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Alcoholism that triggers to many uncontrollable vices which make our body as a hotbed of Satan’s treasury is to be shunned at any cost because selling our body and spirit to our Creator’s adversary will corrode our salvation bit by bit. The cashew nut fruit is full of enriching vitamins; just like man is a creation of beauty and joy for the celestials, but when it is fermented it is the best intoxicator that can make a man a slave of sensuality, as well as a lunatic by-product. What we need is alcohol from natural foods, not the ready-made alcohol that is in its fermented form that surely will ferment our delicate body system, the seat of lusts and passions. There is proof that Jesus drank wine during the festivals, and also transformed water into wine, whereas His herald John the Baptist abstained from it because he was a Nazirite. Hence there are segregated people who are called for doing particular roles for the Lord who sacrificed His life for us. Christians are supposed to have followed the foot prints of the Saviour who could bridle His body passions. There is no authenticity in drinking alcohol by citing Jesus as an example because He wanted to show by drinking and eating that He was the one who loved the sinners. Furthermore, He conquered the flesh and Satan by His own Incarnate birth and forty- day fasting. Juice is a food, but not liquor that is an appetiser and an intoxicant. The appetiser that forces gluttony and Epicureanism is a sin; the intoxicant that makes body de-tour into the forbidden areas is a mother of all sins.
Re-channelling of the normal body metabolism by illicit drugs that makes chaos in the body changes the temple of God for something else. While frugality and moderation is the norm of a spiritual life, alcoholism or drug addiction that hijacks the body from its normal route is not recommended for a Christian. After all, man is a bundle of flesh and bone that in its fallen state is liable to sin; hence bit of leniency shown by the spiritual Fathers is not for condoning the triviality of the forbidden intoxicants but for emphasising the naked fact of human weaknesses. Fearing that one extreme may transport the weak man to the other extreme, Jesus showed concessions for the ordinary family people. Those who are called as Nazarites are expected to lead a Nazarite’s life; Samson who deviated from his track of life was imprisoned by a woman and met with an ignominious end. As God is the physician of the mind and body, we have to insulate both of them from the dark forces who cajole us to work as his foot soldiers. Therefore, it is recommended that man being sinful should keep away from any intoxicant that preys upon the temple of God. If the patriarchs and prelates take occasional drinks, it is their personal choice that we are not at all advised to follow while the church put a full stop to the intoxicant that derails the body system. Cooked food is also not recommended for the sound running of the body as it produces acidity problems; the yogic therapy prescribes only nuts and fruits that also contain a limited quantity of acidity. We use the unfermented wine in our Qurbana is only as a symbolic form of life, blood; it shouldn’t be taken as an example of consumption in our daily life.
Christian Stewardship: Spiritual and Physical Implications: Anything that we consume has side-effects which can either have positive or negative reactions. There are many enemies for man, firstly from the dark aerial forces, secondly from his own species, thirdly from the animal kingdom, fourthly from adverse inner chemical reactions and fifthly from food chains and natural systems that he is an intricate and integral part of it. Unless we bridle all such alien adversaries to our advantage, our life become a veritable limbo in the long run. Global warming by high-tech lifestyle make climate changes is a threat to the whole species and the solar system that ultimately decides our fate. Pure light and air, pure water and pure blood are the inevitable ingredients for every moment of our life, apart from these comes next the food nutrients. While all these imperatives are freely provided by the Prime Mover, our duty is only to synthesise these provisions in a harmonious way that is for good of our body and existence and also for sharing with the members of our species. The emission of carbon dioxide, pesticides and insecticides and many other chemical types of propulsion have made a poisonous umbrella that even stretches to the stratosphere by killing our species inch by inch. The cataclysmic effect of this toxic life is the total devastation of God’s race from this solar system. We pollute the life-sustaining seen and unseen energetising imperatives that if fiddled with will wipe out the human race and the cosmic systems, Is.24. Together with the passions of the world and our body, we have contaminated and adulterated the system that is given freely for our use and palpitation of our system. Anything that is freely given loses its value as effortless benefits don’t measure of the agony of the Provider.
The passions of the flesh that we enjoy cannot be entirely shared similarly by animals in the same intensity and pleasure because of the restrictions that are imposed upon their body design and the techniques of their frame. The sexual enjoyment that animals and human species derive is different, owing to the fact that the two-footed and four-footed creations vary in many ways. The juxtaposition of man’s togetherness with his complementing partner is the most evolved ones than animals’ crude methods of mating and family caring. Man being the highest creature in the ladder of creation can communicate and harness the universe in a special way. Yet, animals in many ways are better than their human masters. Animals have seasons for mating and the pattern of mating that have many obstacles; they don’t have sexual union while the female ones are pregnant. There are few birds and animals, like the dove, that won’t copulate any more with others of its kinds one’s its mate is dead. Despite man has no such limits, his same-sex or inter-species licentious relationship is even abominable to animals.
Waste Makers: Human animals: Stem Cell Research and Remedies: As there are difficulties in producing enough eggs or ovum for the industry, there is a new method, not experimented successfully, of manufacturing it by the mixing with animal eggs. Alas! Is man a dog? However, all the prophesies will have to be fulfilled. Just like the like-minded people congregate together, the Beast, the king of animals is to be identified with its own kinds on earth at the end of the day. “And I saw a Beast rising out of the sea, with 10 horns and 7 heads, with 10 diadems upon its horns and a blasphemous name upon its heads. ….Men worshipped the dragon…, and they worshipped the Beast, saying, “who is like the Beast, and who can fight against it?”, Rev.13: 1-4; 17: 1-6. “ I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet Beast…”. The implications of these verses are given in my books. Only when the world population identifies with the human beasts then only the supreme Beast come from the sea of Hades. The bestial passions of the modern man, who looks like, act like and behave like apes invite the ferocious animal from the dark regions of the nether world. What other proof one wants other than intermixing with animal and human egg to prove that man and animal is the same in its mould, thinking and behaving now. Genetically, culturally, socially and thought -wise humans and animals have come together under the same pavilion now. All the prophesies are fulfilled, readers. Do you need further proof than this one? Do we have to nod the theory of Darwin who scientifically deduced the theory of evolution? “Mushika sree pinnayum mushika sree aye vannu”. It has jokingly proved as a cyclic rotation that seemingly begun in animality ends in animality.
Despite the urine therapy was not commonly administered by the bygone physicians, the modern recycled man who by the association with bestial passions recycled his own excreta for daily consumption of the so-called civilized species. Instead of shedding the penitential tears that cleanse man from his sins the modern helpless man drinks his own tears in abundance on accounts of the atrocious and brutal butchery that eventuate by the killings by human bombs and weapons of mass destructions. O it is a sad spectacle of the human beings who beat their breasts and heads and sips their tears, making their whole life cycle as a funeral of agonies. The dragon that vied the glorious status of man hijacked him to eat and drink his own excreta that bring him to be an accomplice to fight his own creator. The intoxicants of the forbidden fruit that metamorphosed man to be the cousin of apes is a marathon achievement of the Beast in the final days of the battle that raged within his own heart. “You are what you eat”, says the yogic therapy. Gluttony is a sin, yet the modern Epicureanism that poisoned man for the excesses of erotic lifestyle is a cycle of the diabolic intervention, converting man as Satan’s dupe. Is.14: [12] "How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! [13] You said in your heart, `I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far north; [14] I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.' [15] But you are brought down to Sheol, to the depths of the Pit. [16] Those who see you will stare at you, and ponder over you: `Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, [17] who made the world like a desert and overthrew its cities,
who did not let his prisoners go home?'
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