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One cannot serve two masters of opposite values
faithfully at the same time like God and Mamon - God
and money: Galatians 1:10; Matthew 6:24. One cannot
give undivided loyalty or total allegiance to both
(Exodus 20:3-4; Matthew 6:24; Luke 14:25-27). Narrow
way X Broad way; sheep X goats; wheat Xtare; Jehoad X
Baal; warm X cold; Christ X Barabas; God X Mamon. No
person can travel in two directions at the same time.
You cannot serve God and mamon: Judas, Ananias
You cannot serve God for mamon: Simon: Acts 8:18-22
You can serve God with mamon: Barnabas: Acts
You can serve God or mamon: St. Gregorios.
Christ is our Master. In worldly life, we are
counted as slaves.
Wealth is not our master. Should have sinceriety
and truthfulness in utilizing wealth. Selfishness/
crazy love for wealth will lead to forgo the love to
God: Matthew 22:37; Luke 14:26. When God loves us in
full heart, we have to do the same: Jeremiah 32:41.
Moth and rust destroy the physical wealth; and robbers
steal. Have treasures in heaven: Matthew 6:19.
Wealth distracts our concentration: It is weighty;
to hoard, to keep, to give account. No sleep:
Ecclesiastes 5:12; Root of all evil: 1 Timothy 6:10.
Dangers of wealth: Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 18:18-30;
Mark 10:17-31.
The Pharisees, the money lovers, did not like the
Lord's comments and ridiculed Jesus; their
self-justification; they are just actors, not doers.
The supreme value that a person places on money
(what is highly esteemed among men) is an abomination
in the sight of God: 1 samuel 16:7; Psalm 10:3;
Proverbs 6:16-19; 16:5. God knows our heart.
Every one, including the Pharisees, who follows
Christ's teaching, can enter the kingdom.
Do not divorce and commit adultery: Matthew 5:32;
19:9; Mark 10:11; 1 Corinthians 7:10-11. Do not
divorce faith. Serving two masters is like divorcing
and marrying another one. Do not go back to the old
situation - to idol worship or wretched life.
Wealth is not bad: Isaac blessed Jacob to have
wealth (Genesis 27:28). Rich people without wealth is:
1 John 3:17; James 5:1-5. Richness is not the greatest
blessings; joy and peace are: Psalm 4:7-8.
Do not trust in uncertain riches: 1 Timothy 6:17.
Trust in the living God who gives us richly all things
to enjoy: 1 Timothy 6:17-19. Be faithful even inleast
Sharing the wealth gives peace of mind. Faithfully
handle the wealth with accountability - stewardship.
Use wealth to help others.
Jesus continued His teachings along Judeah and
beyond. Great multitude followed Him.
Pharisees tested Jesus by asking questions: Matthew
Jesus answered with a question from the Scripture:
"What did Moses command you?"
The purpose of Mosaic Law (Deuteronomy 24:1-4;
Matthew 5:31; 19:7) was to restrain divorce, not just
to write a certificate and then leave.
Marriage is for life long (1 Corinthians 7:10-11).
The Law made this provision because men would not obey
God's will.
The relationship between God and Israel is like
that of husband and wife.
Great multitude followed when Jesus came down from
the mountain.
The disciples could not cast out the devil / cure
the only son of a man who approached Jesus for cure.
Jesus healed the boy.
The disciples could not understand the incoming
death of Jesus.
From Jerusalem, Paul went to James, the brother of
Jesus (Acts 15:13; Galatians 1:19; 2:9) and told him
and the elders there about his work among the
The leaders rejoiced over the news but worried
about Jewish hostility.
Concern about Paul's teachings about the Jewish Law
kept by the Gentiles.... the Gentile believers did not
have to keep the Law to be saved.
To avoid a dispute (1 Corinthians 8:9), Paul
purified himself along with four other men by shaving
head (Numbers 6:2-8) and paying the expense ( Numbers 6:10-12).
Renconciliation through Jesus Christ.
Sin separated us from God, but Christ's death
reconciled us.
Jesus makes us blameless in His sight.
We have to continue in the faith all our lives:
Ephesians 3:17; Colossians 2:7.
Like Paul who received a stewardship to preach the
Gospel, we should also preach Christ: 1 Corinthians
We are all workers together with God (2 Corinthians 6:1) and in "His working which works" in us.
Unique set of sacrifices for the seven day Feast of
Tabernacles: Leveticus 23:33-44.
A sacred assembly on the eighth day - no customary
work - have a burnt offering ... one day a wek for
Moses taught the Israelites everything the Lord
Solomon's dedication prayer: He stood before the
altar in the presence of the assembly, spread out his
hands toward heaven and prayed.
Solomon entreats the Lord to completely fulfill His
promises to David.
He then calls for the Lord to be attentive to the
prayers offered in the new temple and to forgive
sinners who worship there.
We are the tmple of God ( 1 Corinthians 3:16). We
should be sanctified and then receive His blessings.
Meditations of Korah sons: song of the heart to be
with God.
Sufferings endure when away from God and the
Spiritual thirst (vv.1-5); Psalm 63:1; 34:2; 143:6;
Romans 9:26; 1 Thessalonians 1:9 (Pilgrim feast:
Exodus 23:17; Leveticus 23:2).
VV.6-11: Agony continues as prayer continues. The
Lord is a contineous source of comfort during day and
night: Job 35:10.
VV. 5, 11: Trust God.
Jesus' confrontation with (Matthew 22:34-46; Luke
Scribes: Scholars, interpreters:
learned but hypocrites;
Pharisees: Separated for religious
performances: no internal purity, only external show;
no repentance, only finding faults and complaints; no
humility, looking for uppermost and chief (front)
Sadducces: Of Saddok priestly
tradition: rich, administrators; do not believe in
These people just talk, but no action:
talkers, not doers; don't even touch with a finger;
just like to see by others.
Phylacteries: Small leather boxes containing
scriptural verses written on parchment were strapped
to the forehead and left arm (Deuteronomy 6:8): Appear
very religious, but not in action. 365 not to do
commandments for 365 days; 248 to do laws for 248
bones; 39 don'ts on Sabbath days. Phylacteries only
on their foreheads and arms, not in their hearts
(Exodus 13:1-16; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11:13-21 based on
Deuteronomy 13:9) ... not for beauty: Numbers
We should respect learning and leaders, not go
after titles. Follow their interpretations, not their
actions and deeds. Showy people generally disguise
their virtues. Leaders should assimilate with the
common people in all things. Follow the real leader:
Jesus Christ; God is our Father.
Jewish leaders made religion a burden (Matthew
23:4). Jesus made it easy (Matthew 11:30). They taught
Moses' Laws (Nehemiah 8:4; Acts 15:21). But they
corrupted. People: could not fulfill the laws;
Pharisees did not help to follow. So Jesus instituted
other laws... offering help (11:28-30). But are we
following? Wings appear heavy, but help the bird fly
high: rules and regulations may appear to be heavy,
but lift high to heaven.
Practice what we preach: They teach but do not
practice: Lots of us are like that (drinking, smoking,
immoral life, etc).: Faith and action: St. James.
Christianity is not just for exhortations and advices.
Lead righteous life. God's name shall be glorified by
our works.
Preachers are fallible; Laws are infallible.
Importnat seat is o.k. But if we try to get it...?
David would rather be only a door keeper in the house
of God (Psalm 84:10).
Flattery (calling Rabbi, Father, teacher, leader,
etc., ) is o.k., but not for self-respect and
selfishness. We can be Rabbi, Fathers, and leaders, if
we follow His footsteps. God has to see us great.
through our service and humility. We are all equal.
God is the Teacher (Psalm 94:10), Father (Matthew
6:9), and Leader (Luke 17:13).
Humility is the basis for all good virtues. Be
humble: Matthew 20:26-27; Job 22:29; Proverbs 15:33;
29:23; Luke 14:11; 18:14; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5.
Jesus' lamentation is like that of David about his
son Abshalom
The seven aspects of Pharisees:
. Shut the kingdom of heaven: They make
their own rules and regulations. The keys were taken
from them and given to the Apostles to open the doors
for missions (vv. 13-14).
Their mission works only added
atrocities: No fellowship (v.15).
They keep away from truth: Give
importance to gold, not to spirituality (VV.16-22).
They give interests to unimportant,
silly things, not to love, patience or concern
They give importance to external
activities, not internal purifications..no soul
searching; make wealth in evil ways, but in uncleaned
plates: VV.25-26.
They are like whitewashed tombs (used
to whitewash during passover): VV.27-28.
They remember the old prophets and kill
the current ones: VV.29-30.
Sadducees: The priestly among the Jews in charge of
the temple sacrificial system - aristocratic and
liberal. They do not believe in resurrection or after
life. They are characterized as selfish religious
officials: 20:45-47.
"Teacher": Respect for Jesus.
Moses wrote: Deuteronomy 25:5-10.
No marriage in resurrection
Death does not end the fellowship God has with His
people: Romans 6:10-11; 14:8-9; Hebrews 11:16.
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all are alive and in
communion with God.
MATTHEW 22:34-46
Subdue Sadducees, Pharisees and Scribes.
Jesus silenced the Sadducees.
The greatest commandment.: Love God as well as
fellow being: Matthew 7:12; Romans 13:10; 1 Timothy
Jesus corrected their understanding of Jesus as son
of David: David called "Lord" (Psalm 110:1): Jesus
would not be a human son of David.
No one answered Jesus properly and left Jesus
The Jews refused to continue listen his defense and
Paul was brought amidst them to be examined under
Paul revealed that he is a Roman citizen by birth.
When the commander and the crowd heard that Paul is
a Roman citizen, they all withdrew from him.
Paul exhorts Timothy to keep all commandments and
virtues faithfully until the second coming of Jesus.
Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords:
Revelations 17:14; 19:16.
Do not trust in uncertain riches: Pride and
excessive dependence on wealth (Psalm 52:7) are not
God is our source of wealth.
Do good and support worthy causes: Luke 12:23;
Be a guardian of faith: preserve it and pass it
Those who teach contrary views stray: 1:3-7;
Christians in various names: Disciples, brothers,
Man of God (through baptism and conformation): 6:11.
Grain offering, the poor man's burnt offering, as
every one may not have birds, but at least some grown
The man's gift to God come from the fruit of his
Oil moistened flour represents the presence of God.
A portion of the grain offering belongs to the
priest: Exodus 29:27; Numbers 15:19-21.
God is faithful.
Wait for God rather than depend upon human
God delivers: gives power to the weak, increases
VV.1-3: God is our refuge and strength so that we
don't have to fear.
VV.4-7: The constant flow of the gracious blessings
of God, i.e.., river (Psalm 36:8), and the presence of
the holy place of the tabernacle, etc., assure us that
God is our refuge.
VV. 8-11: By making wars cease resulting in peace
(Micha 4:1-13), God proves that He is our refuge.
Eternal God is our refuge: Deuteronomy 33:27.
Six cities given to Levites to escape: Joshua 20:2,
Kadesh in Galilee (Holiness)
Shechem in Ephraim
Hebron in Judah
Bezer in the wilderness
Ramoth in Gilead
Golan in Mannassah.
R: Rejoice (Psalm 118:24); Repent
(Matthew 3:2); Redeem: Galatians 4:5
E: Edify one another: 1 Thessalonians
F: Fellowship: 1 John 1:6
U: Understand : Daniel 10:2
G: Gather together: Mark 13:27
E: Enjoy: 1 Timothy 6:17.
In all first three Gospels, this incident is
narrated: He is rich, young (Matthew 19:20), and
ruler, but not satisfied ... he followed the rules,
but not enough. Some attend services, fast, etc., bot
don't do any good to others. They forget the grace of
God (Ephesians 8:9); live in sin (James 4:17). Depart
from evil and do good: Psalm 34:14.
Approached God: When disatisfied, go to Him: "Come
to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I
will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).. the sweetrest
verse in the Bible.
Called Jesus, "Good Teacher" - a kind of flattery!
Jesus reminded that all goodness must come from God:
Matthew 19:16-17.
Jesus points out the importance of following
commandments: Don'ts ..... and honor.
Lack one thing: What is that for each one of us?
Give to the poor:
Show compassion and concern
for others : Give ourselves, time, talent, and
Concern of ourselves: Explore, expect,
and expand: Bible reading, prayer, fasting.
Self-denial: Christ on the cross - self
is transformed. Insecurity must be replaced with
faith; realize the acts of God and the facts of life.
Main obstacle is wealth: all three Gospels point
out this.
Solve the problems by following Jesus: Confession
and absolution.
Impossible with men are possible with God. Many
things are impossible for men: History (wars and
destructions); News: suicide, border disputes,
shootings and killings; Personal experiences: family
life, tests, job interviews. But nothing is impossible
to God: converted the illiterate to be His Apostles,
fed the needy, raised the dead, healed the sick,
resurrected, and so on. Our cooperation need to make
it possible: prayer, confession, communion.
Eternal life is God's gift: Eternity, not
quantity, but quality. Only God is eternal. Life with
God is eternal life. There is no sin: fulness of
goodness. God is light (1 John 1:5); God is love (1
John 4:8); fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
Commandments are the guidelines to acquire eternity.
Do's and dont's. Deny self and submit to God; share
wealth; deny personal desires and aspirations and
follow. Jesus did the father's will (John 6:38).
The disciples thought Jesus had more important
things to do rather than entertain the children: Mark
10:13; Luke 18:15.
Humility and simple faith of children:
characteristics necessary for enetering God's kingdom:
1 Corinthians 14:20; 1 Peter 2:2.
Do not neglect children.
Jesus laid His hands upon the children.
The Jews stirred up the crowd against Paul.
They seized Paul and arrested in the temple.
The commander intervened.
Paul spoke to them in Hebrew.
Factionism within the Church
Man living in incest,
Greed that leads to sue each other in the public
courts, and
Marriage and Virginity (Chapter 7).
Like a little leaven (Hosea 7:4; Matthew 16:6, 12;
Galatians 5:9; 2 Timothy 2:17) makes the whole lump of
dough rise, any sin corrupts the world.
We have to get rid of all malice and wickedness and
to live in sinceriety and truth.
Do not have association with immoral people.
God only judges those outside the Church.
We must not have evil within us and to keep our
Church "holy and without blemish" (Ephesians 5:27).
Joseph restored their money.
They reported to their father.
Jacob's bereavement over his sons: v. 36.
The longing soul for the living God.
The desire to reside permanently in God's presence
Seeking God who gives strength is always worth the
A door keeper - a worshipper - in the house of God
gives full satisfaction.
Like sun, God provides light, heat, energy and
protection. The righteous gets all kinds of grace from
God showed His power in Exodus 4:9; 14:16, 21-22.
God delivers in new ways.
Do not burden God with our sins.
God blots out sins; those who transgress will
Not only the act of murder is forbidden, but the
angry spirit itself is wrong. God judges the hidden
crimes: 1 John 3:15; James 2:20; 3:6. Sinful thoughts
lead to murder: Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17. When
angry, no digestion or sleep. Calm down. Do not hurt
others even with words. When Jesus got angry over the
fig tree or at the temple, no revenge there; no fight.
Our character is important than our actions. When
character is better, we do our best. Anger, ridicule,
irritation... all make us uncomfortable.
We have to reconcile with our neighbors before we
go to worship God: Job 42:8; 1 Timothy 2:8; 1 Peter
3:7; Proverbs 25:8; Luke 12:58-59. Get right with God.
If division, try to come together immediately:
Ephesians 4:26. Repent and confess. Have clear
conscience and good feeling; nip at the bud; curb at
the beginning. Reconciliation is the key: 2
Corinthians 5:19.
Reconciliation of those who are shattered
Reconciliation of those who are estranged
each other;
Reconciliation of all to God. We have to
forgive the sins of others and be forgiven: The Lord's
Christ emptied Himself taking the form of
a servant: Philippines 2:7.
Son of Man came to serve: Mark
Christ washed the feet: John 13:13-15
Suffering Servant: Isaiah 53
Enabling Ministry: Help to come to
themselves for reconciliation with God. He inspires
hope (look); He inspires confidence (trust); He
awakens (desire and faith).
The oldest brother gets a double portion of a
family inheritance along with the responsibility to
the welfare of the mother and unmarried sister.
Younger heirs receive single portion: Genesis
Have concern for right attitude rather than about
The rich man is only concerned about him: Six "I" s
and four "MY's"; no "OURS" or "THINE's".
The person who trusts in wealth makes a foolish
investment. He thinks that: Wealth is for hoarding
(v.18); for personal pleasure (v.19); wealth can
satisfy the deeper needs of human life (vv.20-21).
Such people are "not rich toward God": 1 Timothy
6:18-19; James 2:5; 5:1-5.
Jesus' death would force people to choose for or
against Him and thus kindle the fire (conflict between
good and evil) of division between those who follow
Him and those who do not. ... faithful and unfaithful
families ... so diifferences of opinion...trials and
tribulations to all followers.
Jesus' death is His baptism. Believers will suffer
persecution; unbelievers, the fire of judgment.
We should realize the time of His coming through
the signs we see, watch, and experience.
We should choose what is right: Proverbs 25:8;
Psalm 32:6; Isaiah 55:6. Give more importance to
Do good and make quite those who refuse to
understand and accept the Gospel.
The believer is free from sin and free to live
according to love (Matthew 22:37-40) by making His
will our will: Luke 22:42.
Honor all; have concern for the welfare of all
people; love everyone; give ultimate loyalty to God
and respect civil authorities.
Those who do not have right relationship with God
which comes by God's grace through faith will not
inherit the kingdom of God.
Those who are listed have to forsake sin and
confess for inheritance.
Jesus redeemed several of them by the Holy Spirit:
washed, sanctified and justified: cf. Revelation 1:5.
The foreigners are ineligible to eat the passover.
The sojourners and the hired servants are also
Only the circumcised are eligible.
All followed the Lord's commandment.
Job expresses his imagination to find God, rather
than respond to his friends: Eliphaz, Bildad Zophar.
Job's confidence to present a good case.
Job is bitter because of his suffering and the
false accusations of his friends.
Job is confident to find justice as God is
righteous: Psalm 97:2.
Job's goal is to restore his communion with God.
God has compassion for all who seek Him sincerely:
Psalm 103:13-14.
God would deliver the upright person for ever after
hearing his case.
Prerpare for the salvation.
Redeem from sin freely: 55:1-2
If we remain in sin without corrections, we
blaspheme God.
The messengers bring good news that the Lord has
based his holy arm for that warning in progression:
"Listen" (51:1), "Awake" (51:17; 52:1); and "Depart"
Through the Suffering Servant, the Lord delivers
the whole world from sins.
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