1. Fasting and Sabbath observation are the topics:
Sabbath observance is for spirituality and holiness.
In the Gospels, five times about breaking the
observance of Sabbath, four times by the Lord and one
time by the disciples. A service for a holy life, not
lifeless or immaterial. Spirituality should overtake
physical needs. Should go to the church with spiritual
hunger; Our fathers fasted till noon. Works six days
and then needs some rejuvenation to start the new week
for spiritual growth.
2. Disciples plucked the heads of grain; it is legal
according to Deuteronomy 23:25. Ruth gleaned....
3. Pharisees blamed the disciples. Plucking the grain
was interpreted as harvesting and thus breaking the
4. They went to the temple fasting; so they were
5. Poor Master and penniless disciples... It was their
lunch. Mother offered turtle doves, not lamb; no money
to pay taxes so that got Peter's help to catch a fish.
6. Walk through the mission fields with hunger in
spirit and for the soul; may find some. Harvest is
plenty; laborers are scarce.
7. Complained to the Master, not to them so they could
fight ... Gossip.
8. Jesus quoted from the Old Testament: 1 Samuel
21:1-6 referring David's deeds: Importance of learning
9. Meet the needs of the people rather than stick to
strict rules and regulations. The Law should teach to
love God and His creation: Mark 12:33. Rules and
regulations are for the betterment of people; people
are important than rules: The "economy" of the Church.
10. David and friends were clean: Clean ourselves
before receive holy communion.
MATTHEW 5:13-16
1. The importance of salt: If looses flavor, cannot be
seasoned. A. For taste: For flavor
B. To heal: Elisha's first miracle: Put salt in the
water: 2 Kings 2:19ff.
C. To melt: on the Ice
D. purify E. Preserve
2. Lighted lamp: If we lose our Christ-like life, we
A. If no light, will be in dark
B. "God is light" (1 John 1:5): Fire and light to
Moses (Exodus 3:2); fiery cloud guided the Israelites
(Exodus 13:2); No darkness in Him (1 John 1:5); True
light (John 1:9); Flying in the light (1 Timothy
6:19). Shows light in our way to avoid danger,
destroys contageous atoms, illuminates the world,
exemplifies love ( John 9:5; Matthew 5:16; Ephesians
5:10; John 8:12; Matthew 6:22-23.
C. "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12); "You
are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:14). Moses'
face lighted (Exodus 34:29-30); Jesus' at
Transfiguration (Luke 9:29); Also Moses' and Elijah's
(Luke 9:30-31); Righteous (Matthew 13:43); Like stars:
Daniel 12:3. Light came from God. God separated light
from darkness: Genesis 1:3
God dwells in the light: Exodus 13:21; Psalm 104:2;
Daniel 2:22
Righteous person walks in the light: Isaiah 2:5
Son, moon and stars have "created light"
The light surrounding God, the Seraph's shield, seen
at Mount Tabor is "uncreated light"
Jesus is the light of the world: John 8:12
The Apostles are the light of the world: Matthew 5:13
Christians are children of the light: 1 Thessalonians
Revelations talk about eternal light: 22:5
One who walks in His revelation gets light ( Psalm
119:105) as God's word is a lamp to our feet and light
to our path.
Those who walk in darkness do not recognize Jesus:
Light shines in darkness: John 1:5
Put our trust in the light to become children of
light: Jn 12:36
God lights up the darkness: Psalm 18:28
"By Thy light we see the light Jesus full of
light":Holy Qurbana
God calls us out of darkness into His marvellous
light: 1 Peter 2:9. The Lord is light and salvation:
Psalm 27:1.
Sick needs doctor; darkness needs light. If green
doesn't get light, color changes into white and
eventually dies. If we don't get enough light we will
be in utter destruction. Robbery, murder, all happen
in the dark. New York city was in the dark for
sometime due to the failure of electricity. So much
loss; rich man exploits poor, employer, employees,
mighty one, weak ones. and so on. God saw men walking
in the dark, in sin. So He sent the LIGHT, Jesus
Christ, to bring them to light. Jesus touched the
blind man and opened his eyes to see the light. Judas
betrayed the light for 30 coins. Saul saw the light at
the door of Damascus. Thereafter he started spreading
the light. Moon lights in the dark; if we receive
this light of Jesus, we can also shine.
D. Light is needed for growth: If no light, no use;
will be in the dark. God is light ( 1 John 1:5); Jesus
is the light of the world. Light is needed for
growth: Five stages in growth:
a. Forming stage
b. Norming stage: Rules and regulations
c. Storming stage: "Individualism" crept in.
d. Performing stage: Day after the hurricane:
creative endeavors or destructive impasse.
e. Reforming stage.
Also there are six kinds of negative growth:
1. Visionless growth: No goal or aim or dreams
2. Missionless growth (Suvishesham): No
evangalization, no expansion.
3. Ruthless growth (Karunayillatha): No sharing; no
4. Rootless (Verukalillatha) growth: No cultural
5. Voiceless (Navillatha) growth: No public
6. Futureless (Bhaviyillatha) growth: For eternity.
What we need is Christian growth, i.e., growth with
a. Lord God made every tree to grow: Genesis 2:9
b. Grow like Cedar in Lebanon: Psalm 92:12
c. Grow up like tender plant: Isaiah 53:2
d. Consider the lilies how they grow: Matthew 6:28
e. Grow unto Him in all things: Ephesians 4:13-15
f. Grow in grace and knowledge: 2 Peter 3:18
g. Grow into Holy Temple: Ephesians 2:21.
Grain requires four major ingredients to grow: seeds,
soil, sunlight and water. We also need four
ingredients to grow:
a. God's calling: Seeds to plant: God plants the
seeds of truth in our minds: John 6:44. Ours is a
special calling: 1 Peter 2:9.
b. God's Law: Seeds must be planted in soil to grow.
That is an obedient mind: Matthew 19:17; 1 John 2:4.
c. Jesus Christ: Grain needs light to grow. We need
Jesus Christ, the true light. We cannot grow without
Him: John 8:12.
d. The Holy Spirit: Water is needed for grain to
grow. Holy Spirit, the living water, is needed for our
growth (John 7:37-39; Romans 8:4,6,11.
WE ARE HIS LIGHT TO THE WORLD: Philippians 2:14-16.
Like lamps give light, we should shine by letting
people see the good works we rejoice through God's
grace. Arise and shine (Isaiah 60:1). Let our light
shine (Matthew 5:16).
MATTHEW 18:23-35
1. God's kingdom is like a king who freely forgave the
helpless debtor, and also required us to forgive
2. When the debtor pleaded, the Master forgave him the
debt. The Master here is God. The Lord is gracious and
full of compassion: Psalm 145:8
3. The same debtor did not forgive a fellow man who
owes him a much less amount; not only that he laid his
hands on him and put him in prison.
4. The fellow servants reported this to the Master.
5. The Master delivered him to the torturers because
he had violated God's commandment (19:19): Love your
neighbor as yourself.
6. We should have wholehearted forgiveness without
reservation: Proverbs 21:13; Matthew 6:12; Mark 11:26;
James 2:13.
LUKE 16:1-13
1. The wise use of money
2. We must invest our wealth for eternity
3. The steward (household/ estate manager) has to give
his accounts to the Master: Romans 14:12; 2
Corinthians 5:10; 1 Peter 4:5-6.
4. If we don't have a good report, we will lose our
5. The steward acted wisely by reducing the debts of
his creditors.
6. The Master was pleased with the steward's action of
using an opportunity.
7. Use our wealth to secure an everlasting home: Give
it to those who are in need and support God's works.
8. If we use our wealth faithfully for God's kingdom,
we will be blessed with true riches of being with God
now and for ever.
9. Do not serve money as our master. If we serve both
money and God, we will fail to obtain either worldly
security or eternity: Matthew 6:24; Galatians 1:10.
1. Jewish authorities rejected God's leaders that
climaxed in Jesus.
2. God is not limited to the promised land or temple.
3. God appeared to Abraham and promised him
inheritance even when he had no child: Genesis 12:7;
13:15; 15:3, 18; 17:8; 26:3.
ROMANS 8:1-11:
1. A. The source of freedom (vv.2,9): The Law (Romans
6:18, 22) of the spirit of life (1 Corinthians 15:45)
in Christ Jesus.
B. The scope of freedom (vv.5-8). Those who live
according to the spirit, as those who are in the flesh
cannot please God.
C. The sequel to freedom (vv.2-4): The coming of
Jesus, theSon of God, who condemned sin in the flesh.
2. We have been justified by Christ so that the
indwelling Spirit assures us of eternal life.
3. At resurrection, God will raise our mortal bodies
to a glorious new life.
GENESIS 42:18-22
1. Prove honesty: Here to leave one brother and to go
and bring the youngest one for verification.
2. The guilty conscience pricks: Job 36:8-9; Hosea
5:15; Proverbs 21:13; Matthew 7:2.
3. They think that their brother Joseph's blood
testified against them: Genesis 4:9-10; 9:5-6;
37:21-22, 29; 1 Kings 2:32; 2 Chronicles 24:22; Psalm
9:12; Luke 11:50-51.
NOTE: A. The great wisdom in Proverbs were to make
deep impression on the visiting queen of ShebaL 2
Chronicles 9:1-12.
B. The Proverb is a short statement of truth
concerning some aspect of human life. The enigma and
riddles present a principle of truth through a puzzle
or problem to be solved.
1. The Book of Proverbs provides (1 Kings 4:32):
a. Wisdom and instruction
b. Judgment and equity
c. Prudence, knowledge, and discretion
d. Learning and wise counsel.
2. Reverence and obedience to God (Psalm 111:10;
Genesis 20:11) make one wise and knowledgable.
3. Obey the instructions of one's parents.
ISAIAH 54:1-8
1. Israel is like a barren woman: Galatians 4:27
2. If she trusts God (55:3-7; 56:4-7), she will be
3. If we are captives of our sins, like a childless
woman (in that days it was disgraceful), we are
disgraced. But God can deliver us.
4. God's mercy exceeds His judgment.