, between husband and wife, parents and children, the ruler and the ruled. This gulf pretentiously magnify his own mental world of his seeming charity to others for selfish reasons, is a cocooned shelter of hypocrisy. This self- complacency that leads to self righteousness is the root cause of our thanklessness against the Creator and the magnanimity of other people. As long as the passion of selfishness is our master, this hypocrisy that overpowers all our goodness cannot be ironed out. Gratitude is a sterling quality that can be imbibed only by killing our own ego - vengeance and hatred- the seat of all our miseries that evaporates our love, the common denominator of everything that binds us all together in this world and the other one yet to be bloomed.

Origin of Thanklessness:
The womb of all our evils that conceived by the fall in Eden is impenetrable because the impeccable beauty of life before the taste of the forbidden fruit dwells only in our imagination, owing to the fact that the biblical narration is short and insufficient to make a balanced judgement. It is certain that the inexplicable ecstasy that Adam enjoyed with Eve was superlatively sublime; otherwise he wouldn’t have deserted God, his Creator and the Provider of the celestial bliss, at the time when she fell as the prey of darkness. It is to be admitted that he was trustworthy with regard to God’s commandment; despite he walked over it later by the intrinsic attachment with Eve. However due to the circumstantial hypersensitivity of the temptation, both betrayed the Law-giver. Eve had a duty to comply with God’s commandment that Adam passed on to her. The ingratitude that she showed to Adam and God was an expression of Eve’s infidelity that was a spontaneous thrill of her affinity to Adam. Whatever are the circumstantial inherent weaknesses and external coaxing both of them betrayed each other and God, forgetting that Eve had a responsibility to consult with Adam before touching or eating the fruit, so also Adam to seek permission from his Creator.

The explicit reason for their inner death is the sign of their thanklessness for the exquisite beauty in which they were basking with. The first death that took place on earth was that of Eve’s spiritual death that sent its heatwaves for the propulsion of sexuality, the mother of all evils on this planet, whereas the first mortal death of Abel found a first place for him among the firstborns of the other kingdom that is still in its budding stage. The death of the flesh precipitates the strength of the spirit and vice versa. The fight between these two planes is the carnality that always haunts on us. The pleasure of the flesh that we enjoy makes us to forget the source that suffered for giving us merriment and enjoyment. Arranged marriage that brings alleged continuing happiness and prosperity is because of the greatness of the couple, according to them, if it goes sourly, it is because of the wrongdoings of the negotiator who took extreme pains in joining them. God also felt the pinch of a similar accusation from Adam and Eve because of their flimsy excuses. Anything that started from Eden is still thriving in us for our own advantage. Cain, though killed his brother, found his refuge in his lies that interrogated God, “I do not know; am my brother’s keeper?, the same tone of his father, “ the woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate it, Gen.3: 12. Thus the genesis of everything evil is from the genesis that is being polluted and adulterated in accordance with the spirit of the age, the last one being the spirit of falsehood, 2.Thess.2, and the technology that perverted everything upside down.

Despite Adam infringed the first commandment and expressed his ingratitude, God didn’t punish him cruelly because He still kept His Heavenly splendour in His new creations. Look, feel and experience the greatness of the man who deceived his Father, as he is still a god who rule the world with his mental and physical prowess that proves his innate ability of climbing up to the heavens in search of the Creator who once travelled with him in the tranquil serenity of Eden. He reached the fringes of this solar system, yet researching to be with Him a track scientifically by trespassing the limits of the skies and another group trying to conquer New Jerusalem by the inner power of mental or spiritual gymnastics. Had the loving God taken back the spiritual and body powers of intelligence, reasoning and the innate ability of aesthetic and histrionic aptitude and the strength of the man with whom He had confided once in the same collateral plane, he would have been with his cousins, the apes? Our lingering thirst of prolonging our life on earth is the clear-cut proof for this. Every man, except some mentally derailed at the momentary impulses of some crises, flees from the fear of death. Despite He didn’t dishonour us by withdrawing all His eminence and qualities from us, yet we have now identified with the age of the chimpanzee, another symptom or sign of our ingratitude to the Triune God who retained most of His powers even after our ejection from the plane of Paradise.

Metaphysical and physical prowess of the fallen man:
Only the tongue speaks, not our fingers or nose. The ear hears, not our eyes. Running is different from lying down for rest; climbing and dismounting are both different activities. Crying for various reasons are not laughing and enjoying, so also anger is not a mood to appeasing or smiling. There are so many such muscular and emotional activities that differs one man from the other, even in appearance, among a population of nearly 6 billion of the present time. Man has been moulded as a living computer that modules multidimensional planes of universal rhythms. He is able to fly like birds of the air and dive beneath the ocean floors; he has the ability of harnessing the heavenly bodies, like Joshua who brought sun to a standstill, Jos. 10: 13, so also raising the dead to life, as in the case of Elijah and the apostles. The nervous system that harness our body for each movement and expressing our emotions are instances that cannot be translated into words. We have to praise and worship the Almighty for creating us as the paragon of inexplicable virtues and abilities that allow us to be the monarch who is endowed with the capability of cajoling this solar system and all that is contained in it, because of having the robustness of taming and controlling the fauna and the flora. Man cannot make a mechanical duplicate of himself, in spite of having robots to do certain activities in a limited way, yet it cannot do anything by itself but only by the electric current. Yes, God is the electric current that runs the perishable man and the solar systems. “ I say, ‘ you are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you, nevertheless, you shall die like men, and fall like any prince’”, Ps.82: 6. If the spark of the Spirit of God’s current is withdrawn from us, we are only a handful of soil worth of about $15 for the elements that we hold in our body.

Inner Talents:
“Yet you have made him little less than God, and do crown with glory and honour. You have given him the dominion over the works of thy hand; you have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea passes along the path of the sea, Ps.8: 5-8. Is it not a miracle of miracles that a little man of an average height of 165 c.m. bring the heavens and earth, with all its living and non-living things, under his control? It is because all His hand-made human beings are demi-gods who are deputed to do the work of God here on earth. The invisible qualities and qualifications that He adored us with are immense and inexplicable. Just like plays with in the play, the innate abilities of man are very intricate and incalculable. The fallen man is a conglomerate union of body, soul and spirit. As this union that God made is very superb and subtle, the technology behind is unfathomable and immeasurable. This superlative union is a mystery of mysteries that He concocted; hence we can only feel the subtleties but falls short of explanations. If the medical or paramedical experts or even psychologists or psychiatrists could solve the physical or mental problems of man, the chronic diseases or mental maladies that are always at an exponential increase could have been brought to a halt. “If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” Jn.3: 12. When the physical constitution of the body is quite opaque to us, how dare we explore the inner make up, despite there are vivid forms of transparencies that are beyond the imagination of modern theologians and psychiatrists.

Inner Man:
Man, a product of Divine spark, that constitutes our mental body which is wriggled with our mortal frame, consists of ‘theham, dehi, atmavu’, in accordance with the Indian mystics, the equivalents of which apparently is body, soul and spirit. “May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord, 1.Thess.5: 23. Mind, a part of dehi, that is set apparently at the forehead is the symbol of brain that assumingly is the centre of intelligence, memory, sanity, consciousness, direction of the will and feeling. Mind, in my opinion, the transplantation of the forbidden tree of having good and evil, good and evil thoughts, is a part of the soul. The spirit is the spark of the H.Spirit, the 3rd person of the Triune God. But there is a spirit of this world, 1.Cor.2: 10-16, that can control our body and mind unless bridled by good thoughts and actions that come from our mind; and the heart, not the visible but the inner one, is symbolically noted as the seat of the H.Spirit. Most of our prayers do concentrate upon the opening of the heart’s eye, apparently conscience, of the heart. Conscience or clear conscience may be described as the language of the symbolic heart that coincides with the brooding of the Spirit of God. The spirit of this world is ‘jeevatmavu, whereas ‘paramatmave’ is seemingly identify with the Spirit of God.

How do we define the word ‘soul’? This seems to be the all embracing spiritual and revival part that is the seat of life and intellect, spirit, essence, energy, internal power, ideals, love, emotion, decision, and the like in man. According to a particular school of thought, there are 3 main functions of the soul: the will, Job.7: 15, the mind, Lam.3: 20; Pro.2: 10 and the emotion, 2.Sam.5: 8; Deut.6: 5. As they say that these vital experiences are the inevitable ingredients in knowing our spirit. The soul essentially, as they prove, is the natural man with its natural functions of the life that distinguishes from his spiritual vibrations at every moment, 1.Cor.2: 14-15; 3: 1, and receive revelation from God. If we do not know our human spirit, how will God communicate with us, Job.32: 8 worship Him, Jn.4: 24, pray properly, Eph.6:18 and receive revelation from God, Eph.1: 17? Our spirit is made alive by the Spirit of God, Jn.3:6. They adopt an attitude of impertinence when they say that there is not a single verse which says that we should worship God with our soul. Contrary to their argument, examine Mk.12: 30. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength”, by omitting the worship with the spirit. The particular difference is that Jesus excluded their catch word of worshipping ‘the Spirit by our spirit’. Notwithstanding, the spirit of this world, in their opinion, is a part of the soul. The soul includes the conscious and subconscious minds. “But utters mysteries in the Spirit… I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the mind also; I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also, 1.Cor.14: 2, 15. .

Apparently, every man’s body is in large measure a product of DNA code which exists in every cell of the body to programme its surprising effect, but man has a non-physical aspect which consists of a different kind of materiality-spirit that is eternal. “There are celestial bodies and there are terrestrial bodies; but the glory of celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another…, 1.Cor.15: 40. They quote again 2. Tim.4: 22 to stress the point that Jesus is with our spirit, whereas 1.cor.2: 16 reads as “we have the mind of Christ”, also Rom.11: 34. Everyone knows that man is created in the image and likeness of God who is Triune in essence and personality. Then, how is man constituted in the Trinitarian formula of Father, son and the Holy Spirit? Only confusion reigns when we define man in his outer and intrinsic potentialities; everything, including man, lies outside the periphery of the code of our spiritual vocabulary.

Functions of Spirit in Man:
“It is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God…”, Rom.8: 16; Eze.37: 5. “When you take away their breath, they die and return to their dust”, Ps.104: 29; Acts.2: 38. Theologians say that there are 3 ways by which the H.Spirit manifests in us: conscience, intuition that leads to communion and fellowship with God. Conscience is our inward monitor or teacher; it helps to reprimands, reproves and corrects us. The second aspect they call as ‘intuition’, 1.Cor.2: 11, is apparently the beginning of extrasensory perception which seemingly leads us to participate with the metaphysical experience of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy and so on. Intuition that takes us to the third aspect of ‘communion and fellowship with God’ makes a world of its own. Our conscience whispers what is right and wrong and the intuition that leads us to be in communion and fellowship with the Creator.

What I want to drive home is that there are many translations of the bible, making a gulf of difference in meanings which mislead the readers, meandering around the hallucinations or biased opinions of their own mental make- up. Biblical studies cannot reveal the Heavenly truths unless travel in the higher planes of the Spirit of God; we can’t have a glimpse of the transcendental realities that are the languages of the higher planes of mysteries. How can the pigmies of the sod visualize and experience the eternal existence of the Creator’s world? This is like the clay trying to find out the invisible creator who moulded the pot. We don’t have any control of our body or knowledge and functions as how everything works. Russian president Crushshove’s Soviet astronauts could orbit around the earth, but how foolish they are to broadcast that theycouldn’t find God in the Ariel realms, thinking that that is the end of the cosmos. One who doesn’t experience God in his mental horizon cannot see Him in the planetary horizon. The bible that was composed by the promptings of the Spirit of God, and is being misinterpreted by the spiritual weaklings of the mundane plane, mushrooming cults, church denominations and religions that betray the Creator, who is though close by, yet far, far away beyond the galaxies of our own making. There are partial truths in our observations, but we cannot ensemble the realities of God’s workmanship within our grasp.

There is no language for this plane to interpret and understand the electro- magnetic planes of the Divine compositions and compilations of the Infinite planes that are manifested in the biblical language. Travel with the frequency of the other planes, so as to have a vibration of the language of the mysterious realms. Our momentary impulses of pleasure, agonies and grief that vibrate different vistas of our inner and physical planes are only the occurrences that have no total control of our own definitions. Aesthetic and histrionic excellences that man perform and appreciate have no adequate explanations. Athletic and gymnastic acrobatics of man with his delicate body invite superlative degree of Herculean style of inevitabilities. Different tastes for different edibles and complementing sex life with any married spouse and various other options that are open in this wide universe is a gift of God. Man, the unknown is a miniature god who is harnessed by the breath that is the symbolic form of God is yet to be explored. Despite he is only a passing breath; he can bridle this world and its power by his inner mathematics.

Man’s Thanklessness:
Despite knowing that man is only a puff of the wind, our extraordinary claims and demands on the contrary have no horizons to compare with. If a small organ or part of the body doesn’t work in harmony with other members of the body, the inexplicable, enormous trouble or pain that cannot be completely absorbed by any one who is around us. Yet, if anything goes against one’s wish or demand, he accuses God and people who continue in helping him. Our sufferings may be the product of our own misdoings, in other words, our own sins against God or man, yet we throw the blame on others and try to get comfort in our escapism which allows us to change our daily modus operandi that looks for greener pastures elsewhere. Self betrayal that betrays others is our life style. While there are millions and millions of miracles that are happening at every moment in our inner world and natural life, we crave for miracles that associate with our everyday materialistic life torpedo our faith which insinuates us in rebelling against the people who help us. This vindictive nature of man manufacture many denominational churches and cults and parties that pervert our fundamental faith and virtues, forgetting the miracles that God perform every moment to run our systems and routine life. This sort of thanklessness and betrayal that we exhibit to our Creator and brothers are the reasons for all our misfortunes, the proponents for the same are the dark forces that fell once for their disobedience. We are the creators of our on destruction, not our Creator who always plead for our conversion.

We express our ungratefulness to those who love and guide us, thinking that it is the responsibility of the dear ones to do everything for us. The enmity between the blood relatives increased to a greater proportion after the financial booming of today, because people think that it is their birth right to get money and help from those who have amassed their fortunes, ignoring the facts that others also have more commitments in their lives. People become foes if the help is not continuously given. Consequently, good people buy enemies by giving some helps at certain cross roads of others’ life. Jesus cured 10 lepers at one time but only the gentile, a Samaritan, came to express his gratitude to the Saviour, Lk.17: 11-19, so also giving help doesn’t mean the recipient to always serve the giver by sacrificing his independence, freedom and liabilities. There is nothing to claim or boast for offering help at some points of time because we are mathematically bound to give help to the needy as God is the only owner of our body and wealth and this planet. Freely we have received, freely we have to give. What help we give to others is written in the Book of Life that testifies in favour of us on the day of Judgement, Mt.10: 36-42. The recipient and the giver both should be grateful to the Provider, as well as the recipient to the giver throughout the whole life because the help once received is a turning point for making it to come to fruition a better quality of life. Despite Jesus is equal and inseparable in the H.Trinity, He thanked the Father on various occasions, Mt.11: 25; Lk.10: 21, so also the apostles thanking God or Jesus, 1Cor.1: 4; Rom.1: 8. There used to be thanksgiving sacrifice and service for acknowledging the benefits and mercies received from God, Lev.7: 12; 22: 29. One also has to be thankful to others for the help that one has received, Acts.24: 3; 2.Cor.1: 11.

Jesus’ Sacrifice:
We know that even in our fallen state our outer body is a miracle of miracles, a microcosm in a macrocosm. There is no explanation for our inner body that is an ocean of mysteries. In what manner we who are indebted to God will give back our debts to the Son of Man who broke and nullified the bond that is by shedding of His blood on the cross, Col.2. Mainly for 5 reasons, we are obligated to obey His commandments at every moment and worship the Creator who moulded us in His likeness and image. Firstly, for forming our physical body out of nothing, secondly for the indescribable or unimaginable way of moulding our inner man that is co-ordinated with the mortal frame and the cosmic powers, thirdly for redeeming us from the sloth of sin by embracing a mean death by Jesus on the cross, fourthly for caring and nurturing the whole being in its participation with the Creator and the created universe and fifthly, His everlasting mercy to prepare a mansion for us after this life, for which His prayers for the forgiveness of our sins by sitting at the right hand of the Father. Unless we express our gratitude every moment for the mercies and services that are rendered, we cannot share the happiness that is stored in the world yet to be unfolded. Deu. [26-28; 11: 18-23] "Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse: [27] the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day, [28] and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the LORD your God, but turn aside from the way which I command you this day, to go after other gods which you have not known.

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