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There is no region in the world that has not been terrorized by internal uprisings or open wars with other nations, causing humanitarian crises that rip apart the world communities into pieces and wading through torrential tears and blood. The combination of cataclysmic upheavals and man-made terrorisms force “men fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken”, Lk.21: 26. The world famous evangelist Billy Graham expressed his exasperation when the twin towers of New York crumbled down to the ground and lamented how the Creator of all things allowed killing of so many hundreds of virtually innocent people. The same is the scenario everywhere around the world of killing simple and humble people by terrorisms, wars, rebellions and sniper attacks, apart from the cataclysmic changes that caused by ecological and economic terrorisms, global warming and climate changes. Just as blaming parents for everything, we try to find fault with God, the alleged manipulator of our destiny. While man is struggling to achieve peace by war, is there any meaning or validity in accusing God for our mischief that is precipitated by our passions for money, sex and power, the catalytic agents for anything and everything? “Take heed, and beware of covetousness”… Lk.12: 15. “For the love of money is the root of all evil…have erred from the faith…. through with many sorrows.” 1. Tim.6: 10. The temperamental capriciousness of man make multitude of frivolous charges against God who created man for worshipping Him, not for making volleys of charges without analyzing our own sins of commissions and omissions.
A Merciless and Cruel God: Wars And Turbulence: Yet the history of man started with a war that was initiated by Lucifer who wanted to get dominion from God. Man, however, happened to be meat in between the sandwich of the later war between God and man. The substitute man for the fallen angels also became a victim of the fallen ones, identifying himself with the dark angels. The war between God and the evil one, unfortunately, turned out to be a war of the former against the latter created ones. ‘ An eye for an eye’ and ‘ a tooth for a tooth’ ethics that prevailed in the older system was substituted with ‘ love’ that saturates everything into beauty by the dawn of the New age. “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another. Love one another, as I have loved you; that you also love another”, Jn.13: 34. The infusion of this Heavenly love that kindles everything into celestial ecstasy is the language of the whole created universe. But His another statement makes controversy. “I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it already kindled?…You suppose that I am come to give peace on earth. I tell you, no, but rather division…..For from here on there shall be five in one house divided, three against two and two against three…the father against the son and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother….Lk.12: 49-53. The substitution of war with love is a later version of another fusion.
My goodness, this is a new warfare of the age of peace that dawned by the advent of Christ. The old wars were fought against one tribe against another and one caste against another and one nation against another. The wars that we used to fight against others have turned out against us later like a boomerang, uprooting the family either for replanting or for withering away. This family war that disintegrates the family into fragments gives rise to another war that does havoc within us. This is a war within oneself. Thus there are three types of wars, firstly against others, secondly, within the households and thirdly, against man against his own flesh and mind. The peace that we yearn personally and everywhere else, within and without, can be attained by the victory that we win from the declared war, which takes place in our own self. Apart from natural disharmonies, there is no other problem in the world other than man. Yes, he has been a problem ever since he fell by tasting the forbidden fruit. Even tasting, not even ate, the fruit opened up the whole abyss for the helpless victims of the dilemma of uncertainties.
Peace: Man-made or God-made: Continual Battle against the flesh: St.Paul laments about the inevitability of the lust of the earthly passions in Romans chs. 7&8. “We know that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal, sold under sin. I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate…..For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is in my flesh…wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?…For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh….; and those who are in the flesh cannot please God, Rom.7: 14-25- 8: 8. “…flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable’, 1.Cor.15.50. Concocting such facts to their roots, he tried to conquer his flesh and blood, and he earned the crown of glory by the victory that he earned by battling against his own flesh. Killing his flesh and stagnating his body made his spirit richer that made him to be exported to Paradise, 2.Cor.12: 2-4. “I pommel my body and subdue it, lest after preaching to others, I myself will be disqualified’, 1.Cor.9: 26-27. “ Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: fornication, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry”, Col.3: 5.
The Family: This is the alleged context where Jesus proclaims that He came into the world, not for making peace but war, Lk.12. The protagonists of both parties, God and the Devil, advocate for war that brings peace- so also the rulers of each country - while His enemy sleeplessly sows the seeds of acrimony in his cronies who cringe for individual wars that paves for a world war, which can annihilate the whole mankind that naturally belongs to God. The devil’s quest for instantaneous death, which doesn’t allow people to repentance that makes people to turns to God, is his real weapon. While God demands His creatures to declare war against the flesh, His enemy makes the flesh as a tool to fight against the Creator.
Today’s Dilemma: When Jesus was mentioning about the casting of fire during His second coming warnings, He wished that it be kindled from then onwards. Actually it started to flare up from the agony of His death. The new fire of life that circumvent the worship of the H.Trinity in Truth and Spirit, Jn.4, is Jesus the Truth and the Comforter sent by the Father, can definitely betray each individual of the household because everyone travels in the frequency of his own mental plane. “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword….to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother…and a man’s foes will be those of his own household. He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me…, and he who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me”, Mt.10: 34-39: Jn.16: 2. The family that runs by 2 or more governments fuels its own breakdown by internal rebellion and feuding. Such household flames that doesn’t acknowledge and zealously work for the redeeming mission of Jesus certainly make a global conflagration (Pet.2: 3: 7-11) due to the betrayal of the Saviour in His 2nd coming that is when the time is at its wrong side. The church hierarchies themselves have betrayed the Son of Man as in His first coming, and everyone is smart now also in looking after himself at the expense of the church and its institutions. Thus a family fire that flares up a global fire is imminent, believers. The love of Jesus can separate the grain from the chaff, grains from each household.
In social and spiritual levels, the perpetuation of an unending war is a must, either for eternal salvation or for perennial doom. God and His apostles ask the people to declare a war against the lust of the flesh, while the enemy propels his followers to convert the body as a carcass for the demon to prod over. Life is a breathing reality of a spiritual warfare, the battle between good and bad that the body is subjected at every moment of life. Inner war and its victory only can bring the alleged peace both in international and spiritual level. As long as the earth remains as a domain for God and dark angels, a tacit declared war from the garden of Eden has been in the offing; it finds its culmination only when the infernal powers are thrown into the lake of the sulpherous fire, Rev. 19: 20, that lasts for ever in the bottomless pit, Rev.20: 1. Only war can bring peace. Peace is the outcome of a pernicious war, the war that staged in our own conscience that brings the everlasting peace from God. “You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body”, 1.Cor.6: 19-20. “I appeal to you brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect”, Rom.12: 1-2.
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